UTILTEXT: Szövegszerkesztôk, nyomtató és adatbázis segédletek, fontok, stb.

(CD_021)16ivw230.exeI-View v2.30 - Off-Line HTML Browser for Win16
(CD_007)16pstx10.zip<ASP> PrimaSoft Text v1.00 (16-bit) - Text writing util
(CD_090)1stpage2.zipEvrsoft 1st Page 2000 - HTML and script authoring tool for Win32
(CD_026)2col95.zip<ASP> 2COL v95 - A 2 column compressed print utility for matrix printers
(CD_044)2paste10.zip2Paste v1.01 - Shows text or a file list that is ready to be pasted from the clipboard to an application
(CD_026)30lines.zipSelector of various VGA text modes
(CD_052)32exa302.zip<ASP> Examine32 v3.02 - Text search util for Win95/98/NT
(CD_021)32ivw230.exeI-View v2.30 - Off-Line HTML Browser for Win32
(CD_007)32pstx10.zip<ASP> PrimaSoft Text v1.00 (32-bit) - Text writing util
(CD_100)4fs11.zip4FS (Four Frame System) v1.1 - General HTML pages for e-book publishing
(CD_092)4html.zip4HTML Assistant v1.0 - HTML editing tools for Win32
(CD_026) [UTILMISC]4lctrl.zip4L - Control program for the HPLJ 4L Printer
(CD_026)4pr415.zip<ASP> 4Print/4Book v4.15 - Utility for condensed printing
(CD_072)a2pr.zipAccent Access Password Recovery v1.03 for Win95/98/NT
(CD_064)a97pwd.zipAccess97 Password Recovery Utility for Win32
(CD_076)abbrev24.zipABBREVV v2.4 - Abbreviation list maintenance util for DOS
(CD_076)abbrew24.zipABBREVW v2.4 - Abbreviation list maintenance util for Windows
(CD_070)abcode99.zipABarCode v99 - Bar code add-in for MS Access'97
(CD_040)ac98.zipAscii-chart - Resident util that helps to paste ASCII chars into edited text
(CD_050)accesspw.zipAccessPassword v1.10E - Access 95/97 Password Recovery Tool
(CD_062)accver.zipACCVER v1.01 - Allow to work with multiple versions of MS Access databases
(CD_048)acomp107.zipAccent Composer v1.07 - Accented chars entering helper for Win95/NT
(CD_072)acplus16.zipAuto Correct Plus v1.6 - Keyboard util for Win95/98/NT that helps correct typographical errors
(CD_084)acpr.zip<ASP> Advanced Access Password Recovery v2.5 for MS Access95/97
(CD_007)acrodos.zipThe Acrobat Reader for DOS
(CD_026)acrowin.zipThe Acrobat Reader for Windows
(CD_068)aditor.zipADITOR PRO v3.02 - Advanced text editor for Win9x/NT
(CD_058)adraw125.zipAcidDraw v1.25r - ANSI/ASCII Screen Editor
(CD_082)advtext.zipAdvanced Text Storage v1.0 - Windows application to store, edit and reuse frequently used texts
(CD_008)ae170.zipAE - Another Editor v1.7
ae20pr10.zip*Advanced Excel 2000 Password Recovery v1.02
(CD_084)ae95pr.zip<ASP> Advanced Excel95 Password Recovery v1.20
(CD_086)ae97pr.zip<ASP> Advanced Excel97 Password Recovery v1.23
aebpr101.zip*Advanced eBook Processor v1.01 - Program to decrypt eBooks in Adobe Acrobat eBook reader format
(CD_035)aed20.exeANSIED v2.0 - ANSI Editor
afc.zip*Advanced Font Catalog v1.01 - Util to catalog all kind of font media
afcomp.zip*Active File Compare v1.0 for Win9x/NT/2000 - ASCII text files comparator
(CD_030)afiutil.zipWimpy Automated Font Installer - TTF Font Installer
ahc111.zip*Absolute HTML Compressor v1.11 for Win95/98/Me/NT/2000
(CD_068)ahp.zipAlgART HTML Packer for Win32
(CD_088)aht10.zipAdvanced HTML Toolkit v1.0 - Offline browser and text editor with HTML syntax highlighting
(CD_021)akey41.zipAutoTyper v4.01 - Automatic document typer
(CD_062)akfv31.zipakFontViewer v3.1 - Windows Font Viewer
(CD_092)album20.zipWeb Album Creator v2.0 - Photo albums for web creator
(CD_072)align11.zipAlign v1.1 - Aligns data in columns in an ASCII text files
(CD_021)alite.zipALITE v1.20 - Powerful Spreadsheet Program
(CD_072)allch35.zipAllchars for Windows v3.5 - Makes the chars not found on your keyboard accessible withing Windows
alpr.zip*Advanced Lotus Password Recovery v1.03
(CD_040)alwrt1.zipAnet AllWrite v1.11 - WYWISIG editor for creating HTML pages
(CD_028)ami2wd.zipAmiPro v3.0 Conversion Utility to MS Word 7.0 File Format
(CD_078)ampr.zip<ASP> Advanced Money Password Recovery v1.0
(CD_072)ampr100.zipAccent Money Password Recovery v1.00 - MS Money files password recovering utility
(CD_019)an2as03.zipANS2ASC v0.3 - ANSI 2 ASCII Converter
(CD_072)an3dvr12.zipAnfy 3D v1.2 for Win95/NT - 3D effects for use in web pages
(CD_082)anfy145e.exeAnfy v1.4.5 for Win95/NT - Special effects for web pages
(CD_022)anote123.exeAnother Notepad v1.23 - Windows Text Editor
(CD_022)anote95.exeAnother Notepad v1.23.32 - Win32 Text Editor
(CD_026)ansi2asc.zipANSI 2 ASCII Text Converter v1.20
(CD_024)ansiv110.zipANSI Graphics Visualiser v1.1
(CD_092)ao20pr_p.zip<ASP> Advanced Office 2000 Password Recovery v1.02 Pro
(CD_092)ao20pr_s.zip<ASP> Advanced Office 2000 Password Recovery v1.02
(CD_086)ao95pr.zip<ASP> Advanced Office 95 Password Recovery v1.11
(CD_088)ao97pr.zip<ASP> Advanced Office 97 Password Recovery v1.33
apdfpr.zip*<ASP> Advanced PDF Password Recovery v1.32
apdfprp.zip*<ASP> Advanced PDF Password Recovery Pro v1.00
(CD_026)aplus404.zipANSI PLUS v4.04 - Console driver for MSDOS/Win3/Win'95
(CD_086)apxpr.zip<ASP> Advanced Paradox Password Recovery v1.0
ar_50cz.zip*Acrobat Reader v5.0 for Win32 - Czech language files
(CD_098)ar500enu.exeAcrobat Reader v5.0 for Win32
(CD_092)arach_32.exeArachnophilia v4.0 - Web Page Workshop for Windows95
(CD_036)asa57.zipAS-EASY-AS v5.7 - Spreadsheet program for DOS
(CD_027)asahlp.zipAS-EASY-AS Help file
(CD_036)asawin95.zipAS-EASY-AS v1.6 for Win95 - Spreadsheet program
(CD_014)asc10.zipASC v1.0 - ASCII Code Finder
aschtm40.zip*ASC TO HTM v4.0 - Text files to HTML converter for Win9x/NT/2K
(CD_007)ascii350.zipASCII Table Resident Viewer v3.50
(CD_026)asciia11.zipASCII Art v1.1 - Creates ASCII Screens
(CD_010)asciic18.zip<ASP> ASCII Convert v1.8 - ASCII files processor
(CD_026)asciid31.zipASCII DRAW v3.1
(CD_026)askey121.zipResident ASCII table
(CD_032)astro.zipAstroHelp v1.11 for WinWord v.6,7 - Add-on for developing Windows Help files
(CD_030)aswit.zipACESOFT SUBLIMATE WRITING INTO TEXT for DOS/Win - ASC2 normaliser/HTML address extractor
(CD_054)atcomp18.zipCompare v1.8 - ASCII files comparator
(CD_008)ath_hwr1.zipHaCKeR style text reader/maker
(CD_092)atps200.zipAT Paster v2.00 - Typing Support & Clipboard Management Util for Win9x/Me/NT/2000
ats102.zip*Advanced Texst Storage - Windows application to store, edit and restore frequently used texts via clipboard
(CD_024)auhtml72.zipAUTOHTML v7.2 - Text 2 HTML Convertor
(CD_010)aur8630c.zipAurora v3.0c - 286 executable
(CD_010)auror30c.zipAurora v3.0c - Powerful Text Editor for DOS
(CD_024)autogrep.zipAutogrep - Menu driven grep-like utility
(CD_092)autins34.zipAutoInsult v3.4 - Insult generator for Win9x/NT
(CD_025)autotxt3.zipAutoText v1.3 - TXT 2 EXE Converter
(CD_030)avd-436.zipACID View v4.36 - ANSI, RIP & GIF Viewer
(CD_026)aview20.zipANSI View v2.0 - 32-bit ANSI Viewer
(CD_026)aw065b.zipArt Worx v0.65 (Beta) - ANSI Editor
aw20pr10.zip*Advanced Word 2000 Password Recovery v1.02
(CD_084)aw95pr.zip<ASP> Advanced Word95 Password Recovery v1.20
(CD_086)aw97pr.zip<ASP> Advanced Word97 Password Recovery v1.23
(CD_086)awrdpr.zipAccent Word Password Recovery v1.0 - Util for recovering password to MS Word 6-9 documents
(CD_050)aws35.zipAWS v3.5 - ASCII drawing tool
(CD_086)axgdc.zipAXGDC v1.0 - NG compatible compiler/linker
(CD_040)aypad12.zipAYPad v1.2 - Notepad replacement
(CD_040)ayps11.zipAYPaste v1.1 - Util for pasting text into application incl. WWW browsers
(CD_070)barcode.zipBarcode generator for PCL*-based printers
(CD_010)batchcnv.zipBATCHCNV - Utility to VIEW program
(CD_025)batcon10.zipBATCON v1.0 - A collection of batch files for text format conversions (ASCII,HTML,NG,HLP,RTF,DOC...)
