Sorry, I'm a Japanese and not so good at English. So in this manual, there are some wrong expressions.


Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Installation
  3. Usage
  4. Known Problem
  5. Contact us


  This is an enhanced subdivide tool. You can do selective, smooth, directional subdivide. But DEMO version can't subdivide an object that has more than 500 points. If you want to subdivide the object, please purchase regular version at GUMPTION.


  Put "SuvDivMaster" plug-in into XL's plug-in folder.


1. Select the object that you want to subdivide. If you didn't select any point, this tool subdivides whole object. Ohterwise, only selected part.

2. Select Tools->Plug-ins->SubDivMaster menu.

3. Then a dialog box appears.

4. Smooth parameter range is from 0 to 1. 0 means non-smooth subdivide. and 1 means smooth subdivide.

5. Axis paramter represents a direction of subdivide. 0 means non-directional subdivide. 1 means x-directional, only edges that point x-direction are subdivide. -1 means non-x-directional. y -> 2, -2 -> non-y, 3 -> z, -3 -> non-z.

6. Global parameter means if axis parameter is used with global cordinates or not.

Known problem

  This smoothing algorithm is not almighty. In some case, it returns strange result. If you aren't satisfied with the result, please try making smooth parameter smaller.
Smooth = 1.0 * 3 times Smooth = 0.5 * 3 times

Contact us

If you find any BUG, please contact me.