We are now mirrored in Europe which will provide a faster connecion for those in the area.

This site contains only the latest and best Shareware Games and Demos. All games are for the PC (sorry my beloved SGI and Sun users.) If you have a good game you would like to see listed here, feel free to send e-mail to jonlee@bergen.gov with your suggestion. Visit often for updates to this page. Off to the games!

All games on this site are either compressed in the zip (.zip) format or are self-executable (.exe). PKUNZIP (pkunzip.exe, 29k) is required to extract compressed zip files.

I finally got around to adding a page of Hot Sites. If you know of a good games page, let me know.

I added a Games Poll which allows you to vote for your favorite game or take away the vote of your worst game.

This page has been accessed times since January 13, 1996.

New Games (Duke Nukem 3D, Warcraft II)

3D Action Games (Descent, Descent 2, FX Fighter, Magic Carpet 2, Mortal Kombat 2, Mortal Kombat 3, One Must Fall, Terminal Velocity)

Non-Action 3D Games (The Need for Speed, Virtual Pool)

Strategy Games (Command & Conquer, Master of Magic, Warcraft, Warcraft II)

Doom Clones (Dark Forces, Doom, Duke Nukem 3D, Heretic, Hexen, Rise of the Triad, WitchHaven)

Other Games (Jazz Jackrabbit, Scorched Earth)

Educational Games

This site is nothing enhanced! Feel free to browse using any software! I do not believe in Netscape-authoring! If you do find something wrong with my page, please inform me.

This page is made possible by Ms. Anne Lucey, the Webgoddess and System Admin of the world's most technological high school, the Academy for the Advancement of Science and Technology.

Thank you for visiting my page.
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Maintained by Jonathan Lee.
Last updated on February 11, 1996.