102 General 103 Client 104 General 105 Authenticate 106 Properties for authenticated client controls 107 Properties for general client controls 108 Server 109 Properties for general server controls 111 Error setting OutputDocStream property 998 Properties 999 General properties 1000 Properties... 1001 Error sending 1002 Error receiving 1003 Error connecting 1004 Error disconnecting 1005 Wrong protocol or connection state for the requested transaction or request 1006 Error when parsing: data supplied by the server is of unexpected format 1007 Early close issued which was not expected 1008 Busy: an action was requested that can't be completed because protocol instance is busy waiting for a response 1009 Unknown error 1010 Internal error 1011 Timed-out: response to a request or notification about an event was not received in the expected time span 1012 Out of Memory 1013 The argument passed to a function was not in the correct format or in the specified range 1014 The protocol reply to a request indicates that there was an error in the reply 1015 Authentication failed 1016 The connection is busy waiting for a reply from the server. 1100 Successful 1101 Unsupported variant types 1102 Invalid URL: URL not recognized 1103 Invalid operation at current state 1104 Argument is out of range 1105 Property cannot be set in the current protocol or connection state. 1106 Invalid type for %s property 1107 %s property should be in the range %ld - %ld 1108 Property 1150 Invalid hostname value 1200 PlaceHolder for zero index - this state does not exist and indicates an internal error 1201 Connecting 1202 Resolving Host 1203 Resolved Host 1204 Connected 1205 Disconnecting 1206 Disconnected 1210 Base 1211 Transaction 1220 Base 1221 Transaction 1230 Base 1231 Authorization 1232 Transaction 1240 Base 1241 Authorization 1242 Transaction 1243 Update 1250 Base 1251 Transfering 1300 Firewall base state: Disconnected 1301 Connected to Firewall host 1302 Received 220 message from Firewall host 1303 Username accepted by Firewall host 1304 Authenticated by Firewall host 1305 Connected to external host through Firewall 1306 Disconnecting from external host 1902 File or directory not found 1913 Permission to access this file denied 1917 Cannot create file that already exists 1922 Invalid path name or other argument 1924 Too many files already open 1928 Not enough space on disk (disk full) 2104 Port Command Failed. Unable to open Port. 2105 Abort Command Failed. Unable to Abort last command. 2106 Account Command Failed. Unable to complete. 2107 Change Directory command Failed. Unable to change to specified directory. 2108 Connect Command Failed. Unable to connect to remote host. 2109 Create Directory Command Failed. Unable to create specified directory. 2110 Delete Directory Command Failed. Unable to delete specified directory. 2111 Delete File Command Failed. Unable to delete specified file. 2112 Disconnect Command Failed. Unable to disconnect from remote host. 2113 Get File Command Failed. Unable to retrieve specified file. 2114 Help Command Failed. Unable to retrieve help from remote host. 2115 NOOP Command Failed. Control connection error. 2116 Name List Command Failed. Unable to retrieve Named list; possible data connection error. 2117 List Command Failed. Unable to retrive detailed list; possible data connection error. 2118 Parent directory Command Failed. Unable to change directory up. 2119 Print Directory Command Failed. Unable to print current directory of remote host. 2120 Put File Command Failed. Unable to put file on remote host. 2121 Put Unique File Command Failed. Unable to put unique file on remote host. 2122 Reinitialize Command Failed. Unable to reinitialize login on remote host. 2123 Rename File Command Failed. Unable to rename specified file on remote host. 2124 Retrieve File Command Failed. Unable to retrieve specified file from remote host. 2125 Status Command Failed. Unable to retrieve status from remote host. 2126 System Command Failed. Unable to issue SYST command to remote host. 2127 Type Command Failed. Unable to set transfer type on remote host. 2128 Error setting OutputDocStream property 2129 Error setting InputDocStream property 2130 No error detected 2131 Firewall host could not complete the OPEN command 2132 Firewall host rejected the username 2133 Authentication with the Firewall host failed 2134 Firewall host could not complete the SITE command 2135 Firewall host could not complete the USER user@host command 2138 General 2139 General properties for the FTPCT control 2154 %s, please enter your password. 2155 Please enter your e-mail address as password. 2156 %s command successful. 2157 Command not implemented. 