(CD_026)bav121.zipBinary ANSI Viewer v1.21
(CD_017)bbgrep12.zipBlackboard Grep 32 for Win95/NT - Text string search utility
bdb117ru.rar*BDBFS v1.17 - DBF Editor for xBase Professionals (in Russian)
bdbfs117.zip*BDBFS v1.17 - DBF Editor for xBase Professionals
(CD_086)bccdiz13.zipBCC-DIZ v1.3 DIZ Files Displayer for Win32
(CD_070)bcmag200.zipBarcode Magic v2.0 - Util for the creation of barcodes
(CD_046)bes200.zipBES v2.00 - Binary External Sort for DOS/OS2 by SEN
(CD_007)bfg-cans.zipCANsi Tools v0.01 alfa - Crunched ANSI Tools
bgasci13.zip*bg_ascii v1.32 - Interactive ASCII Graphic Tool
(CD_096)bhm119.zipBhaum v1.19 - TXT/HTML editor and RTF Viewer for Win32
(CD_048)biblio1.zipPhilip Stone's Bibliography Pro 2000 for Win95 - Biblio writer
(CD_026)big500.zipBIGECHO v5.00 - Displays large chars on screen
(CD_048)big5view.zipBig5View v1.5 - BIG5 Chinese text reader for Windows
(CD_058)bigtxt33.zipBigText v3.3 - Electronic Books Creator
(CD_072)bintext.zipBinText v2.04 - A file text scanner
(CD_076)bkmrk11a.zipBookMark Keeper v1.1 - Documents bookmarks creator
(CD_092)blf10.zipBlank Line Fix v1.0 - Blank lines from text files remover for Win9x/Me/NT/2000
(CD_072)bmstr21.zipBrowser Master v2.1 - Tool for Web page developers
(CD_026) [UTILMISC]bnr500.zipBanner 5.00 - Create large banner using ASCII printer
(CD_019)boxer75a.zip<ASP> BOXER/DOS v7.5a - Text Editor for DOS
boxer90.exe*<ASP> BOXER fow Windows v9.0 - Text Editor for Win9x/Me/NT/2000
(CD_072)bszr11.zipBrowser Sizer v1.1 - Web developers helper
(CD_023)bx60.zipBrief Extension Macro Package (BX) v6.0
(CD_019)bxos275c.zip<ASP> BOXER/OS2 v7.5c - Text Editor for OS/2
(CD_058)breeze56.zipBreeze v5.6 - Word processor and text editor
(CD_033)brght092.zipScreen Bright v0.91beta - B&W Monitor brightness control
(CD_024)brzwin15.zipBreeze for Windows v1.5 - Complete Text System for Windows
(CD_008)bss150.zipBunch's String Search Utility v1.50
(CD_026)btype20.zipBanana Type v2.0 - ANSI Viewer
(CD_026)bukvice.zipRussian Font Driver
(CD_046)burti600.zipBURTI - Latvian keyboard and EGA/VGA screen driver for DOS
(CD_072)byteb122.zipByteBoy'99 - Source File to MS-Excel Sheet Converter
(CD_024)calvin23.zipCALVIN v2.3 - Clone of UNIX vi screen editor
(CD_056)castog60.zipCase Toggler v6.0 - Command line text converter
(CD_025)ccc.rarCCC v1.00 - Czech special codes convertor for DOS
(CD_026)ccdf.zipConvert comma-delimited data to columnar data
(CD_007)ccgrep.zipCCGrep for Windows 95/NT
(CD_046)cclr311.zipClipClear v3.1.1 - Windows clipboard clear utility
(CD_011)ccmdr_i.zipColor Commander v1.1A plus - VGA color palette utils
(CD_060)ccp-23.zipChange Code Page - Win9x/NT util for Croatian char conversion
(CD_094)cdbf223e.zipCDBF v2.23 - DBF Viewer & Editor
(CD_094)cdbflbsd.zipCDBF Lite v1.03 for FreeBSD - DBF Viewer
cdbflcgi.zip*CDBF Lite v1.11 for Linux - DBF Viewer
cdbfldos.zip*CDBF Lite v1.11 for DOS/32 - DBF Viewer
cdbflos2.zip*CDBF Lite v1.11 for OS/2 - DBF Viewer
cdbflrex.zip*CDBF Lite v1.11 for OS/2 (DLL for REXX) - DBF Viewer
cdbflw32.zip*CDBF Lite v1.11 for Win32 - DBF Viewer
cdbfw.zip*CDBF for Windows v0.60 - DBF Viewer & Editor
(CD_044)cdbook.zipCd-Book - CD-ROM booklet creator
(CD_070)cdboxp13.zipCD Box Labeler Pro for Win95/98/NT - Laberer program for CD Jewel Case & CD, Floppy & ZIP Labels
(CD_020)ce363.zip<ASP> CMEditor v3.63 - Text Editor
(CD_070)cekit20.zipCentral European Starter Kit v2.0 - Everything you need to use CE langs in Office, Web browsers and E-mail progs under Windows
(CD_026)cfind22.zipCFIND v2.2 - Text Search Util
(CD_014)charw110.zipCharWatch v1.10 - Printer & Screen Character Manipulator
(CD_028)chenhu20.zipShareware Windows programs for Chinese language support
(CD_070)chkdbf.rarDBF-file checker v1.4 for DOS
(CD_023)chkweb11.zipCheckWeb v1.1 - HTML links analyser
(CD_062)chmppro.zipCharacter Map Pro v1.81 for Win32
(CD_072)chrfrq23.zipCHRFRQ v2.3 - Count Character Frequencies in Text File
(CD_026)chrwks22.zipCharacter Workshop v2.2 for Windows
(CD_090)chyfo171.zipChyfo v1.7.1 - ODBC-accessible database to text file converter for Win9x/NT/2000
(CD_018)cin-ct13.zipCinogen's Cool Text Convertor v1.13
(CD_018)ckd!106.zipCyrillic Keyboard Driver v1.06
(CD_048)clean102.zipCleaner v1.02 - Unwanted chars cleaner in a text pasted to clipboard
(CD_019)clip11.zip101 Clippings - Allows to save text clippings for future use
(CD_009)clip240.zipClipWatcher v2.40 - Clip trapper
(CD_044)clip2txt.zipCLIP2TXT v1.0a - Copy the Windows Clipboard to a File
(CD_070)clipcase.zipClipCase - Text formatter in the system clipboard
(CD_082) [UTILMISC]clipedit.zipClipEditor v2.5 - Windows clipboard manager
(CD_054)cliptxt.zipClipTxt - Win95/98 program that stores texts and call them back via clipboard
(CD_013)clipvu13.zipBlackboard Clipvu for Win95/NT - View/print/save the text in your clipboard
(CD_060)cliptx20.zipCliptext v2.0 - Access commonly used texts fast!
(CD_013)clrizer.zipHTML Colorizer v1.0
(CD_078)cm32.zipCM32 v2.6.0.4 - Resident Foreign Characters Map for Win9x/NT
(CD_026)cnt500.zipCount v5.00 - Char, word and line counter in txt file
(CD_038)cntchrs.zipCount Characters - Character Counter by Funduc
(CD_016)cnvrt11.zipConvert It v1.1 - Croatian national char set converter
(CD_025)cnvtxtwp.zipCNVTXTWP v1.1 - ASCII text file into a WP 5.1 converter
(CD_044)cod1_4.zipCodepage Translator v1.5 - Russian chars converter
(CD_025)code39.zipCode39 TrueType Barcode Font v1.00
(CD_023)codedig2.zipCode Digger v2.0 - Text searcher for Win95/NT
(CD_048)coder2.zipCyrillic Recoder for Win95
(CD_048)codeview.zipMihov Code Viewer - Text files / source code browser
(CD_024)col.zipCOL v1.2 - A command to set colour and text screen size
(CD_028)col_prt9.zipPrint a text file in 2, 3 or 4 columns using compressed mode
(CD_044)color.zipThe Color Machine - HTML Color Picker v1.1
(CD_024)colpick.zipUtility to select HTML color codes in Hex
(CD_007)coltyp11.zipCOLTYP v1.1 - Hi-Color Text Typer
(CD_072)column23.zipCOLUMNS v2.3 - Text Column Layout And Page/Line Number Filter
(CD_018)combine.zipCOMBINE - Add on batchjob utility for Ralf Brown's Interrupt List
(CD_074)compv12.zipCompView - Text files viewer using compressed characters
(CD_007)conv11.zipConverter v1.1 - Text file conversion program for Windows
(CD_023)convert.zipConvert - Russian codepage converter for Windows NT
(CD_064)convert2.zipConvert - Tool for converting UNIX text files (TXT,HTML) to Windows format
(CD_008)converte.zipHTML Converter Macro v1.1 - HTML 2 Winword doc macro conv.
(CD_064)convr911.zipCONVERT v9.11 - Converts between data formats (DBF,ASCII...)
