Name: Beverly Hills 90210 Drinking Games

Type: TV

Buzz Factor: Varies

The Beverly Hills 90210 Drinking Games
The Definative 90210 Drinking Game
Created 12/17/91 by Penny Elizabeth Ann Marie Breyer
Originally intended to be used with Episode 2.18 "A Walsh Family
Christmas" aired on 12/19/91

Revised 1/28/94 by Lawrence Estep to delete some obsolete rules, and
re-word a few others.

Contributors:  Todd M Swan (lorax!,  Jeff Abbott 
(,  Lawrence Estep

Part I
Drink once whenever...
      Brandon asks someone out
      Jim and/or Cindy say something supportive (drink twice if they
        say it to someone else's kids)
      Any of the Walshes refers to Minnesota
      Steve buys something (drink twice if it's really expensive)
      Donna agrees with Kelly (about anything)
      Brandon gives Brenda advice/is that understanding-brother type
      Any of the girls say something bitchy or mean
      There is a "politically correct" moment
      It's obvious that Ahhhhndrea wants Brandon
      It's obvious that Steve wants Brandon
      Steve says something patronizing or macho
      David Silver reverts to his previous geek-like ways
      An obscure Walsh relative suddenly appears
      One of Dylan's, uh, problems comes up (drinking, Mom, etc.)
      Anyone actually pays for food at the Peach Pit
      The subject of Steve's mom's TV show, Hartley House, comes up
      There is a moral to the story
      Anyone is in a life threatening situation
      Andrea's name is mispronounced
      Steve gets physical with anyone (drink twice if it's Kelly)
      Sue, Herbert, or Nikki return
      David and Kelly have a "brotherly/sisterly" moment
      Steve commits a crime and gets off scot-free
      Donna debates about sleeping with David
      Brandon loses a bet
      Brenda and Kelly fight over Dylan
      Andrea has something awful happen to her for no apparent reason
      Jackie avoids drug use during a stressful time
      Nat urges one of the kids to "help" whatever kid is sitting
        dejectedly in the Peach Pit
      Brandon meets a girl, falls in love, and gets dumped by the end
        of the episode
      A boom mic lowers into the picture      
      Steve makes a weird sound when he starts talking
      Brandon's car gets totalled/messed up/set on fire, etc.
      The Walshes talk about installing another alarm system
      Any Walsh neighbors appear on the show
      An environmental related issue is subliminally mentioned on the
        show (recycling, environmental impact studies, etc.)
      We see the blue backdrop when the door is opened to the Peach Pit
      Surfing is mentioned by Dylan
      That cheesy sad piano version of the 90210 theme song is played
        Brandon dances or sings on the show
      We see Jim in his underpants on the show
      We see Cindy pretend to dial 911 then put the phone down without
      The original opening is used on the older episodes when Douglas
      Emerson was still a cast member
      They have another party at the spooky haunted looking house that
        they used in the Halloween show
      Anyone on the show says, "I love it, and I love you!"
      Steve's grandfather appears on the show again
      The Beverly Hills Patrol beats someone up again
      Any of the 90210 parents besides Jim and Cindy appear on the show
      Anytime a 90210 cast member guest stars on another FOX program
      Kyle (he who is unsure whether or not he likes girls) reappears 

Drink everything within reach if...
      Jim slaps Cindy
      Robinson Ashe or Cousin Bobby reappears (Bobby was the guy in the
      wheelchair who liked Kelly)
      David's friend Scott comes back from the dead
      David and Donna go all the way
      David Silver eats poprocks and soda at the same time 
      Donna says something mind-numbingly brilliant
      David falls and breaks his nose dancing
      It rains without having a major bearing on the story
      David gets a recording contract
      David or Donna lose their virginity
      Another character gets pregnant
      Any character gets married
      Steve commits murder and gets off scot-free
      No one shows up at the Walshes for a major holiday
      Mrs. Scanlon ever shows up again
      The gang is saved from death again by divine intervention
      Dylan goes an entire episode without brooding
      Kyle decides he is definitely homosexual
      Kyle sleeps with Kelly
      Anyone uses the word "ballistic" again
 Another 90210 Drinkin' Game
 Ok, folks, here it is: the semi-official 1993 Beverly Hills, 90210
 drinking game. IMHO, you'd have to be not sober to watch it anyway,
 but's that's JMO, right? :-) One word of warning: if you play this
 game as described, yo will possibly wind up with alcohol poisoning. If
 you play this game using something non-alcoholic, your bladder will
 probably explode by the first commercial break.

