Welcome to JediMUD's Home Page!

"Duct tape is a lot like the force. It has a light side, and a dark side, and it holds all the pieces of the universe together."
--Source Unknown

JediMUD 4.6 Update

We have finished coding all the necessary adjustments for the new hardware. We are now simply waiting for the go-ahead to begin setting up on the new machine. We should have more information by the end of this week.

All characters have been entered into cryo-rent to preserve their equipment when we come back up. There is no need to worry about missing us when we return to the net.

Watch this space for continuing updates.

About JediMUD

JediMUD is sanctioned by Access America in Northern Georgia. JediMUD's players will be able to take advantage of a sturdy T1 connection to UUNET Technologies 10MBit backbone.

JediMUD has existed in many forms (and hey, some of them non-existent) for nearly four years. Many old friends and faces have shown up since our startup at Access America. Come see what all the r.g.m.d. brouhaha is all about!

If you have any questions, please let us know by sending us mail as indicated below.

JediMUD Resources

NEW!! JediMUD Builder's Guide Online! Thanks to Shela of JediMUD for indexing this extensive resource for us!! If you are interested in building an area for JediMUD, please check out Shela's hyperlinked index of this guide for all of the information you should need.

Mail the administrators of JediMUD.

Telnet to JediMUD. What's all the hype about? Come find out!

Access the latest online news for the game. Updated January 24, 1996!

Read the background story for Jedi.

Explore the classes of characters available on JediMUD.

Read the Usenet newsgroup rec.games.mud.diku (Not highly accurate, but a mind-bogglingly hysterical read, nonetheless.)

JediMUD's Admin Team. Their Stories. More to Come Soon!

Onivel and Moonbeam got married on October 7th, 1995. Check out their wedding page for more details.

JediMUD was named The Mud Connector's Mud of the Month for September. Check out the winner's page for details, including an interview with the administrators of JediMUD.

View a very bad, blurry photograph of the original implementors of JediMUD.
Left to right: Jeremy Elson (Ras), Fred Merkel (Torg), Cat Stanton (Romulus) and Jay Levino (Onivel). Taken outside Ames Hall at the Johns Hopkins University in September of 1992.

If you are interested in Star Wars in general, check out this comprehensive archive:
The Ultimate Star Wars Links Page

Other MUD Resources
The links below are for other Web Pages. These are not JediMUD-specific links, but I felt that they were interesting and informative to MUD players in general.

Visit the Mud Connector

RiffRaff's Unofficial List of DikuMUD Home Pages
An ever-expanding list of home pages created for DikuMUDs. Information on getting YOUR MUD's home page in here is available on the page.

An Introduction to MUDs
A very comprehensive introduction to all flavors of MUDs

How to Make Good Quests
A not-so-common sense guide to ensuring that MUDders enjoy quests!

The Dark Side DikuMUD Home Page
An extensive repository of resources pertaining to DikuMUDs.

The CircleMUD Home Page
Check out information about CircleMUD, developed by one of the original co-implementors of JediMUD, Jeremy Elson. This is a very good base for developing new MUDs.

MUDders' Rhapsody
Done to the tune of Bohemian Rhapsody.

Rob Wynne (aka Doc of JediMUD)
Special thanks to: Catherine Stanton, without whom none of this might be possible.

Comments or suggestions? Let Us Know!
Rob Wynne <doc@america.net> Last Updated: Wednesday, January 24, 1996