Frequently Asked Questions

  • Is it necessary to close the browser before analysing the cache ?

    Yes ! You should close your browser and wait a little bit because your browser need to update his cache.

  • I have troubles with the file "ctl3dv2.dll", what's wrong ?

    You must MOVE (not copy) this DLL from the 'About My Cache' directory to the windows sytem directory.

  • When I click "Start Analysis", I have a GPF (General Protection Fault) ! What's wrong ?

    It's a possible bug in 'About My Cache'. You may try to disable the function 'Extract Title'. If the problem is not corrected, you should try to delete the cache.
  • Do you know where I could find a description of the Netscape cache format ?

    I don't know where to find it. My software is based on my own investigation. You should have a look at the file "fat.db" in the Netscape cache directory.
    You should visit the 'About My Cache' homepage, it will give you some links..

  • Under Win95, I don't succeed to configure About My Cache, any idea ?

    About My Cache 1.2 is a 16 bit software and can't handle long filename. You must use short names. Please report to the section "Using About My Cache under Win95"

  • Is it possible to be informed of a release of a new version ?

    It's very easy just send me a mail.

  • What happend if your email or the URL change ?

    If I know you are a user of "About My Cache", I will inform you by email.

  • I'm not very good in english, do you have another version (french, german, ...) ?

    I have version in dutch, spanish, german, french, portuguese (soon). Please look at the download area
    If you want to translate "About My Cache" to other language, just mail me.

    Using About My Cache under Win95

    Many users of About My Cache are using Win95. As About My Cache is a 16 bit software, you have to take care about one or two things:
  • You must use short filenames
    For example you should use "c:/progra~1/netsca~1/cache" instead of "c:/program files/netscape navigator/cache".

  • You must use a real short name for the result directory
    For example you should create a directory "Amyc" and use it for the result directory. You should enter something like "c:/utils/amyc", then Netscape will be launched with "c:/utils/amyc/result.htm". Netscape will not accept the short version of a long path because under Win95, you are probably using the 32 bit version of Netscape.