Keyboard conflicts

In Quark Xpress, the keyboard shortcuts for changing tools (Command-Tab and Command-Shift-Tab) are the same as those used by Mac OS 8.5 to switch between applications. This can lead to unexpected and often undesirable results. It is possible to change Mac OS's keyboard shortcuts using an AppleScript in Mac OS Help. In the Finder, select Mac OS Help from the Help menu, or type Command-?, then search under "keyboard shortcuts" and select "keyboard shortcuts for switching between open applications". About halfway down the document there is a highlighted link called "Help me modify the keyboard shortcuts" which will lead you through a step-by-step procedure for creating your own shortcuts for Mac OS. (Note: the script needs to be told where to find the Application Switcher ù it's in the System Folder under Extensions.)

Caption: Customising your shortcuts ù Apple provides a handy AppleScript within the Help application which will let you make your shortcuts what you want, but be careful!

The danger with this is that you may accidentally create conflicts with other applications' keyboard shortcuts. A simpler solution for Quark users is to use Command-Option-Tab and Command-Option -Shift-Tab instead.

- Matthew JC Powell

Issue: July 1999

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