Automatically open the last edited document

If you frequently edit the same document or work on one file for several days, you may want Word to load it automatically when the program starts up. Word has no built-in feature for doing this, but a simple recorded macro can handle the job. Here's what to do:

1. In Word 6 and 7, select ToolsûMacro and then click Record in the Macro dialogue box. In Word 97, select ToolsûMacroûRecord New Macro. In the Record Macro dialogue box, type autoexec in the Macro name field and then click OK.

2. Select File from the menu, click the first entry in the list of recently opened files, then select ToolsûMacroûStop Recording.

3. Exit Word to save the macro. The next time you start Word, it will automatically load the last document you worked on.

û George Campbell

Category:word processing
Issue: June 1998

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