(CD_007)convtx23.zipConvert v2.3 - Convert text formats (HTML,RTF,TXT) for Win
(CD_086)coolhtml.zipCoolHTML v1.5.1 - Web pages generator for Win95/98/Me
(CD_072)copytext.zipCopyText v2.0 - Text copy to clipboard and Windows manipulator
(CD_018)country.zipCOUNTRY - Util to get/set DOS country settings
(CD_046)countryx.zipDavid Aylott's Country Database for MS Access
(CD_007)courea13.zipCouch Reader v1.3 - Big Letter Displaying ASCII Texts
(CD_026)cp500.zipCut and paste v5.00 - capture part of screen to file
(CD_007)cpast221.zipCut and Paste in text mode
(CD_008)cpc202.zipCodePrint for C/C++ v2.02 - Source code reformatter/printer
(CD_017)cpcheck.zipCode Page Identifier v0.5
(CD_018)cpi303.zipCPI v3.03 - Analyzer and extractor for DOS codepage files
(CD_026)cpl20.zipConvPL v2.00 - Convertor of Polish national characters
(CD_062)crdtot10.zipCRD format to text converter v1.0 (in German)
(CD_007)cread217.zipRead v2.17 - A Text Browser
(CD_088)crmpvw10.zipCharMap Viewer v1.0 for Win32
(CD_076)crossfnt.zipCrossFont v2.0 - Win95/98/NT Util for moving PostScript Type 1 and TT fonts between MAC and PC
(CD_021)crunchie.zipCrunchie v1.4.2 - HTML Compressor
(CD_016)crvrt25.zipCRovert v2.5 - Croatian national char set converter
(CD_054)csdiff25.zip<ASP> CSDiff v2.5 - Text file difference analyser for Win95/NT
(CD_026)csrom.zipCSROM v1.21 - Shadow RAM Latin II / Kamenicky driver
(CD_040)ct_4.zipCT rel.4 - Character Toggler for Text Files
(CD_052)ctc.zipConnective Text Clipboard v1.1 - Util to store and reuse frequently used snippets of text
(CD_026)cut500.zipCUT v5.00 - Cut extracts sections of text by columns from file
(CD_013)cutwidth.zipCutWidth - Trims the width of text
(CD_086)cview300.zip<ASP> CVIEW v3.00 - Fast file viewer for DOS
(CD_021)cyrkb30.zipCyrillic Keyboard v3.0 - Cyrillic Keyboard Layouts for Windows
(CD_048)cyrkit40.zipCyrillic Starter Kit v4.0 - Cyrillic Fonts/Keyboard for Win95/NT/3.1
(CD_086)d2h101.zipDBF2HTML v1.01 - DBF to HTML Converter
dataview.zip*DATAVIEW v0.08 - ODBC viewer and dBase III View/Edit for Win9x/Me/NT/2000
(CD_086)davince.zipDaVince Tools v1.2.0 - Group of applications for Win9x/NT/2000 to create PDF files
(CD_030)db2htm16.zipDBF2HTML Pro v1.0 - DBF 2 HTML Converter
(CD_086)db2html.zipDb2Html v4.1b for Win32 - DBF to HTML Converter
(CD_072)db3scn14.zipDB3SCN v1.4 - dBase III Screen Program or Format Generator
(CD_046)dbed1934.zipdBed Pro v1.93 beta4 - Russian DBF Viewer/Editor (NC-like)
(CD_031)dbed20.zipTSE macro to edit dBase databases
(CD_023)dbf_conv.arjDBF File Converter from Kamenicky to Windows character set
(CD_096)dbf_view.zipDBVIEW v0.17 - DBASE III files viewer/editor for Win9x/NT
(CD_086)dbf2dat.zipDBF2DAT v1.1 - DBASE files to TXT converter
(CD_086)dbf2dat2.zipDBF2DAT - DBF to text files convertor
(CD_090)dbf2txt.zipDBF2TXT Converter v6.1
(CD_046)dbfix315.zipDBF Structure Fixer v3.15
(CD_064)dbfpck11.exeDBF View and DBF Creator for Win95 (in Croatian)
(CD_070)dbfv2_33.zipDBFVIEW v2.33 - Database viewer and editor for DOS
(CD_086)dbfview.zipDbfView v1.04 for Win95/98
(CD_086)dbfview5.zipMulti DBF Viewer for Windows v5.0
(CD_078)dbhtml13.zipDB to HTML Express v1.3 for Win95/98/NT - Template based development tool for database to HTML conversion
(CD_016)dbldbl12.zipDOUBLE v1.2 - Text File Comparator
(CD_086)dbm113c.zipDBM v1.13c - Database Manager for DOS
(CD_024)dbt111.zipdTAB v1.11 - Makes ASCII report from DBF file
(CD_050)dbview.zipDBVIEW v1.2 - DBF viewer for WINCMD file manager
(CD_028)dbviewer.zipDBViewer - Database Viewer / Editor for Windows
(CD_007)dbviewsm.zipDBView SM v1.5 - Russian DBF Viewer
(CD_048)dc054dos.zipUniversal Russian Codepage DeCoder v0.54c for DOS
(CD_048)dc054win.zipUniversal Russian Codepage DeCoder v0.54c for Win9x/NT
(CD_046)dconvert.zipDataFile Converter v2.0 - DBF/Access/Datafile format converter
(CD_028)dcrit95.zipDiacrit v2.0 - Win95 util for access to accented characters
(CD_008)de-html.zipD-HTML - HTML 2 Text Converter for DOS
(CD_007)decode.zipCyrilics char-set converter
(CD_024)dedup11.zipDEDUP v1.1 - Duplicate lines remover
(CD_082)dedupe13.zipRemoves Duplicate Lines Anywhere
(CD_009)dejava.zipDeJAVA - Byte code files disassembler
(CD_038)desknote.zipCS Desktop Notes for Win95/98/NT
(CD_026)dfc.zipDOS Fine Colors - Palette Editor
(CD_015)dg52.zipData-Grep rel.52 - UNIX-like extended GREP utility
(CD_010)dictam.zipAmerican English Dictionary for UltraEdit
(CD_010)dictbr.zipBritish English Dictionary for UltraEdit
(CD_010)dictge.zipGerman Dictionary for UltraEdit
(CD_010)dida172.zipDiDa v1.72 - HTML Editor
(CD_086)didapro.zipDiDaPro v2.50 - HTML Editor for Win32
(CD_086)dipro32.zipDiDaPro v2.50a - HTML Editor for Win16
(CD_026)dirdb14i.zipDisplays info about DBF files
(CD_092)dirhtml.zipDirhtml v3.51 - Crates index.html file from a directory list
(CD_016)diz10.zipDIZ v1.0 - File_id.diz Viewer
(CD_015)diz100.zipDizMaker v1.00 - FILE_ID.DIZ Editor
(CD_042)diz2exe.zipDIZ2EXE for Win95/98/NT v1.0 - Screen page text file to EXE converter
(CD_007)dizdir30.zipDIZDIR v3.0b - Creates file listings from DIZ in archives
(CD_007)dized50c.zipDIZEDIT v5.0c - DIZ file editor
(CD_021)dizrvd15.zipDizRevue for DOS v1.50 - Vendinfo.Diz file viewer
(CD_086)dl103.zipDouble Lister v1.03 - File Viewer for DOS
(CD_008)dls017.zipDuplicate (tag)line stripper v0.17
(CD_086)dn11301.zipDana Text Editor v1.13 for Win32
(CD_007)dnot19.zipNotGNU v1.9 - Text editor
(CD_048)doc2html.zipDOC 2 HTML Converter (VB macro written)
(CD_060)doc2txt.zipSlice MS Word/Excel/PowerPoint documents
(CD_086)docc210.zipDoc Compiler v2.1 - Gathers picture files into a html document
(CD_019)docempty.zipDocEmpty - Clears documents folder in Win95 start menu
(CD_048)docretrv.zipDocument Retrieval for Win9x/NT - Text in indexed files finder
(CD_015)docvu31.zip<ASP> DocView v3.1 - Document Viewer for Windows
(CD_016)docv52.zip<ASP> DocView v5.2 - Document Viewer for Win95
(CD_011)dos_font.zipDosFont v2.0 - Custom Font Driver
(CD_035)dosappfn.zipEnhanced DOS application fonts for Windows
(CD_028)doscli30.zipDOS Clip - Clipboard for DOS exp/imp to Win
(CD_007)dosclr15.zipDOS prompt color changer
(CD_026)doscvt27.zipDOS Converter v2.7 - DOS/UNIX text file converter
(CD_032)dosfon.zipDOSFON - New DOS Fonts for Windows
(CD_007)dosft220.zipDOSFONT v2.20 - DOS font changer
(CD_028)dosrus.zipRussian Font Driver / Recoder for DOS
double17.zip*Double v1.7 - Text File Comparing Utility
(CD_046)dox200d.zipDOX v2.00 - RTF/TXT/HTML Converter for DOS
(CD_016)dragvu13.zip<ASP> Drag And View Gold v1.00 for Windows 3.1
(CD_013)drform33.zip<ASP> Dr.Form v3.21 - Form Creator/Editor/Printer
(CD_012)drgtxt20.zipDragText v2.0 - Drag and drop text utility
(CD_050) [UTILMISC]drops.zipDROPS - Int1c Resident for Character Falling Effect with src
(CD_062)drume21.zipDRUME v2.1 - Data recovery util for MS Excel files
(CD_026)dsfonts.zipCollection of DOS fonts
(CD_086)dskjet10.zipDeskjet v1.0 - Lets you find which ink nozzles are congested
(CD_048)dsr10.zipDuplicate String Remover v1.0 - UTil that removes duplicate strings (lines) in a long list of strings
(CD_013)dtamas33.zipData Master v3.3 - dBase files Editor
(CD_046)dtfl202.zipData File v2.02 - Software to create form & database apps
