1 Windows 2 OS/2 3 yes 4 no 5 This image is too large. The maximum supported dimensions are 1280 x 1024. 6 TIFF 7 tif 600 Should this image be dithered from 24 bits to screen depth? 700 Authorware TIFF Importer 65466 This version of the TIFF importer can only import RGB TIFFs which are 24 bits deep. 65476 This version of the TIFF importer does not import PLANAR RGB TIFFs. 65486 Import Error 65530 CCITT compression is not supported. 65531 Error in image file header. 65532 Error decompressing image. File could be damaged. 65533 This image was not compressed with one of the approved TIFF version 5.0 methods. 65534 This file does not have a TIFF to import.