Help Screen

Issue: December 1995/January 1996
Section: Introduction
Pages: 181


Ho, Ho, Ho

Ho, Ho, Ho

This being our December/January issue, many readers have very kindly written to ask me what I want for Christmas - or at least they certainly would have if they'd had my address handy when they thought of it. Just cast your eye down the page there . . . little bit further . . . that's it!

What does anybody want for Christmas? This is perhaps the hardest question for a Help Screen Host who, in PC terms, has everything. When you already have the Windows 95 Resource Kit and Unexplained Mysteries of the Return of the Living Dead PC BIOS, there isn't much left to yearn for in life. We've already discussed PC coffee table books in our review of multimedia titles, but what's the PC equivalent of ties, hankies, socks and undies? A tie is a kind of non-animated screen saver you wear round your neck. A hanky, used correctly, is redundancy removal software. Socks and undies, when you think about them, are small utilities that fit between your lowest level and the hardware.

There's no shortage of this sort of stuff lying around on the online systems of the world, just begging to find its way into somebody's virtual stocking, to be unzipped under the tree to cries of "Darling, a DMF disk duplication utility, how did you know?"

Thanks very much to all the readers who've written in to request help and to offer congratulations, advice and, in rare cases which have been summarily dealt with, criticism. All the best for the New Year and we'll see you again in our February issue.

- Neale Morison

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