object Form6: TForm6 Left = 311 Top = 110 Width = 316 Height = 377 Caption = 'Resize and AutoCenter' Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -13 Font.Name = 'System' Font.Style = [] PixelsPerInch = 96 TextHeight = 16 object MegaPanel1: TMegaPanel Left = 0 Top = 0 Width = 308 Height = 350 AutoCenter = acControls Caption = 'Resize and AutoCenter' CaptionAngle = 90 CaptionBevelOuter = bvNone CaptionBevelMargin = 0 CaptionBorderWidth = 0 CaptionFont.Color = clGray CaptionFont.Height = -19 CaptionFont.Name = 'Arial' CaptionFont.Style = [fsBold] CaptionFontStyle = fsRaisedHeavy CaptionPosition = cpLeftCenter CaptionSpace = 0 CaptionStyle = csPanel ColorCaptionBkgnd = clNone ColorHighlight = clSilver ColorPanel = clBlack ColorShadow = clBlack DividerWidth = 1 FixClasses.Strings = ( '101TDBComboBox' '111TDBEdit' '000TDBNavigator' '001TDBMemo' '101TDBLookupCombo' '010TBitBtn') GradientFill.EndColor = clSilver GradientFill.FillType = gtVertSplit GradientFill.StartColor = clGray GradientFill.Style = psCaption LabelControlX = 4 LabelFont.Color = clSilver LabelFont.Height = -13 LabelFont.Name = 'Arial' LabelFont.Style = [fsBold, fsItalic] LabelStyle = lsInControl LabelWidth = 100 PanelBevelOuter = bvNone PanelBevelWidth = 2 ParentFont = False Picture.Data = {}