(CD_007)dtb500.zipDETAB v5.00 - Converts tabs to spaces
(CD_062)dupli.zipDupli Find v1.1 - Duplicate lines in text files searching util
(CD_056)dv95.exe<ASP> Drag And View v4.x for Win'95/NT
(CD_020)dw1212.exe<ASP> Demo Workshop v1.2b12 - Demo/Tutorial Maker
(CD_026)dwhtml20.zipDarekWare HTML Author v2.0 - HTML Editor
(CD_018)dxl31.zip<ASP> DesignExpress for Labels v1.14 - 16bit version
(CD_018)dxl95111.zip<ASP> DesignExpress for Labels v1.14 - 32bit version
(CD_030)dz2csv15.zipDIZ2CSV v1.50 - VENDINFO-to-database Converter
(CD_094)dzperl40.exeDzSoft Perl Editor v4.0 - Perl CGI scripts editor for Win32
(CD_072)e_fonty.exeEuroFonty 2000 for Win95/98/NT - Collection of Multilingual Unicode TrueType fonts
(CD_010)easybk26.zipEasyBook v2.6 - The Electronic Book Creator
(CD_028)easyh130.zipEasy Home Page v1.3 - HTML editor for Windows
(CD_028)easyhtml.zipEasy As HTML for Win95 - HTML editor
easypdf.exe*Easy PDF - WYSIWYG PDF editor for Win9x/Me/NT/2000
easytype.zip*EasyType - Windows util that automatically complete words when writing texts in any text editor
easywr30.zip*EasyWrite v3.0 - Simple freeware word processor for Win32
(CD_086)ep34.exeEasyPad v3.4 - Czech shareware HTML Editor for Win95/NT
(CD_042)ecm.zipExtended Character Map v1.41 - Char map software for Win9x/NT
(CD_007)ecopad26.zip<ASP> Ecopad Text Editor v2.60 - Windows editor enabling condensed text printing - 16bit version
(CD_028)ecpd324a.zip<ASP> Ecopad Text Editor v4.11 - 32bit version
(CD_028)ed2516.zip<ASP> Editeur v2.5 - Text editor for Windows 3.1
(CD_096)edit12.zipEdit! v1.2 - Text editor for DOS
(CD_076)editeu42.zip<ASP> Editeur v4.2 - Text editor for Windows 95
(CD_011)eda351ed.zipEDA v3.51 - Large ASCII Files Editor
(CD_028)edit44.zipSwift Programmers Editor v4.4 for NC/VC
(CD_048)editd25.zipEDITD v2.5 - Text file editor for Windows
(CD_046)editor.zipFancy Editor v1.0 - Fast text editor for Win95
editp153.zip*EditPro v1.53 - Win9x/Me/NT/2000 Text Editor for Professionals
(CD_062)editpad.zipEditPad v3.x - Windows NotePad Replacement
(CD_054)editv41u.zipEDITV v4.1 - Text file editor with Borland Turbo Vision
(CD_028)edp401.zipDOS Text Editor v4.01 from Croatia
(CD_038)edthtm12.zipEdithtml.inf for Win95 v1.2 - Adds Edit function to the right click menu of an HTML file
(CD_064)edtlw320.zipEDTECH Editor for Technical Graphics v3.2 for Win95/98/NT
(CD_060)efontd12.zipEasy Fonts v1.2 for DOS - Any to CHR font format converter
(CD_064)efontw20.zipEasy Fonts v2.0 for Win - TrueType Fonts to CHR font converter
(CD_072)eject13.zipEJECT v1.3 - Sends Form Feed Char to LPT1 Printer
(CD_050)emp079c.zipEmpathy ANSI Editor v0.79 pre
(CD_031)enh_5_7.zipEnhanced Font Driver v5.7- Russian, Ukr. etc. font drivers
(CD_038)enhnp11.zipEnhanced Notepad v1.1
(CD_010)env416.zipEnvelopes Plus v4.16 - Envelopes and labels printing program
(CD_100)envelp60.zipEnvelope Printer v6.0 for Win9x/NT/2000
(CD_100)envelwiz.zipEnvelope Wizard - Util for envelopes printing
(CD_028)envpnt.zipEnvelope Printer for Win
(CD_070)eoedit.zipEoEdit v0.98 - Windows Text Editor
(CD_022)eol.zipChange End-Of-Line marks (DOS/UNIX text converter)
epp210c.exe*EditPlus Text Editor v2.10c for HTML, ASP, Perl, C/C++ and Java
(CD_024)epson10.zipEPSON printer codes from an input file to PS converter
(CD_080)epstl140.zipEPSTOOL v1.40 - Create or extract preview bitmaps in EPS files
(CD_086)eqprv10.zipEqnPreview v1.0 - TeX Equation Previewer
(CD_052)erudite.zipErudite v1.5 - Spellchecker wordlist ripper
(CD_072)espan22.zipESPAN v2.2 - Spanish keyboard driver
(CD_050)etext302.zip<ASP> EasyText v3.0.2 - Plain and Rich Text Editor for W9x/NT
(CD_012)etext410.zipThe Electronic Text Publishing System v4.10
(CD_096)etvwr200.zipETextViewer v2.00 - Freeware electronic text viewer for Win9x
(CD_042)euro.zipEuro-Symbol for MS Word (TTF)
(CD_008)evafont.zipEVAfont v3.05 - Font keeper
(CD_015)eve.zipExtreme Viewer and Editor - Color text file editor/viewer
(CD_040)evpfont.zip8x19 fonts for FAR file manager
(CD_031)ew104.zip<ASP> Easy Word v10.4 - Word Processor
(CD_100)ewriter.zipeWriter v0.9l - Duplex E-mail typing machine
(CD_088)exa32320.zip<ASP> Examine32 v3.20 - Text search utility for Win9x/NT
(CD_021)examn200.zip<ASP> Examine v2.00 - Text search utility for Win3.1
(CD_028)excrak3.exeExcrak3 Password Recovery for Excel
(CD_033)exted15.zipEXTEDIT v1.5 - Vernon Buerg's List related utility
(CD_044)exthtm10.zipExt-HTML v1.0 - HTML Code Generator for Win9x/NT
(CD_021)exzip200.zip<ASP> ExamineZip v2.00 - Text within ZIP's search util for Win
(CD_086)ezedit20.zipEZEDIT v2.0 - 4K line-oriented full-screen text editor for DOS
(CD_058)ezhtml20.zipEZ-HTML Edit v2.0 - HTML editor
(CD_070)ezlabel.zipEasy Personal Labels v2.5 - Label print utility for Win95/98
(CD_027)ezy300.zipEasy Help/Web v3.0c - Hypertext Authoring System for Word 6/7/97
(CD_007)f2h100.zipf2h v1.00 - FILES.BBS to HTML Converter
(CD_048)faqwrite.zipFAQ Writer v1.0 - FAQ documents creation utility
(CD_086)farhh27.zipFAR HTML Help v2.7.0 - HTML Help creation util for Win9x/NT/2K
(CD_052)fastedit.zipFastEdit v2.0 - Simple text editor for Win95/98/NT
(CD_044)fasttext.zipFastText v1.3.1 - Texts strings pasting utility
(CD_020)fbw.zipHTML Font and Body Tag Wizard v1.0
(CD_026)fc10e.zipFile Convert v1.0 - ASCII/ANSI,EBCDIC Converter
(CD_031)fcoder54.zipFCODER v5.04 - Russian text file recoder
(CD_032)fdc-105.zipF-DCRYPT v1.05 - Word 6.0-7.0a Document Password Recovery Util
(CD_048)fdg111.zipFigDOS-GUI - Interface for FIGlet program
(CD_038) [UTILPROG]fdump11.zipFDUMP v1.1 - Hex/ASCII dump file to standard output
(CD_026)fduplins.zipFDUPLINS v1.00 - Text File Duplicate Line Deleter
(CD_007)fe.zipFont Editor v1.00 from Russia
(CD_031)fed117.zip<ASP> Forms Editor and Printer v1.17 by MicroFox
(CD_086)fed215.zipFED v2.15 - Folding Text Editor for DOS/Linux
(CD_020)fedit12.zipThe Font Editor v1.2
(CD_100)ffs100.zipFast Font Set v1.0 - Font Selector for Win32
(CD_018)fgrep184.zipFast Grep v1.84
(CD_032)figdos22.zipFIGlet v2.2 - Large characters creator
(CD_007)fileid21.zipFileid v2.1 - File description lister
(CD_026)fileid4i.zipFileid v4.0 - Freeware FILEID util
(CD_011)filter10.zipFilter for text files v1.0 (DOS)
(CD_076)filter40.zipFILTER v4.0 - Multi-purpose text filter
(CD_028)fin-calc.zipFIN-CALC - MS Excel Financial Calculator
(CD_096)finder35.zipFINDER v3.5 - Text string searching utility
(CD_052)findx.zipSearch any type of files for text patterns
(CD_064)fixtx911.zipFIXTEXT v9.11 - Text Converter
(CD_068)fixtxt.zipUtil to filter text documents and provide an ASCII compliant output
(CD_024)fkdos11.zip<ASP> FONTKAT v1.1 - Builds font catalogs for WP 6.1 & 6.0/DOS
(CD_024)fkwin21.zip<ASP> FONTKAT/WIN v2.1 - Builds font catalogs in WP/WIN 8,7 32-bit
(CD_024)fl2csv02.zipFilelist.txt to CSV file converter
(CD_011)flt10w95.zipFilter for text files v1.0 (Win95)
(CD_088)fltrpack.zipPack of Text Filters for TextPipe Utility
(CD_007)flxtnt11.zipFlexText v1.1 - Print Utility for Windows'95
(CD_007)flxtw11.zipFlexText v1.1 - Print Utility for Windows 3.1
(CD_066)fm136.zipADing Font Manager v1.36
(CD_026)fmang230.zipFont Man v2.30 - Font manager for Windows
