Advanced Sherlock

Once youÆve done a search using Sherlock, the results are displayed in a window with URLs and brief descriptions of the contents of each page. At this point there are several things you can do with them. If you want to check out your search results straight away, click on a URL and your preferred browser opens automatically. Alternatively, you can save the results to the Clipboard by typing Command-A (select all) and then Command-C (copy). Paste the file into a Stickies note, your favourite word processor, or wherever, and retrieve them any time you like.

Best trick of all: create a folder on your desktop with a title that will remind you of what you were searching for. Then when youÆve done your search, grab the icon next to the more useful of the found URLs and drag it to this folder. This creates an Internet Location File in the folder. Then, later on, you can double-click any of these files to find what you were after.

- Matthew JC Powell

Issue: April 1999

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