I N T E G R I T Y M A S T E R -------------------------------- Version 3.11 ------------- D E S C R I P T I O N A N D -------------------------------- A U T H O R I N F O R M A T I O N ------------------------------------ Last updated: January 21, 1997 This file includes sample descriptions which you may use to describe the Integrity Master(tm) package. Shareware distributors, disk vendors and computer clubs please refer also to the VENDOR.TXT text file. Bulletin board system (BBS) sysops please refer to SYSOP.TXT. Program Information: ==================== File Name(s) for BBSs: ---------------------- I_M311c.ZIP -Integrity Master V3.11c - Data integrity/Anti-virus system If the program is compressed using some other file compression method, then please use the name "I_M311c with the appropriate extension (PAK, ARC, LZH, ZOO, etc.). Keywords: --------- Integrity Virus Disk Boot Security Diagnostic Detection Antiviral CMOS ASP DOS Protection Change management Category: --------- Utilities, Diagnostic, or Virus Minimum requirements: _____________________ MS or PC/DOS Version 2 or later plus 256K of memory. ONE LINE DESCRIPTION: --------------------- Complete, easy to use, data integrity for your PC plus virus removal. TWO LINE DESCRIPTION: --------------------- Easy to use, anti-virus and data integrity system. Also useful for PC security, diagnostics and change control. NCSA certified as a virus scanner. THREE LINE DESCRIPTION: ----------------------- Easy to use, anti-virus and PC integrity program that also provides security, CMOS protection, and disk diagnostics. It's NCSA certified as a virus scanner to identify known viruses by name but it also protects against unknown viruses. FOUR LINE DESCRIPTION: ---------------------- Do you have a virus? A flaky hard disk? Did someone alter a file while you were out? Find out for sure with Integrity Master(tm)! It enables detection and recovery from ANY virus, yet does not require periodic updates. Protects against much more than just viruses -- it even checks and fixes your CMOS! FIVE LINE DESCRIPTION: ---------------------- Complete, easy to use, data integrity plus virus removal. It protects against much more than just viruses. Hardware glitches, software bugs, CMOS changes, even deliberate sabotage are detected. If a virus strikes, Integrity Master identifies it by name and (unlike other programs) also identifies any damage caused by the virus. NCSA certified as a virus scanner. SEVEN LINE DESCRIPTION ---------------------- Integrity Master is a high performance (100% assembler) program offering virus scanning, data integrity, security, CMOS protection, and change management all in one easy to use package. It detects hardware glitches, software bugs, and even deliberate sabotage to your data. If a virus strikes, IM identifies it by name and (unlike other programs) also identifies any damage caused by the virus. It will even detect new and unknown viruses. IM is NCSA (National Computer Security Association) as a virus scanner. TEN LINE DESCRIPTION: --------------------- Integrity Master provides complete protection for the PC. It is a high performance (100% assembler) program offering virus protection, data integrity, security, CMOS protection, and change management all in one easy to use package. It detects hardware glitches, software bugs, and even deliberate sabotage to your data. If a virus strikes, IM identifies it by name and (unlike other programs) also identifies any damage caused by the virus. Although it scans for known viruses, it will reliably detect new, unknown viruses so that you don't need to constantly upgrade. Integrity Master provides both a command line interface as well as easy-to-use menus with extensive on-line help. IM is NCSA (National Computer Security Association) as a virus scanner. TWELVE LINE DESCRIPTION: ------------------------ Do you have a virus? A flaky hard disk? Did someone change something on your PC while you were out? Find out for sure with Integrity Master(tm)! Integrity Master is the easy way to defeat viruses and get extra benefits of PC security, change control and disk problem detection. If there is a change anywhere on your disk, no matter what the cause, Integrity Master will identify it, and then its built in Integrity Advisor(tm) will explain what to do. Integrity Master identifies known viruses by name, but it does not require periodic updates (as other virus programs do) to keep up with the latest viruses. Don't get a program that is just an anti-virus program. Get something more powerful and more useful! Integrity Master provides an all around PC integrity solution going far beyond mere virus checkers. IM is NCSA (National Computer Security Association) as a virus scanner. MEDIUM LENGTH DESCRIPTION: -------------------------- Integrity Master provides complete protection for the PC. It is a high performance (100% assembler) program offering virus protection, data integrity, security, CMOS protection, and change management all in one easy to use package. IM is NCSA (National Computer Security Association) as a virus