Flash Games
Files Custom Programming Information



Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. We have heard your requests for games! Right now we are really busy working on a bigger, faster game library. Our next batch of games will be a HUGE leap from our old ones. But this might be a shock to some of you, so hold on to your computer chairs... OUR GAMES WILL ONLY WORK ON 286's AND ABOVE! Say it ain't so!

Hmmm... It has been an interesting month for Flash Games. Let me tell you what has been going on in our small town.

First of all, I (Manny Najera) have gotten completely disgusted with programming in Qbasic. I have learned TONS of new game programming techniques, and Qbasic is not a very good way to express my newfound knowledge. I have started programming more in Pascal. I chose Pascal because I program in it everyday at school, and because I'm getting pretty tired of stupid retards (no offense to our handicaped friends) thinking that C++ is the best thing sinced sliced bread.

Think of it this way, if everyone listened to the same type of music, wouldn't you want to be a little different from everyone else?

Jeff is still making the game "Robery". Whenever I call him and ask what he's doing, he always says, "Just working on Robbery". It looks pretty cool. I'm not sure about the intricicies of the game but there sure are a lot of them. Sometimes we are talking about the game when he says, "It would be cool if your guy had the choice of shooting the clerk in the head, stomach, legs or toes, and that would have some affect on his prison sentence if he is convicted." So, if you are a fan of crime, you will probably like this game. As of right now, the game only supports SoundBlaster sound cards. But soon I will bake up a batch of nice direct DMA access routines so's we can make noise on any type of sound card.

Also, we here at Flash Games seem to have started a little "Web Page and Programming Group Formation" trend. To all those people, remeber, make some games.

If you happen to have clicked the "View Source" button on your browser, you will see how strange the organization of HTML script is. This is because I am doing this entire thing in Notepad. I'm sorry but we can't afford that expensive web pulishing software. (Like you care)



Gang Wars

This is the "promo" that we created for Gang Wars when we in the process of programming it last summer. We had the honor of having Andre Tirado to work with us on this game. Andre is my sister's godparent's son. Because he lives in downtown Detroit, Michigan, he was able to act as the "hood" consultant for our game.

We were unable to complete the game, due to the fact that the sprites were too large (and my dad was disgusted with the game's content). There was not enough conventional memory to hold all the pictures. We still have the main program and the graphics, so perhaps we could remake the game again. If we were to remake Gangwars, it would have to be in C++.


Hello. My name is Manny Najera. Jeff Streets and I are members of the game programming group known as Flash Games. Jeff and I started this little partnership in August 1995. Here's a quick little history of how we got started:

A long time ago when we were in 6th grade, someone in our math class got us talking about computers. Then we started talking about programming. I talked to Jeff about this thing called GwBasic that I found on my dad's computer. We got interested in the neat little things we could make the computer do with it. Jeff and I bought books on programming in GwBasic and we learned everything we could.

Blah, blah, blah. A couple of years and girlfriends later Jeff started making little games in Qbasic. I hadn't made any games yet. Jeff's games were beginning to look really cool, so I became encouraged to start working with Qbasic.

Blah, blah, blah. More years go by. We are now in our freshman year of high school. In my spare time, I made my first real game in Qbasic. My game was called Balloon X. In Balloon X, you control a balloon floating around in space, dodging torpedoes and shrapnel bombs. There were a lot of people who liked that game and their plaudits were enough for me to consider myself a pretty good programmer.

Jeff and I started making games together then. Our first major game that we made together was Skeet Shoot. It is kind of like the clay shooting section of Nintendo's Duck Hunt. With that game, we decided to become a full-fleged programming group. We started to gather our money together to purchase things like paint programs, internet acounts and phone lines.

We also let some of our friends help out. Sometimes we get some guy to draw some stuff for us or say a couple of things in a cool accent for our games. Its real buddy-buddy like.

Now, we are into the "real deal" of programming. We program in all languages exept those fruity database button-clicking deals. We've expanded our knowlege to windows programming. We programmed a score system/timer/quiz show thing for the 1996 S.H.P.E. conference in Seattle, Washington. (S.H.P.E. Stands for the Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers). Check our their home page if you would like more information on the conference.

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Qbasic FADEing - From Manny Najera


Do you want to be able to do REAL fading in screen 13 of Qbasic? This file contains all the subs you need to give your programs that extra "buzz". Stop embarrasing yourself with those cheap fade fakes! 100% Qbasic.

Download Now! 2k

Rocket Pete - From Flash Games

Rocket Pete

Help Rocket Pete defeat the evil creations of Malus Inc. This game features side scrolling and smooth animated action. I said REAL scrolling. Created by Jeff Streets. Originaly made in Qbasic.

Download Now! 79k

Skeet Shoot - From Flash Games

Skeet Shoot

This is Flash Games first creation. Modeled after Nintendo's Duck Hunt, Skeet Shoot is basicly a game where you go around blasting those little clay discs. The animation is pretty fast, making for a really challenging game. This game can even be used to develop dexterity with the mouse! Pretty cool. Originaly made in Qbasic.

Download Now! 65k

TAOFT - A Qbasic Game From Manny Najera

Rocket Pete

This was a program that I made a while ago for a contest. The contest was set up to determine who could make the best game in only 1 note. T.A.O.F.T. (The Attack Of Foreign Trade) was the winner of that contest. Now that people in different parts of the world have a chance to see this game, I would like to remind everyone that this game in no way was meant to antagonize the Japanese or the many parts of the world that use the Pound as currency. Thank you. The left and right arrow keys move your charachter, the down arrow keys stops your charachter, and the space bar fires your plasma riffle. See what 3k can get you!

Download Now! 3k

BALLOON X - A Qbasic Game From Manny Najera

Rocket Pete

This is my (Manny Najera) first real game that I ever made. It was this game that got me started in game programming. Balloon X featured a sprite system that no one seemed to know about. We still use this sprite system today for all our games, even the ones in C++. There is even a picture of me in the game! Pretty cool considering the game is totally self-contained. The instructions for the game are written in the BAS file itself.

Download Now! 66k

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Like I said before, Flash Games is into custom programming. We can build any type of application in any language in only a small ammount of time. Unlike a lot of other people, we have previous experience!

We were asked to create a program in windows that would keep score of 6 teams, with a graphical timer that would be used to time the teams, and a large scorecard, all on 1 screen that would be seen by the whole audience in attendance. Our deadline for a demo copy of this software was two weeks. We finished it in 1 day. Snazzy graphics and all.

If you have an application that you really need, and everyone else is charging you an arm and a leg, write to Manny Najera or Jeff Streets. We will see if we can do it. But we can't do anything with network programming. It's not that we don't know how to do it. It's that we don't have the equipment to develop the software on.

It would be a nice thing if you lived in the Chicago land area. But location really doesn't matter now that everyone is wired into the internet, right? For our S.H.P.E. program, the guy who wanted it lived in Seattle, Washington. We got it there just fine.

We can even make custom games. If you have a little game idea that you would realy like to see done, drop us email and tell us about it. After all, our main expertise is in games.

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