2158 The following commands are recognized. (* => not implemented) \n 2159 ABOR ACCT* ALLO APPE CDUP CWD DELE \n 2160 HELP LIST MKD MODE NLST NOOP PASS \n 2161 PASV* PORT PWD QUIT REIN REST* RETR \n 2162 RMD RNFR RNTO SITE* SMNT* STAT STOR \n 2163 STOU* STRU SYST TYPE USER \n 2164 %s Windows NT NetManage Chameleon32 FTP Server (Version %s) ready. 2165 %s FTP Server status: \n 2166 Version %s on %s \n 2167 Connected to %s \n 2168 Logged in as %s \n 2169 TYPE: %s, FORM: Nonprint; STRUcture: File; transfer MODE: Stream \n 2170 End of status. \n 2171 Maximum connection(%d) reached. 2201 General 2202 General properties for the NNTPCT control 2203 NNTP server does not allow posting. 2301 General 2302 General properties for the SMTPCT control 2303 Unable to send mail. 2304 Can't create temporary mail file. 2306 Unable to send mail: invalid header. 2403 General 2404 General properties for the POP Client Control 2450 RetrieveMessage Command failed. Unable to retrieve message. 2451 Delete Command failed. Unable to delete message. 2452 Reset Command failed. Unable to unmark deleted message(s). 2453 Last Command failed. Unable to find the highest message number accessed by client. 2454 RefreshMessageCount Command failed. Unable to ascertain the number of messages marked as deleted. 2455 Noop Command failed. Unable to test the connection. 2456 Quit Command failed. Error while quitting. 2457 TopMessage Command failed. Unable to retrieve the TopLines of the message. 2500 Empty REQUEST_METHOD. OnOtherRequest() event fired. 2501 Unrecognized REQUEST_METHOD: "%1". OnOtherRequest() event fired. 2502 General 2503 General Properties for HTTPCT control 2552 General 2553 General properties for the WCGI control 3101 Encoding format is required for icOtherMIMEType. Operation cancelled. 3102 Unrecognized Encoding Format. Operation cancelled. 3103 Unrecognized MIME type. Operation cancelled. 3104 Missing or invalid source file. Operation cancelled. 3105 Unable to create output file. Operation cancelled. 3156 General 3157 General Properties for MIME control 4001 General 4003 General Properties for TCP control 5000 General 5001 General properties for the HTML control 5012 Times New Roman,24,FW_BOLD,ANSI_CHARSET,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 5013 Times New Roman,18,FW_BOLD,ANSI_CHARSET,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 5014 Times New Roman,14,FW_BOLD,ANSI_CHARSET,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 5015 Times New Roman,12,FW_BOLD,ANSI_CHARSET,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 5016 Times New Roman,10,FW_BOLD,ANSI_CHARSET,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 5017 Times New Roman,8,FW_BOLD,ANSI_CHARSET,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 5018 Times New Roman,12,NONE,ANSI_CHARSET,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 5019 Courier New, 10,NONE,ANSI_CHARSET,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 6001 Exceed maximum number of connections 10004 The operation is canceled 10013 The requested address is a broadcast address, but flag is not set 10014 Invalid argument 10022 Socket not bound, invalid address or listen is not invoked prior to accept 10024 No more file descriptors are available, accept queue is empty 10035 Socket is non-blocking and the specified operation will block 10036 A blocking winsock operation is in progress 10037 The operation is completed. No blocking operation is in progress. 10038 The descriptor is not a socket 10039 Destination address is required 10040 The datagram is too large to fit into the buffer and is truncated 10041 The specified port is the wrong type of this socket 10042 Option unknown, or unsupported 10043 The specified port is not supported 10044 Socket type not supported in this address family 10045 Socket is not a type that supports connection oriented service 10047 Address Family is not supported 10048 Address in use 10049 Address is not available from the local machine 10050 Network subsystem failed 10051 The network cannot be reached from this host at this time 10052 Connection has timed out when SO_KEEPALIVE is set 10053 Connection is aborted due to timeout or other failure 10054 The connection is reset by remote side 10055 No buffer space is available 10056 Socket is already connected 10057 Socket is not connected 10058 Socket has been shut down 10060 The attempt to connect timed out 10061 Connection is forcefully rejected 10093 NMWinsockInit should be called first 10201 Socket already created for this object 10202 Socket has not been created for this object 11001 Authoritative answer: Host not found 11002 Non-Authoritative answer: Host not found 11003 Non-recoverable errors 11004 Valid name, no data record of requested type