
Before using About My Cache, two easy steps need to be done.

Obviously, you have already unpacked the ZIP-file that contains the files for About My Cache - good!

Now nevertheless, you'll need to do two more things:

1) You must MOVE the file CTL3DV2.DLL to your system-directory (which should usually be "C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM" in case you're not sure). (Be sure to remove the DLL in the 'About My Cache' directory).
If there is already one, check versions and use the latest one. If About My Cache works fine - you're ready. If it doesn't work at all, replace the file in the system-directory with the one that came with About My Cache !

2) You must fill out the configuration-form before About My Cache can do its work.

After having done this, About My Cache is ready to work for you, it's just as easy as that.

You can choose your own colors for the Result Page.

The result of the analyse of your browser's cache is a HTML Page. This page has defaults colors for text (TEXT), background (BGCOLOR), links (LINK) and visited links (VLINK). These colors are specified at the beginning by using this line in each result page: <BODY BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF" TEXT="#000000" LINK="#0000FF" VLINK="#0000BB">

If you want, you can use your own colors by editing directly the file about.ini. If you want to modify the color of the background (for example) just add a line BGCOLOR=#FF0000 (red). (You need a line for each color to be modified. A default color is used for colors that are not modified). You can use standard RGB triple (#RRGGBB) or a standard color name like AQUA, GRAY, NAVY, WHITE, BLACK, RED, GREEN, BLUE, LIME, SILVER, YELLOW ...

Here is a simple example. To have a black text, a gray background, blue links and dark-blue visited links, I will add these lines:

[About My Cache]