:Base exchdoc.hlp :Index Microsoft Exchange Server version 5.0 =exchdoc5.hlp :Link exchdoc5.hlp :include Exchdoc5.cnt 1 Installation Guide 2 Before You Begin 3 Before You Begin=EXIGWW_01>main 3 What You Need to Know 4 What You Need to Know=EXIGWW_002 4 Background Knowledge=EXIGWW_003 4 Server Requirements=EXIGWW_004 4 Client Requirements 5 Client Requirements=EXIGWW_005 5 Updating Windows 95=EXIGWW_006 5 Updating Windows for Workgroups=EXIGWW_007 2 Document Conventions=EXIGWW_008 3 What Are You Installing?=EXIGWW_009 3 Where to Look for More Information 4 Where to Look for More Information=EXIGWW_010 4 Microsoft Exchange Server Documentation=EXIGWW_011 4 Microsoft Exchange Client Documentation=EXIGWW_012 2 Microsoft Support Network 3 Microsoft Support Network=EXIGPS_01 4 Priority Support 5 Priority Support=EXIGPS_002 5 Text Telephone=EXIGPS_003 2 Product Support Worldwide=EXIGPS_004 2 Chapter 1 Overview of the Installation and Setup Process 3 Overview of the Installation and Setup Process=EXIG01_01 2 Chapter 2 Planning Your Organization 3 Planning Your Organization=EXIG02_01 3 Planning Overview 4 Planning Overview=EXIG02_002 4 Assessing Your Needs and Resources=EXIG02_003 4 Prototyping Your Organization=EXIG02_004 4 Planning and Implementing Your Microsoft Exchange Server Rollout=EXIG02_005 3 Planning Worksheets 4 Planning Worksheets=EXIG02_006 4 Organization Planning Worksheet=EXIG02_007 4 Site Planning Worksheet=EXIG02_008 4 Server Planning Worksheet=EXIG02_009 2 Chapter 3 Setting Up Servers and Sites 3 Setting Up Servers and Sites=EXIG03_01 3 Preparing for Server Setup=EXIG03_002 3 Setting Up Servers 4 Setting Up Servers=EXIG03_003 4 Creating the Service Account=EXIG03_004 4 Installing Server Software=EXIG03_005 4 Granting Permissions for the Site and Configuration=EXIG03_006 2 Adding Sites to Your Organization=EXIG03_007 3 Verifying Server and Site Setup=EXIG03_008 2 Chapter 4 Setting Up Clients 3 Setting Up Clients=EXIG04_01 3 Server Installation Tasks 4 Server Installation Tasks=EXIG04_002 4 Creating a Client Installation Point or Network Share=EXIG04_003 4 Creating Client Mailboxes on Microsoft Exchange Server 5 Creating Client Mailboxes on Microsoft Exchange Server=EXIG04_004 5 Configuring Client Setup=EXIG04_005 3 Installing the Getting Started Guide Public Folder=EXIG04_006 3 Client Installation Tasks 4 Client Installation Tasks=EXIG04_007 4 Installing the Microsoft Exchange Client Software 5 Installing the Microsoft Exchange Client Software=EXIG04_008 5 Network Share Installation=EXIG04_009 5 Local Installation from a File Server or CD-ROM=EXIG04_010 3 Configuring the Client Profile=EXIG04_011 2 Verifying Client Setup=EXIG04_012 2 Chapter 5 Connecting Sites and Other Systems 3 Connecting Sites and Other Systems=EXIG05_01 3 Connector Summary 4 Connector Summary=EXIG05_002 4 Site Connector=EXIG05_003 4 Dynamic RAS =EXIG05_004 4 Microsoft Mail for PC Networks=EXIG05_005 4 Microsoft Mail for Appletalk Networks=EXIG05_006 4 X.400=EXIG05_007 4 Internet Mail=EXIG05_008 2 Setting Up the Site Connector=EXIG05_009 3 Setting Up the Dynamic RAS Connector=EXIG05_010 3 Setting Up the Microsoft Mail Connector=EXIG05_011 3 Setting Up the X.400 Connector=EXIG05_012 3 Setting Up the Internet Mail Connector=EXIG05_013 2 Appendix A Installing Microsoft Exchange in a Novell NetWare 3 Appendix A Installing Microsoft Exchange in a Novell NetWare=EXIGAA_01 3 System Requirements for Coexistence with Novell NetWare=EXIGAA_002 3 Integrating Novell NetWare Clients with Microsoft Exchange 4 Integrating Novell NetWare Clients with Microsoft Exchange=EXIGAA_003 4 Updating NWIPXSPX.DLL=EXIGAA_004 4 Editing the NetWare Client NET.CFG File=EXIGAA_005 4 Mapping Drives Directly to a User s Home Directory=EXIGAA_006 3 Configuring Coexistence with Novell NetWare 4 Configuring Coexistence with Novell NetWare=EXIGAA_007 4 Configuring Ethernet Frame Types for Windows NT Server Computers=EXIGAA_008 4 Installing the SAP Agent=EXIGAA_009 4 Enabling File Scan on NetWare Servers=EXIGAA_010 4 Installing the Gateway Service for NetWare Connections 5 Installing the Gateway Service for NetWare Connections=EXIGAA_011 5 Support for Windows, Windows for Workgroups, and MS-DOS Clients=EXIGAA_012 5 Support for Windows 95 Clients =EXIGAA_013 5 Support for Windows NT Clients=EXIGAA_014 2 Appendix B Accessibility for People with Disabilities 3 Accessibility for People with Disabilities=EXIGAB_01 3 Microsoft Services for People Who Are Deaf or Hard-of-Hearing=EXIGAB_002 3 Access Packs for Microsoft Windows and Microsoft Windows NT=EXIGAB_003 3 Keyboard Layouts for Single-Handed Users=EXIGAB_004 3 Microsoft Documentation in Alternative Formats=EXIGAB_005 3 Third-Party Utilities to Enhance Accessibility=EXIGAB_006 3 Customizing Windows or Windows NT=EXIGAB_007 3 Getting More Information for People with Disabilities=EXIGAB_008 1 Concepts and Planning Guide 2 Before You Begin 3 Before You Begin=EXCPWW_01 3 Microsoft Exchange Server Documentation 4 Microsoft Exchange Server Documentation=EXCPWW_002 4 About This Book=EXCPWW_003 2 For More Information=EXCPWW_004 3 Document Conventions=EXCPWW_005 2 Chapter 1 Introduction to Microsoft Exchange Server 3 Introduction to Microsoft Exchange Server=EXCP01_01 3 Benefits of Microsoft Exchange Server 4 Benefits of Microsoft Exchange Server =EXCP01_002 4 Centralized Administration 5 Centralized Administration=EXCP01_003 5 Organizations and Sites=EXCP01_004 5 Administrator Program=EXCP01_005 3 Connectivity=EXCP01_006 4 Adaptability=EXCP01_007 4 Security=EXCP01_008 4 Monitoring, Troubleshooting, and Optimizing=EXCP01_009 3 Server and Client Components 4 Server and Client Components=EXCP01_010 4 Server Components=EXCP01_011 4 Client Components=EXCP01_012 4 Microsoft Exchange Client 5 Microsoft Exchange Client=EXCP01_013 5 Elements of Microsoft Exchange Client=EXCP01_014 5 Managing Information=EXCP01_015 3 Microsoft Schedule+=EXCP01_016 4 Microsoft Exchange Forms Designer=EXCP01_017 2 Chapter 2 Storing and Maintaining Information 3 Storing and Maintaining Information=EXCP02_01 3 Information Store 4 Information Store=EXCP02_002 4 Public Folders 5 Public Folders=EXCP02_003 5 Controlling Access to Public Folders=EXCP02_004 5 Maintaining Public Folders=EXCP02_005 5 Public Folder Replication=EXCP02_006 5 Viewing Public Folder Contents=EXCP02_007 3 Directory 4 Directory=EXCP02_008 4 Directory Components=EXCP02_009 4 Directory Usage 5 Directory Usage=EXCP02_010 5 Controlling Access to the Directory=EXCP02_011 5 Permissions and Inheritance=EXCP02_012 4 Directory Replication 5 Directory Replication=EXCP02_013 5 Directory Replication Within a Site=EXCP02_014 5 Directory Replication Between Sites=EXCP02_015 3 Maintaining User Information 4 Maintaining User Information=EXCP02_016 4 Mailbox=EXCP02_017 4 Profile=EXCP02_018 4 Offline Folder File =EXCP02_019 4 Personal Folder File =EXCP02_020 4 Address Book=EXCP02_021 4 Schedule File=EXCP02_022 4 Security File =EXCP02_023 4 Forms Libraries=EXCP02_024 2 Chapter 3 Security Model 3 Security Model=EXCP03_01 3 User Authentication 4 User Authentication=EXCP03_002 4 User Accounts=EXCP03_003 4 Group Accounts=EXCP03_004 4 Service Accounts=EXCP03_005 2 Permissions=EXCP03_006 3 Auditing=EXCP03_007 3 Advanced Security 4 Advanced Security=EXCP03_008 4 Key Management Server=EXCP03_009 4 Advanced Security Keys 5 Advanced Security Keys=EXCP03_010 5 Certificates=EXCP03_011 5 Revocation=EXCP03_012 2 Chapter 4 Connectors 3 Connectors=EXCP04_01 3 Site Connector=EXCP04_002 3 Dynamic RAS Connector=EXCP04_003 3 Internet Mail Connector 4 Internet Mail Connector=EXCP04_004 4 How the Internet Mail Connector Works 5 How the Internet Mail Connector Works=EXCP04_005 5 Inbound Mail=EXCP04_006 5 Outbound Mail=EXCP04_007 5 Addressing and Routing=EXCP04_008 3 Using the Internet Mail Connector With DNS=EXCP04_009 4 Using the Internet Mail Connector Without DNS=EXCP04_010 4 Internet Mail Formats 5 Internet Mail Formats=EXCP04_011 5 Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME)=EXCP04_012 5 UUEncode and UUDecode=EXCP04_013 5 Microsoft Exchange Server Rich Text Formatting=EXCP04_014 5 Choosing a Formatting Method=EXCP04_015 3 X.400 Connector 4 X.400 Connector=EXCP04_016 4 TNEF and MDBEF=EXCP04_017 3 Microsoft Mail Connector (PC) 4 Microsoft Mail Connector (PC) =EXCP04_018 4 The Microsoft Mail Connector and the MS Mail External Program=EXCP04_019 4 LAN Connection to Existing Postoffices=EXCP04_020 4 Asynchronous and X.25 Connections for Remote Postoffices=EXCP04_021 4 Using Multiple Microsoft Mail Connector (PC) MTAs=EXCP04_022 4 More about Microsoft Mail Connector (PC) MTAs=EXCP04_023 4 Using Multiple Microsoft Mail Connectors=EXCP04_024 4 Using Microsoft Exchange Server as a Backbone to MS Mail (PC)=EXCP04_025 4 Microsoft Mail Connectors and MS Mail (PC) Gateways=EXCP04_026 4 Using Existing MS Mail (PC) Gateways=EXCP04_027 4 Using Microsoft Exchange Server Connectors as Gateways=EXCP04_028 3 Microsoft Mail Connector (AppleTalk) 4 Microsoft Mail Connector (AppleTalk) =EXCP04_029 4 Microsoft Mail Connector =EXCP04_030 4 Microsoft Exchange Connection=EXCP04_031 4 Connecting to MS Mail (AppleTalk) and Microsoft Exchange Server=EXCP04_032 4 Using Microsoft Exchange Server as a Backbone to MS Mail (AppleTalk)=EXCP04_033 3 Directory Synchronization 4 Directory Synchronization=EXCP04_034 4 Directory Synchronization Protocol=EXCP04_035 4 The Microsoft Mail Connector and the MS Mail Dispatch Program=EXCP04_036 4 Implementing Directory Synchronization=EXCP04_037 4 Requestors and Servers=EXCP04_038 4 Remote Directory Synchronization Requestors=EXCP04_039 4 Import and Export Containers=EXCP04_040 4 Trust Levels=EXCP04_041 2 Chapter 5 Assessing Your Needs and Resources 3 Assessing Your Needs and Resources=EXCP05_01 3 Planning Your Organization=EXCP05_002 3 User Needs=EXCP05_003 3 Geographic Profile=EXCP05_004 3 Network Topology 4 Network Topology=EXCP05_005 4 Network Size=EXCP05_006 4 Network Bandwidth=EXCP05_007 4 Network Types=EXCP05_008 4 Network Traffic Patterns=EXCP05_009 4 Network Protocols=EXCP05_010 3 Windows NT Server Domain Models 4 Windows NT Server Domain Models=EXCP05_011 4 Trust Relationships=EXCP05_012 4 Single Domain Model=EXCP05_013 4 Single Master Domain Model=EXCP05_014 4 Multiple Master Domain Model=EXCP05_015 4 Choosing a Domain Model=EXCP05_016 3 Sites and Site Boundaries 4 Sites and Site Boundaries=EXCP05_017 4 Mapping Sites and Windows NT Domains=EXCP05_018 3 Naming Conventions 4 Naming Conventions=EXCP05_019 4 Directory Names=EXCP05_020 4 Organization Name=EXCP05_021 4 Site Names=EXCP05_022 4 Server Names=EXCP05_023 4 Mailbox Names=EXCP05_024 4 E-mail Addresses 5 E-mail Addresses=EXCP05_025 5 X.400 Addresses=EXCP05_026 5 Microsoft Mail=EXCP05_027 5 SMTP=EXCP05_028 5 Other E-mail Addresses=EXCP05_029 2 Site Connections=EXCP05_030 3 Connections to Other Systems=EXCP05_031 3 Migration=EXCP05_032 3 Administrative Policy=EXCP05_033 2 Chapter 6 Planning Your Sites 3 Planning Your Sites=EXCP06_01 3 Planning Your Sites=EXCP06_002 3 Network Layout Within a Site=EXCP06_003 3 Integrating Network Operating Systems=EXCP06_004 3 Defining the Users in Your Site=EXCP06_005 3 Connecting to Other Sites 4 Connecting to Other Sites=EXCP06_006 4 Tailoring Traffic Between Sites=EXCP06_007 2 Message Routing Strategy=EXCP06_008 3 Client Software 4 Client Software=EXCP06_009 4 Client Languages=EXCP06_010 2 Remote Access=EXCP06_011 3 Directory Replication=EXCP06_012 3 Public Folders=EXCP06_013 2 Chapter 7 Planning Your Servers 3 Planning Your Servers=EXCP07_01 3 Planning Your Servers=EXCP07_002 3 Server Roles 4 Server Roles=EXCP07_003 4 Client Installation Server =EXCP07_004 4 Connectivity Server=EXCP07_005 4 Key Management Server=EXCP07_006 4 Public Folder Server=EXCP07_007 4 