Save time and space by toggling the Fast Save option

The Fast Save option in Word 7 and 97 ù which saves only the changes you make in a document, rather than the entire document itself ù is on by default. This speeds up automatic timed saves, but each time the file is saved it increases in size, since it retains all deletions and formatting changes. When used with frequently edited documents, fast saves can waste an enormous amount of disk space.

Here's how to have your cake and eat it too. Keep the Fast Save feature on while you're working on a document, to speed up automatic saves. Then, before you close the document, disable Fast Save and then save the file to remove extraneous information. Turn the feature back on to speed up saves on other documents.

Unfortunately, it's easy to forget the second step. If this approach is too much bother, you can disable the feature permanently, though you'll notice that automatic timed saves take somewhat longer.

In either case, enabling or disabling Fast Save is easy. Select ToolsûOptions, click the Save tab in the Options dialogue box, click Allow fast saves to change the current setting, and then click OK.

û George Campbell

Category:word processing
Issue: June 1998

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