4 [ERROR] Critical Error, Can't proceed, aborting... 5 [ERROR] Tape Object initialization failed. 6 [ERROR] couldn't read the media properties. 7 Copyright (c) 1998-99 Microsoft Corporation \n\nMicrosoft tape format(MTF) verification tool. Version 1.24(4/29/99)\nThis utility check a given media family to make sure that\nits format is fully compliant with Microsoft specifications. \n \n===========================================================\n\n 8 [ERROR] Couldn't read tape block. 9 [ERROR] Tape header not found. 10 [ERROR] Possible corruption in tape header. 11 [ERROR] Couldn't read data for valid ESET. 12 [ERROR] Valid ESET not found. 13 [NOTE] Suspicious state, next operations may go wrong. 14 [ERROR] FileMark should follow SSET 15 [ERROR] 'Tape Mark' expected here, it should be followed by any new SSET. 16 [INFO] No more 'TapeMark' found, No more set assumed 17 [WARNING] Previous read was supposed to end at LogicalBlockBoundary. 18 [NOTE] Couldn't read data for SSET, possible end of all sets. 19 [ERROR] Couldn't read data for, severe error. 20 [WARNING] VOLB, DIRB or FILE block was expected before current block. 21 [WARNING] EOTM or CFIL DBLK found within current SET. 22 [ERROR] Skipping this block because the DBLK type is unknown or corrupted data. 23 [Media State] Media is in Unknown state at 24 [Media State] End of data mark has been found at 25 [Media State] Media is Normal at 26 [Media State] File mark has been detected at 27 [Media State] End of media found at 28 [ERROR] DBLK header checksum is invalid. 29 [WARNING] Reserve field has been used. 30 [WARNING] Some undocumented Attribute bits are in use. 31 [WARNING] First event field has illegal value. 32 [ERROR] First Event is larger than Physical Block Size. 33 [WARNING] Value of first event field should point to double word boundary. 34 [WARNING] OS ID implies data wasn't written in windows platform. 35 [ERROR] Control block ID should be zero here. 36 [ERROR] Control block ID sequence number is invalid. 37 [WARNING] Format logical address may be wrong. 38 [WARNING] Couldn't align DBLK to FormatLogicalAddress next operation might fail. 39 [ERROR] Abnormal value in first event field in current DBLK. 40 [ERROR] While aligning next stream associated with the current DBLK. 41 [WARNING] Value of the first event field will be aligned to double word boundary 42 [ERROR] DBLK must be aligned with the FormatLogicaAddress boundary . 43 [ERROR] Checksum failed in TapeHeader 44 [ERROR] Format logical address or control block ID doesn't match. 45 [ERROR] Invalid tape Attribute. 46 [ERROR] The software name preparing this data looks invalid. 47 [ERROR] Invalid FormatLogicalBlock Size. 48 [ERROR] Invalid media write data. 49 [WARNING] Unsupported MTF Version. 50 [ERROR] Some inconsistency in SET DBLK header. 51 [ERROR] FormatLocalAddress in header is invalid. 52 [ERROR] Some reserve attribute field are in use. 53 [ERROR] Invalid vendor ID or it is zero. 54 [ERROR] Set number are not in sequence, or invalid number. 55 [ERROR] Invalid Set name. 56 [ERROR] Invalid Set descriptor. 57 [ERROR] Invalid Password. 58 [ERROR]Invalid User Name.. 59 [ERROR] Invalid set write date. 60 [WARNING] Catalog type may be wrong. 61 [WARNING] This set doesn't have any catalog. 62 [ERROR] Error in volume dblk header. 63 [WARNING] Format logical address field in the current DBLK may be incorrect. 64 [WARNING] Some undocumented bit in the volume attribute field are in use. 65 [ERROR] Invalid device name or the device name is missing. 66 [WARNING] Invalid volume name, or the name is missing. 67 [ERROR] Invalid machine name, or it is missing. 68 [ERROR] Invalid volume write date. 69 [ERROR] Invalid Dir modification date. 70 [ERROR] Some undocumented bit in DIR DBLK are in use. 71 [ERROR] Some inconsistency in DIR DBLK Header. 72 [ERROR] Invalid Directory creation date. 73 [WARNING] Invalid Dir Backup Date, or it has been filled with zero. 74 [WARNING] Invalid Directory archive date. 75 [ERROR] Invalid Dir sequence number. 76 [ERROR] Invalid directory name. 77 [ERROR] Invalid file name. 78 [WARNING] Filename stored in different block. 79 [ERROR] Invalid file sequence number. 80 [ERROR] Invalid parent directory sequence number. 81 [ERROR] Invalid file archive date. 82 [WARNING] Invalid File Backup Date, or it has been filled with zero. 83 [ERROR] Invalid file creation date. 84 [ERROR] Invalid file modification date. 85 [ERROR] Some undocumented file attribute bit are in use. 86 [ERROR] Some inconsistency in FILE DBLK header. 87 [ERROR] Invalid media write date in ESET DBLK. 88 [ERROR] Invalid set number in current ESET DBLK, it doesn't follow the SSET set number. 89 [ERROR] Some undocumented bit in the ESET attribute are in use. 90 [ERROR] Inconsistency are in ESET DBLK header. 