AutoCAD(R) Release 13 THE MOST POWERFUL AUTOCAD EVER. AutoCAD software delivers high-impact features that streamline the creation and editing of precise, superior-quality drawings and designs. USABILITY The AutoCAD interface takes full advantage of modern components and conventions to facilitate ease of use, quick access to frequently used tools and efficient performance of design and drafting tasks. A full complement of reference and learning tools helps you to use AutoCAD quickly and effectively. User Interface -------------- Reorganized to leverage your Windows(TM) expertise and provide quick and intuitive access to AutoCAD software's rich feature set. Toolbars/Tool Tips ------------------ User interface includes multiple floating toolbars with flyouts. Pop-up explanatory text identifies icon functions. · Customization. Adaptable GUI includes user-definable toolbars, drag- and-drop customization and icon editor. Load a single pull-down menu instead of an entire menu file for easier customization. · Drawing Preview. Use graphic images to quickly identify and open the correct drawing. · Enhanced Keyboard Access. Boost keyboard efficiency with user-defined accelerator keys and a floating, scrollable command window that supports copy-and-paste functions. · Simplified Installation and Configuration. Custom installation options meet individual needs and optimize disk space. Future AutoCAD software versions will be able to read the Release 13 configuration file. Documentation ------------- · Task-Oriented Manuals. Consult precise, effective documentation written from a task-oriented perspective. · On-Line Reference and Learning Support. Access context-sensitive hypertext Help resources, including the AutoCAD Release 13 Command Reference. Easily learn basic features through "Quick Tour" and an interactive tutorial. "What's New" illustrates new features in Release 13.* Use key words to access and search AutoCAD manuals on-line.* *Microsoft Windows and Windows NT platforms only DESIGN AND DRAFTING Whatever the challenge - from designing a complex machine part to a soaring skyscraper, AutoCAD software provides all the tools you need to draw, edit, annotate, visualize and plot any and every detail of your design Geometry -------- AutoCAD Release 13 provides a comprehensive selection of basic geometric entities - lines, points, circles, arcs, polylines, polygons - as starting points in design and drafting. · Multiple Parallel Lines. Simplify the design of walls and other parallel- line structures; clean up intersections automatically. · Ellipses and Arcs. Employ NURBS (nonuniform rational B-spline) curves, true ellipses and elliptical arcs to model sophisticated curves. · Construction Lines. Use unbounded (infinite) lines with construction methods, such as perpendicular or parallel to an existing entity. Construction and Editing ------------------------ AutoCAD provides commands and tools for developing basic geometric entities into precise, complete drawings and models, for use in construction, manufacturing, engineering, design and graphic environments. · UCS Flexibility. UCS (User Coordinate System) restrictions have been eliminated for certain editing commands like Fillet, resulting in faster, less restrictive modeling. · Enhanced Trim and Extend. Trim and extend by length, extended cutting edge and, on 3D models, apparent intersection and projected extension. · Fillet and Chamfer Enhancements. Fillet without trim; employ 3D apparent fillet/chamfer; chamfer by angle and length. · Object Snap and Selection Additions. Boost drafting efficiency with new Relative Point, Extended Intersection and 3D Apparent Intersection snaps. Select desired entity by cycling through objects falling within assigned trap distance. · Linetypes. Add shapes or text to linetypes for utility lines, center lines and more. Specify linetype scale by entity. Dimensioning ------------ AutoCAD makes dimensioning quick, simple and readily compliant with professional standards. · Dimensioning Standards. Advanced support for local and user-defined standards includes enhancements to text position and value, tolerances and ordinate dimensions. · Geometric Tolerancing. Support for ANSI Y14.5 GD&T standard improves manufacturability and conformance with professional practice. · Flexible Styles and Properties. Override individual properties within comprehensive styles and access properties graphically for more intuitive dimensioning · Usability. Employ multiline text in leader; automatically orient dimensions vertically or horizontally; dynamically reposition dimension components. Hatching -------- To specify materials and help distinguish among different parts or functions in a drawing, AutoCAD provides hatching and pattern-fill control tools, including easy-to-use dialog boxes. Use predefined or user-created hatch styles, define boundaries automatically, preview the hatching options and specify hatching scale, angle and spacing. · Associative Hatching. As boundary objects change, hatching updates automatically. · Editing Hatch Properties. Edit and update pattern, angle and scale of existing hatched areas. · Boundary-Creation Enhancements. Hatch with automatic island detection and direct-boundary creation (no boundary entity needed). Text Editing ------------ The comprehensive text entry and editing capabilities in AutoCAD Release 13, plus its extensive support of numerous industry-standard fonts, make drawing annotation simple and effective. · Text Formatting. Annotate drawings and models more effectively with