Novell Web Server 3.0 Beta
Examples Toolkit ver. 1.0

From this page you can test some tools and examples for creating dynamic web pages. These tools are provided as examples, including all the source. For this reason they are as simple as possible. Still, they are provided in a manner that they can be taken as is and used on a production web site.

The source may be considered "public domain" unless otherwise stated in the source files.

These tools are not supported by Novell in any manner. They are provided as is, without warrantee.

Guest Book A simple guest registry based on SSI. It is an example of using forms and variables within a SSI document as well as the following commands: #APPEND, #CONFIG, #ECHO, #GOTO, #INCLUDE, #LABEL. See the README.
Suggestion Box A very basic Suggestion Box based on the NWS Extended Server-Side Includes (SSI). It is a good example of the following SSI commands: #APPEND, #CONFIG, #ECHO, #FLASTMOD, #GOTO, #IF, #INCLUDE, #LABEL. It is also a good example of how to use forms and varibles within a SSI document. See the README.
Image Album A short Perl script which creates an "album" of images in a directory. See the SOURCE.
Clock A Java applet which presents a clock. It allows for customizeability through several parameters. It is a good example of parameter passing, as well as some very basic Java. See the SOURCE.
Hit Counter A Java applet which can be combined with SSI to present a graphical counter. See the SOURCE.