91 [ERROR] FormatLogicalAddress must be zero here. 92 [ERROR] This ESET must be proceeded by a tape mark. 93 [ERROR] ESET was expected here. 94 [WARNING] Current stream type is proprietary or undocumented. Will be ignored. 95 [ERROR] Severe problem, current position doesn't have stream looking data. 96 [ERROR] Checksum data size must be four. 97 [ERROR] Checksum data couldn't be read. 98 [ERROR] Header checksum failed in checksum stream. 99 [ERROR] Checksum failed in current stream header. 100 [ERROR] Media Format Attribute reserve bit in Stream is in use . 101 [ERROR] Filesystem Attribute reserve bit in Stream is in use. 102 [ERROR] SPAD stream should end at FLA boundary. 103 [ERROR] Stream data read error. 104 [ERROR] Stream header data couldn't be read. 105 \nPhysical Parameters: \n Physical Block Size: %d \n Format Logical Block Size: %d 106 \n\nTape:%3d, Backup Set:%3d, DIR :%4d, File:%d 107 \nVOL :%3d, ESET :%3d, DBLK:%4d\n 108 \nWarnings : %d 109 \nErrors : %d 110 \nCritical Errors: %d 111 \nNumber of block(FLA) skipped from Verification is: %d 112 [ERROR] File mark was expected here. 113 [ERROR] End Of Media marker was expected here. 114 Tape position 115 \n [WARNING] Possible wastage of space: %d bytes. 116 \n [ERROR] Tape Sequence number mismatch (Prev:%d, Curr: %d) 117 \n SoftWare Name preparing this tape:%s 118 \n [ERROR] Checksum Failed stored SUM:%d, and calculated SUM:%d 119 \n Current File ID:%d, Expected ID: %d.\n ); 120 \n Current Directory ID:%d, Expected ID: %d. 121 Critical error in data orientation, couldn't find next stream. 122 \n Curr FormatLogicalAddress: %d, Prev FormatLogicalAddress %d. 123 ESPB was expected here. 124 \nSSET Dblk: 125 VOLB Dblk: 126 DIRB Dblk: 127 FILE Dblk: 128 ESET Dblk: 129 ESPB Dblk: 130 \nAll output will be written to the report file: %s. \n 131 Current stream ID: %x. 132 [ERROR] Media Name is invalid, or missing. 133 \n Media Name is %s 134 \n Data Set number: %d 135 \nMTFCHECK [-Ttapename] [-RReportFileName] [-Fn] [-Sn] [-E[L]] [-L"Label"] [-T1SecondTapeName].\n 136 \n -TTapeName Name of the tape to operate on. 137 \n -RreportFileName Name of the report file if other than report.txt. 138 \n -Fn File number to restore from a set on a tape. \n File number can be obtained from the report file. 139 \n -Sn Set number on the media while restoring a file. Set \n number is also available from the report file.\n 140 \n -E Erase the tape without zeroing all. It's faster. 141 \n -EL Erase the tape zeroing all the data on the tape\n (long erase). 142 \n\nMtfCheck will operate on the device: %s. 143 \nCouldn't initialize the session, operation aborted. 144 \nTapeHeader must be followed by a TapeMark, aborting. 145 \n\n\nVerify Microsoft Tape Format (MTF) Data on the media.\n 146 [ERROR] Spanning error, previous tape object isn't there 147 \nLast Win32 Error : %s 148 [ERROR] Couldn't get current Head position 149 Unsupported medium Format Logical block size bigger than PhysicalBlockSize 150 \n Set Name:%s 151 \n User Name:%s 152 \n Vol Name:%s 153 \n Machine Name:%s\n 154 \n Dir:%s, Dir No. %d 155 \n File:%s File No:%d 156 \n[NOTE] Total Byte Skipped to get next TapeMark %d. 157 [ERROR] Critical internal error pushdata/Testdata 158 [WARNING] Data buffer resetting at the begining of set 159 \n This Backup set is marked as %s. 160 "\nEOTM Dblk: 161 \n [WARNING]Current position doesn't have stream header(zero filled). 162 \n [NOTE] Some inconsistency in TAPE header stream. 163 \nNew Media Label is: %s 164 \n -L"Label" Label the media while erasing tape.\n 165 \n -T1SecondTapeName 2nd tape name if data spawns over media.\n\n 166 MSLS was expected here. 167 MSTL was expected here. 168 \nMSTL Dblk: 169 MSDA was expected here. 170 \nMSDA Dblk: 171 MSCI was expected here. 172 \nMSCI Dblk: 173 \nMSLS Dblk: 174 \n -L option must be used with the -E option.\n 175 \n -V View list of media mtfcheck can operate on. 176 \n -M"Media Name" Name of the media from the list (from V-option). 177 \n -D"Drive Name" Name of the drive from the list (from V-option). 178 \n -X"Slot Name" Name of the Slot from the list (from V-option)\n\n. 179 \nMedia Name: Media Location: Pool: Slot:\n------------------------------------------------------------ 180 \n%-25s%-20s%-10s%-10s 181 \n\nTotal Media = %d\n 182 \nNTMS didn't mount and load the media, please check media specification as well as the media status in the NTMS pool\n\n 183 \nCouldn't verify the access right, only Administrator is allowed to execute erase operation \n\n 184 \nDone.\n\n 185 \nCouldn't set new NTMS media label info, issue full NTMS inventory" 186 \n Couldn't get media list from NTMS 187 \n [NOTE] This DBLK is within EndOFMedia Zone. 188 \n *[NOTE] This Dblk is an continuation DBLK from a spawning media. 189 \n [NOTE] Data to read = %d, it's a severe problem if its not in the End of Media Zone. 190 \n [NOTE] Current stream of length %d is associated with a spawning file.