Poker Variants: Contents

List maintained by Peter Sarrett. Last modified: Jan. 18, 1996 (1/18/96).

You may wish to refer to the list of Poker terms and hand rankings. If you have any games which don't appear on this list, I'd love to add them. Send email to Games which have been changed or added are marked with the date of their change.

Table of Contents

Draw Games
Stud Games
Shared Card Games
Miscellaneous Games
Non-Poker Games

Other Poker Resources

Poker Discussion and Guestbook

You may also enjoy a visit to The Game Report Online, the online version of America's premier quarterly journal of board, party, card, dice, word, family and strategy games.

This list is maintained by Peter Sarrett (
Thanks to CMU's Gaming Club for getting me started with their list.

You are the 675th person to access this page since Jan. 26, 1996