(CD_072)fmore13.zipFMORE v1.3 - Fast MORE.COM replacement
(CD_040)fn23.zipTrueType Font Namer v2.3 for Windows
(CD_017)fntedit3.zipFont Editor III for DOS
(CD_096)fntfnd32.zipFont Finder 32 v5.95 - Font browser for Win9x/NT/2000
(CD_008)fntprt32.zipFont Printer v2.4 - Windows Font Previewer
(CD_014)fntshw95.zipFontShow95 - Font Preview for Win95
(CD_048)font.zipFont Collection by Stefan Peichl
(CD_013)font10.zipFontPro v1.0a - Font Lister
(CD_042)fontbrow.zipFont-browser v1.1 for Win32
(CD_044)fontc.zipFontC v1.2 - Util that displays screen fonts
(CD_014)fontch21.zipFontChart v2.1 - Symbol-fonts browser for Win95/NT
(CD_040)fonte101.zipFontEzy v1.01 - Nifty font special effect generator for W95/NT
(CD_027)fonted15.zip<ASP> FontEdit v1.5 - Text Graphic Font Editor
(CD_026)fonter70.zip<ASP> OSOSOFT's Fonter v7.0 - Font viewing/management for Win
(CD_100)fontf595.zipFont Finder v5.95 for Win95/98/NT - Font manager
(CD_050)fontfile.zipFONT FILE v1.1b - View and print a sorted list of fonts
(CD_054)fontliss.zipFONTLIST v4.0 - Win95/NT lister of fonts used in document
(CD_100)fontlk36.zipFontLook v3.6 - Win95/98/NT font manager
(CD_062)fontmg10.zipFontMagic v1.0 - Font Manager for Win95/98/NT
(CD_048)fontoman.zipCollection of free fonts by Fontomania
(CD_072)fontpage.zipFontPage v2.0.3 - Font examining and comparing util
(CD_016)fonts104.zipFont Sorter v1.04
(CD_096)fontshow.zipFontShow for Win9x/NT v3.1 - TrueType font viewer
(CD_015)fonttab.zipFONTTAB - Windows font viewer and installer from Poland
(CD_100)fontv10.zipAlpha SF Software Font Viewer v1.0 for Win32
(CD_070)fontvie2.zipFontViewer for Win32 - Freeware
(CD_060)fontview.zipWatson's Font Viewer for Win32
(CD_026)font_sel.zipFont Builder Program
(CD_092)formp12.zipForm Pilot v1.2 for Win95/98/NT/2000 - Form filler
fnprnt95.exe*FinePrint 2000 for Win95/98/Me Build 51 - Condensed Printing Utility
fnprnten.exe*FinePrint 2000 for Win95/98/Me/NT/2000 Build 51 Enterprise Version for Network users - Condensed Printing Utility
fnprntnt.exe*FinePrint 2000 for WinNT/2000 Build 51 - Condensed Printing Utility
(CD_100)fnpr95sk.zipFinePrint 2000 for Win95/98/Me Build 50 Slovak Edition - Condensed Printing Utility
(CD_100)fnprensk.zipFinePrint 2000 for Win95/98/Me/NT/2000 Build 50 Enterprise Version Slovak Edition - Condensed Printing Utility
(CD_100)fnprntsk.zipFinePrint 2000 for WinNT/2000 Build 50 Slovak Edition - Condensed Printing Utility
(CD_035)fplot210.zipFPLOT v2.10 - Plot ASCII on PostScript printers (for DOS)
(CD_100)fpp100.exepdf Factory for Win9x/Me v1.00 - PDF files creator from producer of FinePrint utility
(CD_100)fppe100.exepdf Factory for Win95/98/Me/NT/2000 v1.00 Enterprise version for Network users - PDF files creator
(CD_100)fppnt100.exepdf Factory for WinNT/2000 v1.00 - PDF files creator from producer of FinePrint Utility
(CD_024)fprev11.zipALEX's Font Previewer v1.1 - TT fonts previewer for Windows
(CD_011)fprint25.zipFontprint v2.00 - VGA fonts printer
(CD_011)fprintv1.zipFontprint - prints VGA fonts
(CD_021)framex22.zip<ASP> FrameTool v2.2 - HTML Frame Maker
(CD_040)fran10sg.zipFran v1.0 - Number of entry of all words in a text file counter
(CD_020)frmpst16.zipForm Post Edit v1.6 - Web Form Text Editor
(CD_015)fs-v100.zipFont Star v1.00 - Text Font Editor for DOS
(CD_066)fs13.zipFont Selector v1.3 - Simple Font Viewer for Win95/98/NT
(CD_012)fsp72.zipFont Spec Pro v7.2 - Font mgr for Win3.1/Win95
(CD_096)ft_prn33.zipFT Print v3.3 - Text mode printer for Win9x/Me/NT/2000
(CD_022)ft32v2.zipFontex v2.0 - File viewer capable of reading and printing large files in any font type
(CD_027)ften46b5.zipFTE Kit v0.46 beta 5 - Text Mode Editor for Win95/NT with several programming languages color syntax highlighting
(CD_060)ftpedit.zipFTPEdit v1.7 - Windows Editor with FTP Send/Receive Function
(CD_068)ftprnt.zipFTPrint v2.12 - Win95/98 util for printing in text mode
(CD_070)ftw11e.zip<ASP> Font Twister v1.1 for Win95/98/NT - Text effects creator
(CD_024)fv05.zipThe BBS File Viewer v5.0 - Database system for BBS file lists
(CD_026)fview100.zipFont Manager for Windows v1.00
(CD_028)fxread15.zipSmile FX Reader v1.5 - Text file viewer
(CD_072) [GRAPH]g2a141.zipGFX2ASCI v1.41 - Ascii-art images editor
(CD_042)gcnv20.zipGCNV v2.0 - Converter of greek texts to greekish and vice versa
(CD_010)gdsp300b.zipGDSpell - English spelling checker for ASCII files
(CD_024)gedhtml1.zipGedcom to HTML v1.0 Translator
(CD_015)getex050.zipGetex v0.50 - Textfile searching util for DOS/OS2
(CD_060)gbhzcvpi.zipGBHZ Converter Plugin v1.01 for Wudora 3.0/4.0
(CD_096)ghe481.zipGolden HTML Editor 4.81 for Win32 from Czech Republic
(CD_015)gn12.zipGood Numbers! v1.2 - Program for numbers drawing
(CD_015)gpak100.zipGraph Pack 1 by TWT
(CD_044)gpm10.zipText mode mouse cut and paste driver v1.00 by V.Volkov
(CD_088)grafula3.zipGrafula3 v1.13 - Digitazing (numbering) of any plot in BMP format as an data input into Excel
(CD_098)grepsb53.zipGrep v5.3 - Find regular expressions in files
(CD_014)grepw42.zipGREP for Windows v4.2
(CD_046)grkda20.zipGRSoftware Keyword Density Analyzer for Win95/98/NT v2.0 for WEB pages developers
(CD_024)gs510dos.zipAladdin Ghostscript v5.10 - MS-DOS 32-bit EXE
(CD_092)gs660w32.zipAladdin Ghostscript v6.60 - Windows 9x/NT version
(CD_086)gsr184g.zipGSR v1.84 - Global Search Replace util for DOS
(CD_024)gsr20.zipGSR v2.0 - Search and replace util in specified files
(CD_042)gsv27w16.zipGSVIEW v2.7 - 16-bit executable of Viewer for Ghostscript
(CD_090)gsv35w32.zipGSVIEW v3.5 - 32-bit executable of Viewer for Ghostscript
(CD_032)h2t151b.zipHTML2TEXT v1.51 - HTML to Text Converter
(CD_016)h2txt102.zipHTML2TXT v1.02 - Freeware HTML to TXT converter by TWT
(CD_100)handyhtm.zipHandyHTML v1.12 - HTML Editor for Win9x/NT/2000
hbe22.zip*HTML Batch Editor v2.2 - Batch processor of HTML and text files
hc30.zip*HTML Compress v3.00 for Win9x/NT/2000
(CD_058)hc_107.zipGenerate HTML out of easy to make script files
(CD_064)hcpick.zipHTML Color Picker v1.0 - HTML Color Settings Manager
(CD_058)hcr.zipHTML File Comment Stripper & Optimizer
(CD_024)hcrtf.zip32-bit Help Compiler Engine
(CD_007)helllp27.zip<ASP> HELLLP! v2.7 - Windows Help File Author Aid for Word 6/7
(CD_072)helllp31.zip<ASP> HELLLP! v3.1b - Windows Help File Author Aid for Word 8
(CD_007)help2doc.zipWindows Help to Windows Word Doc Converter
(CD_016)helpdc21.zipHELPDECO v2.1 - Utility to dissect Windows help files
(CD_048)helphk31.zip<ASP> Help Hikes Pro v3.1 - Windows Help files authoring tool
(CD_044)helpme8.zipHelpMe - Tool for creating RTF files to be used with the MS Windows Help Compiler
(CD_100)hibaseb.zipHiBase2000 Personal Edition - Database Management Program
(CD_084)hlpscr55.zipHelp Scribble v5.5.2 - Program to create Windows Help files
(CD_044)helpy11.zipHelpy v1.1 for MS Word 97 - Windows Help Designer
(CD_036)hexplore.zipHomepage Explorer v1.0 - Homepage Designer for Win95
(CD_058)hglyph26.zipHieroglyph v2.6 - Intelligent transliterated text converter, cyrillic encodings etc.
(CD_100)highv126.zipHigh Viewer v1.2.6 - Advanced DOS-Mode Text Viewer
(CD_096)hilitext.zip<ASP> HILITEXT v1.1 - Win95/98/NT/2000 util for highlighting selected words/phrases in web pages, E-mails etc.
