1 \nMicrosoft (R) Remote Access Users Command Line Utility version 3.1\nCopyright (c) Microsoft Corp 1993. All rights reserved.\n 2 \nUse %1 to enumerate the users who have Remote Access permission\non a domain or on a server.\n 3 \nUsage:\n %1 [Options]\n\n %1 DomainName\n\n %1 ServerName\n 4 \nOptions:\n /help Display brief usage message\n /? Display brief usage message\n 5 \nExample:\n %1 MICROSOFT\n\n %1 \rasserver\n\n 6 \nSystem error %1 occured.\n\n 7 \nLoad Library failed winth error: %1\n 8 \nFormat Message failed with error: %1\n 9 \nInternal Error occured. Please contact Microsoft Support.\n