 Provided by: Jonathan M. Vinson (,
 Author unknown
 Drink whenever anyone:
      Gets laid:
            1 drink for Dylan, Steve, Kelly or Brandon.
            2 for Brenda, and chug for Andrea or Donna.
            If David ever gets laid, sell your wordly possessions and
           prepare for impending apocalypse.
      Tries to act intellectual: 1 drink
      Faces a moral dilemma: 1 drink
      Rosolves said dilemma stupidly: 2 drinks
      Rosolves said dilemma intelligently: chug
      Engages in witty banter with the senior Walshes: 2 drinks
      Engages in witty banter with Nat at the Peach Pit: 1 drink
      Goes to the Peach Pit: 1 drink
      Attempts to engage Donna in thoughtful conversation: 3 drinks
      Wears a bathing suit
            1 drink
            2 if it's a bikini.
            3 if it's Andrea or Donna.
            4 for Bren.
      Has a flashback - 1 swig straight from the bottle
      Whenever someone successfully calls a plot twist - 1 drink
      If you wrongly call a plot twist, but it's better than the show's
      writers could come up with - 2 drinks
      Gets laid -1 drink
      Flirts with woman - 1 drink
      Walks funny - 1 drink
      Considers cheating on current SO - 1 drink
      Cheats on SO - 2 drinks
      Surfs - 2 drinks
      Acts stupidly macho - 2 drinks
      Makes literary reference - 3 drinks
      Reads or has someone read a sample of his writing - chug

      Looks clueless - 1 drink
      Changes hairstyle to somthing resembly a hockey puck - 3 drinks
      Acts moralistic - 1 drink
      Looks glum - 1 drink
      Pats someone on the shoulder - 2 drinks
      Walks into the Peach Pit and says, "Hey, Nat!" - 1 drink
      Gets nosy - 2 drinks
      Calls anyone by a contraction of their name ( e.g. "Bren", "Kel",
      Calls Steve "Steve-O" or "Steve-a-rino" - 3 drinks
      Acts dumb - so what else is new?
      Does something really, *really* dumb - 2 drinks
      Frustrates David sexually - 1 drink
      Makes dumb facial expression - 2 drinks
      Chews gum - 2 drinks
      Looks bewildered - 2 drinks
      Wears bikini - 2 drinks
      Wears spandex - 3 drinks
      Has her body parts roamed over by the cameraman - chug
      Is told she looks beautiful - 2 drinks
      Gets drunk - 2 drinks
      Acts bitchy - 1 drink
      Acts *really* bitchy - 2 drinks
      Acts *really, really* bitchy - 3 drinks
      Acts like a normal, pleasant human being - 4 drinks
      Worries - 1 drink
      Cries - 2 drinks
      Thinks a guy is cute - 1 drink
      Fakes an accent (not French) - 1 drink
      Fakes an accent (French) - 2 drinks
      Does LaVerne - 3 drinks
      Is sad - 1 drink
      Is happy - 2 drinks
      Smiles (no teeth) - 3 drinks
      Smile (teeth) - 4 drinks
      Reference is made to her slutty days - 1 drink
      Reference is made to her nose job - 1 drink
      Does something stupid - 1 drink
      Gets a make-out scene - 1 drink
      Says, "Brenda, I can't believe you're *smoking*" or some such - 3
      Breaks up with Dylan - 2 drinks
      Looks dumb - 1 drink
      Acts dumb - 1 drink
      Commits felony - 2 drinks
      Tries to act cool - 2 drinks
      Hits on a woman - 3 drinks
      Actually succeeds with a woman - 4 drinks
      Cheats on said woman - 2 drinks
      Says something lascivious about a woman (usu. to Brandon) - 2
      Does soemthing abysmally stupid - 2 drinks
      Does anything dorky - 1 drink
      Wants to screw Donna - 2 drinks
      Is shown "on the air" - 2 drinks
      Dances - 3 drinks
      Gets pissed off - 1 drink
      Gets laid - Yeah. Right.
      Shows up - 2 drinks
      Dresses like a geek - 1 drink
 The Walshes
       Smile, act supportive, or mention Minnesota - 1 drink
       Do all three in one scene - chug
      Is shown anywhere outside the Peach Pit - 1 drink
      Acts happy to see Brenda - 2 drinks
      Acts happy to see Brandon - 1 drink
      Tells a story - 2 drinks

 Yet Another 90210 Drinkin' Game
 By: Andrew Ross Falconer (
 a.k.a. 'Drinkin with Dylan'
 The rules are simple, and feel free to add to them!
 (But be sure to mail me new rules, so I can add them to the list)
   1. Dylan drinks
   2. Exposed midriffs
   3. Parents in bathrobes
   4. References to Brenda
   5. Firm male handshakes
   6. "hey bro" (2 drinks if Brandon says it)
   7. Donna shows cleavage
   8. Intro music (2 drinks, 1 for guitar, 1 for drum machine)
   9. Steve hits on girl
  10. Anyone hits on Brandon
  11. Sympathy hugs
  12. Andrea whines
  13. Jesse flashes cheesy smile
  14. Dylan gets laid (1 drink) Brandon... (3 drinks) Steve... (5
  15. Claire wants to have sex
  16. Anytime Donna re-affirms her virginity til marriage
  17. Substance abuse
  18. Any random quote that deserves a drink (must be voted on by those
  19. Any prediction made by player that comes true
  20. And of course...whenever anybody insults you for watching 90210!
 And there you have it, if you're not passed out by the end of the
 show, add more rules! 90210 can be a truly interactive experience, if
 you drink enough!