(CD_076)hivew100.zipHigh Viewer v1.0b - Advanced DOS-mode text viewer
(CD_044)hlist081.zipHLIST - HTML File Listing Program
(CD_024)hlp2doc.zipWindows Help File to Winword Document File Converter
(CD_008)hlp2rtf.zipWin3.1/Win95 Help 2 RTF Converter
(CD_017)hlpgn131.zip<ASP> HelpGen v1.31 - Windows Help File Generator
(CD_007)hlpnow10.zipHelpNow! for Windows v1.0 - Windows Help Generator
(CD_026)hlptxt11.zipHLP/ASCII Convertor
(CD_060)hm33.zipHyper Maker HTML v3.3 for Win9x/NT - HTML Compiler & Off-line Browser
(CD_035)hmakedos.zipHyperMake v3.66 - HTML,IBM IPF and WinHelp builder for DOS/Win3
(CD_078)hmakeos2.zipHyperMake v3.97 - HTML,IBM IPF and WinHelp builder for OS/2
(CD_082)hmakewin.zipHyperMake v3.98 - HTML,IBM IPF and WinHelp builder for Win95/98/NT/2000
(CD_062)hndnotes.zipHandy Notes v1.4 - Tiny notes for Win32
homesite.exe*HomeSite v4.5.2 eval. - HTML editor for Win32
(CD_038)hpg13.zipHPG v1.3 - DOS based HTML viewer
(CD_048)hpload.zipHP-Load v1.1 - Printer loader for Win95
(CD_100)hprnt379.zipHandyPrint98 v3.79 - Advanced printer control for Win9x/Me
(CD_086)hptiny20.zipHPTINY v2.0 - Prints text files with line width up to 255 chars
(CD_025)hrcnv102.zipHrConvert v1.02 - Croatian char converter for MS Word
(CD_010)hrg60.zipHyperRead v6.0 - Hypertext Generator
(CD_013)hst2txt.zipHST (historical file of Netscape) to TXT converter
(CD_007)htm2txt1.zipHTM 2 TXT Converter
(CD_048)htma3221.zipHTMASC v2.1 32-bit - HTML 2 TXT Converter
(CD_015)htmasc21.zipHTMASC v2.1 - HTML 2 TXT Converter
(CD_018)htmcrm10.zipCRAM HTML Compressor
(CD_027)htmidx20.zipHTML-Index v2.0 for Win - HTML files in a dir index creator
(CD_022)html_cvt.zipALX-DHTML Converter v9.2 Beta 2
(CD_031)html_cod.zipHTML_Coder - Russian converter of HTML documents from Windows to MS-DOS/UNIX formats
(CD_046)html-o-c.zipHTMLL Obfuscator/Compressor for DOS/Win
(CD_048)htmla.zipHTML Analyzer Toolkit v1.0 - HTML/URL/value analyzer
(CD_026)htmlbu11.zipHTML Buster v1.1 - HTML/ASCII Convertor
(CD_100)htmlhelp.zipHTML Helpy v1.1 - Help authoring tool for Win32
(CD_092)htmlsr.zipHTML Search and Replace v1.0 - Util for Win9x/Me/NT/2000 that search and replace within multiple HTML documents
(CD_048)htmbuild.zipHTML Builder v1.00 - Simple program that makes HTML files
(CD_074)htmlv10c.zipHerodes HTML View v1.0c - NC-like HTML viewer
(CD_018)htmlc200.zipHTMLCAL v2.0 - Creates HTML Calendars
(CD_044)htmlcadr.zipHTML Active Calendar v1.05 - Calendar creator
(CD_044)htmlcnv2.zipHTMLCONV v2.00 - Util that creates HTML documents that containt links/images/files lists
(CD_026)htmlco20.zipHTML 2 ASCII Convertor v2.0
(CD_092)htmlcol.zipHTML Color v1.2 - HTML Color Picker for Win32
(CD_072)htmlcolr.zipHTMLcolor v2.0.1 - HTML Color Picker
(CD_090)htmlcomp.exeHTML (Un)Compress v6.0 - HTML Compressing Utility
(CD_076)htmlcomp.zipHTML Compressor by Shensr
(CD_035)htmlcons.zipSmart HTML Constructor v2.2 for Win95
(CD_035)htmlconv.zipHTML with links to local files creator
(CD_007)htmled16.zipHTML Editor v1.6 for Win
(CD_072)htmlfind.zipHTML-Analyzer v2.0 - HTML database creator
(CD_013)htmlipfd.zipHTML 2 IPF Converter
(CD_027)htmlk103.zipHTML Killer v1.03 - HTML to plain text converter
(CD_031)htmln231.zipHTML Notepad v2.2 - WWW Page Text Editor for Win3.1
(CD_031)htmln295.zipHTML Notepad v2.2 - WWW Page Text Editor for Win95
(CD_072)htmlo-32.zipHTMLo v3.2 - HTML Optimizer for Windows
(CD_088)htmlopt.zipAdvanced HTML Optimizer v3.0 for Win9x/NT
(CD_038)htmlpix.zipBill Reid's HTML Pix v1.3 for Win95 - HTML index of images generator
(CD_032)htmlsize.zipHTML Compressor v1.1 from Russia
(CD_052)htmltote.zipHTML to TEXT Converter v1.0 for Win9x/NT
(CD_013)htmltxtd.zipHTML 2 TXT Converter
(CD_038)htmlview.zipHTML-View v1.63 - Win95/NT WWW formats viewer
(CD_050)htmlvw.zipHTML-Viewer v0.69a - Tiny Hypertext Viewer
(CD_064)htmst911.zipHTMSTRIP v9.11 - HTML 2 TXT converter
(CD_038)htmstrp1.zipBill Reid's HTML Stripper v1.0 - HTML codes stripper
(CD_084)httl35.zipLorenz Graf's HTMLtool v3.5 - Set of Win9x/NT HTML tools
(CD_016)icev066.zipICEView v0.66 - ANSI Viewer
(CD_028)icour138.zipInfo Courier v1.38 - HTML Compiler
(CD_007)idgen.zipFILE_ID.DIZ Generator v1.0
(CD_072)idmaker.zip<ASP> File_id.diz maker v1.1
(CD_031)idw10r1.zipiTPDraw v0.10 Beta - ANSI drawing utility
(CD_050)idx.zipINDEX Analyzer v1.56 - Garbo, Simtel & SAC server file index processor and FTP script editor from Poland
(CD_086)ie102.zipIE v1.02 - Extended DOS (32-bit) Text Editor
(CD_021)ifconv19.zipIncomprehensible (text) File Converter v1.9
(CD_060)ihp2ng.zipIHP 2 NG File Converter v1.1
(CD_009)il2me.zipIL2ME v1.03 - Interrupt List to Multi-Edit Help Converter
(CD_058)im_h.zipIM_H - HTML's out of Images for Win98
(CD_044)impr101d.zipimPRESSion v1.01 - DTP and drawing package for Windows
(CD_048)imprnt20.zipImprint v2.0 - Printing util for Win95/NT
(CD_010)inkjet33.zipDeskJet Survival Kit v3.3 - HP Inkjet Utils
(CD_038)insult2k.zipInsult Writer 2000 - Sentence with insults generator :-)
(CD_052)invent10.zipThe Inventor v1.0 - Words generator
(CD_070)inxmak14.zipMihov index.html Maker v1.41 - Program that creates HTML file containg links to all the files in a given directory
(CD_016)isofonts.zipISO9241-3-compliant DOS CPI
(CD_086)isgtt18x.zipGreppe Text Tools rel.1.8 - Set of text related utils
(CD_072)isptt15x.zipPenta Text Tools rel.1.5 - Set of text related utils
(CD_100)isttt18x.zipTri Text Tools rel.1.8 - Set of text related utils
(CD_072)ixf13.zipIXF v1.3 - Index formatter
(CD_016)javaedit.zipJava Editor v2.07b
(CD_007)javamill.zipJava Mill v0.98 - Java Editor
(CD_016)javas10.zipJava Station v1.0 - IDE for JAVA
(CD_026)jetcol95.zip<ASP> JETCOL v95 - A 2 column compressed print utility for laser printers
(CD_032)jethro1a.zipJethro v1.01 - Hillbilly text filter
(CD_032)jive1a.zipJIVE - Grammar text filter
(CD_042)joccal20.zipJOC-CALC v2.0 - Spreadsheet program
(CD_042)jocpc21.zipJOC-PRINT COMMANDER v2.1 for HP Lasers and Deskjets
(CD_012)jorj97.zipJorj - English Language Dictionary for MS-DOS
(CD_038)jquote.zipBill Reid's JQuote for Win95 v2.0 - Javascript based "random quotes" inserting util into your web
(CD_054)jrindex.zipCreates HTML index of MP3s or other files
(CD_086)jspel211.zipJSPELL v2.11 - ASCII file spelling checker
(CD_086)justfy15.zipJUSTIFY v1.15 - A text justification program to reformat ASCII text files
(CD_015)jview_20.zipJiVEview v2.0 - Intense ANSI viewer
(CD_007)kamslx.zipKAMENLX v2.4 - Slovak Keyboard and Font Driver (Kamen,Latin2) + Conversion utility
(CD_022)kbd10.zipKBD v1.0 - Croatian Keyboard Drivers for Win95
(CD_046)kbplus10.zipKbplus v1.0 for Win9x - Line editor with integrated virtual keyboard
(CD_080)kdwin.zipKDWin v2.07 - Russian Keyboard Driver for Win95/NT
(CD_050)killdocs.zipKillDocs v1.5 - Documents Folder Cleaner
(CD_009)kindex.zipKindex v1.2 - Book indexing utility for DOS
(CD_032)kissfp.zipKISSFP v1.1 - HTML compression tool
(CD_013)knots2_0.zipKnotes HTML Browser v2.0
(CD_052)kod.zipAlexf Recoder v1.1 - Russian chars converter
(CD_058)kon115.zipKon v1.15 - Powerful OS/2 text-editor
(CD_011)konwert.zipPol Konwert v1.1 - Polish National Char.Set Conversion Util
(CD_016)ktext10.zipKewlText v1.00 - "Cool" Texts Creator
(CD_019)ktxt.zipKTXT - Slovak National Character Converter by Tatrasoft
(CD_072)kws100.zipKeyWords Seeker v1.00 for Win95/98/NT
(CD_026)kws144.zipKeyword Search v1.44
(CD_046)lanexp12.zipLanExpert v1.2 - Util to support Chinese, Japanese and Korean chars under Win3.x/95
(CD_038)lasconve.zipFNT and LJ fonts to HVF Laser fonts converter
(CD_042)lc.zipLC v1.2 - ASCII file line counter
(CD_021)lcat13x.zipLCAT v1.3 - Listing catalog for Windows
(CD_009)lcrid144.zipREAD v1.4.4 - Quick Info Files Viewer
(CD_031)lgedit.zipLGEDIT - Tiny MS-DOS based text editor
(CD_086)likse.zipLIKSE v3.30 for Win16 - View, print, search HTML files offline
likse32.zip*LIKSE v5.00 for Win32 - View, print, search HTML files offline
(CD_038)limedt.zipLimitEdit - Editor of edit boxes parameters
(CD_035)lines_a2.zipLines Arranger v1.2 - Document lines rearranger
(CD_007)linrea10.zipLine Reader v1.0 for ANSI/ASCII files
(CD_100)list96c.zipList v9.6c - Universal lister
(CD_062)listclip.zipLISTCLIP v1.2 - MS Word macro to produce a list of graphics files
(CD_042)listfo11.zipListFont v1.1 - Fonts enumerator for Win95/NT
(CD_062)listfont.zipLISTFONT v3.2 - MS Word macro to produce a list of fonts
(CD_033)listhtml.zipLISTHTML v1.2 - HTML file lister
(CD_031)llab200e.zipLabel Laboratory v2.0 - Windows program for creating and printing of labels for envelopes, disks etc.