support for multiline text, including word wrap, alignment and font changes. · Text Editor. Control text more precisely and fluidly with an integrated, dialog-based text editor that provides copy-and-paste* functions, and attributes, such as stacked fractions, bold and italics. · Spell Checker. Check specific text or the entire drawing using custom or standard dictionaries. · Font Support. Improve display quality and readability of annotation with expanded support for filled TrueType and PostScript(R) Type 1 fonts. *Microsoft Windows and Windows NT platforms only Solid Modeling -------------- With AutoCAD software's solid modeling commands, you can create and edit 3D solid models using Boolean operations, such as Union, Subtract and Intersect. The Mass Properties function allows you to quickly and automatically calculate the model's volume, moments of inertia, center of rotation and other physical characteristics. · Solids Creation and Editing. Generate box, cylinder, cone, sphere, wedge and extrusions along a path. · AME(R) Conversion Utility. Translation utility converts many AME (Advanced Modeling Extension(R)) models into ACIS(R)-based AutoCAD Release 13 models. Rendering and Visualization --------------------------- Apply and control shading, color, lighting and materials to create realistic 3D images within AutoCAD. With additional, interoperable Autodesk products, like AutoVision(TM) and 3D Studio(R), you can create photorealistic images, presentation-quality animations and architectural walk-throughs, and preview proposed structures in existing settings. · Faster Performance and Enhanced Image Quality. Improve efficiency with reduced rendering time. Phong rendering supports highlights from colored light sources. · Materials Library and Editor. Control color, ambient light and reflectivity with predefined and user-defined materials. · 3D Studio Compatibility. Import and export 3D Studio (.3DS) files. Interoperability ---------------- Sharing AutoCAD data across documents and projects and within your company is easy with Release 13. Drawing information is where it should be, shortening the project cycle. · OLE (Object Linking and Embedding) Client and Server Support. Link and embed data from other programs - such as a table from an Excel(TM) spreadsheet - in AutoCAD Release 13 drawings and vice versa. · External Database Links. Using an SQL interface, associate nongraphic data stored in an external database with AutoCAD drawing entities. · .DWG and .DXF(TM) File Compatibility. Save time and enhance communication with coworkers using upward and downward (Save As) file compatibility among AutoCAD Releases 11, 12, and 13, and AutoCAD(R) LT. Xrefs ----- By making it possible to share drawings in a workgroup without altering or adding them to a coworker's files, AutoCAD software's External References (Xrefs) feature helps coordinate workflow and communicate current status information and new revisions. · Overlay-Style Xrefs. Limit Xref nesting display for more natural drawing organization, especially for architectural projects. Plotting -------- AutoCAD software supports a variety of popular plotters and printers, allowing you to produce drawings on the equipment you own. You can also preview your plot on-screen using the appropriate paper size to eliminate unnecessary output. · Accelerated Display List Drivers. Use a broad array of popular video boards with high-performance drivers that speed redraws, pans and zooms. · Digitizers, Plotters and Printers. Improved device performance with updated and expanded support. · Current Driver Compatibility. Use existing (DOS) Autodesk Device Interface(TM) (ADI(R)) 4.2 plotter and digitizer protected-mode drivers. To Contact Your Authorized Autodesk Dealer ------------------------------------------ AutoCAD software is sold through more than 4,100 Authorized Autodesk Dealers worldwide who deliver local support, extensive industry knowledge and training targeted to your needs. To locate the Dealer nearest you, or for more information, call Autodesk at 800-964-6432. From outside the United States and Canada, please fax your request for information to: Latin America, 415-491-8303; Asia/Pacific, 415-491-8398; or Europe, +41-22-788-21-44. Additional resources include independently developed AutoCAD-based applications, the Autodesk forums on the CompuServe(R) network, the Autodesk Training Center (ATC(R)) network, Autodesk University and the Autodesk Customer Education and Training Department. System Requirements ------------------- New multiplatform license for MS-DOS(R), Windows and NT eases the transition from MS-DOS to Windows. AutoCAD Release 13 for Windows · 386/486/Pentium(R)-based IBM or 100 percent compatible PC; math coprocessor required. · Windows 3.1 (enhanced mode) · MS-DOS 5.0 or later · 16MB RAM recommended · Minimum 35MB hard-disk space, permanent swap file of 64MB RAM · Windows-supported video display (VGA or better) and pointing device (e.g., mouse) AutoCAD Release 13 for Windows NT · 386/486/Pentium(R)-based IBM or 100 percent compatible PC; math coprocessor required · Windows NT 3.5 or later · 20MB RAM recommended · Minimum 25MB hard-disk space, permanent swap file of 64MB RAM · Windows NT-supported video display (VGA or better) and pointing device (e.g., mouse) AutoCAD Release 13 for DOS · 386/486/Pentium-based IBM or 100 percent compatible PC; math coprocessor required · MS-DOS 5.0 or later · 12MB RAM recommended · Minimum 35MB hard-disk space · Supported video display (VGA or better) and pointing device (e.g., mouse)