Novell Web Server 3.0 Release Document README.TXT Copyright (c) 1995, 1996 Novell, Inc. All Rights Reserved. THIS WORK IS SUBJECT TO U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL COPYRIGHT LAWS AND TREATIES. NO PART OF THIS WORK MAY BE USED, PRACTICED, PERFORMED, COPIED, DISTRIBUTED, REVISED, MODIFIED, TRANSLATED, ABRIDGED, CONDENSED, EXPANDED, COLLECTED, COMPILED, LINKED, RECAST, TRANSFORMED, OR ADAPTED WITHOUT THE PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT OF NOVELL, INC. ANY USE OR EXPLOITATION OF THIS WORK WITHOUT AUTHORIZATION COULD SUBJECT THE PERPETRATOR TO CRIMINAL AND CIVIL LIABILITY. DISCLAIMER Novell, Inc. makes no representations or warranties with respect to this software, and specifically disclaims any express or implied warranties of merchantability, title, or fitness for a particular purpose. Distribution of this software is forbidden without the express written consent of Novell, Inc. Novell will not be responsible for any data loss that might result from implementing this software. Novell strongly recommends a backup be made before installing this software. !!!!!!CAUTION!!!!!! Always back up your system before implementing any program/utility revision involving the low-level functions of IntranetWare, including re-linking of operating system .OBJ files, bindery utilities, and drive and volume operation. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTENTS --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to the Novell Web Server 3.0 Readme file! This document contains last-minute information that is not included in the documentation. >>> 1. *****Installing the Product***** Instructions for installing the Novell Web Server 3.0 are located in the Quick Start Card. To access this document, use your browser to open the :\WEB\DISK1\INW_WEB\SHARED\DOCS\ONLINE\QSTART\QSTART.HTM document on the product image you downloaded. The "Quick Start" also details the system requirements for installing the product. >>> 2. *****System Memory Requirements***** In addition to the amount of memory required for IntranetWare, extra memory is required for the Novell Web Server 3.0. The following formula should be used to determine the amount of ADDITIONAL memory that will be required for the Web Server to run properly: 1.5M Ram + (# of threads-16 default * 70K) + (# of Virtual Servers * 200K) + (# of Virtual Hosts * 20K) = Amount of memory in addition to that required for IntranetWare. >>> 3. *****TCP/IP Requirement***** Novell Web Server 3.0 requires that a new version of TCPIP.NLM replace the one that exists in the \SYSTEM directory. A backup copy of the servers existing TCPIP.NLM and TCPIP.MSG will be saved in the \SYSTEM\TCPIP.SAV directory. These files can be restored into the \SYSTEM directory if there are incompatibilities with the new version however, Novell Web Server requires v4.00 of TCPIP.NLM. >>> 4. *****Virtual Directories and NDS Replica***** The Virtual Directories feature will only work if the servers have an NDS replica on them. This includes the machine that the web server is running on as well as the machine that the web server uses to retrieve the remote files. >>> 5. *****Virtual Directories and Alias Directive***** When using Virtual Directories to access a 3.x server, the 3.x server must have a guest account with NO PASSWORD for the Alias directive to work correctly. The Alias directive CANNOT be in NDS syntax. Example: Alias /remotedir/ sjf-server1/sys:\remotedir >>> 6. *****Virtual Directories and File Indexing***** There is no file indexing on remote servers when using the Virtual Directories feature. >>> 7. *****SSL Known Problem***** When accessing a Server Side Include (SSI) document on an SSL-enabled Web server, the browser will receive most of the document and then hang. When this happens, click Stop. >>> 8. *****MHSTATUS Utility***** In order to properly unzip MHSTATUS.ZIP, Long File name support must be enabled on IntranetWare. Do the following prior to unzipping MHSTATUS.ZIP. At the server console, LOAD LONG followed by ADD NAME SPACE TO . There are addition memory requirements that are determined by the size of the Volume. Refer to the IntranetWare documentation to determine the amount. >>> 9. *****Language Support***** The Early Access Release of the Novell Web Server 3.0 only supports the English language. When you install Novell Web Server on a IntranetWare server with the LANGUAGE parameter set to French, Italian, German, or Spanish, the Novell Web Server installation module will automatically load using English. There is no need for you to change the LANGUAGE parameter value. >>> 10. *****WEBMGR and Network Button***** If you notice that the File/Select Server/Network button does not work inside the administration utility (WEBMGR.EXE), you may have an old COMMDLG.DLL in the C:\WINDOWS or C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory. If you have a newer version of this DLL, you can simply delete the old version. If you only have the old version, you must delete the old COMMDLG.DLL and install a newer version to get the Network button to work. >>> 11. *****Scripts and Security***** Access to all directories containing scripts should be strictly controlled. Only the people responsible for writing, managing, and editing scripts should have read and write rights to the script directories :INW_WEB\SCRIPTS, :INW_WEB\SCRIPTS\PERL, :NETBASIC\WEB, and any other script directories you create. Scripts should be designed and written with security in mind and should access resources on the server in ways that do not jeopardize the security of the server. >>> 12. *****Controlling Access to LCGI NLM's***** The Novell Web Server provides a special method to restrict access to LCGI