(CD_068)llconv.zipText File Reformater
(CD_012)llist33a.zip<ASP> Little Lists v3.3a - Simple database program
(CD_072)llstat11.zipLLSTAT v1.1 - Line Length Statistics of a Text File
(CD_013)lm206.zipLM v2.06 - File or stream line manipulator
(CD_021)lman711a.zip<ASP> LASR_MAN v7.11 - Laser/ink jet printer utility
(CD_074)locksmth.zipLocksmith v1.20 - Freeware Czech lock remover for Excel 5/97
(CD_092)log1.zipLogfile Cutting Tool + HTML Server Log Files Viewer for Win32
(CD_086)lpdwin.zipLPD-Win - Line Printer Daemon Application for Win9x
(CD_050)lpt2file.zipLpt2file - LPT1 capture utility for DOS
(CD_072)lstctv16.zipLSTCATV v1.6 - Listing catalog for DOS
(CD_072)lstctw16.zipLSTCATW v1.6 - Listing catalog for Windows
(CD_024)lstfnt22.zipListfont.dot v2.2 - MS Word Macro to List Fonts
(CD_026)lsr500.zipLaser v5.00 - Laser Printer Setting Utility
(CD_009)lsrcmp13.zipLaserComp v1.3 - ASCII Comparator
(CD_024)lstpcs14.zipListpics v1.4 - Creates HTML file showing graphics
(CD_035)madura10.zipMadura Page v1.0 - Web pages creator based on applet
(CD_044)magus10.zipMAGUS Vocabulary - Vocabulary program for Windows
(CD_027)maketx10.zipMakeTXT v1.0 - Convert any file to plain ASCII
(CD_098)mapdes15.zipMap Designer v1.5 - Util for creation of images having clickable areas for HTML files
(CD_082)mapofche.zipMap of Chars v2.9 for Win32 - Charmap replacement
(CD_007)margar32.zipMargarine v3.2 - Text file formatting utility
(CD_070)marvosym.zipMARVOSYM.TTF - Freeware Windows True Type Symbol Font for School and Office
(CD_015)master2a.zipMaster View v2.0a - Document linking package for MS Word
(CD_038)maxdrp41.zipMaxDrop v4.1 - Text Editor for Win95
(CD_088)mbs.zipMulti Block Storage v2.3 - Clipboard Enhancer for Win32
(CD_014)mc110.zipMetafile Companion v1.10 for Win95/NT - WMF, EMF and CLP Editor
mcb_v930.zip*Multi Clipboard v9.30 - Form filling tool
(CD_088)mclip.zipMacro-Clip v2.000.2.3 - Multi-clipboard util for Win9x/NT/2000
(CD_038)mclip232.zipMultiple Text Clipboard v2.32
(CD_070)mclipb22.zipMultiple Clipboards v2.2 - Win95/98/NT util that expands clipboard up to ten
(CD_070)mcvt-e.zipMemo Converter v1.02 - Converter of memo-fields for DBF files
(CD_024)me20.zipMovie Editor Kit (ANSI)
(CD_009)medit151.zipMEdit v1.51 - Text editor for DOS
(CD_026)medit214.zip<ASP> Mega Edit v2.14 - Text Editor for Windows
(CD_010)medit240.zipMedit v2.40 - Multiple Document Editor for Windows
(CD_072)merge14.zipMERGE v1.4 - Merge ordered ASCII text files ascending/descend.
(CD_050)metapad.zipMetapad v1.3 - 32-bit Notepad Replacement
(CD_086)mf43.zipMyFonts v4.3 - Windows Font Manager
(CD_086)mgchrm22.zipCharacteristica v2.2 - Freeware Replacement of Charmap Util
(CD_031)mktewn10.zipMikesoft TeW!n v1.0 for Win3.x/95 - TXT 2 EXE converter
(CD_086)mktxt103.zipMakeTXT v1.03 - ASCII filter
(CD_088)mlpd.zipMocha W32 LPD v1.61 - 32-bit Print Server for Win9x/NT
(CD_048)mltkey32.zipMultiKey - Keyboard utility incl. Greek, Hebrew, Cyrillic...
(CD_062)mkw32lpd.zip<ASP> Mocha W32 LPD v1.3 - LPD server for Win95/98
(CD_024)mmaid40.zipMermaid v4.0 - DBF viewing and manipulation utility
(CD_026)mltcv101.zipMultiCV v1.01 - ASCII Files Amiga/MAC/PC Converter
(CD_035)morse-tt.zipMorsecode Font v1.01 - TT font of morse code symbols
(CD_026)mp41.zipMulti-Print v4.1 - Printing more pages on A4 format paper
(CD_052)mrsr_200.zipMultiple Recursive Search and Replace v2.00 for Win32
(CD_030)msof0104.zipMSOFPASS v2.0.1.4 - Lost password for MS-Office doc's recoverer
(CD_026)msort115.zipMaster Sort for DOS v1.15
(CD_038)msplt101.zipMessage Split v1.01 - Splits concatenated ASCII text messages into separate text files
(CD_068)mss_120.zipMSS HTML Editor v1.20 - Text based HTML editor
(CD_028)multvu30.zip<ASP> MULTIVU v3.0 - Win util for viewing files up to 2GB
(CD_028)mview40.zipMView Pro v4.0 - Multi Lingual Viewer System for Windows
(CD_088)mw3812.zipMocha W32 TN3812 v1.1 - 32-bit Print Application for Win9x/NT/2000
(CD_092)mwtlbox.zipMyWebToolbox v2.22 - Web pages designer for Win9x/NT
(CD_014)nab21.zipNAB v2.1 - Grab text screens, sent to file or printer
(CD_008)nansi33.zipNANSI.SYS v3.3 - Enhanced MS-DOS Console Driver
(CD_052)navroad.zipNavRoad Off-line HTML viewer v3.10
(CD_021)nclrz16.zipNetColorz v1.0 for Win16 - Util for color chosing/testing in HTML page
(CD_021)nclrz32.zipNetColorz v1.0 for Win32 - Util for color chosing/testing in HTML page
(CD_026)ne300b.zipNE v3.00b - Freeware text editor
(CD_042)net2wb21.zipNet2Web v2.1 - FIDO nodelist to HTML table convertor
(CD_054)nextword.zipNextWord v1.0 - AI based text generator
(CD_026)nfo110.zipNFOBUILDER v1.1 - Tool for making intros with soft text scroll
(CD_088)nfopro10.zipNFO PRO v1.0 - .nfo and .diz file viewer for Win32
(CD_025)ngp320.zipNorton Guides Printer v3.20
(CD_052)noahtm05.zipNoah v0.053g - PostScript Type 1 (PFB) Font Editor
(CD_086)noindt10.zipNoIndent v1.0 - Program for leading indent spaces elimination
(CD_072)noprnt13.zipNOPRINT v1.3 - TSR to disables attempts to print
(CD_020)notebk25.zipNotebook v2.5 - Large File Text Editor for Windows
(CD_025)notebk52.zipNotebook v5.2 - Large File Text Editor for Win95
(CD_022)notem155.zipNoteMaid v1.55 - Simple Windows Text Editor
(CD_094)notepad.zipUtil for replacing Notepad with UltraEdit-32 editor
notepro.zip*NotePro v1.67 - Rich-text editor and word processor
(CD_025)notew40a.zip<ASP> Noteware v4.0a - TSR Notepad
(CD_048)ntedhtml.zipNtedhtml.inf for WinNT - It adds Edit function to the right- click menu of HTML file
(CD_086)ntl483.zip<ASP> NoteTab Light v4.83 - Text and HTML editor for Win32
(CD_086)ntp483.zip<ASP> NoteTab Pro v4.83 - Text and HTML editor for Win9x/NT/2000
(CD_035)ntrdos14.zipINTRADOS v1.4 - INTRANET HTML Text Browser for DOS
(CD_007)nv11.zipNeoSoft's Viewer v1.1 for Win3.1/Win'95
(CD_076) [UTILFILE]odbce.zipODBC Viewer v2.0 - Shows the contents and the structure of databases like folders and files
(CD_052)odbceuni.zipODBC Viewer v2.0 - Unicode version of database viewer
(CD_021)offsit10.exeOFFSITE EXPLORER v1.03 - HTML Viewer/Editor for Windows
(CD_062)optimize.zipHTML Optimizer v1.0 for Win32
(CD_054)optim20a.zipOptimo v2.0.0 - HTML files compactor
(CD_014)otto16.zipOtto v1.6 - Automates programs, tasks that use text screens
(CD_026)p2disk21.zipPrint2Disk v2.1 - Print utility
(CD_044)pab0971.zipPablo Draw v0.971 beta (16-bit) - Text drawing program
(CD_044)pabp0971.zipPablo Draw v0.971 beta (32-bit) - Text drawing program
(CD_094)pad302.zipPad v3.02 - TXT/RTF/HTML Editor and Image Viewer for Win32
(CD_066)padgen11.zipPADGen v1.01 - Portable Application Description (PAD) Generator
(CD_050)pages.zipPages v1.0 - Plane to multicolumnt text converter
(CD_064)pagin911.zipPAGINATE v9.11 - Text file reformatter
(CD_021)pakans32.zipPackANSI v0.32 - Redundant ANSI codes remover
(CD_007)palett10.zipPalette Viewer v1.0 for Windows
(CD_066)parkfont.zipADing ParkFont v1.2 - Fonts manager for Win32
(CD_048)parse25.zipParse v2.5 - Util that counts letters, words and sentences
(CD_028)pb232.zipPower Browze v2.32 - DBF editor
(CD_028)pb3232.zipPower Browze v2.32 - DBF editor (386 version)
(CD_024)pcfont30.zipPCFONT v3.0 - DOS Font Editor
(CD_060)pclview.zipPCL View and Export to WMF for Win95/NT
(CD_008)pcmous12.zipPC Mouse v1.2 - Cut & paste in text mode
(CD_048)pcnsw20.zipPCNotes v2.0 - Reminder for Windows
(CD_074)pcps840.zipPCPS v8.40 - Print ASCII to PostScript 2up etc.
