Adopt a Vegetarian


Welcome to the 'Adopt a Vegetarian' page. You're in luck because we just started and there are still lots of nifty famous vegetarians to adopt. Read on to find out just what that entails.

What do you mean by adopt?

Ok, here's how it goes. To adopt a vegetarian all you have to do is fill out a quick form. Your name will then be entered on the page next to the famous (or not so famous) vegetarian you have selected. Only one person may adopt each vegetarian.

In adopting a vegetarian, you are agreeing to eat twice as much meat as you normally would. In doing so, you are cancelling out any positive effect that the vegetarian may hope to achieve with their sillyness.

Why are you doing this?

You see, about two weeks ago I went to the dorm cafateria to get some dinner. When I made it to the front of the line, I saw some edible (quite a compliment for dorm food) looking ravioli. After getting the ravioli to my table, I gave it a try. Imagine my horror when I realized IT WAS FILLED WITH TOFU! I decided then and there to do something to help curb the rising vegetarian trend in the US.

So, that's what this webpage is for. It is my hope, that those vegetarians who are vegetarians in order to prevent the death of animals or to help preserve the environment will someday come to realize that we the meat-eating can undo whatever token gesture they wish to make.

The people who are vegetarians for health reasons are another matter. I am hoping that science will just hurry up and discover that red meat is actually good for you. Until then, we'll just have to concern ourselves with the moral/environmental vegetarians.

Why are you asking questions for me?

Because you're not here to ask them yourself.

Ok, how do I adopt a Vegetarian?

It's easy. Just fill out this form. Keep in mind that the guy that sent me this list got it from somewhere in the UK, so some of these famous people might not be so famous in the US.

Adoption Status
Total Vegtarians 350
Number Adopted 47
Percent Adopted 13.43%
Total Days On-line 30
Page Last Updated 2/19/96

The 'Adopt a Vegetarian' web page denies any link between participation in its adoption program and heart dissease.

Page by Ry4an Brase -
Hits counted since Feb 3, 96:

The views and opinions expressed in this page are strictly those of the page author. The contents of this page have not been reviewed or approved by the University of Minnesota.