HOW TO CREATE AND SUBMIT QUAKEWORLD SKINS 1. Use the base.pcx included in this zip as your guideline. Remember, just like back in grade school, keep in between the lines. If you go outside the lines, you fail, and will be help back another year. 2. There are six main areas of the skin. a. The ax. Keep within the boundaries of the ax and change it to your liking. b. The shirt. In the base.pcx, the shirt is comprised of 16 colors, #17 through 32. c. The pants. In the base.pcx, the pants are comprised of 16 colors, #113 through 128. Please keep in mind that anywhere you use the shirt and pants colors, you will be able to change those colors with the 'color # #' command. Any other colors (not between 17-32 and 113- 128) will NOT change. If you make your player's Shirt a combination of colors 17-32, or even just one color between 17 and 32, and you put a big dot in the middle of your player's forehead of the same color, then the dot and the shirt will both change to the same color when you use the 'color # #' command. d. The body, other than the shirt and pants. By default these colors are static, they stay the same when you use the 'color' command. But, you can make them change with your shirt/pants colors also, by using the colors mentioned above. e. The weapon. You can change this detail and color, once again, as long as you stay in the lines. f. The flame. The flame is located between the players leg and gun in the .pcx image. This is what appears when the player shoots. You can change this to your liking if you wish. 3. The colors 241-256 are 'full bright' colors. These 16 colors will ALWAYS be seen, regardless of whether your player is in a shadow or in a brightly lit area. The red dot/circle on the gun is a full bright color, just as is the flashing crosses on the health spread throughout the levels. 4. Be absolutely certain that you save your skin in 320X200 .pcx format and, 8 bit, 256 color mode. If you don't (i.e. you save it in 64k color), your colors will NOT appear as you drew them, when being viewed in QuakeWorld. Also, use the default palette available when starting with base.pcx, do not change palettes since this will cause you skin to display improperly as well. 5. Be absolutely certain that you, yes you got it, stay within the boundaries of the ax, body, gun and flame in the base.pcx image. If you don't, QuakeWorld will NOT recognize any stray markings outside these limits, and your image will not appear as you drew it in your skin. 6. We will reject any lewd or otherwize inappropriate skins. 7. When you have completed your skin, save it as the first eight characters of your clan's name, in accordance with #4 above. If your clan name starts with the word 'Clan', for instance 'Clan Dong', then drop the 'clan' part in the file name. Your skin would be called dong.pcx. Also, if your clan begins with the word 'the' drop this as well. For instance, if your clan name was 'The Amish', your skin name would be amish.pcx. If your clan name was 'The Clan I', your skin name would be i.pcx. If we get more than one of the same skin name, we will notify one of you of the new name we give it. 8. Now, do this correctly please. We will not go through and make sure your skin is done properly. If you want to change your skin, we will handle this at a later time, so do it right the first time. 9. The base.pcx skin is copyrighted by id Software, Inc. and is to be used only as a guide for you to make your own skin. 10. Here is exactly how your email should look coming to us. -------------------------------------------------------------- Subject: Skin Body of the message follows: Clan Leader: Put clan leader's name here Full Clan name: Put full clan name here Clan Email Address: Put official clan email address here Clan Web Site: Put full URL to your clan's web site here Name of Skin: Put the file name of the skin here -------------------------------------------------------------- Your email should look exactly like this (obviously replacing the 'Put ....'s' with the real thing). No signature, no garbage, nothing, please. This is going to be somewhat overwhelming with the massive influx of skins that we expect. It is IMPARATIVE that you make the subject line 'Skin', nothing else. Send your FINISHED, PERFECT, JUST HOW YOU WANT IT FOR THE NEXT COUPLE WEEKS AT LEAST, skin to: Thanks y'all. Barrett Alexander 'Bear' id Software, Inc.