programs, such as NetBasic and NDS Object Browser. To restrict access to LCGI programs, create an ACCESS.WWW file in the directory where the LCGI program resides. When a user requests an LCGI server extension in this directory, he will be prompted for a userid and password. It is important to note, once a user is authenticated to use the NetBasic LCGI extension, full access to all available NetBasic scripts is allowed. You cannot selectively place access control on different NetBasic scripts. Once a user is authenticated to use the NDS Object Browser, browsing to all available trees in NDS and all public object information is allowed. Refer to the User Access Control section for details on how to set up the ACCESS.WWW file. By default, access to NetBasic is not restricted. When NDS browsing is enabled from the WEBMGR, access is not restricted. >>> 13. *****WEBMGR.EXE Deletion of Comments in *.CFG Files***** The administration utility (WEBMGR.EXE) does not support user comments in *.CFG files. If you manually edit these files and add comments by preceding lines with a pound sign (#), these lines will be deleted when you run the WEBMGR utility. A set of sample *.CFG files with full comments is provided in the :INW_WEB\SAMPLES\CONFIG\ directory. >>> 14. *****Adding the NetBasic LoadableModule Directive for Upgrades If you are upgrading to Web Server 3.0, in order to allow users to issue requests to NetBasic scripts, you must manually edit the SRM.CFG file and add a LoadableModule directive to map URL requests to the NetBasic NLM (CGI2NMX.NLM). Add the following directive to the SRM.CFG file: LoadableModule /netbasic/ :/lcgi/netbasic/cgi2nmx.nlm >>> 15. *****Perl 4***** The Early Access Release of the Novell Web Server 3.0 supports Perl 4, not Perl 5 as documented in the "Dynamic Web Page Programmer's Guide." >>> 16. *****Oracle Database Access from NetBasic***** Novell Web Server 3.0 supports access of data in an Oracle 7 database from a NetBasic script. However, the following Oracle class commands are not yet documented in the NetBasic Command Reference Guide: ORA:Error:Message ORA:Field:First ORA:Field:Get ORA:Field:Max ORA:Field:Next ORA:Field:Size ORA:Field:Type ORA:Logoff ORA:Logon ORA:SQL ORA:Record:Get >>> 17. *****Support for Dartmouth BASIC Scripts***** The Dartmouth BASIC interpreter (BASIC.NLM) has been replaced by the NetBasic NLM (CGI2NMX.NLM). If you are upgrading from a previous version of Novell Web Server, your existing BASIC scripts will continue to work. You should use NetBasic for any new scripts. >>> 18. *****SSL and Virtual Server's***** Upon creating the 3rd Virtual Server, the server console will prompt for an Secure Sockets Layer(SSL) password. This is a know problem and will be resolved. >>> 19. *****Quick Finder and Access Control***** Problem: Currently a protected QFSEARCH.HTM would be in a directory outside of the Alt Doc Root(not sure if this is documented yet): SYS:\web\docs\protect\qfsearch.htm Access control would be turned on for this directory and Netscape would require the user to have to login before filling out the form. Once the form is submitted with the SEARCH button Netscape send the following query: GET /QFSEARCH?Query=Novell Since Netscape has authenticated to /PROTECT/ and not the root directory, it WILL NOT send the Username/Password information along with this /QFSEARCH request. It will then appear as though the Web Server is not functioning correctly, but in actuality this is a configuration issue. Solution: The solution to this problem is two fold. Request relative to where the QFSEARCH.HTM file exists. QFSEARCH can be run from another location besides the root path /. Step 1: Currently we ship SYS:\INW_WEB\SHARED\DOCS\LCGI\QFSEARCH\QFSEARCH.HTM. Inside this document we provide a way to type in text to search for an then submit this query. The form action must be changed as shown below: Currently:
Change to: Step 2: If the QFSEARCH.HTM form is located in the following directory: SYS:\WEB\DOCS\PROTECT\QFSEARCH.HTM then you must add this Loadable module statement to your SRM.CFG LoadableModule /protect/qfsearch The second parameter is the same as the existing LoadableModule statement for the /qfsearch/ program. Access control can then be turned on for the /PROTECT/ directory and everything will work as expected. NOTE: Each time a protected form is added to the system under a different directory tree (ie: /MYDOCS vs. /PROTECT) then a LoadableModule statement will need to be added! >>> 20. *****NWAdmin and SNAP-IN Modules***** NWAdmin Snap-In for Home Page (http://servername/~username) Feature: --------------------------------------- 1. Follow the documentation in "Publishing on the Novell Web Server" / "Publishing Documents." Scroll down right frame to "Setting Up User Directories" for WEBMGR.EXE setup. 2. Make sure the Snap-In is installed by following the directions in "Web Server Administration"/"NDS/"NWADMIN Snap-IN". 3. Launch NWADMIN and select a USER or GROUP that you want to enable Web Publishing for. 4. Select details on the object and select the "Web Publishing" tab. 5. Make sure the "directory listed for the object" matches the directory listed in the WEBMGR configuration that was defined in WEBMGR.EXE. 6. Select the enable button and click ok. 7. Repeat this procedure for all USERS or GROUPS for whom you want to enable or disable Web Publishing rights. What the Snap-In Does: ---------------------- The Snap-In makes two modifications to enable USER home directories to be accessed through the http://servername/~username method. 1. Grant [PUBLIC] trustee rights to the User Object's "Home Directory" attribute. 2. Grant [PUBLIC] trustee rightrs to the PUBLIC.WWW subdirectory in the file system.