(This Web page is enhanced with Netscape 1.1 and HTML 3.0 tags! Not using Netscape to browse the Web? Try it and see what you've been missing!)

This page contains links to downloadable shareware, freeware, and demoware games. Some of the links connect to great games, downloadable immediately, while others connect to great game collections. In addition, I have included links to sites containing utilities, patches, add-ons and other useful, game-related things. I update this page regularly, so stop by often!

Link Categories

Outstanding Games Available for Download

Great Sites from Which to Download Games

Macintosh Games

Miscellaneous Useful and Fun Stuff

Add Your Favorite Games-Related Links to DGN!


Most downloadable games for IBM-compatibles are stored in .ZIP format to save disk space and download time. To learn how to "unzip" .ZIP files, see Miscellaneous, below.

Most of the servers that contain downloadable games are very busy. Sooner or later, you will not get through to a site because of this. If that happens, just keep trying and you will eventually get through. These servers are very busy at night and on weekends. They are less busy during the day on weekdays. Please don't send me e-mail saying, "I can't download such and such." Remember, I do not maintain these servers, I just link to them!

Here is a weird problem some Netscape users have encountered. Does Netscape say "configure external viewer" or fill your screen with garbage characters when you click on a link to a file and try to download it? Here is a simple solution. Just hold down the shift key and then click on the link to the file. This allows you to manually save the file to your disk. If you are a Mac user, you can do the same thing by holding down the mouse button.

Most Mac games appear to be stored in .HQX and/or .CPT format. For more information on how to decode these types of files, check out the Utilities Archive. Please don't send me e-mail asking for technical support on Mac issues as my Mac experience is limited to occasionally playing with the Mac Plus I have in my closet. I couldn't help you even if you sent me e-mail! A much better source for help would be a Mac-specific newsgroup, such as "comp.sys.mac.misc".

Outstanding Games Available for Download

[Scorch Icon] Scorched Earth (scrch123.exe, 196K).

One of my favorite computer games is a VGA "tank versus tank" game for DOS called "Scorched Earth" (or "Scorch" for short). Create a directory called "Scorch" and copy scrch123.exe into the new directory. Run scrch123.exe, a self-extracting, compressed file, to extract the Scorch program files.

Scorched Earth version 1.5 (, 690K). This new version of Scorch is now available via anonymous FTP from

[Inner Space Icon] Inner Space (approx. 1.3 megs).

A great Windows "arcade" game and so much more. Your computer has been taken over by viruses and you must pilot your inner space cruiser to save your system. But it is more than just combat, it is adventure and strategy, too. This is a deep, fun, easy-to-learn game that has lots of replayability. The game can be customized to your play style. You can even custom build your own ships. What's more, even though it has great graphics and sound, it is not a disk or memory hog. Try it! I.S. was written by the creators of the original After Dark screen saver for Windows.

[Keen Icon] Commander Keen in "Goobye Galaxy" (, 633K).

Guide the pre-teen hero, Commander Keen, in his battles against slugs, bouncing mushrooms, and rock creatures. A classic arcade-style game for DOS. Great!

[World Empire III Icon] World Empire III (, 459K).

If you always wanted more sophistication and realism in RISK, here it is! A maddeningly addictive game that will keep you up until 3 A.M.! This is version 2.0 for Windows 3.1. Voted best shareware strategy game by Computer Gaming World. From your friends at Viable Software Alternatives.

By the way, you will need the Visual Basic driver vbrun300.dll if you don't already have it. Download (229K), unzip it, and then copy vbrun300.dll into your C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory.

[Doom Icon] Doom (, 2.4 megabytes).

The phenomenally popular, 3-D, shoot-em-up and walk-through-the-gore game. This is shareware version 1.9 - the final shareware version. Couldn't get through to the above server? Try these alternate sites: Oregon State University and Sunet. Also check out the DoomGate under Miscellaneous, below.

[Dark Forces Icon] Dark Forces (, 3.3 megs).

A Doom-like 3-D game set in the Star Wars universe. You are a rebel spy on a mission to infiltrate an Imperial base filled with killable white-armored storm troopers and other baddies. Superb graphics and smooth scrolling blaster-wielding action! My favorite sound bite from the game: "Die rebel scum!" A playable demo by Lucas Arts. Note: This game requires 8 megabytes of RAM.

Couldn't get Dark Forces from the above site? Try this alternate site in Korea. Want cheats and tips for playing Dark Forces? See the Dark Forces Home Page under Miscellaneous, below.

[Rott Icon] Rise of the Triad (, 3.7 megabytes).

Pick a character, cock your weapon, and move out! Play it over a network. Includes violence adjustment (just in case you get queasy). A superb 3-D game from Apogee. Check out the unofficial Apogee web page under Download Sites, below.

[MOM Icon] Master of Magic (momdemo.exe, 1.4 megabytes).

Strategy gaming at its finest. You are a powerful wizard controlling different fantasy races as you battle for world domination on two planes of existence! If you loved Civilization and Master of Orion, you will love Master of Magic, which combines the best elements of both games. From MicroProse Games. Note that this file is a self-extracting. Create a new directory, copy the file into that directory, and run the file to extract the installation files.

Note: You must have 3 megabytes of available expanded memory and 585K of available conventional (DOS) memory to play this game. Yeah, I know that the little error message that pops up says that you only need 1024K of expanded memory, but it's wrong. Read the "" file that comes with the installation files. To create 3 megabytes of expanded memory, make sure you have the following line in your config.sys file:

          device=c:\dos\emm386.exe RAM 3072

Don't know how much conventional and expanded memory are available? Use the

          mem /c /p

command from the DOS prompt. If you don't have enough conventional memory available, consult your DOS manual for help on how to increase available conventional memory.

Or, better yet, just run the demo from Windows 95 and forget about all of the above memory hassles!

See Miscellaneous, below, for links to the MicroProse Home Page and the Spectrum Holobyte/MicroProse Home Page.

Great Sites From Which to Download Games

Macintosh Games

Miscellaneous Useful and Fun Stuff

MPS Logo MicroProse Home Page.

Get the latest upgrades, hints, demos, and accessories for you favorite MicroProse games.

Spectrum Holobyte - MPS Logo Spectrum Holobyte/MicroProse Home Page.

Get the latest upgrades, hints, demos, and accessories for you favorite Spectrum Holobyte/MicroProse games.

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This web page is maintained by Brock Wood.

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