Domain Controllers=EXCP07_008 4 RAS Server=EXCP07_009 3 Server Hardware 4 Server Hardware=EXCP07_010 4 Planning for Growth=EXCP07_011 4 Distributing or Concentrating Servers=EXCP07_012 4 Assessing Processor (CPU) Needs =EXCP07_013 4 Assessing Memory Needs=EXCP07_014 4 Assessing I/O Subsystem Needs 5 Assessing I/O Subsystem Needs=EXCP07_015 5 Partitioning Disks=EXCP07_016 5 Disk Usage for Transaction Log Files =EXCP07_017 5 Disk Usage for the Information Store =EXCP07_018 5 Choosing Caching Disk Controllers=EXCP07_019 3 Assessing Network Adapters=EXCP07_020 2 Designing Servers=EXCP07_021 2 Chapter 8 Planning Your Connectors 3 Planning Your Connectors=EXCP08_01 3 Planning Your Connectors=EXCP08_002 3 Routing Costs 4 Routing Costs=EXCP08_003 4 Address Space Costs=EXCP08_004 4 Connected Site Costs=EXCP08_005 2 Site Connector=EXCP08_006 3 Microsoft Mail Connector (PC) 4 Microsoft Mail Connector (PC)=EXCP08_007 4 Types of Configurations=EXCP08_008 4 Directory Synchronization=EXCP08_009 4 Resource Needs=EXCP08_010 3 Microsoft Mail Connector (AppleTalk) 4 Microsoft Mail Connector (AppleTalk)=EXCP08_011 4 Types of Configurations=EXCP08_012 4 Gateway Limitations=EXCP08_013 4 Resource Needs 5 Resource Needs=EXCP08_014 5 Microsoft Mail Connector Requirements=EXCP08_015 5 Microsoft Exchange Connection Requirements=EXCP08_016 3 X.400 Connector 4 X.400 Connector=EXCP08_017 4 Bandwidth Requirements=EXCP08_018 4 Network Transport Requirements=EXCP08_019 4 Message Transfer Agent (MTA) Options=EXCP08_020 4 Message Content Options=EXCP08_021 4 Connections to Foreign X.400 Systems 5 Connections to Foreign X.400 Systems=EXCP08_022 5 Backboning over Public X.400 =EXCP08_023 3 Internet Mail Connector 4 Internet Mail Connector=EXCP08_024 4 Types of Configurations 5 Types of Configurations=EXCP08_025 5 Connecting Directly to the Internet=EXCP08_026 5 Forwarding Mail to a Host=EXCP08_027 5 Connecting Microsoft Exchange Server Sites over the Internet=EXCP08_028 3 Resource Needs=EXCP08_029 4 Number of Connectors=EXCP08_030 4 More About SMTP Addresses and Using Multiple Connectors =EXCP08_031 4 Controlling Access=EXCP08_032 4 Specifying Message Content Options=EXCP08_033 2 Appendix A Optimizing Performance 3 Appendix A Optimizing Performance=EXCPAA_01 3 Different Needs for Different Organizations 4 Different Needs for Different Organizations=EXCPAA_002 4 Finding the Limits=EXCPAA_003 3 How the Server Responds to Different Loads 4 How the Server Responds to Different Loads=EXCPAA_004 4 User Actions=EXCPAA_005 4 Background Actions=EXCPAA_006 4 Evaluating Usage=EXCPAA_007 4 How Load Affects Response Time=EXCPAA_008 4 Uneven Loading=EXCPAA_009 3 Resources That Affect Performance 4 Resources That Affect Performance=EXCPAA_010 4 CPU=EXCPAA_011 4 Memory=EXCPAA_012 4 I/O Subsystem=EXCPAA_013 4 Network Hardware=EXCPAA_014 4 Related Factors=EXCPAA_015 2 Optimizing Performance =EXCPAA_016 2 Glossary 3 A=EXCPGL_A 3 B=EXCPGL_B 3 C=EXCPGL_C 3 D=EXCPGL_D 3 E=EXCPGL_E 3 F=EXCPGL_F 3 G=EXCPGL_G 3 H=EXCPGL_H 3 I=EXCPGL_I 3 K=EXCPGL_K 3 L=EXCPGL_L 3 M=EXCPGL_M 3 N=EXCPGL_N 3 O=EXCPGL_O 3 P=EXCPGL_P 3 R=EXCPGL_R 3 S=EXCPGL_S 3 T=EXCPGL_T 3 U=EXCPGL_U 3 X=EXCPGL_X 1 Administrator's Guide 2 Before You Begin 3 Before You Begin=EXAGWW_01 3 Microsoft Exchange Server Documentation 4 Microsoft Exchange Server Documentation=EXAGWW_002 4 About This Guide=EXAGWW_003 2 Using This Guide=EXAGWW_004 3 Document Conventions=EXAGWW_005 2 Chapter 1 Administering Microsoft Exchange Server 3 Administering Microsoft Exchange Server=EXAG01_01 3 Starting the Administrator Program=EXAG01_002 3 Viewing the Administrator Window 4 Viewing the Administrator Window=EXAG01_003 4 Connecting to Multiple Microsoft Exchange Servers=EXAG01_004 4 Directory Objects=EXAG01_005 2 Using Property Pages=EXAG01_006 3 Using Services for the Microsoft Exchange Server 4 Using Services for the Microsoft Exchange Server=EXAG01_007 4 Viewing Microsoft Exchange Server Services=EXAG01_008 4 Starting Microsoft Exchange Server Services=EXAG01_009 4 Stopping Microsoft Exchange Services=EXAG01_010 2 Microsoft Exchange Server Administrative Tasks=EXAG01_011 3 Administrator Program Switches=EXAG01_012 2 Chapter 2 Setting Up Your Site 3 Setting Up Your Site=EXAG02_01 3 DS Site Configuration 4 DS Site Configuration=EXAG02_002 4 General Properties 5 General Properties=EXAG02_003 5 Defining the Display Name=EXAG02_004 5 Changing the Tombstone Lifetime=EXAG02_005 5 Changing the Garbage Collection Interval=EXAG02_006 4 Offline Address Book 5 Offline Address Book=EXAG02_007 5 Selecting or Changing the Offline Address Book Server=EXAG02_008 5 Selecting the Offline Address Book Container=EXAG02_009 5 Manually Generating the Offline Address Book=EXAG02_010 4 Offline Address Book Schedule 5 Offline Address Book Schedule=EXAG02_011 5 Scheduling Offline Address Book Generation=EXAG02_012 4 Custom Attributes 5 Custom Attributes=EXAG02_013 5 Changing the Custom Attributes Values=EXAG02_014 3 Information Store Site Configuration 4 Information Store Site Configuration=EXAG02_015 4 General Properties 5 General Properties=EXAG02_016 5 Defining the Display Name=EXAG02_017 5 Modifying the Public Folder Container=EXAG02_018 3 Message Tracking=EXAG02_019 4 Top-Level Folder Creation 5 Top-Level Folder Creation=EXAG02_020 5 Allowing Creation of Top-Level Folders=EXAG02_021 5 Preventing Creation of Top-Level Folders=EXAG02_022 5 Storage Warnings=EXAG02_023 5 Scheduling Storage Warnings=EXAG02_024 3 Public Folder Server Setup 4 Public Folder Server Setup=EXAG02_025 4 Servers With Both a Private and Public Information Store 5 Servers With Both a Private and Public Information Store=EXAG02_026 5 Selecting a Public Folder Server=EXAG02_027 4 Dedicated Public Folder Server 5 Dedicated Public Folder Server=EXAG02_028 5 Configuring a Dedicated Public Folder Server=EXAG02_029 5 Changing a Dedicated Public Folder Server to a Server with Both Information Stores=EXAG02_030 3 Public Folder Setup 4 Public Folder Setup=EXAG02_031 4 Public Folder Creation and Design 5 Public Folder Creation and Design=EXAG02_032 5 Granting Permissions=EXAG02_033 5 Creating Rules and Views=EXAG02_034 3 MTA Site Configuration 4 MTA Site Configuration=EXAG02_035 4 General Properties 5 General Properties=EXAG02_036 5 Defining the Display Name=EXAG02_037 5 Modifying the Dead Letter Recipient=EXAG02_038 5 Message Tracking for the MTA=EXAG02_039 4 Messaging Defaults 5 Messaging Defaults=EXAG02_040 5 Changing the RTS Values=EXAG02_041 5 Changing the Connection Retry Values=EXAG02_042 5 Changing the Association Parameters=EXAG02_043 5 Changing the Transfer Time-outs=EXAG02_044 5 Resetting Default Values=EXAG02_045 3 Site Addressing 4 Site Addressing=EXAG02_046 4 General Properties 5 General Properties=EXAG02_047 5 Defining the Display Name=EXAG02_048 5 Changing the Routing Calculation Server=EXAG02_049 5 Sharing Address Space With Other X.400 Systems=EXAG02_050 4 Site Addressing 5 Site Addressing=EXAG02_051 5 Setting Up Site Addresses=EXAG02_052 4 Routing Calculation Schedule 5 Routing Calculation Schedule=EXAG02_053 5 Changing the Routing Calculation Schedule=EXAG02_054 4 Routing 5 Routing=EXAG02_055 5 Viewing Routing Details=EXAG02_056 2 Chapter 3 Setting Up Server Core Components 3 Setting Up Server Core Components=EXAG03_01 3 Message Transfer Agent 4 Message Transfer Agent=EXAG03_002 4 General Properties for the MTA 5 General Properties for the MTA=EXAG03_003 5 Changing the Local Name and Password for the MTA=EXAG03_004 5 Setting a Message Size for the MTA=EXAG03_005 5 Expanding Remote Distribution Lists=EXAG03_006 5 Rebuilding the Routing Table=EXAG03_007 5 Converting Incoming Messages to MS Exchange Contents=EXAG03_008 3 Queues for the MTA=EXAG03_009 4 Diagnostics Logging=EXAG03_010 4 Permissions=EXAG03_011 3 Directory 4 Directory=EXAG03_012 4 General Properties for the Directory 5 General Properties for the Directory=EXAG03_013 5 Synchronizing Server Directories Within a Site=EXAG03_014 5 Checking Directory Replication Knowledge Consistency=EXAG03_015 3 Information Store 4 Information Store=EXAG03_016 4 General Properties for the Information Stores 5 General Properties for the Information Stores=EXAG03_017 5 Setting the Storage Limit for Public Folders and Mailboxes=EXAG03_018 5 Setting the Prohibit Send Limit for Mailboxes=EXAG03_019 5 Changing a Public Folder Server=EXAG03_020 3 Public Folder Replication=EXAG03_021 4 Age Limits for Public Folders 5 Age Limits for Public Folders=EXAG03_022 5 Setting a Default Age Limit for New Public Folders=EXAG03_023 5 Setting an Age Limit for a Public Folder Replica in a Public Information Store=EXAG03_024 5 Setting an Age Limit for all Replicas of a Public Folder=EXAG03_025 3 Advanced Properties for the Public Information Store=EXAG03_026 3 Server Objects 4 Server Objects=EXAG03_027 4 Paths to the Exchange Databases 5 Paths to the Exchange Databases=EXAG03_028 5 Setting Database Path Locations=EXAG03_029 5 Setting the Location of the Directory or Information Store s Transaction Log=EXAG03_030 5 Setting the Directory or Information Store s Working Path=EXAG03_031 4 Server Locales 5 Server Locales=EXAG03_032 5 Installing a Locale=EXAG03_033 5 Removing a Locale=EXAG03_034 4 Server Services 5 Server Services=EXAG03_035 5 Adding a Service to the Server Monitor=EXAG03_036 5 Removing a Service =EXAG03_037 4 DS/IS Consistency Adjustment 5 DS/IS Consistency Adjustment=EXAG03_038 5 Adjusting Inconsistencies Between the Directory and the Information Store=EXAG03_039 5 Specifying a Latency Period=EXAG03_040 3 Database Circular Logging=EXAG03_041 3 System Attendant 4 System Attendant=EXAG03_042 4 General Properties for the System Attendant 5 General Properties for the System Attendant=EXAG03_043 5 Maintaining Message Tracking Log Files=EXAG03_044 2 Chapter 4 Setting Up Recipients 3 Setting Up Recipients=EXAG04_01 3 Mailboxes 4 Mailboxes=EXAG04_002 4 Mailbox Creation 5 Mailbox Creation=EXAG04_003 5 Creating a Mailbox Using the Administrator Program=EXAG04_004 5 Creating a Mailbox Using the Windows NT User Manager=EXAG04_005 5 Creating a Mailbox Using a New Windows NT User Account=EXAG04_006 5 Extracting LAN Manager and Windows NT User Account Information=EXAG04_007 5 Extracting NetWare User Account Information=EXAG04_008 4 General Properties for a Mailbox 5 General Properties for a Mailbox=EXAG04_009 5 Entering User Name Information=EXAG04_010 5 Entering Address Information=EXAG04_011 5 Entering Company Information=EXAG04_012 5 Selecting the Primary Windows NT User Account for this Mailbox=EXAG04_013 4 Advanced Properties for a Mailbox 5 Advanced Properties for a Mailbox=EXAG04_014 5 Setting a Size for Incoming and Outgoing Messages=EXAG04_015 5 Setting Storage Limits for a Mailbox=EXAG04_016 5 Setting the Mailbox Home Server =EXAG04_017 5 Hiding a Recipient from the Address Book=EXAG04_018 5 Setting a Trust Level for Directory Synchronization=EXAG04_019 4 Organization Information for a Mailbox 5 Organization Information for a Mailbox=EXAG04_020 5 Specifying the Manager of the Mailbox Owner=EXAG04_021 5 Creating a List of People Who Report to this Mailbox Owner =EXAG04_022 4 Phone Numbers for a Mailbox 5 Phone Numbers for a Mailbox=EXAG04_023 5 Adding Detailed Telephone Number Information=EXAG04_024 5 Using Auto Naming for Display Name Generation=EXAG04_025 5 Using Auto Naming for Alias Name Generation=EXAG04_026 3 Distribution Lists 4 Distribution Lists=EXAG04_027 4 Distribution List Creation=EXAG04_028 4 General Properties for a Distribution List 5 General Properties for a Distribution List=EXAG04_029 5 Entering New Distribution List Name Information=EXAG04_030 5 Specifying an Expansion Server=EXAG04_031 5 Adding Members to a Distribution List=EXAG04_032 5 Adding an Owner to a Distribution