UnixDos for Windows 95/NT/3.11 and MS-DOS PURPOSE: UnixDos provides you with the full functionality of all the 62 UNIX utilities emulated for the DOS/Windows environment plus 21 new usefull utilities. UnixDos runs under Windwos95/NT3.51/N4.0/3.11 and plain old MS-DOS. It comes as a 32 bit version(ud32_v32.zip) or 16bit (ud16_v32.zip). See ud_usr/ref/tips.doc(16bit) or online help in unixdos.hlp(32bit) for more information. INSTALLATION for Windows95/NT: Unzip the 32bit zip file and then run SETUP.EXE INSTALLATION for Windows3.11/MS-DOS: c: md \unixdos cd \unixdos pkunzip \download\ud16.zip (or where you stored the download file) edit c:\autoexec.bat (Add PATH=...;C:\UNIXDOS) PROGRAM STATUS: UnixDos is a shareware program with a 30day trial period. DISTRIBUTION: UnixDos in demo mode may be freely distributed without limitations. CONTACT: For questions and inquiries contact us at: To contact "Professional Software Solutions": Write to: "Professional Software Solutions" c/o UNIXDOS 1626 N. Wilcox Suite #252 Los Angeles, California 90028 U.S.A. or e-mail to: unixdos@unixdos.com visit out WWW site at: http://www.unixdos.com OVERVIEW: Here are the 7 functional groups of UnixDos: Move/delete/change files and directories, (u)cd: Change Directory chmod: Change file mode/attribute cp: Copy file(s) to new directory/file cpio: Copy/restore files to/from archive or move to new directory mkdir: Create new directory(ies) mv: Move file(s) to new directory/file mvdir: Rename directory rm: file(s)/directory(ies) touch: Change file time Display/search contents of a file, bgrep: Search in binary file for pattern or value bvi: Binary Viewer cat: Display text file contents egrep: Search text file(s) for one or several pattern (search expression) fgrep: Search text file(s) for one or several pattern (straight text) file: Display file type grep: Search text file for single pattern expression head: Display beginning of text file nl: line number and text file (u)more: Display text file one screen at a time and allow browsing od: any file contents as octal pr: a text file tail: Display the end of a text file tee: Display contents of a pipe and store also into file(s) strings: Display the text sections of any file (usually binary) Manipulate file contents, af: file b64: Decode Base64 INTERNET encoded data bed: Binary stream editor bsplit: Split binary file into separate chunks of specified size cut: Extract columns/fields from a file dd: file (ASCII/EBCDIC/upper/lower-case/swap bytes) dio: Direct Disc Input/Output to create Disc Images from Boot Disc etc. dos2unix: Convert DOS text files to UNIX getlines: Get range of lines from a file io: file area and write to another file (at specified offset) m4: Text Generator sed: Extract specified lines and/or insert/substitute text (u)sort: Sort file based on fields split: Split a file into separate file chunks containing specified number of sum: Display the checksum of file tr: a set of characters unix2dos: Convert UNIX text files to DOS uuencode: Convert binary file to ASCII codes for transmission uudecode: Convert ASCII file (from uuencode) back to binary wc: lines/words/characters in file Compare/List/find files/directories, basename: Extract the filename+extension df: free space on disk(s) dirname: Extract the directory name drvname: Extract the drive letter extname: Extract the extension filename: Extract the filename without extension du: directories with occupied space ls: files (and sort by name/size/time) mf: free memory (u)find: Find files based on name/size/time/type/filemode pwd: Display current directory slash: Convert DOS filename style to/from UNIX which: Find programs by name Compare/merge files, cf: speed file compare byte by byte cmp: Compare two text files byte by byte cmpdir: Compare all files in two directories by time/size/contents comm: Display common/uncommon lines of two files diff: Compare two text files line by line join: Join two sorted text files based on common field paste: Join several text files uniq: Find unique lines/fields in sorted text file test: Check file size/type User Interaction, line: Read one line from the keyboard usrchar: Prompt user for single character usrprmpt: Prompt user for text Miscellaneous Functions, add: Add Numbers add_func: Add Function Header to C Source file banner: Print text in big letters horizontally bbanner: Print text in very big letters horizontally vertically bell: Ring bell cal: Display calendar (month or entire year) cc1: C Compiler font end cc3: C Compiler back end clear: Clear the screen conv: Convert integer numbers to/from any base (u)date: Display/set the current date and time (u)echo: Display text env: Display/set environment (and run program with new environment) exit: Exit with specified return code expr: Calculate the specified expression mak2mk: Convert Visual C makefile to UnixDos makefile sleep: