Software Creations has joined forces with theTotal Entertainment Network to bring you the best in on-line game playing!

Welcome to The Web BBS(tm)
The home of Apogee and 3D Realms Web Sites

The Web BBS(tm) and its continued growth is dedicated to all the people who have seen the difference we make and so generously support our efforts. We want to extend a very warm thank-you for supporting our hard work.
This site posts many new uploads every day. New users can create a new login account for free and download files from the free file sections including the Hot New Releases. You can also browse this site anonymously but you will not be allowed to download, scan, or run anything (we suggest logging in since it costs nothing). Note: Members of our dialup BBS need to login as a new user on this system (once logged in, click on Membership Info on the main menu for more information).

Please enter your login name and password, then click the Login button.

Login Name:  (ie. janedoe)
Password:    (ie. mypasswd)

Copyright © 1995 Software Creations, a division of T E Network, Inc.. All Rights Reserved.
Look & Feel, Menus, File Descriptions, Lists, Web Pages,HTML Sources, and Bulletins are Copyright © 1995 Software Creations
Software Creations ® U.S. Pat. & Tm. Off. International Classes 9, 28 & 38 U.S. Classes 22, 38, 104