
Performance Tips

These tips can help you optimize the performance of Microsoft Internet Explorer for your computer.

To load pages faster

  1. On the View menu, click Options.
  2. Click the Appearance tab, if necessary.
  3. Clear one or more of the Show Pictures or Play Sounds check boxes.
  4. Click OK.

To load previously loaded files faster

  1. On the View menu, click Options.
  2. Click the Advanced tab, if necessary.
  3. Under Cache, specify the maximum amount of disk space reserved for cached files.
  4. Under Cache, select one of the following options next to Update Pages to determine how often network pages are checked for revisions:

    This optionDoes this
    NeverLoads cached pages without checking the server for newer version.
    Once Per SessionBefore loading a cached file, checks the server for a newer version only once during the time you start and quit Internet Explorer.

  5. Click OK.

If quitting Internet Explorer takes longer than you want

  1. On the View menu, click Options.
  2. Click the Advanced tab, if necessary.
  3. If you have specified a maximum size for cached files, click the Empty button under Cache to remove cached files from your computer.
  4. Click OK.