List=EXAG04_033 5 Removing Members from a Distribution List=EXAG04_034 5 Deleting an Owner from a Distribution List=EXAG04_035 4 Advanced Properties for a Distribution List 5 Advanced Properties for a Distribution List=EXAG04_036 5 Changing the Simple Display Name=EXAG04_037 5 Setting a Limit for Message Transfer=EXAG04_038 5 Setting the Distribution List Options=EXAG04_039 5 Setting a Trust Level for Directory Synchronization=EXAG04_040 3 Custom Recipients 4 Custom Recipients=EXAG04_041 4 Custom Recipient Creation=EXAG04_042 4 General Properties for a Custom Recipient 5 General Properties for a Custom Recipient=EXAG04_043 5 Entering User Name Information=EXAG04_044 5 Entering Address Information=EXAG04_045 5 Entering Company Information=EXAG04_046 5 Creating or Modifying a Custom Recipient s E-mail Address=EXAG04_047 4 Advanced Properties for a Custom Recipient 5 Advanced Properties for a Custom Recipient=EXAG04_048 5 Setting a Message Size=EXAG04_049 5 Allowing Rich Text in Messages=EXAG04_050 5 Hiding a Recipient from the Address Book=EXAG04_051 3 Organization Information for a Custom Recipient=EXAG04_052 4 Phone Numbers for a Custom Recipient=EXAG04_053 3 Public Folders 4 Public Folders=EXAG04_054 4 General Properties for a Public Folder 5 General Properties for a Public Folder=EXAG04_055 5 Setting the Address Book Display Name=EXAG04_056 5 Setting the Client Permissions=EXAG04_057 5 Editing Client Permissions in a Public Folder=EXAG04_058 5 Deleting Items in a Public Folder=EXAG04_059 5 Giving Client Permissions to a User=EXAG04_060 4 Advanced Properties for a Public Folder 5 Advanced Properties for a Public Folder=EXAG04_061 5 Changing the Simple Display Name=EXAG04_062 5 Setting Storage Limits for a Public Folder=EXAG04_063 5 Setting a Trust Level =EXAG04_064 5 Setting Replication Message Priority=EXAG04_065 3 Common Recipient Properties 4 Common Recipient Properties=EXAG04_066 4 E-mail Addresses for All Recipients=EXAG04_067 4 Distribution List Membership for Recipients 5 Distribution List Membership for Recipients=EXAG04_068 5 Adding Members to a Distribution List=EXAG04_069 5 Removing Members from a Distribution List=EXAG04_070 4 Delivery Restrictions for All Recipients 5 Delivery Restrictions for All Recipients=EXAG04_071 5 Accepting or Rejecting Messages from Specific Senders=EXAG04_072 4 Delivery Options for All Recipients 5 Delivery Options for All Recipients =EXAG04_073 5 Specifying an Alternate Recipient for Incoming Messages=EXAG04_074 5 Specifying Who Can Send Messages on Behalf of a Recipient =EXAG04_075 4 Custom Attributes for All Recipients 5 Custom Attributes for All Recipients=EXAG04_076 5 Defining Custom Attributes=EXAG04_077 3 Permissions 4 Permissions =EXAG04_078 4 Permissions Property Page 5 Permissions Property Page=EXAG04_079 5 Setting the Permissions Options=EXAG04_080 5 Adding a User to the List of Users with Permissions=EXAG04_081 5 Changing a User s Role Level=EXAG04_082 5 Changing a User s Permissions=EXAG04_083 5 Removing a User from the List of Users with Permissions=EXAG04_084 2 Chapter 5 Setting Up Microsoft Exchange Client Software 3 Setting Up Microsoft Exchange Client Software=EXAG05_01 3 Microsoft Schedule+ Free/Busy Information 4 Microsoft Schedule+ Free/Busy Information=EXAG05_002 4 Schedule+ Free Busy Information Public Folder 5 Schedule+ Free Busy Information Public Folder=EXAG05_003 5 Sharing Free/Busy Information Between Sites=EXAG05_004 5 Replicating the Schedule+ Free Busy Information Public Folder Within a Site=EXAG05_005 3 Forms Library Administration 4 Forms Library Administration=EXAG05_006 4 Organization Forms Library 5 Organization Forms Library=EXAG05_007 5 Creating an Organization Forms Library=EXAG05_008 5 Modifying an Organization Forms Library=EXAG05_009 5 Setting Organization Forms Library Permissions=EXAG05_010 5 Changing Organization Forms Library Permissions=EXAG05_011 5 Removing an Organization Forms Library=EXAG05_012 5 Replicating Organization Forms Libraries=EXAG05_013 3 Details Templates 4 Details Templates=EXAG05_014 4 Modifying Template Display Names=EXAG05_015 4 Selecting Template Help Files=EXAG05_016 4 Template Modification 5 Template Modification=EXAG05_017 5 Creating a New Template Control=EXAG05_018 5 Editing a Template Control=EXAG05_019 5 Removing a Template Control=EXAG05_020 5 Changing the Order of Template Controls=EXAG05_021 5 Testing the Appearance of a Template=EXAG05_022 5 Reverting to Original Template Settings=EXAG05_023 3 One-off Address Templates 4 One-off Address Templates=EXAG05_024 4 Viewing One-Off Address Templates=EXAG05_025 2 Other Features for Client Software=EXAG05_026 2 Chapter 6 Setting Up Advanced Security 3 Setting Up Advanced Security=EXAG06_01 4 Installation and Startup 5 Installation and Startup=EXAG06_002 5 Installing the Software=EXAG06_003 5 Starting the KM Server=EXAG06_004 5 Changing Your Advanced Security Administrative Password=EXAG06_005 4 Advanced Security for Users 5 Advanced Security for Users=EXAG06_006 5 Enabling Advanced Security for a Mailbox=EXAG06_007 5 Enabling Advanced Security in Bulk=EXAG06_008 4 Site Security 5 Site Security=EXAG06_009 5 Selecting an Encryption Algorithm=EXAG06_010 5 Adding and Removing Advanced Security Administrators=EXAG06_011 5 Enabling Additional Sites to Use the KM Server=EXAG06_012 5 Enabling Security for Users in Remote Sites=EXAG06_013 5 Recovering Advanced Security Keys=EXAG06_014 5 Backing Up and Restoring Advanced Security Data=EXAG06_015 5 Viewing the Security Log=EXAG06_016 5 Viewing Mailbox Security Information=EXAG06_017 5 Moving the KM Server to Another Server in the Same Site=EXAG06_018 5 Revoking Advanced Security for a Mailbox=EXAG06_019 2 Chapter 7 Using a Site Connector or Dynamic RAS Connector to 3 Using a Site Connector or Dynamic RAS Connector to=EXAG07_01 3 Site Connector 4 Site Connector=EXAG07_002 4 Installing a Site Connector=EXAG07_003 4 General Properties for the Site Connector 5 General Properties for the Site Connector=EXAG07_004 5 Specifying the Connector Name=EXAG07_005 5 Setting the Cost=EXAG07_006 5 Setting a Messaging Bridgehead in the Local Site=EXAG07_007 4 Address Space Properties 5 Address Space Properties=EXAG07_008 5 Defining Address Spaces=EXAG07_009 5 Assigning a Routing Cost=EXAG07_010 4 Target Servers Properties 5 Target Servers Properties=EXAG07_011 5 Adding and Removing Target Servers=EXAG07_012 5 Assigning a Cost to Target Servers=EXAG07_013 4 Override Properties 5 Override Properties=EXAG07_014 5 Specifying to Connect as Override=EXAG07_015 3 Dynamic RAS Connector 4 Dynamic RAS Connector=EXAG07_016 4 MTA Transport Stack Installation=EXAG07_017 4 General Properties for the RAS MTA Transport Stack=EXAG07_018 4 Defined RAS Connectors=EXAG07_019 4 Dynamic RAS Connector Installation=EXAG07_020 4 General Properties for the Dynamic RAS Connector 5 General Properties for the Dynamic RAS Connector=EXAG07_021 5 Specifying the Connector Name=EXAG07_022 5 Specifying the Name of the Remote Server=EXAG07_023 5 Specifying the MTA Transport Stack=EXAG07_024 5 Specifying the Phone Book Entry=EXAG07_025 5 Specifying the Message Size=EXAG07_026 4 Schedule 5 Schedule=EXAG07_027 5 Setting a Schedule for the Dynamic RAS Connector=EXAG07_028 4 RAS Override Properties 5 RAS Override Properties=EXAG07_029 5 Setting RAS Override Properties=EXAG07_030 5 Setting RAS Phone Numbers=EXAG07_031 4 MTA Override Properties 5 MTA Override Properties=EXAG07_032 5 Setting Override RTS Values=EXAG07_033 5 Setting Override Connection Retry Values=EXAG07_034 5 Setting Override Association Parameters=EXAG07_035 5 Setting Override Transfer Time-outs=EXAG07_036 5 Resetting Override Default Values=EXAG07_037 4 Delivery Restrictions 5 Delivery Restrictions=EXAG07_038 5 Accepting or Rejecting Messages from Specific Senders=EXAG07_039 4 Address Spaces 5 Address Spaces=EXAG07_040 5 Defining Address Spaces=EXAG07_041 5 Assigning a Routing Cost=EXAG07_042 4 Connected Sites 5 Connected Sites=EXAG07_043 5 Adding or Changing Connected Sites=EXAG07_044 5 Assigning the Routing Address and Cost for an Indirectly Connected Site=EXAG07_045 5 Removing a Connected Site=EXAG07_046 3 Permissions=EXAG07_047 2 Chapter 8 Using an X.400 Connector to Connect Sites or 3 Using an X.400 Connector to Connect Sites or=EXAG08_01 3 MTA Transport Stack 4 MTA Transport Stack=EXAG08_002 4 MTA Transport Stack Installation 5 MTA Transport Stack Installation=EXAG08_003 5 Installing a TCP/IP MTA Transport Stack=EXAG08_004 5 Installing an X.25 MTA Transport Stack=EXAG08_005 5 Installing a TP4 MTA Transport Stack=EXAG08_006 5 Using the MTA Transport Stack Connectors Property Page=EXAG08_007 3 X.400 Connector 4 X.400 Connector=EXAG08_008 4 Adding an X.400 Connector=EXAG08_009 4 General Properties 5 General Properties=EXAG08_010 5 Specifying the Connector Name=EXAG08_011 5 Adding or Modifying the Remote MTA Name and Password=EXAG08_012 5 Specifying the Remote System MTA Transport Stack=EXAG08_013 5 Configuring Message Text Word-Wrap=EXAG08_014 5 Enabling Rich Text for MAPI Client Recipients=EXAG08_015 4 Schedule Properties 5 Schedule Properties=EXAG08_016 5 Setting the Connection Schedule=EXAG08_017 4 Stack Properties 5 Stack Properties=EXAG08_018 5 Connecting to Another Site Using TCP/IP=EXAG08_019 5 Connecting to a Foreign System Using TCP/IP=EXAG08_020 5 Connecting to Another Site Using X.25=EXAG08_021 5 Connecting to a Foreign System Using X.25=EXAG08_022 5 Connecting to Another Site Using TP4=EXAG08_023 5 Connecting to a Foreign System Using TP4=EXAG08_024 4 Override Properties 5 Override Properties=EXAG08_025 5 Overriding the Local MTA Name and Password=EXAG08_026 5 Setting Override RTS Values=EXAG08_027 5 Setting Override Connection Retry Values=EXAG08_028 5 Setting Override Association Parameters=EXAG08_029 5 Setting Override Transfer Timeouts=EXAG08_030 5 Resetting Override Default Values=EXAG08_031 4 Address Spaces 5 Address Spaces=EXAG08_032 5 Specifying the X.400 Connector Address Space=EXAG08_033 4 Connected Sites 5 Connected Sites=EXAG08_034 5 Adding or Changing a Connected Site=EXAG08_035 5 Removing Connected Sites=EXAG08_036 5 Assigning the Routing Address and Cost for a Connected Site=EXAG08_037 4 Delivery Restrictions 5 Delivery Restrictions=EXAG08_038 5 Accepting or Rejecting Messages from Specific Senders=EXAG08_039 4 Advanced Properties 5 Advanced Properties=EXAG08_040 5 Configuring MTA Conformance=EXAG08_041 5 Specifying X.400 Body Parts=EXAG08_042 5 Specifying X.400 Link Options=EXAG08_043 5 Setting the Message Size=EXAG08_044 5 Configuring the Remote Global Domain Identifier=EXAG08_045 3 Permissions=EXAG08_046 2 Foreign X.400 System Configuration=EXAG08_047 3 Testing X.400 Connections to Foreign Sites=EXAG08_048 3 Testing Connections to Another Site=EXAG08_049 3 Removing X.400 Connectors=EXAG08_050 2 Chapter 9 Connecting to Microsoft Mail for PC Networks 3 Connecting to Microsoft Mail for PC Networks=EXAG09_01 3 Microsoft Mail Connector Setup 4 Microsoft Mail Connector Setup=EXAG09_002 4 Quick Start=EXAG09_003 4 Microsoft Mail Connector Interchange 5 Microsoft Mail Connector Interchange=EXAG09_004 5 Assigning an Administrator s Mailbox=EXAG09_005 5 Specifying the Primary Language for Clients=EXAG09_006 5 Configuring MS Mail 3.x Client Compatibility=EXAG09_007 5 Enabling Message Tracking=EXAG09_008 4 General Properties 5 General Properties=EXAG09_009 5 Defining the Computer Name=EXAG09_010 5 Specifying Message Size Limits=EXAG09_011 3 LAN Connection to MS Mail 4 LAN Connection to MS Mail=EXAG09_012 4 LAN Connection Setup 5 LAN Connection Setup=EXAG09_013 5 Creating a LAN Connection=EXAG09_014 5 Confirming Connection Changes=EXAG09_015 5 Removing Connections =EXAG09_016 4 MTA Configuration for a LAN-Connected Postoffice 5 