Wait for specified number of seconds (u)time: Run a program and display elasped time uptime: Display elapsed time since last reboot saveexit: Save last errorlevel value setenv: Set environment variable(s) show_exp: Show UnixDos argument expansion DISCLAIMER - AGREEMENT Users of UNIXDOS must accept this disclaimer of warranty: UNIXDOS is supplied as is. The author disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied, including, without limitation, the warranties of merchantability and of fitness for any purpose. The author assumes no liability for damages, direct or consequential, which may result from the use of UNIXDOS." UNIXDOS is a "shareware program" and is provided at no charge to the user for evaluation. Feel free to share it with your friends, but please do not give it away altered or as part of another system. The essence of "user-supported" software is to provide personal computer users with quality software without high prices, and yet to provide incentive for programmers to continue to develop new products. If you find this program useful and find that you are using UNIXDOS and continue to use UNIXDOS after a reasonable trial period, you must make a registration payment of $54.50(WIndwos95/NT) or $49.50(Windows3.11/MSDOS) to "Professional Software Solutions". The registration fee will license one copy for use on any one computer at any one time. You must treat this software just like a book. An example is that this software may be used by any number of people and may be freely moved from one computer location to another, so long as there is no possibility of it being used at one location while it's being used at another. Just as a book cannot be read by two different persons at the same time. Commercial users of UNIXDOS must register and pay for their copies of UNIXDOS within 30 days of first use or their license is withdrawn. Site-License arrangements may be made by con- tacting "Professional Software Solutions". Anyone distributing UNIXDOS for any kind of remuneration must first contact "Professional Software Solutions" at the address below for authorization. This authorization will be automatically granted to distributors recognized by the (ASP) as adhering to its guidelines for shareware distributors, and such distributors may begin offering UNIXDOS immediately (However "Professional Software Solutions" must still be advised so that the distributor can be kept up-to-date with the latest version of UNIXDOS.). You are encouraged to pass a copy of UNIXDOS along to your friends for evaluation. Please encourage them to register their copy if they find that they can use it. All registered users will receive a copy of the latest version of the UNIXDOS system. DEFINITION OF SHAREWARE Shareware distribution gives users a chance to try software before buying it. If you try a Shareware program and continue using it, you are expected to register. Individual programs differ on details -- some request registration while others require it, some specify a maximum trial period. With registration, you get anything from the simple right to continue using the software to an updated program with printed manual. Copyright laws apply to both Shareware and commercial software, and the copyright holder retains all rights, with a few specific exceptions as stated below. Shareware authors are accomplished programmers, just like commercial authors, and the programs are of comparable quality. (In both cases, there are good programs and bad ones!) The main difference is in the method of distribution. The author specifically grants the right to copy and distribute the software, either to all and sundry or to a specific group. For example, some authors require written permission before a commercial disk vendor may copy their Shareware. Shareware is a distribution method, not a type of software. You should find software that suits your needs and pocketbook, whether it's commercial or Shareware. The Shareware system makes fitting your needs easier, because you can try before you buy. And because the overhead is low, prices are low also. Shareware has the ultimate money-back guarantee -- if you don't use the product, you don't pay for it. To contact "Professional Software Solutions": Write to: "Professional Software Solutions" c/o UNIXDOS 1626 N. Wilcox Suite #252 Los Angeles, California 90028 U.S.A. or e-mail to: unixdos@unixdos.com visit out WWW site at: http://www.unixdos.com /pub/simtelnet/win95/util: ud32_v32.zip ALL 80+ UNIX 32bit utilities (www.UnixDos.com) /pub/simtelnet/win3/util: ud16_v32.zip ALL 80+ UNIX 16bit utilities (www.UnixDos.com) /pub/simtelnet/msdos/batchutl /pub/simtelnet/msdos/dirutl /pub/simtelnet/msdos/envutil /pub/simtelnet/msdos/fileutil /pub/simtelnet/msdos/pgmutl /pub/simtelnet/msdos/sysutl /pub/simtelnet/msdos/txtutl ud16_v32.zip ALL 80+ UNIX 16bit utilities (www.UnixDos.com)