Navigate Excel's sheets

Every Excel user knows that you can activate a different sheet in a workbook by clicking its sheet tab. Most users also know that you can press <Ctrl>-<Page Up> to activate the previous sheet, and <Ctrl>-<Page Down> to activate the next sheet.

But if your workbook contains many sheets, and not all of the sheets' tabs fit on the screen, you may find it tedious to scroll through the tabs or use the keyboard to activate a distant sheet. Here's a little-known trick that will allow you to bypass repeated scrolling or typing: Display a pop-up list of sheet names by right-clicking one of the arrows to the left of the sheet tabs that are located at the bottom of the worksheet window. Select a sheet from the list, and you're there in a flash.

Caption: Jump to a distant sheet in Excel by right-clicking an arrow to the left of the sheet tabs


- John Walkenbach

Issue: December 1998

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