scanner. It detects hardware glitches, software bugs, and even deliberate sabotage to your data. If a virus strikes, IM identifies it by name and (unlike other programs) also identifies any damage caused by the virus. Although it scans for known viruses, it will reliably detect new, unknown viruses so that you won't need to constantly upgrade. Integrity Master provides both a command line interface as well as easy-to-use menus with extensive on-line help. Now, (new with version two) Integrity Master provides complete protection for the PC's CMOS configuration memory. It will detect and diagnose significant changes to the CMOS memory. If needed, it can then restore the CMOS to its correct configuration. By using the quick update mode (/Q) IM provides the fastest scanning available. Integrity Master works smoothly under Windows 3.1, Windows 95, Windows NT, and OS/2. LONG DESCRIPTION: ----------------- Integrity Master is a powerful anti-virus and PC data integrity system that also provides security and change logging. This high performance assembly language program provides fastest integrity checking available for the PC. Integrity Master provides function and performance far beyond any other anti-viral or data integrity software, yet is easy enough for novice users. Integrity Master is the recommended anti-virus in the "1995 PC Magazine Buyer's Guide" and is NCSA (National Computer Security Association) certified as an anti-virus product. Integrity Master features: Distinguishing features: ======================== 1) Integrity Master is one of the few products that will detect the new macro viruses (the viruses that infect MS Word and Excel files). 2) Integrity Master provides a complete change history to aid problem resolution on all protected PCs. This is VERY valuable in a network environment since many problems can be solved by consulting the change log for the affected workstation. 3) Integrity Master is the only anti-virus product that will detect all files, sectors, or CMOS damaged but not infected by a virus. 4) Integrity Master recognizes known viruses by name and will describe their characteristics and then allow you to (optionally) remove them. 5) Integrity Master is the only anti-virus product that can check and report specific CMOS changes. It will also (if needed) reload the PC's CMOS. 6) It will reliably detect not only existing viruses, but also as yet unknown viruses. 7) IM can do ultra-fast scanning. By running IM regularly (daily or every-other-day) in its "quick update" mode, you can scan a typical 1.2gb disk in 20 to 40 seconds and maintain a change history at the same time. 8) Integrity Master can reload system sectors on disks which are so badly damaged that DOS can no longer recognize them. 9) Integrity Master detects any form of file or program corruption, not just that caused by viruses. This makes Integrity Master a useful tool to provide PC security, change management and hardware error detection. Why spend your time merely checking for viruses when you give your PC a complete check out with Integrity Master? 10) Integrity Master provides easy to use menus with context sensitive help plus a complete tutorial. Integrity Master is designed so you you can start using it immediately -- no need to open the manual! 11) Integrity Master is useful as an aid to PC security. If someone changes, adds or deletes any of your files you will know. 12) Integrity Master is useful with disk diagnostics. You can run your normal test programs to check if your disk drive is working OK right now, but was it working correctly at 3 PM yesterday? Integrity Master will detect any disk errors which caused data damage earlier. 13) You just restored your files from a backup. Are all the files really OK? Integrity Master will tell you. 14) You just deleted *.BAT rather than *.BAK. Integrity Master will tell you exactly which files you need to restore. 15)You just deleted *.BAT rather than *.BAK. Integrity Master will tell you exactly which files you need to restore. 16)Your hard disk is having problems. Now DOS will not even recognize it as a disk. IM can diagnose and then reload your partition and boot sectors to "fix" your disk! 17) IM gives you a complete record of what happens on your PC. This lets you know what to do to uninstall unruly Windows applications and allows you to see if a Windows program replaces a newer .DLL with an older version. (This frequently causes Windows GPFs and hangs.) Registration Information: See ORDER.TXT ------------------------- Author/Publisher Information: ----------------------------- Stiller Research is a company specializing in operating systems related software owned and operated by Wolfgang Stiller. This expertise in operating systems makes Stiller Research uniquely capable in the areas of data integrity and viruses. Wolfgang Stiller is the author of PC Magazine's PCdata integrity toolkit and the accompanying article, published in the February 13, 1990 issue of PC Magazine. Stiller Research has been producing top quality computer software at reasonable prices, continuously, since 1985.