PARADOX 4.0 RUNTIME: ANSWERS TO COMMON QUESTIONS ------------------------------------------------ This file provides answers to questions commonly asked about Paradox 4.0. Runtime. All information in this file supersedes information in the Paradox Runtime documentation. TABLE OF CONTENTS ----------------- 1. Executing Runtime Applications under Windows 2. Executing Multiple Runtime Applications Concurrently under Windows 3. Executing Runtime Applications under OS/2 1. EXECUTING RUNTIME APPLICATIONS UNDER WINDOWS ----------------------------------------------- Q. How do I execute Paradox Runtime applications under Microsoft Windows? A. Each Runtime application must have an individual .PIF file to run under Windows. To create a .PIF file for an application, modify the PDOXRUN.PIF file that is installed in your PDOXRUN directory using the following instructions: 1) Create a copy of PDOXRUN.PIF for your application. For example, if your script is called VIDEO.SC, then enter the DOS command: COPY PDOXRUN.PIF VIDEO.PIF 2) Start Windows and launch the Windows PIF Editor from the Program Manager. 3) Open the file you created in the first step by using the File|Open command. 4) In the Program Filename type-in box, enter the full path of PDOXRUN.EXE. For example, if you are using the default directory, enter C:\PDOXRUN\PDOXRUN.EXE 5) In the Window Title type-in box, enter the name of the program as you want it to appear to your users. For example, you could enter the title Video Application 6) In the Optional Parameters type-in box, enter the amount of memory you want your application to use and the name of the script you want to execute. For example, to run the Video application with 2048 Kb of memory, enter -extk 2048 VIDEO By default, the amount of memory is set to 2048 Kb. Specifying additional memory will increase the performance of your application but decrease the amount of memory available for other Windows applications. 7) In the Start-up Directory type-in box, enter the full path of your application directory. For example, if the Video application is in a subdirectory under the Runtime system, enter C:\PDOXRUN\VIDEO 8) Save the .PIF file by choosing File|Save. If you copied your .PIF file from PDOXRUN.PIF, you do not have to change any other settings. 2. EXECUTING MULTIPLE RUNTIME APPLICATIONS CONCURRENTLY UNDER WINDOWS --------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. Do I have to increase my user count to execute more than one Paradox Runtime application concurrently under Windows? A. You can execute more than one Runtime application concurrently under Windows without increasing your user count. Create a separate icon and .PIF file in the Program Manager for each application. If an application does not require user intervention, such as an application that prints a weekly report, you can edit the Execution section of its .PIF file to deselect the Exclusive check box and select the Background check box. Applications that access the same data concurrently must use network multi-user locking, even if the tables reside locally. 3. EXECUTING RUNTIME APPLICATIONS UNDER OS/2 -------------------------------------------- Q. How do I execute Runtime applications under OS/2? A. Paradox Runtime requires OS/2 version 2.0 or greater. Use the following procedure to install and run Paradox Runtime under OS/2, version 2.0. 1) Install Paradox Runtime. a. Insert Disk 1 in drive A or B. b. Double-click on the OS/2 System Icon that appears. c. Double-click on Drives. d. Double-click on the disk drive object for the installed drive. e. Double-click on the INSTALL.EXE object. f. Follow the instructions that appear onscreen. 2) Create a DOS object for Paradox Runtime. a. From the OS/2 system prompt, change to the Paradox Runtime directory. For example, type CD \PDOXRUN b. From the OS/2 system prompt, enter the command PXRUNOS2 c. When prompted, enter the path of the Paradox system files. For example, type \PDOXRUN A Desktop Object for Paradox Runtime will be created. d. Optionally, you can drag the object to a folder. 3) Execute a Runtime application. a. Drag a script file onto the new program object.