:Base unixdos.hlp>main :Title UnixDos Online Help (Version 4.0) 1 General Information 2 Introduction=INTRODUCTION 2 History of UnixDos=HISTORY 2 UnixDos License Agreement=LICENSE 2 UnixDos License Management=UD_MGMT 2 DOS/UNIX Name Clash=NAMECLASH 2 Installation for Windows95/NT=INSTALLATION32 2 Installation for Windows3.11/MS-DOS=INSTALLATION16 2 How to get Command Line Help=GET_HELP 2 Overview by functional Groups 3 Group1: Move/delete/change files or directories=GRP1 3 Group2: Display/search the contents of files=GRP2 3 Group3: Manipulate file contents (analyse, convert, count, edit, extract, sort, split)=GRP3 3 Group4: List/find files/directories=GRP4 3 Group5: Compare/merge files=GRP5 3 Group6: User Interaction=GRP6 3 Group7: Miscellaneous=GRP7 2 Overview by Origin 3 Basic or Core UNIX utilities=UNIX_CORE 3 Berkeley UNIX extensions=UNIX_BERKELEY 3 Additional new UnixDos utilities=UNIX_NEW 2 Overview by Alphabet 3 Overview by Alphabet=OVERVIEW_ALPHA 2 Argument Expansion 3 Introduction=ARG_EXP 3 UNIX Regular Expression for File Matches 4 Introduction=REG_EXP_FILE 4 Wildcard (*)=WILDCARD 4 Wildspace (?)=WILDSPACE 4 Character List ([ ])=CHAR_LIST 4 Inverted Character List ([^ ])=INV_CHAR_LIST 4 Escape Meta Charcater (\)=ESCAPE 4 Environment Variable UNIX Style ($Env)=ENV_VAR1 4 Run program(s) as Argument (`prog`)=RUN_PROG 4 UnixDos Configuration file (unixdos.cfg)=CFG_FILE 4 Combining Meta Characters=COMB_META 3 UnixDos Argument Expansion Extensions 4 Introduction=REG_EXP_EXT 4 Full Inversion (!{re})=FULL_INVERT 4 Selective Inversion (!{re1}!{re2})=SELECT_INVERT 4 File List (@list)=FILE_LIST 4 Environment Variable DOS Style (%Env%)=ENV_VAR2 4 Automatic Environment Variable=AUTO_ENV 4 Text Exchange (~[fn~]text)=TEXT_EX 4 Environment variable Exchange (~[fn~]$Env)=ENV_EX 2 Regular Expression for Text Searches 3 Introduction=REG_EXP_TXT 3 Line Start (^)=LINE_BEG 3 Line End ($)=LINE_END 3 Wildcard fro Text Searches (.*)=WILDCARD_TXT 3 Wildspace for Text Searches (.)=WILDSPACE_TXT 3 Group Start \(=GRP_BEG 3 Group End \)=GRP_END 3 Group Reference=GRP_REF 2 General Information 3 How to get Command Line Help=GET_HELP 3 Differences between DOS/Windows and UNIX=DIFF_DOS_UNIX 3 UnixDos Improvements and Changes over "Classic UNIX"=UNIX_IMPROVE 3 UnixDos Competition=COMPETITION 3 UnixDos Environment Variable=ENV_VAR 3 Argument Expansion Test Module SHOW_EXP=SHOW_ARG 3 Future Plans=FUTURE 1 Practical Applications of the UnixDos Toolkit 2 Introduction=INTRO_TIPS 2 Example1: Get quick overview of your free space on ALL your drives=EX01 2 Example2: Find space hogs (Hit list of large files sorted by size)=EX02 2 Example3: Custom process on a list of files (i.e. replace something for many files)=EX03 2 Example4: Find a text document anywhere on your machine using a text search=EX04 2 Example5: Get used Disk Space and Directory Overview=EX05 2 Example6: Cleanup temporary files=EX06 2 Example7: Find all files you worked on today=EX07 2 Example8: Finding duplicate files on your machine=EX08 2 Example9: Measure elapsed Time for (batch) process=EX09 2 Example10: Find the main directories from the root directory=EX10 2 Example11: List several numbers (or names) on one single line=EX11 2 Example12: User Prompt Example=EX12 2 Example13: Loop Example=EX13 2 Example14: View many small files together (i.e join all your batch filesr)=EX14 2 Example15: Return to your home directory in a batch file=EX15 2 Example16: Find the location of a program=EX16 2 Example17: Break a line into several lines=EX17 1 Reference Guide 2 Introduction to the UnixDos Refercen Guide=INTRO_REF 2 Alphabetical List of all UnixDos Utilities=OVERVIEW_ALPHA 2 add: Add numbers (add)=ADD 2 af: Analyse File (af)=AF 2 b64: Decode Base64 Internet Text files (b64)=B64 2 banner: Print text in big letters horizontally (banner)=BANNER 2 bbanner: Print text in very big letters vertically (bbanner)=BBANNER 2 basename: Extract filename+extension (basename)=BASENAME 2 bed: Binary steam editor (bed)=BED 2 bell: Ring bell (bell)=BELL 2 bgrep: Search pattern in binary file (bgrep)=BGREP 2 bsplit: Split binary file into chunks (bsplit)=BSPLIT 2 bvi : Binary interactive Viewer (bvi )=BVI 2 cal: Print calendar (cal)=CAL 