MTA Configuration for a LAN-Connected Postoffice=EXAG09_017 5 Setting Up an Microsoft Mail Connector (PC) MTA for LAN Connections=EXAG09_018 5 Configuring Connector (PC) MTA Options=EXAG09_019 5 Removing a Connector MTA Service=EXAG09_020 5 Setting Up Service to LAN-Connected Postoffices=EXAG09_021 5 Setting LAN Postoffice MTA Options=EXAG09_022 4 MS Mail (PC) Postoffice Configuration 5 MS Mail (PC) Postoffice Configuration=EXAG09_023 5 Modifying Local Postoffice properties=EXAG09_024 4 Test the Connection 5 Test the Connection=EXAG09_025 5 Using Microsoft Exchange Client=EXAG09_026 5 Using the MS Mail (PC) Client=EXAG09_027 4 Diagnostics Logging 5 Diagnostics Logging=EXAG09_028 5 Setting up Diagnostics Logging=EXAG09_029 3 Asynchronous and X.25 MS Mail Postoffice Connections 4 Asynchronous and X.25 MS Mail Postoffice Connections=EXAG09_030 4 Asynchronous and X.25 Setup 5 Asynchronous and X.25 Setup=EXAG09_031 5 Setting Up an Asynchronous or X.25 Connection=EXAG09_032 5 Setting Options for an Asynchronous or X.25 Connection=EXAG09_033 3 Asynchronous and X.25 MTA Configuration 4 Asynchronous and X.25 MTA Configuration=EXAG09_034 4 Asynchronous and X.25 MTA Services 5 Asynchronous and X.25 MTA Services=EXAG09_035 5 Setting up an MTA for an Asynchronous Connection=EXAG09_036 5 Setting up an MTA for an X.25 Connection=EXAG09_037 5 Modifying an MTA for an X.25 Connection=EXAG09_038 4 MS Mail (PC) Postoffice Configuration 5 MS Mail (PC) Postoffice Configuration=EXAG09_039 5 Testing an Asynchronous or X.25 Connection=EXAG09_040 3 Indirect Connections to MS Mail Postoffices 4 Indirect Connections to MS Mail Postoffices=EXAG09_041 4 Indirect Connection Setup 5 Indirect Connection Setup=EXAG09_042 5 Uploading Indirect Routing Information =EXAG09_043 5 Manually Creating Indirect Routing Information =EXAG09_044 5 Testing an Indirect Connection=EXAG09_045 3 MS Mail Gateway on Microsoft Exchange Server 4 MS Mail Gateway on Microsoft Exchange Server=EXAG09_046 4 MS Mail Gateway on the Connector Postoffice 5 MS Mail Gateway on the Connector Postoffice=EXAG09_047 5 Installing an MS Mail (PC) Gateway=EXAG09_048 5 Viewing the Gateway Postoffice Queue=EXAG09_049 4 MS Mail (PC) Gateway Access Component 5 MS Mail (PC) Gateway Access Component=EXAG09_050 5 Installing a Gateway Access Component=EXAG09_051 3 Microsoft Mail Connector (PC) Address Space 4 Microsoft Mail Connector (PC) Address Space=EXAG09_052 4 Address Space Configuration 5 Address Space Configuration=EXAG09_053 5 Configuring Address Spaces for Foreign Systems=EXAG09_054 5 Modifying the Address Space=EXAG09_055 5 Removing an Address Space Listing=EXAG09_056 2 Chapter 10 Using the Microsoft Mail for AppleTalk Connector 3 Using the Microsoft Mail for AppleTalk Connector=EXAG10_01 3 Microsoft Mail Connector Requirements=EXAG10_002 3 Microsoft Exchange Connection Requirements=EXAG10_003 3 Microsoft Mail Connector Setup 4 Microsoft Mail Connector Setup=EXAG10_004 4 Quick Start=EXAG10_005 4 Macintosh-Accessible Volume 5 Macintosh-Accessible Volume=EXAG10_006 5 Creating a Macintosh-Accessible Volume=EXAG10_007 5 Setting Permissions for a Volume=EXAG10_008 4 Microsoft Mail Connector Interchange 5 Microsoft Mail Connector Interchange=EXAG10_009 5 Assigning an Administrator s Mailbox=EXAG10_010 5 Enabling Message Tracking=EXAG10_011 5 Setting up the Microsoft Mail Connector (AppleTalk) MTA=EXAG10_012 4 Local Postoffice Properties 5 Local Postoffice Properties=EXAG10_013 5 Modifying Local Postoffice Name and Password=EXAG10_014 4 Connections Properties 5 Connections Properties=EXAG10_015 5 Viewing the MS Mail (AppleTalk) Message Queue=EXAG10_016 5 Removing a Message From the MS Mail (AppleTalk) Message Queue=EXAG10_017 4 General Properties 5 General Properties=EXAG10_018 5 Defining Message Size Limits=EXAG10_019 4 Microsoft Mail Connector Address Space 5 Microsoft Mail Connector Address Space=EXAG10_020 5 Defining Additional Addressing and Routing Information=EXAG10_021 5 Editing an Address Space Entry=EXAG10_022 5 Removing an Address Space Entry=EXAG10_023 4 Diagnostics Logging 5 Diagnostics Logging=EXAG10_024 5 Setting up Connector Diagnostic Logging=EXAG10_025 3 Microsoft Exchange Connection Setup 4 Microsoft Exchange Connection Setup=EXAG10_026 4 Connecting to the Microsoft Mail Connector Postoffice=EXAG10_027 4 Installing Microsoft Exchange Connection Files=EXAG10_028 4 Installing the Microsoft Exchange Connection Gateway=EXAG10_029 4 Microsoft Exchange Connection Configuration 5 Microsoft Exchange Connection Configuration=EXAG10_030 5 Specifying the Postoffice Location=EXAG10_031 5 Setting Gateway Options=EXAG10_032 5 Setting the Gateway Connection Times=EXAG10_033 4 Access Connection Gateway Installation 5 Access Connection Gateway Installation=EXAG10_034 5 Extracting the Access Connection Gateway=EXAG10_035 5 Installing the Access Connection Gateway=EXAG10_036 3 Test the Connections 4 Test the Connections=EXAG10_037 4 Using the Microsoft Exchange Client=EXAG10_038 4 Using the MS Mail (AppleTalk) Client=EXAG10_039 2 Chapter 11 Using the Internet Mail Connector 3 Using the Internet Mail Connector=EXAG11_01 3 Before You Begin=EXAG11_002 3 Quick Start 4 Quick Start=EXAG11_003 4 Installing and Configuring TCP/IP=EXAG11_004 4 Adding the Internet Mail Connector Computer to DNS=EXAG11_005 4 Updating the Hosts File When Not Using DNS=EXAG11_006 4 Configuring Various Property Pages=EXAG11_007 4 Starting the Internet Mail Connector Service=EXAG11_008 4 Testing the Connection=EXAG11_009 4 Internet Mail Properties 5 Internet Mail Properties=EXAG11_010 5 Assigning an Administrator s Mailbox=EXAG11_011 5 Specifying an Address Type for Sender Addresses=EXAG11_012 5 Setting Up Non-Delivery Report (NDR) Notifications=EXAG11_013 5 Specifying the Default Attachment Content Format=EXAG11_014 5 Specifying the Default Character Set=EXAG11_015 5 Enabling Rich Text for Outbound Messages=EXAG11_016 5 Disabling Out-Of-Office Responses=EXAG11_017 5 Disabling Automatic Replies to the Internet=EXAG11_018 5 Disabling Display Names for Outbound Messages=EXAG11_019 5 Specifying the Maximum Number of Characters Per Line=EXAG11_020 5 Specifying Message Content by E-mail Domain=EXAG11_021 4 Connections Properties 5 Connections Properties=EXAG11_022 5 Specifying Inbound and Outbound Transfer Modes=EXAG11_023 5 Defining the Maximum Number of Connections and Messages Sent=EXAG11_024 5 Delivering Messages Using DNS=EXAG11_025 5 Delivering All Messages to a Single Host=EXAG11_026 5 Delivering Messages by E-mail Domain=EXAG11_027 5 Accepting or Rejecting Host Connections=EXAG11_028 5 Setting the Retry Interval=EXAG11_029 5 Specifying Message Time-out Values=EXAG11_030 5 Controlling Notifications for Queued Mail=EXAG11_031 4 Advanced Properties 5 Advanced Properties=EXAG11_032 5 Specifying Message Parameters=EXAG11_033 5 Specifying Maximum Transfer Times=EXAG11_034 5 Specifying Message Transfer Quota=EXAG11_035 4 Connected Sites Properties 5 Connected Sites Properties=EXAG11_036 5 Creating a New Connected Site=EXAG11_037 5 Specifying the Routing Address for Connected Sites=EXAG11_038 4 Address Spaces 5 Address Spaces=EXAG11_039 5 Specifying the Address Space=EXAG11_040 5 Using Routing Addresses for Address Space Entries=EXAG11_041 3 Delivery Restrictions Properties=EXAG11_042 4 MIME Types Properties 5 MIME Types Properties=EXAG11_043 5 Creating a New MIME Type=EXAG11_044 4 General Properties 5 General Properties=EXAG11_045 5 Specifying the Maximum Message Size=EXAG11_046 3 Permissions=EXAG11_047 4 Queues Properties=EXAG11_048 4 Diagnostics Logging Properties=EXAG11_049 2 When to Add Additional Internet Mail Connectors=EXAG11_050 3 Removing the Internet Mail Connector=EXAG11_051 2 Chapter 12 Replicating Public Folders 3 Replicating Public Folders=EXAG12_01 3 Public Folder Replication 4 Public Folder Replication=EXAG12_002 4 Public Folder Replicas 5 Public Folder Replicas=EXAG12_003 5 Creating a Public Folder Replica=EXAG12_004 5 Removing a Public Folder Replica=EXAG12_005 4 Replication Status 5 Replication Status=EXAG12_006 5 Viewing the Replication Status of all Servers Where a Specific Public Folder is Replicated =EXAG12_007 5 Viewing the Replication Status of all Public Folders on a Specific Server=EXAG12_008 5 Viewing the Replication Status of all Servers That a Particular Server Replicates Public Folders=EXAG12_009 4 Replication Schedules 5 Replication Schedules=EXAG12_010 5 Setting the Replication Schedule for a Specific Public Folder=EXAG12_011 5 Setting the Replication Schedule for all Public Folders on a Server=EXAG12_012 4 Public Information Store Advanced Properties 5 Public Information Store Advanced Properties=EXAG12_013 5 Setting Frequency and Message Size for Public Information Store Replication=EXAG12_014 4 Public Folder Affinity 5 Public Folder Affinity=EXAG12_015 5 Connecting to Public Folders in Other Sites=EXAG12_016 5 Changing the Connected Site Cost=EXAG12_017 2 Chapter 13 Replicating Directory Information 3 Replicating Directory Information=EXAG13_01 3 Directory Replication Processes=EXAG13_002 4 Directory Replication Between Sites on the Same Network 5 Directory Replication Between Sites on the Same Network=EXAG13_003 5 Setting up Directory Replication Between Sites on the Same LAN=EXAG13_004 4 Directory Replication Between Sites on Different Networks 5 Directory Replication Between Sites on Different Networks=EXAG13_005 5 Setting up Directory Replication Between Sites on Different Networks=EXAG13_006 4 Directory Replication Bridgehead Servers 5 Directory Replication Bridgehead Servers=EXAG13_007 5 Setting up the Bridgehead Servers=EXAG13_008 4 Directory Replication Schedule 5 Directory Replication Schedule=EXAG13_009 5 Setting the Directory Replication Schedule=EXAG13_010 4 Inbound and Outbound Sites 5 Inbound and Outbound Sites=EXAG13_011 5 Selecting Sites for Updates=EXAG13_012 2 Chapter 14 Synchronizing Directories with Other Systems 3 Synchronizing Directories with Other Systems=EXAG14_01 3 Dirsync Requestor Installation 4 Dirsync Requestor Installation=EXAG14_002 4 General Dirsync Requestor Properties 5 General Dirsync Requestor Properties=EXAG14_003 5 Setting General Requestor Properties=EXAG14_004 4 Import Containers 5 Import Containers=EXAG14_005 5 Selecting a Requestor Import Container=EXAG14_006 4 Export Containers 5 Export Containers=EXAG14_007 5 Selecting Requestor Export Containers=EXAG14_008 5 Removing Export Containers=EXAG14_009 4 Settings Properties 5 Settings Properties=EXAG14_010 5 Configuring Dirsync Requestor Settings=EXAG14_011 4 Schedule Properties 5 Schedule Properties=EXAG14_012 5 Setting the Requestor Schedule=EXAG14_013 5 Configuring an MS Mail Directory Server=EXAG14_014 3 Dirsync Server Installation 4 Dirsync Server Installation=EXAG14_015 4 General Dirsync Server Properties 5 General Dirsync Server Properties=EXAG14_016 5 Setting General Dirsync Server Properties=EXAG14_017 4 Schedule Properties 5 Schedule Properties=EXAG14_018 5 Setting the Directory Exchange Server Schedule=EXAG14_019 3 Remote Dirsync Requestor Installation 4 Remote Dirsync Requestor Installation=EXAG14_020 4 General Remote Dirsync Requestor Properties 5 General Remote Dirsync Requestor Properties=EXAG14_021 5 Setting General Remote Dirsync Requestor Properties=EXAG14_022 4 Import Containers 5 Import Containers=EXAG14_023 5 Selecting a Remote Dirsync Requestor Import Container=EXAG14_024 4 Export Containers 5 Export Containers=EXAG14_025 5 Selecting Remote Dirsync Requestor Export Containers=EXAG14_026 5 Removing Export Containers=EXAG14_027 3 Permissions Properties=EXAG14_028 3 Remote Directory Requestor Configuration 4 Remote Directory Requestor Configuration=EXAG14_029 4 MS Mail 3.x Directory Synchronization Requestor Setup=EXAG14_030 