Useless Information

Stuff you never needed to know
but your life would be incomplete without.

Interesting true stories that your teachers skipped over in high school.
Updated February 9, 1996
Fartman - You really can earn a living releasing foul smelling gas!
Bubonic Plague - Far from the deadliest epidemic!
The Baby Derby - How many babies can a woman have in 10 years?
Nikola Tesla - He makes Thomas Edison look like a dummy.
Sleeping Beauty - A fairy tale of rape and cannibalism!
Honeybees - Watch out for exploding male genitalia!
William the Conqueror - His corpse drove worshippers running out of the church!
Total Cereal - Get out the magnets!
Grecian Formula 16 - If this stuff is clear, how does it color gray hair???
Motion Pictures - Why do those guys in the old movies move so fast?
Homogenized Milk - What does it have to do with bottles of vomit?
Noah's Ark - Not exactly a cruise ship.
Scott Toilet Paper - What did they use prior to this modern invention?
Vaseline - Yummy for your tummy(?????)
Band-Aids - They wouldn't exist if it weren't for Listerine.
Zippers and Velcro - Hey! Your fly is open!
Condoms - Find out what Condoms and Coca-Cola have in common.
Happy Birthday to You -You're breaking the law every time you sing this song!
Toothcare - Why Portuguese Urine is so important for oral hygiene!
M&M's - How do they get the M's on them?
Lightbulbs - Edison didn't invent them, and what it means to be "Westinghoused".
So You Want To Sell Your Body? - You're worth more than you think!
P. T. Barnum - How he changed the English language forever.
Microwave Ovens - Babies Cooked in the Microwave?
S. O. S Pads - The name has nothing to do with distress signals.
Teflon - If nothing sticks to it, how do they get it to stick to the pan?
Tomatoes - That red tomato is really green!
Fishes - Your English Teacher was Wrong!
7Up - A Delicious Lithium Drink
Eveready Batteries -He gave the company away to work on model trains!
PEZ - Available in Eucalyptus, Peppermint, Licorice, and Chlorophyll Flavors!

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