Hexen II Patch v1.11


This patch corrects certain problems encountered with previous versions of Hexen II.

Note: this patch will work with:

This patch will not work with:

Note to Matrox M3D Users:
If you are upgrading from v.1.08 (see "How to determine what version you are currently running" below), this patch will change the name of your executable from "glh2.exe" to "pvrh2.exe"  This change may cause problems with existing shortcuts or batch files.  Please make sure that these files point to the new exeuctuable.

Table of Contents:

To install the patch:
If your version of Hexen adheres to the requirements above, simply double-click the patch executable, "ph2v111.exe."

If you are patching the original version of Hexen, v.1.03, or the original version of Hexen II: Continent of Blackmarsh v.1.08, you will   need an additional 75 megs of free hard drive space for the duration of the patching process since the patch must make a copy of your large game files before it patches them.

The patch process is automatic and may take a few minutes or a few seconds depending on which version of the game you are patching (1.03 takes minutes, 1.09 takes seconds). If you encounter problems, see "Troubleshooting" below.

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How to determine what version you currently are running:
Launch the game. In the menu system, you will see a number in the lower, right-hand corner of the screen reading either 1.03, 1.09, or 1.10. If you see 1.10, you do not need this patch.

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What is fixed in this patch (in no particular order):

Fixed from 1.03 to 1.09:

* Fixed damage on Necromancer's powered-up Bone shards. Before, it was doing only 2 HP damage!!!

* The Assassin's ability to Hide in Shadows wears of faster but is more effective (enemies have a more difficult time tracking you and aiming at you)

* Random class change mode option for DM (one method to completely balance game play)

* Added ability to change class on the fly if you are a level 3 or higher. You lose 2 levels and (if in DM) 2 frags.

* Small spiders now do less damage than big spiders.

* Weapon model switching bug addressed.

* Made it so you are in crouch mode after getting out of sheep mode if there's not enough room to stand up.

* If you're turned into a sheep while throwing hammer, hammer falls to ground

* If turned into a sheep while using Sunstaff, bright light effect is removed.

* Fixed bug in which you couldn't use Cube of force if you previously died while using Force Cube.

* Golem melee range increased (would swing & miss before)

* Make Wisdom modifies experience points award rate (very little, but enough to justify the stat as useful).

* Strength modifies melee damage (same as above)

* Fixed brain splat showing up at wrong times (hate it when that happens =)

* Fixed it so that Fallen Angels no longer freeze up when hit

* Added no drowning to Free Action special ability

* Arrows now drop to ground if thing they're stuck in chunks.

* Assassin swim animation added

* Coop-player cap on Boss health. (Bosses health multiplied by number of coop players, maximum 4).

* Toned down Death's attacks in coop.

* Ice shots sometimes stuck around

* Arrows don't autoaim at teammates.

* DM: Arrows don't auto-aim if target running, smaller spread

* Fixed wrong death message for hammer

* Ring of Flight no longer respawns if thrown & picked up

* Thrown items disappear after a while

* Solid bodies no longer show up in DM

* Bone shards no longer stick in place and spin

* Crusader now gets experience for freezing a monster, not the guy that shatters the frozen monster (it wasn't fair)

* Famine's tractor disappear in all cases now.

* Famine's tractor beam no longer "teleports" you over his head, and the tractor beam itself is stronger

* Pain sound in lava added

* Meteor Tornadoes now pull things into it

* Removed all "Cosmos" cheats

* Archers will shoot exploding barrels if you hide behind one.

* Removed print statements from hydra code

* Fixed bug where summoned imp could be spawned inside owner (ouch.).

* No cheats on highest skill (3)

* In coop, all players now get the exp for a boss' death.

* Slight screen flash when poisoned

* Fixed a problem with co-op mode and plaque messages not going away

* All sprites were actually being drawn upside down in the GL version; now fixed

* Fixed a networking bug with things disappearing in the world

* Colors on player skins in the game for GL version

* Added a randomclass variable which is used for death match games (need to still put this in the menu)

* Fixed the bug with different color characters showing up in foreign versions

* Potential problem with drawing the death match overlay and there are more people in the game than can fit on the screen.

* Map hole in Rider2c fixed

* Lookspring now works properly for all characters

* Force cube now gives a unique death message

* Assassin can now no longer randomly Backstab before she has the ability to do so.

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Fixed from 1.09 & 1.10 to 1.11 (includes all fixes above):

* Deathmatch client crashing due after 50 or so teleports in a given game or when the client first attempts to join (commonly referred to as the "teleporter bug")

* Saved games from 1.03 loaded into 1.09 and 1.10 will now display world entities properly

* Necromancer Drain no longer possible with friendly fire turned off

* Frozen rats no longer cause damage

* You no longer get experience points for killing your own summoned imp

* Crusader’s hammer no longer appears to hit itself

* Ice Staff powered up with the Tome of Power is fixed

* Spawning in sideways autocorrects more quickly

* French Strings.txt document updated

* Balista AI removed in deathmatch map Demo2

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Fixed from 1.08 to 1.11 (includes all fixes above):

* Multiplayer support added

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What is new:

* The status bar and menu items all default to high res in GL now. If you wish to switch it back to low-res, you can use the -scale2d command at launch.   (e.g. "c:\Hexen 2\h2 -scale2d")

* Multiplayer save/load works in Coop. All players must enter the loaded multiplayer game in the same order they originally joined if they wish to remain the same character they played before. And there must be the same number of players after the load in the game as there was when it was saved.

* A new command "net_allowmultiple #" where default is 0. You can now set this command to 1 which will allow multiple connections from the same IPX address. This resolves the symptom where one player is inexplicably booted from a server when another player joins.

* A new command "commands" creates command.txt, which contains a straight listing of all commands available in the game (note that GL-specific commands will not be generated if you use "commands" in H2.exe).

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If the patch encounters a problem running the patch (see "Note" above) and terminates, perform the following steps:

1) Back up your config.cfg and autoexec.bat files and any saved game folders located in the Hexen II\Data1 folder

2) Completely uninstall Hexen II (go Start Menu>Programs>Hexen II>Uninstall Hexen II)

3) Delete the Hexen II directory

4) (Optional) Run RegClean just to be safe

5) Install Hexen II (make sure you use the Max option)

6) Run the patch


If the patch stops working consistently in the same place while it is in progress (ex: if it consistently quits at 94% while patching pak1.pak), you may have a corrupted patch file. If this is the case, do the following:

1) Download a clean patch file from here.  Note, if that link does not work, try clicking here.

2) Back up your config.cfg and autoexec.bat files and any saved game folders located in the Hexen II\Data1 folder

3) Completely uninstall Hexen II (go Start Menu>Programs>Hexen II>Uninstall Hexen II)

4) Delete the Hexen II directory

5) Install Hexen II (make sure you use the Max option)

6) Run the patch

If you get an error message reading, "Old file not found," and you are sure you have met all the patch criteria (full retail install, etc.), make sure that your CDROM drive is working properly and all drivers are up to date. We have seen some instances where older CDROM drives actually make subtle corruptions to the game files as they are installed to the hard drive. These corruptions result in minor alterations to the file size and other means by which the patch program validates the target file, resulting in the "Old file not found" error.

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