4 MS Mail (AppleTalk) Directory Exchange Requestor Setup=EXAG14_031 4 Directory Exchange Requestor 5 Directory Exchange Requestor =EXAG14_032 5 Configuring Requestor Settings=EXAG14_033 5 Selecting a Gateway =EXAG14_034 5 Setting Address Filters=EXAG14_035 5 Starting the Directory Exchange Requestor=EXAG14_036 5 Making the Directory Exchange Requestor a Startup Item=EXAG14_037 5 Viewing Directory Synchronization Updates =EXAG14_038 5 Importing Address Changes Manually=EXAG14_039 5 Exporting Addresses Manually=EXAG14_040 5 Exporting a World List to a Text File Manually=EXAG14_041 5 Removing MS Mail (AppleTalk) Addresses=EXAG14_042 5 Removing Microsoft Exchange Server Addresses=EXAG14_043 5 Resynchronizing Address Information=EXAG14_044 3 Foreign Directory Exchange Requestors=EXAG14_045 3 Directory Synchronization Configuration 4 Directory Synchronization Configuration=EXAG14_046 4 General Properties=EXAG14_047 4 E-mail Addresses for Directory Synchronization 5 E-mail Addresses for Directory Synchronization=EXAG14_048 5 Creating Directory Synchronization E-mail Addresses=EXAG14_049 5 Modifying Directory Synchronization E-Mail Addresses=EXAG14_050 5 Removing Directory Synchronization E-mail Addresses=EXAG14_051 4 Delivery Restrictions 5 Delivery Restrictions=EXAG14_052 5 Setting Restrictions for Message Reception=EXAG14_053 5 Setting Restrictions for Message Rejection=EXAG14_054 4 Incoming Templates 5 Incoming Templates=EXAG14_055 5 Configuring Incoming Template Mappings=EXAG14_056 5 Modifying Incoming Template Mappings=EXAG14_057 5 Removing Incoming Template Mappings=EXAG14_058 4 Outgoing Templates 5 Outgoing Templates=EXAG14_059 5 Configuring Outgoing Template Mappings=EXAG14_060 5 Modifying Outgoing Template Mappings=EXAG14_061 5 Removing Outgoing Template Mappings=EXAG14_062 3 Diagnostics Logging=EXAG14_063 3 Starting and Stopping Directory Synchronization 4 Starting and Stopping Directory Synchronization =EXAG14_064 4 Starting Directory Synchronization=EXAG14_065 4 Stopping Directory Synchronization=EXAG14_066 2 Chapter 15 Maintaining Your Organization 3 Maintaining Your Organization=EXAG15_01 3 Message Transfer Agent (MTA) 4 Message Transfer Agent (MTA)=EXAG15_002 4 Routing Table for the MTA 5 Routing Table for the MTA=EXAG15_003 5 Rebuilding the Routing Table=EXAG15_004 3 Queues and Message Information for an MTA=EXAG15_005 4 Diagnostics Logging for the MTA=EXAG15_006 3 Microsoft Mail Connector 4 Microsoft Mail Connector=EXAG15_007 4 Queues for the Microsoft Mail Connector=EXAG15_008 3 Information Store 4 Information Store=EXAG15_009 4 Statistics for the Private Information Store 5 Statistics for the Private Information Store=EXAG15_010 5 Viewing Mailbox Resources=EXAG15_011 5 Modifying Columns=EXAG15_012 4 Statistics for the Public Information Store 5 Statistics for the Public Information Store=EXAG15_013 5 Viewing Public Folder Resources=EXAG15_014 5 Modifying Columns=EXAG15_015 4 Maintenance Schedule for the Information Store 5 Maintenance Schedule for the Information Store=EXAG15_016 5 Setting the Maintenance Schedule=EXAG15_017 3 Recipient Management Within a Site 4 Recipient Management Within a Site=EXAG15_018 4 Mailboxes 5 Mailboxes=EXAG15_019 5 Moving Mailboxes Using the Tools Menu=EXAG15_020 5 Manually Moving Mailboxes Between Sites or Between Recipient Containers=EXAG15_021 4 Public Folders 5 Public Folders=EXAG15_022 5 Moving a Public Folder Using the Replicas Tab=EXAG15_023 5 Moving a Public Folder Using a Personal Folder=EXAG15_024 3 Directory 4 Directory=EXAG15_025 4 Event Logs for the Directory 5 Event Logs for the Directory=EXAG15_026 5 Viewing and Clearing the Directory Event Log in the Windows NT Application=EXAG15_027 4 Directory Consistency and Synchronization 5 Directory Consistency and Synchronization=EXAG15_028 5 Verifying Directory Consistency=EXAG15_029 5 Resynchronizing Replicated Directory Information=EXAG15_030 5 Setting Import and Export Requests=EXAG15_031 4 Directory Synchronization Requestor Deletion 5 Directory Synchronization Requestor Deletion=EXAG15_032 5 Deleting a Directory Synchronization Server=EXAG15_033 3 Back Up and Restore 4 Back Up and Restore=EXAG15_034 4 Backup Types=EXAG15_035 4 Backup Process=EXAG15_036 4 Backup Status=EXAG15_037 4 Backup Terminology=EXAG15_038 4 Files Backed Up=EXAG15_039 4 Backup Tape Options 5 Backup Tape Options=EXAG15_040 5 Setting the Tape Options=EXAG15_041 4 Backup Time Requirements and Strategies 5 Backup Time Requirements and Strategies =EXAG15_042 5 Backup Strategies=EXAG15_043 3 Start Microsoft Exchange Services Using Backup=EXAG15_044 4 Online Versus Offline Backup 5 Online Versus Offline Backup=EXAG15_045 5 Performing an Offline Backup=EXAG15_046 4 Backup Schedules 5 Backup Schedules=EXAG15_047 5 Using the AT Utility=EXAG15_048 3 Command-line Batch Files=EXAG15_049 4 Backup Validation 5 Backup Validation=EXAG15_050 5 Validating the Online Backups of Your Information Store=EXAG15_051 4 Restore Process 5 Restore Process=EXAG15_052 5 Viewing Restore Status=EXAG15_053 5 Restoring an Information Store to a Different Server=EXAG15_054 5 Restoring Information After a Catastrophe=EXAG15_055 5 Restoring from an Offline Backup=EXAG15_056 3 Key Management Security Data=EXAG15_057 3 Mailbox Maintenance 4 Mailbox Maintenance=EXAG15_058 4 Mailbox Cleaning 5 Mailbox Cleaning=EXAG15_059 5 Setting the Age Limits =EXAG15_060 5 Setting the Sensitivity Level=EXAG15_061 5 Specifying the Read Items=EXAG15_062 5 Deleting Folder Associated Information=EXAG15_063 5 Setting the Action Level=EXAG15_064 3 Mailbox Templates 4 Mailbox Templates=EXAG15_065 4 New Mailboxes 5 New Mailboxes=EXAG15_066 5 Creating a Template for New Mailboxes=EXAG15_067 5 Hiding the Mailbox Template in the Address Book=EXAG15_068 5 Using the Template to Create New Mailboxes=EXAG15_069 3 E-mail Addresses 4 E-mail Addresses=EXAG15_070 4 Creating an E-mail Address=EXAG15_071 4 Modifying an E-mail Address=EXAG15_072 4 Removing an E-mail Address=EXAG15_073 3 Directory Import and Export 4 Directory Import and Export=EXAG15_074 4 Directory Import and Export Commands 5 Directory Import and Export Commands=EXAG15_075 5 Using Directory Export=EXAG15_076 5 Selecting a Separator=EXAG15_077 5 Using Command-line Directory Export Options=EXAG15_078 5 Using Directory Import=EXAG15_079 5 Using Command-line Directory Import Options=EXAG15_080 3 Import File Format=EXAG15_081 4 Properties and Attributes=EXAG15_082 2 Chapter 16 Monitoring Your Organization 3 Monitoring Your Organization=EXAG16_01 3 Link Monitor 4 Link Monitor=EXAG16_002 4 General Properties 5 General Properties=EXAG16_003 5 Defining the Directory Name and Display Name=EXAG16_004 5 Creating Log Files=EXAG16_005 5 Setting Polling Intervals=EXAG16_006 3 Permissions=EXAG16_007 4 Warning and Alert Durations 5 Warning and Alert Durations=EXAG16_008 5 Specifying a Warning State Duration=EXAG16_009 5 Specifying an Alert State Duration=EXAG16_010 4 Notification Process 5 Notification Process=EXAG16_011 5 Using Notification Applications=EXAG16_012 5 Using Mail Messages=EXAG16_013 5 Using Network Alerts=EXAG16_014 5 Modifying a Notification=EXAG16_015 5 Removing a Notification=EXAG16_016 4 Link Monitoring Within an Organization 5 Link Monitoring Within an Organization=EXAG16_017 5 Specifying Servers for Link Monitoring=EXAG16_018 5 Removing Servers from Link Monitoring=EXAG16_019 4 Link Monitoring Outside an Organization 5 Link Monitoring Outside an Organization=EXAG16_020 5 Tips for Monitoring Links to Foreign Systems=EXAG16_021 5 Specifying Recipients That Return Subjects=EXAG16_022 5 Specifying Recipients That Return Subjects or Bodies =EXAG16_023 4 Link Status 5 Link Status=EXAG16_024 5 Viewing the Last Received Bounce Mail Details=EXAG16_025 3 Link Notification=EXAG16_026 4 Maintenance Status=EXAG16_027 3 Server Monitor 4 Server Monitor=EXAG16_028 4 General Properties 5 General Properties=EXAG16_029 5 Defining the Directory and Display Names=EXAG16_030 5 Creating Log Files=EXAG16_031 5 Setting Polling Intervals=EXAG16_032 3 Permissions=EXAG16_033 4 Notification Process 5 Notification Process=EXAG16_034 5 Using Notification Applications=EXAG16_035 5 Using Mail Messages=EXAG16_036 5 Using Network Alerts=EXAG16_037 5 Modifying a Notification=EXAG16_038 5 Removing a Notification=EXAG16_039 4 Server Monitoring Within an Organization 5 Server Monitoring Within an Organization=EXAG16_040 5 Specifying Servers for Monitoring=EXAG16_041 5 Removing Servers from Monitoring=EXAG16_042 4 Escalation Actions 5 Escalation Actions=EXAG16_043 5 Specifying Escalation Actions=EXAG16_044 5 Specifying the Restart Delay=EXAG16_045 4 Clock Synchronization 5 Clock Synchronization=EXAG16_046 5 Setting up Alerts=EXAG16_047 5 Setting up Clock Synchronization=EXAG16_048 4 Services to Monitor 5 Services to Monitor=EXAG16_049 5 Adding a Service=EXAG16_050 5 Removing a Monitored Service=EXAG16_051 3 Manual Startup and Shutdown for Monitors 4 Manual Startup and Shutdown for Monitors=EXAG16_052 4 Starting Monitors Manually=EXAG16_053 4 Stopping Monitors for Maintenance=EXAG16_054 3 Windows NT Performance Monitor 4 Windows NT Performance Monitor=EXAG16_055 4 Alerts 5 Alerts=EXAG16_056 5 Setting up an Alert Log=EXAG16_057 5 Adding Selections to an Alert Log=EXAG16_058 5 Saving Alert Log Selections in a Settings File=EXAG16_059 5 Opening an Existing Alert Log Settings file=EXAG16_060 5 Viewing the Alert Log=EXAG16_061 5 Changing Alert Selections=EXAG16_062 5 Changing Alert Options=EXAG16_063 3 Automatic Logon and Startup 4 Automatic Logon and Startup=EXAG16_064 4 Logging On To Windows NT Server Automatically=EXAG16_065 4 Starting Link and Server Monitors Automatically=EXAG16_066 4 Starting Performance Monitor Automatically=EXAG16_067 2 Chapter 17 Troubleshooting Tools and Resources 3 Troubleshooting Tools and Resources=EXAG17_01 3 Link Monitor 4 Link Monitor=EXAG17_002 4 Link Monitor Configuration=EXAG17_003 4 Connection Status 5 Connection Status=EXAG17_004 5 Interpreting a Link Monitor Display=EXAG17_005 5 Displaying Time Detail=EXAG17_006 5 Viewing Real-time Notifications=EXAG17_007 5 Checking Maintenance Status=EXAG17_008 3 Viewing a Link Monitor Log=EXAG17_009 4 Connection Problems=EXAG17_010 4 Troubleshooting Your Link Monitor=EXAG17_011 3 Server Monitor 4 Server Monitor=EXAG17_012 4 Server Monitor Configuration 5 Server Monitor Configuration=EXAG17_013 5 Finding Failing Services =EXAG17_014 5 Displaying and Changing Component Status=EXAG17_015 5 Checking Clock Synchronization=EXAG17_016 5 Viewing Real-time Notifications=EXAG17_017 5 Checking the Maintenance Status=EXAG17_018 5 Using Server Monitor Log Files=EXAG17_019 3 Windows NT Performance Monitor 4 Windows NT Performance Monitor=EXAG17_020 4 Windows NT General Performance Monitor Counters=EXAG17_021 4 Microsoft Exchange Server Performance Monitor Counters 5 Microsoft Exchange Server Performance Monitor Counters=EXAG17_022 5 Monitoring the Message Transfer Agent=EXAG17_023 5 Monitoring the Directory=EXAG17_024 5 Monitoring the Information Store=EXAG17_025 5 Monitoring the MS Mail Connector=EXAG17_026 5 Monitoring the Internet Mail Connector=EXAG17_027 3 Windows NT Event Viewer 4 Windows NT Event Viewer=EXAG17_028 4 Searching Event Logs 5 Searching Event Logs=EXAG17_029 5 Specifying the Search Criteria=EXAG17_030 5 Filtering Event Logs=EXAG17_031 5 Viewing the Logs of a Different Computer=EXAG17_032 5 Displaying Event Detail=EXAG17_033 3 Diagnostics Logging 4 Diagnostics Logging=EXAG17_034 4 Diagnostics Logging Categories 5 Diagnostics Logging Categories=EXAG17_035 5 Understanding the Diagnostics Logging Property Page=EXAG17_036 5 Changing the Diagnostics Logging Level=EXAG17_037 5 Reviewing the Logs=EXAG17_038 4 Diagnostics Logging of the MTA 5 Diagnostics