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[We accept ecash!] [Lyot's Club]
Play and maybe Win Ecash CyberBucks!

(If you don't know/don't have ecash, follow the link above)

Soon, here, a more evoluated CyberCasino (with simplified cashin/out to avoid delays at each bet. ..), meanwhile, you can play this simple bet game : You bet on two digits from 1 to 7, The machine will draw two balls from 1 to 7, If you have either of the two digits that match (1st with 1st and 2nd with 2nd only, not crossed) you win (often!) 3 (three!) times your bet, And if you have both digits (again in order only) you win 7 (seven!) times your bet (so you can now win upto $70 !!). (I hope you won't broke us!). We've already distributed $ 21962 of bet wins! (This makes a big stack of [$1] and [$.25]...)

Select how much you want to bet:
Choose two digits:

Check that your ecash wallet is indeed running on the following, edit if necessary: host: , port: .

Recent big winners:

If you prefer you can donnate and/or sponsor with your CyberBucks here.

Remember: The ``CyberBucks'' exchanged here have no relation with any existing real currency! (It looks like cash, it feels like cash, but it is not cash! It's an experiment, a game!)

Created/© by dl, Last change Aug 9th 1995.

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