2 cat: Display and concatenate files (cat )=CAT 2 cc: C Compiler Front End (cc)=CC 2 cc1: C Compiler preparation (cc1)=CC1 2 cc3: C Compiler post processing (cc3)=CC3 2 ucd: Change directory and/or drive (ucd)=UCD 2 chmod: Change file mode (chmod)=CHMOD 2 cf: Fast Compare (cf)=CF 2 clear: Clear screen (clear)=CLEAR 2 cmp: Compare two files (cmp)=CMP 2 cmpdir: Compare two directories (cmpdir)=CMPDIR 2 comm: Select or reject common lines in two files (comm)=COMM 2 conv: Convert numbers to/from any base (conv)=CONV 2 cp : Copy files (cp )=CP 2 cpio: Copy files from input/to output (cpio)=CPIO 2 cut: Cut/Select specified fields from lines (cut)=CUT 2 udate: Display/change the date & time (udate)=UDATE 2 dd: Disk to Disk copy/conversion/extraction (dd)=DD 2 df : Show free and total disk space (df )=DF 2 diff: Compare two text files and show the differences (diff)=DIFF 2 dio: Direct Disk Input/Output (dio)=DIO 2 dirname: Extract directory (dirname)=DIRNAME 2 dos2unix: Convert DOS text files to UNIX (dos2unix)=DOS2UNIX 2 extname: Extract file extension (extname)=EXTNAME 2 du: Show disk usage (du)=DU 2 drvname: Extract drive from filename (drvname)=DRVNAME 2 uecho: Echo arguments (uecho)=UECHO 2 egrep: Search files for one or more pattern/expression (egrep)=EGREP 2 env: Show/change environment/run command (env)=ENV 2 uexit: Exit with specified return code (uexit)=UEXIT 2 expr: Compute an expression (expr)=EXPR 2 fgrep: Search files for one or more plain pattern (fgrep)=FGREP 2 file: Determine file type (file)=FILE 2 filename: Extract file name without extension (filename)=FILENAME 2 ufind: Find files (ufind)=UFIND 2 getlines: Get range of lines from a file (getlines)=GETLINES 2 grep: Search files for one pattern/expression (grep)=GREP 2 head: Display top lines of a file (head)=HEAD 2 inpbox: Show message and prompt for input (inpbox)=INPBOX 2 io: Input/output file areas (io)=IO 2 ujoin: Join two sorted text files via matching field (ujoin)=UJOIN 2 kill: Terminate/kill a process (kill)=KILL 2 line: Read one line from user/keyboard (line)=LINE 2 ls: List files (ls)=LS 2 mak2mk: Convert Visual C Makefile to UNIXDOS makefile (mak2mk)=MAK2MK 2 M4: Advanced Text Generator (M4)=M4 2 mf: Show free memory (mf)=MF 2 mkdir: Make a directory (mkdir)=MKDIR 2 umore: Browse thru text file (umore)=UMORE 2 msgbox: Display Message box (msgbox)=MSGBOX 2 mv: Move or rename files (mv)=MV 2 mvdir: Rename a directory (mvdir)=MVDIR 2 nl: Line numbering (nl)=NL 2 od: Octal, hex, decimal, ascii file dump (od)=OD 2 paste: Merge lines from several files (paste)=PASTE 2 pr: Print files (pr)=PR 2 ps: Show current processes (ps)=PS 2 pwd: Print working directory (pwd)=PWD 2 rm: Remove files/directories (rm)=RM 2 saveexit: Save errorlevel of previous command (saveexit)=SAVEEXIT 2 sed: Stream editor (sed)=SED 2 setenv: Set environment variables (setenv)=SETENV 2 show_exp: Show UnixDos argument expansion (show_exp)=SHOW_EXP 2 slash: Convert file slashes (slash)=SLASH 2 sleep: Wait for specific time (sleep)=SLEEP 2 usort: Sort/merge text files (usort)=USORT 2 split: Split text file into chunks (split)=SPLIT 2 stderr: Redirect stderr to stdout (stderr)=STDERR 2 strings: Extract text strings from binary files (strings)=STRINGS 2 sum: Display checksum and block count of files (sum)=SUM 2 tail: Print last part of a text file (tail)=TAIL 2 tee: Display STDIN and copy to files (tee)=TEE 2 test: Test expression (test)=TEST 2 utime: Time a command (utime)=UTIME 2 touch: Update date/time of file (touch)=TOUCH 2 txtbox: Interactive Text Viewer (txtbox)=TXTBOX 2 tr: Translate characters (tr)=TR 2 ud_mgmt: UnixDos license Management (ud_mgmt)=UD_MGMT 2 uniq: Find unique lines/keys (uniq)=UNIQ 2 unix2dos: Convert UNIX text files to DOS (unix2dos)=UNIX2DOS 2 uptime: Show elapsed time since reboot or reset (uptime)=UPTIME 2 usrchar: Prompt user for single character (usrchar)=USRCHAR 2 usrprmpt: Prompt user for text (usrprmpt)=USRPRMPT 2 uudecode: Decode a transmitted binary file (uudecode)=UUDECODE 2 uuencode: Encode a binary file to text for transmission (uuenode)=UUENCODE 2 wait_end: Wait for process completion (wait_end)=WAIT_END 2 wc: Word/Line counter (wc)=WC 2 which: Locate a program (which)=WHICH