Logging of the MTA=EXAG17_039 5 Changing Logging Levels=EXAG17_040 5 Creating Interoperability Logs=EXAG17_041 5 Creating APDU Logs=EXAG17_042 4 Diagnostics Logging of the Information Store 5 Diagnostics Logging of the Information Store=EXAG17_043 5 Changing Logging Levels=EXAG17_044 5 Using Diagnostics Logging of the Information Store=EXAG17_045 4 Diagnostics Logging of an Internet Mail Connector 5 Diagnostics Logging of an Internet Mail Connector=EXAG17_046 5 Changing Logging Levels=EXAG17_047 5 Logging SMTP Information=EXAG17_048 5 Interpreting an SMTP Protocol Log=EXAG17_049 5 Creating a Message Archive=EXAG17_050 4 Diagnostics Logging of a Microsoft Mail Connector 5 Diagnostics Logging of a Microsoft Mail Connector=EXAG17_051 5 Changing Logging Levels=EXAG17_052 5 Interpreting the Event Log=EXAG17_053 4 Diagnostics Logging of a Microsoft Schedule+ Free/Busy Connector 5 Diagnostics Logging of a Microsoft Schedule+ Free/Busy Connector=EXAG17_054 5 Changing Logging Levels for a Schedule+ Free/Busy Connector=EXAG17_055 4 Diagnostics Logging of a Microsoft Exchange Server 5 Diagnostics Logging of a Microsoft Exchange Server=EXAG17_056 5 Viewing or Changing Logging Levels=EXAG17_057 3 Message Tracking 4 Message Tracking=EXAG17_058 4 Enabling Message Tracking 5 Enabling Message Tracking=EXAG17_059 5 Enabling Message Tracking on MTAs=EXAG17_060 5 Enabling Message Tracking on the Information Store=EXAG17_061 5 Enabling Message Tracking on an MS Mail Connector=EXAG17_062 5 Enabling Message Tracking on an Internet Mail Connector=EXAG17_063 3 Tracking Log=EXAG17_064 4 Tracking Messages 5 Tracking Messages=EXAG17_065 5 Starting Message Tracking=EXAG17_066 5 Finding a Message to Track=EXAG17_067 5 Selecting a Message=EXAG17_068 5 Displaying Message Detail=EXAG17_069 5 Using the Message Tracking Center=EXAG17_070 5 Performing an Advanced Search=EXAG17_071 5 Searching for Microsoft Exchange Server Messages=EXAG17_072 5 Searching Outside of the Organization=EXAG17_073 5 Searching by Message ID=EXAG17_074 5 Interpreting a Message Track=EXAG17_075 3 Message Queues 4 Message Queues=EXAG17_076 4 MTA Queues 5 MTA Queues=EXAG17_077 5 Viewing Message Detail=EXAG17_078 5 Refreshing the Queue Property Page=EXAG17_079 5 Changing Message Order=EXAG17_080 5 Deleting Messages=EXAG17_081 5 Using MTA Message Queues for Troubleshooting=EXAG17_082 4 Internet Mail Connector Queues 5 Internet Mail Connector Queues=EXAG17_083 5 Selecting a Queue=EXAG17_084 5 Viewing Message Detail=EXAG17_085 5 Refreshing the Queues Property Page=EXAG17_086 5 Deleting Messages=EXAG17_087 5 Forcing a Retry=EXAG17_088 5 Using Internet Mail Connector Queues for Troubleshooting=EXAG17_089 4 MS Mail Connector Queues 5 MS Mail Connector Queues=EXAG17_090 5 Selecting a Queue=EXAG17_091 5 Refreshing the Queue=EXAG17_092 5 Returning Messages=EXAG17_093 5 Deleting Messages=EXAG17_094 5 Using MS Mail Queues for Troubleshooting=EXAG17_095 3 Troubleshooting Utilities 4 Troubleshooting Utilities=EXAG17_096 4 MTACHECK 5 MTACHECK=EXAG17_097 5 Running MTACHECK=EXAG17_098 5 Interpreting MTACHECK Output=EXAG17_099 5 Searching Message Logs by Message ID=EXAG17_100 4 ISINTEG 5 ISINTEG=EXAG17_101 5 Testing the Tables=EXAG17_102 5 Patching the Information Store=EXAG17_103 4 EDBUTIL 5 EDBUTIL=EXAG17_104 5 Defragmenting a Database=EXAG17_105 5 Checking Database Consistency=EXAG17_106 3 Other Tools and Resources 4 Other Tools and Resources=EXAG17_107 4 Other Tools=EXAG17_108 4 Other Resources=EXAG17_109 2 Chapter 18 Troubleshooting Your System 3 Troubleshooting Your System=EXAG18_01 3 Addressing=EXAG18_002 3 Administrator Program=EXAG18_003 3 Clients=EXAG18_004 3 Connections Between Microsoft Exchange Servers=EXAG18_005 3 Directory=EXAG18_006 3 Directory Synchronization=EXAG18_007 3 Internet Mail Connector=EXAG18_008 3 Microsoft Exchange Server Performance=EXAG18_009 3 Microsoft Exchange Server Setup=EXAG18_010 3 MS Mail Connector=EXAG18_011 3 Non-Delivery Reports=EXAG18_012 3 Public Folders=EXAG18_013 3 Remote Clients=EXAG18_014 3 Sending Mail=EXAG18_015 3 X.400 Connections=EXAG18_016 2 Appendix A Addressing 3 Appendix A Addressing=EXAGAA_01 3 X.400 Recipient Addresses=EXAGAA_002 3 Internet (SMTP) Recipient Addresses=EXAGAA_003 3 MS Mail Recipient Addresses=EXAGAA_004 3 General Recipient Addresses=EXAGAA_005 3 Setting Up Address Spaces 4 Setting Up Address Spaces=EXAGAA_006 4 X.400 Address Spaces=EXAGAA_007 4 Internet (SMTP) Address Spaces=EXAGAA_008 4 MS Mail Address Spaces=EXAGAA_009 4 General Address Spaces=EXAGAA_010 2 Appendix B Diagnostics Logging 3 Appendix B Diagnostics Logging =EXAGAB_01 3 Directory=EXAGAB_002 3 Directory Synchronization=EXAGAB_003 4 Information Store 5 Information Store=EXAGAB_004 5 Critical Event Categories=EXAGAB_005 3 Message Transfer Agent=EXAGAB_006 4 Internet Mail Connector=EXAGAB_007 4 MS Mail Connector=EXAGAB_008 4 Microsoft Schedule+ Free/Busy Connector=EXAGAB_009 4 Key Management Server=EXAGAB_010 1 Application Designer's Guide 2 Before You Begin 3 Before You Begin=EXADWW_01 3 System Requirements 4 System Requirements=EXADWW_002 4 Hardware=EXADWW_003 4 Software=EXADWW_004 2 Essential Concepts and Skills=EXADWW_005 3 Setting Up the Design Environment=EXADWW_006 3 Upgrading from a Previous Version of the Forms Designer=EXADWW_007 3 Using Forms Designer Version 1.0 Forms=EXADWW_008 3 Starting the Design Environment=EXADWW_009 3 Getting Information While You Work 4 Getting Information While You Work=EXADWW_010 4 Application Designer s Guide=EXADWW_011 4 Online Documentation=EXADWW_012 4 Sample Applications=EXADWW_013 4 Using Visual Basic for the Microsoft Exchange Server=EXADWW_014 2 Microsoft Product Support Services=EXADWW_015 2 Chapter 1 The Microsoft Exchange Application Design Environment 3 The Microsoft Exchange Application Design Environment=EXAD01_01>exad 3 Types of Applications You Can Create 4 Types of Applications You Can Create=EXAD01_002 4 Form Application Possibilities 5 Form Application Possibilities=EXAD01_003 5 Request Forms=EXAD01_004 5 Survey Forms=EXAD01_005 5 Report Forms=EXAD01_006 5 Miscellaneous Activity Forms=EXAD01_007 4 Folder Application Possibilities 5 Folder Application Possibilities=EXAD01_008 5 Discussion Folders=EXAD01_009 5 Reference Folders=EXAD01_010 5 Tracking Folders=EXAD01_011 3 Microsoft Exchange Sample Applications 4 Microsoft Exchange Sample Applications=EXAD01_012 4 Folder Applications=EXAD01_013 3 Microsoft Exchange Design Tools 4 Microsoft Exchange Design Tools=EXAD01_014 4 Form Design Tools 5 Form Design Tools=EXAD01_015 5 Forms Designer=EXAD01_016 5 Form Template Wizard=EXAD01_017 5 Form Templates=EXAD01_018 4 Folder Design Tools 5 Folder Design Tools=EXAD01_019 5 Microsoft Exchange Client=EXAD01_020 5 Folder Design Cue Cards=EXAD01_021 3 Overview of Microsoft Exchange Forms 4 Overview of Microsoft Exchange Forms=EXAD01_022 4 Types of Custom Forms=EXAD01_023 4 Parts of a Form=EXAD01_024 4 Where Are Forms Stored and Why?=EXAD01_025 3 Overview of Microsoft Exchange Folders 4 Overview of Microsoft Exchange Folders=EXAD01_026 4 Types of Folders=EXAD01_027 4 Parts of a Folder 5 Parts of a Folder=EXAD01_028 5 Forms=EXAD01_029 5 Views=EXAD01_030 5 Permissions=EXAD01_031 5 Rules=EXAD01_032 3 Where Are Folders Stored and Why?=EXAD01_033 2 Chapter 2 Quick Guide to Building Applications 3 Quick Guide to Building Applications=EXAD02_01 3 Creating a Send Form - a Tutorial 4 Creating a Send Form - a Tutorial =EXAD02_002 4 Start the Forms Designer=EXAD02_003 4 Add Fields to the Form 5 Add Fields to the Form=EXAD02_004 5 Adding Entry Fields=EXAD02_005 5 Adding OptionButton Fields=EXAD02_006 5 Adding a ComboBox Field=EXAD02_007 4 Set Field Properties 5 Set Field Properties=EXAD02_008 5 Setting Initial Values for the Reason for Call Field=EXAD02_009 5 Setting the Initial Value for the Subject Field=EXAD02_010 5 Setting the Initial Value for the Please Call Option Button=EXAD02_011 5 Setting the Type Properties for the Time Called Field=EXAD02_012 3 Set Window Properties=EXAD02_013 4 Set Form Properties=EXAD02_014 4 Save and Install the Form=EXAD02_015 4 Test the Form=EXAD02_016 3 Modifying a Sample Application Folder: a Tutorial 4 Modifying a Sample Application Folder: a Tutorial=EXAD02_017 4 Create a Folder=EXAD02_018 4 Modify the Form Project Files 5 Modify the Form Project Files=EXAD02_019 5 Modifying the Lead Thought Form=EXAD02_020 5 Modifying the Response Form=EXAD02_021 3 Install the Forms=EXAD02_022 4 Design a View=EXAD02_023 4 Test the Forms and Folder=EXAD02_024 2 What s Next=EXAD02_025 2 Chapter 3 Designing Forms 3 Designing Forms=EXAD03_01 3 Form Design Tasks=EXAD03_002 3 Form Design Environment=EXAD03_003 3 Form Design Concepts 4 Form Design Concepts=EXAD03_004 4 How Forms Work=EXAD03_005 4 How Shared Fields Work=EXAD03_006 4 About Form Templates=EXAD03_007 4 Will the Form be Used to Send or to Post an Item? 5 Will the Form be Used to Send or to Post an Item?=EXAD03_008 5 Using a Form to Send an Item=EXAD03_009 5 Using a Form to Post an Item=EXAD03_010 4 Will the Form Be Used to Create or Respond to an Item? 5 Will the Form Be Used to Create or Respond to an Item?=EXAD03_011 5 Using a Form to Compose a New Item=EXAD03_012 5 Using a Form to Respond to an Item=EXAD03_013 4 Will the Form Require One Window or Two? 5 Will the Form Require One Window or Two?=EXAD03_014 5 Using a One-Window Form=EXAD03_015 5 Using a Two-Window Form=EXAD03_016 3 Getting Started 4 Getting Started=EXAD03_017 4 Creating a New Form 5 Creating a New Form=EXAD03_018 5 Using the Form Template Wizard=EXAD03_019 5 Designing a New Form Using a Form Template=EXAD03_020 3 Opening an Existing Form=EXAD03_021 4 Creating a New Window=EXAD03_022 4 Selecting a Window to View or Modify=EXAD03_023 2 Using Design Time Options=EXAD03_024 3 Adding and Adjusting Fields 4 Adding and Adjusting Fields=EXAD03_025 4 The Toolbox, Header Fields, and Body Fields=EXAD03_026 4 Inserting Existing Fields=EXAD03_027 4 Selecting and Altering Fields=EXAD03_028 4 Aligning Fields=EXAD03_029 4 Spacing Fields=EXAD03_030 4 Editing Fields=EXAD03_031 3 Setting Field Properties 4 Setting Field Properties =EXAD03_032 4 Naming the Field 5 Naming the Field=EXAD03_033 5 Specifying a Field Reference Name=EXAD03_034 5 Designating the Field as Criteria for Views and Searches=EXAD03_035 3 Formatting a Field=EXAD03_036 4 Setting the Initial Value of a Field=EXAD03_037 4 Setting Field-Specific Properties 5 Setting Field-Specific Properties=EXAD03_038 5 Displaying and Entering Header Information=EXAD03_039 5 Displaying and Entering Text=EXAD03_040 4 Presenting Choices to the User 5 Presenting Choices to the User=EXAD03_041 5 CheckBox Fields=EXAD03_042 5 OptionButton Fields=EXAD03_043 5 ComboBox Field=EXAD03_044 5 ListBox Field=EXAD03_045 4 Working with Container Fields 5 Working with Container Fields=EXAD03_046 5 Frame Field=EXAD03_047 5 Tab Field=EXAD03_048 5 PictureBox Field=EXAD03_049 3 Setting Field Appearance Properties=EXAD03_050 3 Setting Window Properties 4 Setting Window Properties=EXAD03_051 4 Specifying a Window Name and Caption 5 Specifying a Window Name and Caption=EXAD03_052 5 Naming the Window=EXAD03_053 5 Specifying a Window Caption=EXAD03_054 3 Formatting the Window=EXAD03_055 4 Modifying the Form Window Menu Bar 5 Modifying the Form Window Menu Bar=EXAD03_056 5 Changing Menu and Command Captions=EXAD03_057 3 Setting Form Properties 4 Setting Form Properties=EXAD03_058 4 Identifying the Form to the Microsoft Exchange Environment 5 Identifying the Form to the Microsoft Exchange Environment=EXAD03_059 5 Specifying a Form Display Name=EXAD03_060 5 Specifying an Item Type=EXAD03_061 4 Event Handling Properties 5 Event Handling Properties=EXAD03_062 5 Actions You Can Specify for an Event=EXAD03_063 3 Creating Help for a Form 