Homebrew Software's Games Home Page

Last Update 4 February 96


What's New

Math Snatchers is an exciting educational mathematics game for ages 7 and up. Arcade quality graphics make learning addition, subtraction, mulitplcation and division fun. Great digital sound effects and music. Requires: DOS, 386+, 3 Meg RAM. See the Math Snatchers page for more info. BreakIt and Speedy have also been released. See the BreakIt and Speedy pages below for more info.

We've added screen shots to a number of our game pages. Don't worry, they are optional, so you don't have to take the time if you don't want to. They shouldn't take too long since most of the screen shots are between 15K and 25K so take a look.

We have lowered all of our prices to make our products more affordable.

We also can now accept Visa and MasterCard orders for all of our products. To place an order please call (707) 451-9653 and press 2 during the first message.

Download Pages

* Bars download page

* BreakIt download page

* GateWorld download page

* Logic download page

* Math Snatchers download page

* Puzzle download page

* Speedy download page

* Star Hammer download page

* Strong Lines download page

* Time Hunters download page

* World Quest download page

* Xeno Ball download page

Go to Happy Puppy Hit Games Home Page

E-Mail to: HBSoftware@aol.com.

Contents of this page © 1996 by Homebrew Software