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My World Wide Web Pages are black for 48 hours to protest second-class treatment from the US Government for free speech. Read about it at this WWW page. Note: This is a game for amusement only. There is no money involved. You will be given $1000 of virtual-dollars to start with, but this money is simply "play-money". Any wins or losses in this game are simply for fun, and no real money is changing hands.

Game Rules:

Click here to Play Blackjack!

Or here to Play Blackjack (only show card images)

Try the new experimental Roo-lette game

Preload Playing Card Bitmaps will send a page with all 52 cards, so that subsequent play will proceed faster (unless your web browser doesn't cache inline images). This operation has to send you 52 GIFs, so it may take a few minutes.

More technical details are available here.

Long standing bugs fixed:

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Universal Access Inc., November 1994