4 Creating Help for a Form=EXAD03_064 4 Creating Form, Window, Field, and Command Help=EXAD03_065 4 Disk Space and Performance Considerations for Help=EXAD03_066 4 Creating Windows Help (.HLP) for a Form=EXAD03_067 4 Creating Designer Notes=EXAD03_068 3 Saving and Installing a Form 4 Saving and Installing a Form=EXAD03_069 4 Saving a Form=EXAD03_070 4 Installing a Form=EXAD03_071 4 Deciding Where to Install a Form 5 Deciding Where to Install a Form=EXAD03_072 5 Extending Forms Using Visual Basic=EXAD03_073 2 Chapter 4 Designing Microsoft Exchange Public Folders 3 Designing Microsoft Exchange Public Folders=EXAD04_01 3 Folder Design Tasks=EXAD04_002 3 Planning a Folder=EXAD04_003 3 Creating or Selecting a Folder 4 Creating or Selecting a Folder=EXAD04_004 4 Choosing Where to Design a New Folder=EXAD04_005 4 Creating a Folder from Scratch=EXAD04_006 4 Directly Modifying the Folder=EXAD04_007 4 Copying a Folder Design=EXAD04_008 3 Copying or Installing Forms in a Folder 4 Copying or Installing Forms in a Folder=EXAD04_009 4 Copying Forms to a Folder=EXAD04_010 4 Installing Forms in a Folder 5 Installing Forms in a Folder=EXAD04_011 5 Using the Forms Designer=EXAD04_012 5 Using the Forms Manager=EXAD04_013 3 Designing Folder Views 4 Designing Folder Views=EXAD04_014 4 The Form Fields, Field Properties, and Folder Views Relationship=EXAD04_015 4 Creating Views=EXAD04_016 4 Creating Columns=EXAD04_017 4 Creating Groups=EXAD04_018 4 Sorting Items 5 Sorting Items=EXAD04_019 5 Sorting on Conversation Thread=EXAD04_020 4 Filtering Items 5 Filtering Items=EXAD04_021 5 Size (Kilobytes)=EXAD04_022 5 Received=EXAD04_023 5 Only Unread Items=EXAD04_024 5 Only Items with Attachments=EXAD04_025 5 Only Items That Do Not Match These Conditions=EXAD04_026 5 Importance=EXAD04_027 5 Sensitivity=EXAD04_028 5 Show Properties Of=EXAD04_029 2 Testing Forms and Views=EXAD04_030 3 Copying the Folder to the Set of Public Folders=EXAD04_031 3 Designating the Types of Items Allowable in the Folder=EXAD04_032 3 Granting Permissions 4 Granting Permissions=EXAD04_033 4 Modifying the Folder Access List 5 Modifying the Folder Access List=EXAD04_034 5 Using a Distribution List=EXAD04_035 3 Setting Permissions=EXAD04_036 3 Setting Administration Properties 4 Setting Administration Properties=EXAD04_037 4 Initial View On Folder=EXAD04_038 4 Drag/Drop Posting Is A=EXAD04_039 4 Add Folder Address to Personal Address Book=EXAD04_040 4 This Folder is Available To=EXAD04_041 4 Folder Assistant=EXAD04_042 4 Folder Path=EXAD04_043 4 Properties=EXAD04_044 3 Designing Rules 4 Designing Rules=EXAD04_045 4 Specifying Conditions of a Rule 5 Specifying Conditions of a Rule=EXAD04_046 5 Rules Syntax=EXAD04_047 5 Performing Actions if Conditions are Met or Not Met=EXAD04_048 5 Specifying Simple Conditions=EXAD04_049 5 Specifying Advanced Conditions=EXAD04_050 5 Size (Kilobytes)=EXAD04_051 5 Received=EXAD04_052 5 Only Unread Items=EXAD04_053 5 Only Items With Attachments=EXAD04_054 5 Only Items That Do Not Match These Conditions=EXAD04_055 5 Importance=EXAD04_056 5 Sensitivity=EXAD04_057 5 Show Properties Of=EXAD04_058 4 Specifying Actions for a Rule 5 Specifying Actions for a Rule=EXAD04_059 5 Return to Sender=EXAD04_060 5 Delete =EXAD04_061 5 Reply with Template=EXAD04_062 5 Forward=EXAD04_063 2 Testing and Releasing the Folder=EXAD04_064 2 Chapter 5 Putting It All Together 3 Putting It All Together=EXAD05_01 3 Examining the HelpDesk Application 4 Examining the HelpDesk Application=EXAD05_002 4 Overview of the HelpDesk Application=EXAD05_003 4 How the HelpDesk Form is Used at Run Time 5 How the HelpDesk Form is Used at Run Time=EXAD05_004 5 Composing a HelpDesk Request =EXAD05_005 5 Reading a HelpDesk Request=EXAD05_006 4 HelpDesk Design Techniques 5 HelpDesk Design Techniques=EXAD05_007 5 Create a Read Window Based on a Compose Window=EXAD05_008 5 Create a Shared Field=EXAD05_009 5 Designate a Field as Criteria for Views=EXAD05_010 5 Make a Field Required in the Compose Window and Locked in the Read Window=EXAD05_011 5 Pass the Create New Item Event to the Compose Window=EXAD05_012 5 Specify That a Menu Command is Added to the Compose Menu of the Microsoft Exchange=EXAD05_013 5 Make a Create New Item Command Appear in a Form Window Compose Menu=EXAD05_014 5 Pass the Open Submitted Item Event to the Read Window=EXAD05_015 5 Let Users Send Items to a Folder=EXAD05_016 3 Examining the Discussion Application 4 Examining the Discussion Application=EXAD05_017 4 Overview of the Discussion and Response Application=EXAD05_018 4 How the Discussion Application Is Used at Run Time 5 How the Discussion Application Is Used at Run Time=EXAD05_019 5 Composing a Lead Thought=EXAD05_020 5 Composing a Response to a Lead Thought=EXAD05_021 5 Composing a Response to a Response Item=EXAD05_022 4 Discussion and Response Design Techniques 5 Discussion and Response Design Techniques=EXAD05_023 5 Design a Post Form for Creating New Items=EXAD05_024 5 Design a Form to Respond to Existing Items=EXAD05_025 5 Design a Custom Response=EXAD05_026 5 Copy Field Values from Selected Item to the Response Item=EXAD05_027 5 Use a Shared Field Among Different Forms=EXAD05_028 5 Specify That a Response Item Is Added to a Conversation Thread =EXAD05_029 3 Examining the Contact Tracking Application 4 Examining the Contact Tracking Application=EXAD05_030 4 Overview of the Contact Tracking Application=EXAD05_031 4 How the Contact Tracking Application is Used at Run Time 5 How the Contact Tracking Application is Used at Run Time=EXAD05_032 5 Composing a Company Profile Item=EXAD05_033 5 Composing a Contact Profile Item=EXAD05_034 5 Composing an Action Item=EXAD05_035 4 Contact Tracking Design Techniques 5 Contact Tracking Design Techniques=EXAD05_036 5 Design a Form with Multiple Custom Responses=EXAD05_037 3 Examining the Hot Topics Application 4 Examining the Hot Topics Application=EXAD05_038 4 Overview of the Hot Topics Application=EXAD05_039 4 How the Hot Topics Application is Used at Run Time 5 How the Hot Topics Application is Used at Run Time=EXAD05_040 5 Composing a News Item=EXAD05_041 5 Posting an Item for Review=EXAD05_042 5 How Rules Process an Item Posted for Review=EXAD05_043 5 Approving a News Item=EXAD05_044 5 Posting an Approved Item=EXAD05_045 5 How Rules Process an Approved Item=EXAD05_046 3 Hot Topics Design Techniques=EXAD05_047 2 Chapter 6 Setting Field Properties 3 Setting Field Properties=EXAD06_01 3 Setting General Field Properties 4 Setting General Field Properties=EXAD06_002 4 Reference Name=EXAD06_003 4 Browse=EXAD06_004 4 Omit This Field s Value When Creating an Item=EXAD06_005 3 Microsoft Exchange Column Name=EXAD06_006 4 Location=EXAD06_007 4 Size=EXAD06_008 4 Field Caption 5 Field Caption=EXAD06_009 5 Position=EXAD06_010 4 Field Is 5 Field Is=EXAD06_011 5 Locked=EXAD06_012 5 Hidden=EXAD06_013 5 Required=EXAD06_014 3 Field Help=EXAD06_015 3 Setting Field Format and Initial Value Properties 4 Setting Field Format and Initial Value Properties=EXAD06_016 4 Bcc Field 5 Bcc Field=EXAD06_017 5 Bcc Format Properties=EXAD06_018 5 Bcc Initial Value Properties=EXAD06_019 4 Cc Field 5 Cc Field=EXAD06_020 5 Cc Field Format Properties=EXAD06_021 5 Cc Field Initial Value Properties=EXAD06_022 4 CheckBox Field 5 CheckBox Field=EXAD06_023 5 CheckBox Format Properties=EXAD06_024 5 CheckBox Initial Value Properties=EXAD06_025 4 ComboBox Field 5 ComboBox Field=EXAD06_026 5 ComboBox Field Format Properties=EXAD06_027 5 ComboBox Initial Value Properties=EXAD06_028 3 Date Field=EXAD06_029 4 Entry Field 5 Entry Field=EXAD06_030 5 Entry Field Format Properties=EXAD06_031 5 Entry Field Initial Value Properties=EXAD06_032 4 Frame Field 5 Frame Field=EXAD06_033 5 Frame Format Properties=EXAD06_034 5 Frame Field Initial Value Properties=EXAD06_035 4 From Field 5 From Field=EXAD06_036 5 From Field Format Properties=EXAD06_037 5 From Field Initial Value Properties=EXAD06_038 4 Label Field 5 Label Field=EXAD06_039 5 Label Field Format Properties=EXAD06_040 5 Label Field Initial Value Properties=EXAD06_041 4 ListBox Field 5 ListBox Field=EXAD06_042 5 ListBox Field Format Properties=EXAD06_043 5 ListBox Initial Value Properties=EXAD06_044 4 OptionButton Field 5 OptionButton Field=EXAD06_045 5 OptionButton Format Properties=EXAD06_046 5 OptionButton Initial Value Properties=EXAD06_047 4 PictureBox Field 5 PictureBox Field =EXAD06_048 5 PictureBox Field Format Properties=EXAD06_049 5 PictureBox Field Initial Value Properties=EXAD06_050 4 RichEntry Field 5 RichEntry Field=EXAD06_051 5 RichEntry Field Format Properties=EXAD06_052 5 RichEntry Field Initial Value Properties=EXAD06_053 4 Subject Field 5 Subject Field=EXAD06_054 5 Subject Field Format Properties=EXAD06_055 5 Subject Field Initial Properties=EXAD06_056 4 Tab Field 5 Tab Field=EXAD06_057 5 Panel Field Format Properties=EXAD06_058 5 Tab Field Initial Value Properties=EXAD06_059 4 To Field 5 To Field=EXAD06_060 5 To Field Format Properties=EXAD06_061 5 To Field Initial Value Properties=EXAD06_062 2 Chapter 7 Setting Window Properties 3 Setting Window Properties=EXAD07_01 3 Setting Window General Properties 4 Setting Window General Properties=EXAD07_002 4 Window Name=EXAD07_003 4 Window Caption=EXAD07_004 4 Field Tab Order=EXAD07_005 4 Lock Window=EXAD07_006 4 Window Help=EXAD07_007 3 Setting Window Format Properties 4 Setting Window Format Properties=EXAD07_008 4 Title Bar Features=EXAD07_009 4 Initial View Options=EXAD07_010 4 Window Icon=EXAD07_011 4 Background=EXAD07_012 4 Window Sizing Options Property=EXAD07_013 3 Setting Window Menus Properties 4 Setting Window Menus Properties=EXAD07_014 4 Menu=EXAD07_015 4 Commands=EXAD07_016 4 Menu Caption=EXAD07_017 4 Command Help=EXAD07_018 4 Submit Options 5 Submit Options=EXAD07_019 5 Submit By=EXAD07_020 5 Default=EXAD07_021 5 Other=EXAD07_022 5 Browse=EXAD07_023 5 Show Fields as Text in the Message Body=EXAD07_024 5 Save Options (Enable for Submitted Item Only)=EXAD07_025 4 Changing Custom Response Command Captions for the Read Window 5 Changing Custom Response Command Captions for the Read Window=EXAD07_026 5 Compose Options=EXAD07_027 5 Add=EXAD07_028 5 Remove=EXAD07_029 5 Command Caption=EXAD07_030 5 Item Type=EXAD07_031 5 Browse =EXAD07_032 2 Chapter 8 Setting Form Properties 3 Setting Form Properties=EXAD08_01 3 Setting General Form Properties 4 Setting General Form Properties=EXAD08_002 4 Form Display Name=EXAD08_003 4 Version=EXAD08_004 4 Number=EXAD08_005 4 Item Type=EXAD08_006 4 Description=EXAD08_007 4 Icons=EXAD08_008 4 Form Help=EXAD08_009 3 Setting Event Properties 4 Setting Event Properties=EXAD08_010 4 Event=EXAD08_011 4 Viewer Menu Command 5 Viewer Menu Command=EXAD08_012 5 Viewer Menu Commands for the Create New Item Event=EXAD08_013 5 Viewer Menu Commands for Custom Response Events=EXAD08_014 3 Event Not Supported=EXAD08_015 4 Pass to Window 5 Pass to Window=EXAD08_016 5 Creating a New Window=EXAD08_017 4 Create Response 5 Create Response=EXAD08_018 5 Creating a Microsoft Exchange Standard Form Response=EXAD08_019 5 Creating a Custom Form Response=EXAD08_020 5 Response Style=EXAD08_021 4 Initialize New Items When Created 5 Initialize New Items When Created=EXAD08_022 5 Add Response Item to Conversation Thread=EXAD08_023 5 Initialize To, Cc, and Subject Values in Response Item=EXAD08_024 5 Message Body Field Options=EXAD08_025 5 Add Field Values to Response Item=EXAD08_026 2 Chapter 9 Extending Forms 3 Extending Forms=EXAD09_01 3 Requirements for Extending Forms=EXAD09_002 3 About Visual Basic=EXAD09_003 3 Process for Creating VB-Extended Forms=EXAD09_004 3 Additional Resources for Extending Forms=EXAD09_005 3 Why Use the Forms Designer?