Visitors from Europe, go here.

Hi, I'm Jim Knopf. Thanks for stopping in. Pull up a stool and set a spell.

It's true. I started the Shareware revolution in 1982. Be the first one on your block to know the real story about the start of Shareware.

Jim's selection of Shareware web sites

Huzzah, Huzzah. Git yer Shareware here!

Undo the top button on your shirt,
hang ten, and ... ... surf yourself silly!

For USERS of Shareware - Links to Shareware Distributors
A Gazillion Shareware programs are found here!
For USERS of Shareware - Links to Shareware Creators.
Bypass Viruses. Get your Software directly from the Author!

Geek Central Geek Gathering A Gaggle of Geeks
Dweebs' Den
Nerd Heaven Nerd Haven Nerd Hangout Nerd Hollow
The Authors' Alcove
For AUTHORS of Shareware et al.     Links to Resources

Warning: Pocket Protector zone

For the Clueless

Links to Search Injuns Engines

leap For the Careless - Links to Somewhere. You're Wild.
You're Crazy. You're out of control! Take this flying Leap into...
For the chronically curious: In 1980 I created a program (non-computer) to help people write their life stories. If you've ever wanted to write your life story, go here.

Yes, there is such a thing as a FREE lunch.

Recent Freeware written by Jim. Partake

Mail to the old gang

The business that I started in the basement of my home quickly grew into a multi-million dollar company.

Here are some of my co-workers who made it happen.

They've all moved on to more boring jobs now. Go ahead, make their day! Drop one of them a note.

My old IBM gang meets here.


This page is playing MUSIC using Netscape 2.0 with the Crescendo Plugin.

If you can't hear it and are using Netscape 2.0, click HERE and download their MIDI16 or MIDI32 file. It's easy to download and easy to install.
Then return here and enjoy the GREAT SOUNDS!


This is a User Supported Home Page. It'll only be as good as You and I make it!

I solicit your:

  • Comments
  • Suggestions for improvement
  • Corrections (bad links) - Please help!
  • Links to be added - Please help!
  • Words of despair encouragement

Send email to me (Jim, the big guy). I'd love to hear from you.


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Character and integrity are major issues

Page author:Jim Knopf
Last revised: 18 Feb 1996
Copyright © 1995-1996 Jim Knopf. All rights reserved.
PC-File, Buttonware, and Jim Button are registered trademarks of Outlook Software.

For information on PC-File or ButtonFile, contact
Outlook Software at (800)-925-5700 or (214)713-6370
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