Dov's KISS Page

Maintained by Dov Sherman

Welcome to my KISS page, a source for information, software, data sets, and other useful and fun stuff related to the popular Japanese computer game KISS, the KISekae Set system.

An Introduction to KISS
KISS Programs
KISS Data Sets by Dov
More KISS Data Sets
KISS Format Specifics
KISS Utilities
Other KISS Web Pages
KISS Mailing List

Kisekae is Japanese for `changing clothes'. It's a popular play for little girls. They are given `kisekae ningyou' (dolls for changing clothes) and play changing clothes of the dolls. And, girls' manga magazines sometimes provide paper dolls and clothes for kisekae.

KISS (KISekae Set system) simulates kisekae with paper dolls on your computer. The Kiss system consists of a Kiss program and Kiss data. A Kiss data is the set of pictures. The Kiss program displays the character with several clothes (dress, shirt, socks, shoes, hat etc) and allows you to changing the clothes by manipulating them.

FKISS is the new, somewhat beta extension format that adds animation and sound to KISS. The .CEL (image maps) and .KCF (color palettes) formats are the same but FKISS adds additional codes to include in the .CNF (configuration) to allow manipulation of the cels. Not all versions of KISS support FKISS yet but it is likely more will support it in the near future.

In some KISS data sets, a doll with no clothes on will be naked. If you are too young to see nudity or think nudity is offensive or indecent, please leave this page immediately.
If, however, you find the necessity of this warning puerile and offensive, you might wish to join the Blue Ribbon Anti-Censorship Campaign.

My KISS Data Sets
I have made a few KISS data sets myself because, apparently, I have way too much free time. Both data sets must be used in a mode that supports 256 or more colors.

KISS Programs
To use these sets, you'll need the KISS program, available for many platforms:
More KISS Data Sets
Once you've got a version of KISS that will run on your system, you'll need some KISS data sets to play with:

These are the main sites where the sets listed in the Guide are located. I think I managed to include everything at these sites but you're welcome to take a look at the sites yourself:

KISS General Format Specifications
Want to learn how to code your own KISS data? You'll need to get some information on KISS Format to do that:

Unfortunately, a few programs had to be removed when the supporting FTP sites went down:
KISS Utilities
Once you're familiar with KISS format and you're ready to start making KISS data sets, you might want to pick up some of these helpful utilities:

Other KISS Web Sites
Here are some good KISS-related websites where you can find more KISS data sets, additional programs, the latest news on KISS, and documentation to help you create your own KISS sets:

The KISS Mailing List
Want to keep up to date on the latest news and discussion of KISS? Join the KISS Mailing List by sending e-mail to This is not an automatic subscriber program but the address of the mailing list maintainer so send him a nice note asking politely to be added to the mailing list. Please make sure your web browser is correctly configured to use your correct address before sending mail from this homepage.

Thanks for visiting my KISS homepage. Please send any feedback to me at:

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