=EXAD09_006 3 Form Components=EXAD09_007 3 How a Form Works at Run Time 4 How a Form Works at Run Time=EXAD09_008 4 Activating a Form to Compose a New Item=EXAD09_009 3 Visual Basic Project Files 4 Visual Basic Project Files=EXAD09_010 4 Variant Project Files=EXAD09_011 4 Invariant Project Files=EXAD09_012 4 What Files Do You Modify?=EXAD09_013 4 Form Window Procedures to Modify=EXAD09_014 4 Event Procedures to Modify=EXAD09_015 4 Adjusting the Form Window Canvas=EXAD09_016 3 Typical Visual Basic Programming Scenarios 4 Typical Visual Basic Programming Scenarios=EXAD09_017 4 Overview of Adding Controls=EXAD09_018 4 Adding a Text Box Control 5 Adding a Text Box Control=EXAD09_019 5 Setting the Initial Value=EXAD09_020 5 Saving the Control s Value=EXAD09_021 5 Loading the Control Values=EXAD09_022 5 Adding Code to Event Procedures=EXAD09_023 3 Accessing External Databases 4 Accessing External Databases=EXAD09_024 4 Displaying Information from an External Database 5 Displaying Information from an External Database=EXAD09_025 5 Declaring Database Variables=EXAD09_026 5 Setting the Initial Value of the Part Control=EXAD09_027 3 Writing to an External Database=EXAD09_028 4 Creating Interdependent Controls=EXAD09_029 4 Validating User Input in a Control=EXAD09_030 4 Performing Calculations=EXAD09_031 4 Adding Custom Controls=EXAD09_032 4 Creating a Custom Toolbar 5 Creating a Custom Toolbar=EXAD09_033 5 Step 1 - Hide and Rename the Default Toolbar=EXAD09_034 5 Step 2 - Create a New Toolbar=EXAD09_035 5 Step 3 - Add Code to the Button Click Event =EXAD09_036 5 Step 4 - Set pnlToolbar.Visible to True in Window_Prep=EXAD09_037 3 Hiding the Format Bar=EXAD09_038 4 Modifying the Form Menu Bar=EXAD09_039 4 Adding a Dialog Box to a Form Project 5 Adding a Dialog Box to a Form Project=EXAD09_040 5 Step 1 - Add a .FRM file to the Project=EXAD09_041 5 Step 2 - Add Code to Open the Dialog box=EXAD09_042 5 Adding an OLE Control in a Form=EXAD09_043 5 Adding the OLE Container and Setting its Properties=EXAD09_044 5 Add Code to the Window_Store Procedure=EXAD09_045 5 Add Code to the Window_Load Procedure=EXAD09_046 5 Update the OLE Control s Event Procedures=EXAD09_047 4 Updating the Configuration File 5 Updating the Configuration File=EXAD09_048 5 Registering a Control in the .CFG File=EXAD09_049 5 Adding File References to the .CFG =EXAD09_050 5 Adding Code to the Form to Locate and Launch an .EXE=EXAD09_051 5 Adding Code to the Form to Locate and Launch a WinHelp File=EXAD09_052 5 Distributing .OCX and .VBX files with a Form=EXAD09_053 3 Debugging a Form 4 Debugging a Form=EXAD09_054 4 Step 1 - Compile and Install the Form=EXAD09_055 4 Step 2 - Set Form BreakPoints in Visual Basic=EXAD09_056 4 Step 3 - Run the Form in Visual Basic=EXAD09_057 4 Step 4 - Open the Form in Microsoft Exchange=EXAD09_058 2 Compiling and Installing the Finished Form=EXAD09_059 3 Managing Visual Basic Source Code=EXAD09_060 3 Design Tips=EXAD09_061 2 Chapter 10 Managing Applications 3 Managing Applications=EXAD10_01 3 Managing Forms 4 Managing Forms=EXAD10_002 4 Managing Changes to Forms=EXAD10_003 4 Managing Forms Using the Forms Designer=EXAD10_004 4 Managing Forms Using the Forms Manager Dialog Box=EXAD10_005 4 Making Forms Available in the Organization Forms Library 5 Making Forms Available in the Organization Forms Library=EXAD10_006 5 Using the Forms Designer=EXAD10_007 5 Using the Forms Manager=EXAD10_008 4 Making Forms Available in the Personal Forms Library 5 Making Forms Available in the Personal Forms Library=EXAD10_009 5 Copying from the Organization Forms Library to the Personal Forms Library=EXAD10_010 5 Saving, Sending and Installing an .FDM File=EXAD10_011 4 Making Forms Available in a Folder Forms Library 5 Making Forms Available in a Folder Forms Library=EXAD10_012 5 Using the Forms Designer=EXAD10_013 5 Using the Forms Manager=EXAD10_014 3 Distributing Forms in a .PST File=EXAD10_015 4 Updating Forms in the Personal Forms Library=EXAD10_016 4 Reinstalling Forms in Folders=EXAD10_017 4 Removing Forms=EXAD10_018 4 Managing Form Source Files=EXAD10_019 4 Replicating Forms to Other Sites=EXAD10_020 4 Making Forms Available for Offline Use=EXAD10_021 2 Making Forms Available for Remote Use=EXAD10_022 3 Managing Folders 4 Managing Folders=EXAD10_023 4 Making a Folder Available to Users in the Organization=EXAD10_024 4 Making a Folder Available for Personal Use=EXAD10_025 4 Distributing a Folder in a .PST File=EXAD10_026 4 Making Changes to a Folder=EXAD10_027 4 Folder Replication Issues=EXAD10_028 4 Making Folders Available For Offline Use 5 Making Folders Available For Offline Use=EXAD10_029 5 How Folders Are Made Available for Offline Use=EXAD10_030 5 How Folders are Synchronized=EXAD10_031 5 Conflict Resolution=EXAD10_032 3 Aging a Folder and Setting Maximum Folder Size=EXAD10_033 4 Archiving a Folder=EXAD10_034 2 Chapter 11 Troubleshooting 3 Troubleshooting=EXAD11_01 3 Testing the Form at Design Time=EXAD11_002 3 Duplicate Column Names=EXAD11_003 3 Column Names Show Up Unexpectedly in the Column Box=EXAD11_004 3 Column Name Does Not Change with the Caption=EXAD11_005 3 Custom Response Menu Names Do Not Appear in the Form=EXAD11_006 3 Fields Do Not Copy Properly to a Response Form=EXAD11_007 3 Copying Field Values to a Response Item=EXAD11_008 3 Forms Extended with 32-bit Visual Basic Do Not Work=EXAD11_009 2 Chapter 12 Advanced Design Concepts 3 Advanced Design Concepts=EXAD12_01 3 Using a Send Form with a Public Folder 4 Using a Send Form with a Public Folder=EXAD12_002 4 Adding a Folder Address to Your Personal Address Book=EXAD12_003 4 Creating a Send Form based on a Post Form=EXAD12_004 4 Changing Window Captions and Item Type=EXAD12_005 4 Updating Help=EXAD12_006 3 Using Hidden Forms 4 Using Hidden Forms=EXAD12_007 4 Responding to Sent Items=EXAD12_008 4 Reading Inbox Items that were Created and Sent From a Folder=EXAD12_009 3 Form Caching and Activation 4 Form Caching and Activation=EXAD12_010 4 Forms Cache=EXAD12_011 4 Form Activation=EXAD12_012 2 Appendix A MSRICHED.VBX Reference 3 About this Appendix=EXADAA_001 3 RichText Control 4 RichText Control=EXADAA_002 4 RichText Control Properties=EXADAA_003 4 Action Property=EXADAA_004 4 Alignment Property=EXADAA_005 4 BlockOffset Property=EXADAA_006 4 BlockSize Property=EXADAA_007 4 BorderStyles Property=EXADAA_008 4 CanPaste Property=EXADAA_009 4 CanUndo Property=EXADAA_010 4 CompressData Property=EXADAA_011 4 CtrlType Property=EXADAA_012 4 DataCurrent Property=EXADAA_013 4 FormatBar Property=EXADAA_014 4 HideSelection Property=EXADAA_015 4 LastError Property=EXADAA_016 4 LineCount Property=EXADAA_017 4 LongTermEid Property=EXADAA_018 4 MAPIAddrBkID Property=EXADAA_019 4 MAPIMsgID Property=EXADAA_020 4 MapiSessID Property=EXADAA_021 4 MAPIStoreID Property=EXADAA_022 4 MessageClass Property=EXADAA_023 4 Modified Property=EXADAA_024 4 MultiLine Property=EXADAA_025 4 OLEObjects Property=EXADAA_026 4 PropertyName Property=EXADAA_027 4 PrintDocName Property=EXADAA_028 4 PrintHDC Property=EXADAA_029 4 PrintHDevNames Property=EXADAA_030 4 PrintHDevMode Property=EXADAA_031 4 PrintMarginBottom Property=EXADAA_032 4 PrintMarginLeft Property=EXADAA_033 4 PrintMarginRight Property=EXADAA_034 4 PrintMarginTop Property=EXADAA_035 4 ReadOnly Property=EXADAA_036 4 Recipients Property=EXADAA_037 4 Resolved Property=EXADAA_038 4 RTF(index) Property=EXADAA_039 4 RTFBlocks Property=EXADAA_040 4 Text(index) Property=EXADAA_041 4 TextBlocks Property=EXADAA_042 4 ScrollBars Property=EXADAA_043 4 TextLimit Property=EXADAA_044 4 RichText Control Events=EXADAA_045 4 ErrSpace Event=EXADAA_046 4 HScroll Event=EXADAA_047 4 MaxText Event=EXADAA_048 4 PrintExtra Event=EXADAA_049 4 SelectionChanged Event=EXADAA_050 3 Format Bar Control 4 Format Bar Control=EXADAA_051 4 Properties and Events=EXADAA_052 4 ToolTips Property=EXADAA_053 3 MenuSelect Control 4 MenuSelect Control=EXADAA_054 4 Properties and Events=EXADAA_055 4 MenuKeyDown, MenuKeyUp Events=EXADAA_056 4 MenuSelect Event=EXADAA_057 3 MSTabCtl 4 MSTabCtl=EXADAA_058 4 Properties and Events=EXADAA_059 4 ActiveCaption Property=EXADAA_060 4 ActiveCaptionBold Property=EXADAA_061 4 ActiveCaptionColor Property=EXADAA_062 4 ActiveCaptionItalic Property=EXADAA_063 4 ActiveCaptionStrikeThrough Property=EXADAA_064 4 ActiveTab Property=EXADAA_065 4 TabCount Property=EXADAA_066 4 TabDrawWidth Property=EXADAA_067 4 TabHeight Property=EXADAA_068 4 TabsPerRow Property=EXADAA_069 4 TextAlignment Property=EXADAA_070 4 TabActivate Event=EXADAA_071 2 Appendix B Form Configuration File Reference 3 Appendix B Form Configuration File Reference =EXADAB_01 3 When You Need to Modify the .CFG File=EXADAB_002 3 The .CFG File 4 The .CFG File=EXADAB_003 4 Description=EXADAB_004 4 Verbs=EXADAB_005 4 Extensions=EXADAB_006 4 Platforms=EXADAB_007 4 Properties=EXADAB_008 2 Appendix C MAPIForm VBX Reference 3 Appendix C MAPIForm VBX Reference=EXADAC_01 3 Overview=EXADAC_002 3 MAPIFormVBX Control Properties 4 MAPIFormVBX Control Properties=EXADAC_003 4 ClassID Property=EXADAC_004 4 MapifObj Property=EXADAC_005 4 NoEvents Property=EXADAC_006 4 NoEventsMsg Property=EXADAC_007 4 Version Property=EXADAC_008 3 MAPIFormVBX Control Events 4 MAPIFormVBX Control Events=EXADAC_009 4 ClassFactoryFailure Event=EXADAC_010 4 Close Event=EXADAC_011 4 DoVerb Event=EXADAC_012 4 HandsOff Event=EXADAC_013 4 InitResponse Event=EXADAC_014 4 OnActivateNext Event=EXADAC_015 4 SaveCompleted Event=EXADAC_016 4 Unload Event=EXADAC_017 3 MAPIForm Object Properties 4 MAPIForm Object Properties=EXADAC_018 4 AcceptNext Property=EXADAC_019 4 DeleteIsMove Property=EXADAC_020 4 DeviceMode Property=EXADAC_021 4 DeviceNames Property=EXADAC_022 4 ErrorCode Property=EXADAC_023 4 ErrorComponent Property=EXADAC_024 4 ErrorContext Property=EXADAC_025 4 ErrorString Property=EXADAC_026 4 FirstPage Property =EXADAC_027 4 Height Property=EXADAC_028 4 Interactive Property=EXADAC_029 4 IsDirty Property=EXADAC_030 4 IsModal Property=EXADAC_031 4 Left Property=EXADAC_032 4 MAPIMessage Property=EXADAC_033 4 MAPIResponse Property=EXADAC_034 4 MAPISession Property=EXADAC_035 4 MayCopy Property=EXADAC_036 4 MayCreate Property=EXADAC_037 4 MayDelete Property=EXADAC_038 4 MayMove Property=EXADAC_039 4 MaySave Property=EXADAC_040 4 MaySubmit Property=EXADAC_041 4 Message Property=EXADAC_042 4 MessageClass Property=EXADAC_043 4 MessageFlags Property=EXADAC_044 4 MessageStatus Property=EXADAC_045 4 ModalHwnd Property=EXADAC_046 4 NextExists Property=EXADAC_047 4 NextMessageClass Property=EXADAC_048 4 NextMessageFlags Property=EXADAC_049 4 NextMessageStatus Property=EXADAC_050 4 OwnerChildWindow Property=EXADAC_051 4 PreviousExists Property=EXADAC_052 4 PrintAttachments Property=EXADAC_053 4 PrintFlags Property=EXADAC_054 4 Response Property=EXADAC_055 4 SaveFormat Property=EXADAC_056 4 SaveFlags Property=EXADAC_057 4 SaveOptions Property=EXADAC_058 4 Session Property=EXADAC_059 4 SiteStatus Property=EXADAC_060 4 Top Property=EXADAC_061 4 ViewStatus Property=EXADAC_062 4 Verb Property=EXADAC_063 4 Width property=EXADAC_064 3 MAPIForm Object Methods 4 MAPIForm Object Methods=EXADAC_065 4 ActivateNext Method=EXADAC_066 4 CopyMessage Method=EXADAC_067 4 DeleteMessage Method=EXADAC_068 4 GetPrintSetup Method=EXADAC_069 4 GetSaveSetup Method=EXADAC_070 4 LaunchForm Method=EXADAC_071 4 LaunchFormUI Method=EXADAC_072 4 MoveMessage Method=EXADAC_073 4 OnClose Method=EXADAC_074 4 PrintComplete Method=EXADAC_075 4 PrintNextPage Method=EXADAC_076 4 SaveMessage Method=EXADAC_077 4 SubmitMessage Method=EXADAC_078 4 SaveAsComplete Method=EXADAC_079 2 Glossary 3 A=EXADGL_A 3 B=EXADGL_B 3 C=EXADGL_C 3 D=EXADGL_D 3 E=EXADGL_E 3 F=EXADGL_F 3 G=EXADGL_G 3 H=EXADGL_H 3 I=EXADGL_I 3 L=EXADGL_L 3 M=EXADGL_M 3 O=EXADGL_O 3 P=EXADGL_P 3 R=EXADGL_R 3 S=EXADGL_S 3 T=EXADGL_T 3 U=EXADGL_U 3 V=EXADGL_V 3 W=EXADGL_W