IrfanView IrfanView Inst Title





Slideshow dialog

Click on the File menu, select Slideshow. A dialog
opens. The right side of the box allows you
to select a directory from which the files to be
displayed will be taken. Use Look in and File name
to narrow down the search; use Files of type to
limit the search to one type of file, such as jpg.
Select the files you want to include. In the box above
(still on the right side,) click the file names. If
you have a large range of files to choose, click the
first. Move the mouse to the last file in the group
(use the horizontal scroll bar, if necessary,) hold
down the Shift key on the keyboard, and click. The
entire range will be selected. To choose individual
files, hold down the Ctrl key and click each file
name with the mouse.
On the left side of the dialog, click the Add button.
The files will be added to the box at left. These are
the files that will be displayed. If you like, you
can click one file name at right, then the Add button.
This can be repeated as many times as needed. Click
the Add all button to select every image in the
directory. Remove and Remove all perform the exact
opposite function: they take chosen files back out.
To use Remove, first click a file name or range of
files in the box at left, then click Remove.
Selected files may be sorted in a number of ways.
Click the Sort button; a dialog comes up, allowing
you to choose a sort order by name, date, size, or
extension. Files may be sorted in ascending or
descending order. To remove a sort, click the
No sort option button. When you have your sort
options set, click OK to close the dialog. To
exit without making changes, click the Cancel
button. Another way of exiting is to click the
X in the upper right corner of the box.
Below the selections box are several options for
the slideshow. If there is a check-mark in the
box, the option is "on." Unchecked means "off."
Click the Loop option to cause Slideshow to
play continuously; each time the last image is
reached, the viewer will start again with the
first image. The next option is Suppress errors
during slideshow; click this to prevent error
messages from being displayed. If, for example,
the viewer finds a jpg image with an incorrect
extension of gif, it will ignore the error and
continue the show. The next option is Show image
filename; click this to display the name of the
image as it appears on screen. The final option
is Hide mouse cursor; click this to make the
mouse cursor "invisible" while the slideshow
is playing. This is especially useful if the
show is being presented for other people.
On the bottom of the dialog, in the middle, are
settings for how long each image will be shown.
Click the option button of your choice. The top
option plays the next image automatically after
a number of seconds; type a number into the box
to change the timing. Anything less than three
seconds makes it difficult to view the images.
The second option will cause the viewer to wait
until you touch a key on the keyboard or move
the mouse before displaying the next image.
This allows you to control exactly when the
next image is displayed. The third option plays
a randomly chosen image after the specified time;
the fourth plays a random image after you touch a
key or the mouse.
When all files and options are chosen, click the
Play button to begin the slideshow.
Slideshows can be saved for future use. When you
choose the images and begin playing a show,
IrfanView creates a file named:
which is placed in the Windows directory on your
hard drive. This may be loaded back into the
viewer and used again. In the lower right corner
of the dialog box are two buttons. Click Load
from TXT file, and a dialog similar to the Open
dialog from the File menu appears. Find the file
you want to use and click Open to load it. Click
Save as TXT file, and a dialog similar to Save As
appears. Give your slideshow a name, and click
Save to have it stored on the hard drive.
Slideshows can be created outside of IrfanView,
then loaded once you open the viewer. You need
to use a text editor that stores its files as
plain text, without any formatting (such as most
word processors add.) A good utility for this is
the Windows Notepad. If you use a word processor,
when you save the file, specify that it's to be
saved as plain text, sometimes referred to as
DOS Text. The file only needs to contain the name
of each image to be played in the slideshow. Each
image name must be on a separate line in the file,
and must include the complete path where the image
will be found on your hard drive. It will look
something like this:
Create the file and store it where you can find it
easily. When you start IrfanView, open the Slideshow
dialog, and use the Load from TXT file button to
start your show. Shows can also be played from
outside the viewer, using a command line option.

For a helpful reminder of many of the functions in the Slideshow dialog, click the ? in the upper right corner of the box, point the mouse at an item in the box, and click again. A message will appear to tell you what that item is for. When you are finished with the slideshow, click the Close button to exit the dialog. You may also click this at any time before the slideshow starts. One other way of exiting is to click the X in the upper right corner of the box.
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Copyright 1999 by S.E. Clark.  All rights reserved.