Web Time 2.0 Free Beta. This application requires Visual Basic V5.0 (Service Pack 2) runtime files that are up to date September 97 or better. ************************************************************************ Application Requirements: Windows 95 (A or B version) 8MB Ram (16 Recommended) Windows 95 Dialup Connection ************************************************************************ *Straight Forward Agreement* This application has no warranty/Guarantee or promise of any kind. It has been tested on Windows 95 (A and B Versions) and found to be stable on the machines it was tested on. Mike Phelps and/or MR Phelps Enterprises will not make any promises/warranties/guarantees as to how this application will act/perform on YOUR computer. Mike Phelps and/or MR Phelps Enterprises has made every effort to make this program as safe and reliable as knowledgeably possible. If you do not accept this agreement, then please do not install this application on your computer. ************************************************************************ What it is/does Web Time 2.0 Free Beta is simply that....A program to time your web usage. You can use it to make sure you don't go over your monthly allowed time or to see how addicted you (or the kids) really are to the net :-) It keeps total time...until you reset it. It times the current connection. It lets you set an alarm time (on or off the web). Set it to clear your times on a specified day of the month. Connect to the web from it. Create shortcuts to the Desktop and Startup Group automatically. ************************************************************************ This program is currently for Windows 95 only. The most important features do work in Windows NT 4.0, but a couple of the lesser important DO NOT. This program is FREEWARE. You may use and distribute it any way you want, as long as you DO NOT disassemble, recompile, change or infect it with viruses.This program may be distributed on the condition that it is distributed in full and unchanged, and that no fee is charged for such distribution with the exception of reasonable shipping and media charges. A .Dep file is included in the directory you setup the program in, which tells you what files are included/needed. Unzip this file to any folder and run Setup.exe. You may be required to reboot and re-run setup if these newer Visual Basic files were needed. After Setup and rebooting, you can delete the unzipped files. ************************************************************************ Once setup, right click on the icon in the system tray. You have several choices. 1) Create Shortcut. Makes shortcuts to the Desktop and Startup Group. 2) Set Alarm Let's you set an alarm time to notify you when to "Get Off Line". You must enter the time according to your system time. (EX= 02:15 or 2:15 or 14:15) You can see this by looking at the clock in your system tray (bottom right corner Of the screen. AM/PM is not necessary and will not be accepted in the text box. 3) Show Me/Hide Me Puts the program on the screen for viewing / Sends the form back to the tray, out of your way. Right click on the form or the tray icon to see the popup menu. The menu changes depending on weather the form is in the tray or on the screen. 4) Clear Time. Set's times to 00:00:00. 5) Disable. Disables the timer that watches for your dialup connection and stops the timer. 6) Connect To Web Pretty self explanatory. If you connect to the web by means of another application You will not be able to use Web Time 2.0 to disconnect that connection, however as long as your connection is a Windows 95 Dialup connection, Web Time 2.0 will time it. 7) Exit - Self explanatory. ************************************************************************ Deleting Shortcuts 1)To delete the shortcut to your "Startup Group" complete the following: A. Click on Start\Settings\Taskbar... B. Click on the "Start Menu Programs" tab. C. Click on the "Remove" button. D. Click the "+" next to the "Startup" folder. E. Click on "Shortcut to Web Time 2.0". F. Click the "Remove" button. Delete Desktop shortcut 2)To delete the shortcut to your "Desktop" complete the following: A. Right click on the "Shortcut to Web Time 2.0" icon. B. Choose delete from the menu. OR A. Left click on the "Shortcut to Web Time 2.0" icon. B. Press the "Delete" key on your keyboard. ************************************************************************ UnInstalling this program Web Time 2.0 can be uninstalled by using the normal Windows 95 uninstall. To uninstall the Web Time 2.0 application complete the following: A. Click Start\Settings\Control Panel. B. Double click on the "Add/Remove Programs" icon. C. Find "Web Time 2.0" in the list and click on it. D. Click the "Add/Remove" button and follow any instructions. ************************************************************************ WebTim20.Ini File This application maintains an WebTim20.Ini file in your Windows folder. This .Ini file can be deleted without harm to your system or the application. If it is deleted, you will simply have to reset a few settings the next time you start the application. It is possible that this file may not be deleted during an uninstall. If this is true then you can simply use "File Explorer" to navigate your way to your "Windows" folder, find "WebTim20.ini" and delete it. ************************************************************************ This program has a few new features planned. So if you want upgrades, you need to register with me. I do not sale e-mail addresses and I do not spam, so please don't worry about getting junk mail or e-mail because of registering with me. I use your address ONLY to contact you when the program is updated. If you have questions, comments and/or suggestions...by all means e-mail me. Programs only get better by feedback from the actual users...YOU! Thanks for taking the time to read a readme.txt file. Author: Mike R. Phelps mrphelps@cyberservices.com http://users.ccsdana.net/mrphelps Web Time 2.0 and Web Time 2.0 Free Beta ©1997-98 Mike R. Phelps MR Phelps Enterprises ReadMe.Txt - Sunday, January 11, 1998