To install the Panasonic monitor INF file follows these steps. 1. Open the Windows '95 Explorer and then open the Windows folder. 2. Then open the Inf folder, if you do not see a Inf folder click on View and go to Options. When the Options screen comes up click on "Show All Flies" and then click OK. 3. Now copy the Panmoni.inf file into the Inf folder. Now you will be able to select your Panasonic monitor from the list of monitors in the Display Properties section. The drivers directly supported by Panasonic Technical Support relate to the following monitors only: Panasonic: C-1591E C-1591EA C1491 C1791E C1791EI C1792P C2192P E15 E21 P15 P17 P21 PanaMedia-15 PanaMedia-17 PF17 PM15 PM17 S15 S17 S21 - Note: all other models contained in the MS Windows 95 monitor driver listing are not supported directly by Panasonic Technical support. Please contact your dealer for all altertively listed models. Thanks.