How to Play SportSite Chess

To get started, just type in your name, email, and password on the GameMaster Page. Get your opponent to do the same if he/she is sitting next to you, or fill it out for your opponent if you are challenging someone somewhere else on the Internet.

You must remember your password, because you must type it in everytime you make a move. We've added this feature so that others who may be watching your game will not be able to make a move for you (without your password). For now, passwords are not case sensitive.

The person you are playing does not have to be on the web at the same time as you (although it might be nice so that you don't have to wait forever for that person to move). For your convenience, we've added a "Mail To" for each of the players on the Chessboard page so that you can email your opponent to let him/her know when you have finished making your move.

There is a 60 day time limit!


SportSite Chess supports castling. To castle, just move your king to its proper destination. For example, if White wants to castle to the right, type "E1G1".

Deleting Games

You can delete a game at the bottom of your game by entering both passwords. WARNING! If you delete a game, we cannot retrieve it because all traces are of your game are removed from our server.

We hope you enjoy SportSite Chess. Please email any questions, comments, or suggestions to SportSite Feedback.

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