(CD_086)pcsort11.zipPCSORT v1.1 - Text Sorter for DOS
(CD_024)pdt_32c.zipPDT v3.2c - Great file editor
(CD_090)pe321121.zipPE32 v1.1.21 - ASCII file editor for Win95/98/NT
(CD_026)ped4ds14.zipPED4DOS v1.40 - Programmable Editor for DOS
(CD_082)pedit_10.zipPower Editor v1.0 - Tiny HTML Editor for Win32
(CD_086)pedit400.zipProgram Editor v4.00
(CD_046)pfe101.zipProgrammer's File Editor - Text Editor for Windows (16-bit)
(CD_046)pfe101i.zipProgrammer's File Editor - Text Editor for Windows (32-bit)
(CD_062)pfont41.zipPFONT v4.1 - View and print a sorted list of fonts
(CD_021)pgn2fg21.zipPGN2FIG v2.1 - Word 6.0,95 or 97 macro for PGN file conversion
(CD_070)ph_370.zipPretty HTML v3.7 - Win32 HTML code styling and compression tool
(CD_076)phonetic.zipPhonetic Keyboard v2.1 - Type Russian letters instead of English ones
(CD_070)phz32v2.zipPhontz v2.0 - Font Viewer for Win32
(CD_048)plc53.zipPLC v5.3 - Polish Chars Converter
(CD_058)pln_conv.zipNumbers to Words Converter v1.03c (in Polish)
(CD_008)plutl120.zipSet of Polish utils (national screen and keyboard support)
(CD_042)plx16_21.zipPROLIX Text Editor v2.1 for Win3.x
(CD_042)plx32_21.zipPROLIX Text Editor v2.1 for Win95/NT
(CD_072)pnsave2k.zipPaste & Save 2000 for Win95/98/NT/2000 - Util for Web texts pasting to clipboard
(CD_007)polskie.zipPOLSKIE - Polish screen and keyboard drivers
(CD_062)popfont.zipPopFont v3.00 - Win9x font selection utility
(CD_078)populist.zipPopulist - Clipboard util to provide quick access to your favourite text entries
(CD_054)poster12.zipPoster v1.21 - ANSI Converter
(CD_070)powerpad.zipPowerPad v1.2.0 - Notepad replacement
(CD_050)prfile21.zipPrint File v2.1 - File Printing Utility (TXT,PS,EPS...)
(CD_052)print1.zipPRINT! v1.00 - Allows you to print text files under Win95/98 in the printer's text mode
(CD_026)printcom.zip<ASP> Print Commander v3.1 - TSR print util
(CD_082)printff.zipPrint From File v2.0 - Printing util
(CD_024)printkey.zipPrintKey v2.0 - Print Screen Utility for Win95/NT
(CD_021)printprn.zip.PRN files printing utility
(CD_016) [UTILMISC]prnfile.zipPrinter output to file redirection utility
(CD_052)prnpromp.zipPrnPrompter - Printer driver that prints output into a window and you can save this output into a bitmap
(CD_010)prompt.zip!PROMPT - Color prompt generator
(CD_072)prsrat10.zipParseRat v1.0n - Parses, converts & reorganizes text files
(CD_026)prtout10.zipPrint Out v1.00 - Print Util for Windows
(CD_023)prtscr95.zipPrint Screen 95 v4.0 for Win'95
(CD_026)prtsel10.zipPrinter Select v1.0 for Windows
(CD_036)ps2txt17.zipPS2TEXT v1.7 - PostScript text extractor
(CD_007)pscf110.zipCVTFREP v1.10 - Convert WWW form replies to readable text
(CD_026)pscrn55.zipP-Screen v5.5 - ANSI screen-design and library system
(CD_007)pslc120.zipLF2CRLF v1.20 - UNIX/DOS text converter
(CD_026)psp500.zipPSPRINT v5.00 - Print raw text file on PS printer
(CD_078)pspa396a.zipParse-O-Matic v3.96A - File converter/modifier/fixer
(CD_026)pszx100.zipCVT2MIXC v1.00 - Change uppercase text file to mixed case
(CD_070)ptt10.zipPerfect Text Tools v1.0 - Text format converter
(CD_072)publipro.zipHTML Publisher Pro v3.50 - HTML publisher for Win9x/NT
q-test10.exe*Q-Test v1.03 beta - Question and Answer Creation Program
(CD_048)qtp0108.zipQuickTextPad v1.01.08 - Fast Text Viewer
(CD_021)pvfp3210.zipFontPeeper 32 v1.0 - Freeware 32-bit PS and TT fonts previewer
(CD_068)qiked22c.zipQuick Editor v2.2c - Win32 text editor
(CD_064)qprint.zipQuickPrint v1.0 - Util which let you add printing capabilities to VB applications
(CD_025)qread33a.zipQReader v3.3a - On-line text reader for publications etc.
(CD_007)qread921.zip<ASP> QREAD v2.1 - Text file viewer for Win'95
(CD_052)quickspo.zipQuickSpot v3.1 - Text files comparator for Windows
(CD_010)qtview11.zipQView v1.1 - QuatroPro Files NC-like viewer (English edition)
(CD_072)quebec15.zipQUEBEC v1.5 - French Canadian Keyboard Driver
(CD_008)qview11.zipQView v1.1 - QuatroPro Files NC-like viewer (Czech edition)
(CD_024)qyckvu.zipQyckVu v1.9 - 32-bit ASCII viewer
(CD_046)r2hw95.zipRTF to HTML for Win95 - Text format converter
(CD_046)r2hwin3.zipRTF to HTML for Win3.1 - Text format converter
(CD_062)radpad20.zipRadPad v2.0a - Text editor for Win95
(CD_028)raved.zip<ASP> RAVITZ EDITOR v1.12 - An ASCII text editor
(CD_031)raven158.zipRaven v1.58 - Text Management System
(CD_042)rb4.zipRainbow v4.00 - Util for production of transient/spectral colored text using FONT-tag for HTML-documents
(CD_036)read39.zip<ASP> Read v3.9 - Read/Edit ASCII text file
(CD_064)read911.zipRead v9.11 - File Browsing Utils
(CD_100)recast11.zipRecastor v1.1 - PDF to HTML Convertor
(CD_048)reco32.zipReCo32 v0.3b - Repair and Compact Access Databases
(CD_011)recode.zipRecode - Russian National Chars Convertor
(CD_080)redmon15.zipRedMon v1.5 for Win95/NT - Printer port redirection util
(CD_016)refont14.zipREFONT v1.4 - MAC TrueType and PS Type 1 fonts to PC format converter
(CD_086)remove30.zipREMOVE v3.0 - Text reformatter
(CD_086)renaw200.zipHTML Rename! v2.0 for Win95/98/NT/2000 - URL links and file names correction utility
(CD_048)rephtmed.zipRephtmed.inf for Win95 - Adds Edit function to the right- click menu of an HTML file
(CD_028)richvw10.zipRICHVIEW - RTF Data Viewer for Win95/NT
(CD_046)riffadd.zipRIFFADD - Util for adding text info or bitmap to RIFF file
(CD_011)ripvw10.zipRIP Files Viewer v1.0
(CD_014)rkm272.arjRKM v2.72 - Russian Driver for EGA/VGA
(CD_019)rnlower.zipLower - ASCII char converter
(CD_062)rnpad.zipRNPAD v1.9 - Notepad for Win32
(CD_062)rooi.zipRooi - Compact Database Calculator for Win32
(CD_017)rops1645.zipRoPS - Roger's Post Script Interpreter for Win16
(CD_086)rops52d.zipRoPS v5.2d - Roger's Post Script Interpreter for Win32
(CD_026)rpsrt102.zipRPSORT v1.02 - Fast Sort Util
(CD_040)rt101.zipReadText v1.01 - Text strings in program or data files reader
(CD_028)rtf2html.zipRTF2HTML v1.0 - RTF to HTML Converter
(CD_086)ruslt227.zipRusLat95 v2.27 - Russian Keyboard Driver
(CD_038)sam10.zipS&M v1.0 - Util for gathering first title line of all marked files and making HTML table
(CD_025)sansi20.zipSansi Converter v2.0 - Converts from ANSI to Sansi and vice-versa
(CD_017)saver310.zipThe Paper Saver v3.10 - HP LJ/DJ Print Utility
(CD_026)sbk500.zipSCROLLBK v5.00 - Capture text screen info that has rolled off the top of the screen
(CD_058)sbmorf01.zipSnowblind MORF - Replaces text or code across many files
(CD_008)scafe172.zip<ASP> Scan&Fill v1.72 - Typewriter replacement
(CD_026)scanx106.zipScanText v1.06 - String Finder
(CD_078)scase205.zipSlick Case v2.0.5 - Lower/Uppercase Converter
(CD_035)scor32v4.zipScorea v4.0 - Music score sheet printing program
(CD_026)scr500.zipScrnAttr v5.00 - Screen attribs editor
(CD_078)scratchy.zipScratchy - Text file reformatter to reduce it's size
(CD_074)scrbb192.zipScribbler 2000 v1.9.2 - Java Script, VB Script and DHTML editor for Win9x/NT
(CD_086)scrnsl11.zipTextmode Screen Save/Load v1.1
(CD_007)scroll31.zipScroll v3.1 - DIZ Editor
(CD_026)scrpaint.zipScreenPaint v2.1 - ANSI Editor + ANSI 2 COM conv. from Poland
(CD_026)sed500.zipSuperEditor v5.00 - Text editor
(CD_072)see11.zipSEE v1.1 - Text file displayer
(CD_036)see322.zipSEE v3.22 - File display/print/extract utility
(CD_031)see513.zip<ASP> SEE v5.13 - File Viewer and Printer by MicroFox
(CD_026)semigraf.zipSemiGraf v1.00 - Drawing in text mode
(CD_052)sf177_2.rarRussian shadow font loader v1.77 rev.2
(CD_023)sh30b.zipShorthand for Win3.11 v3.0
(CD_032)sh541.zipShorthand for Windows v5.41
(CD_024)shm180-b.zipSHMANSI v1.80 - ANSI Editor
(CD_086)shtml.zipSHTML - Basic HTML Editor for Win32
(CD_072)shtml050.zipShrinkHTML v0.50 - HTML/ASP documents compressor
(CD_062)sif.zipSecret in File - Hide secret in a text file
(CD_026)sigpro2d.zipSignature Generator 2D - email signatures generator
(CD_054)simf030a.zipSimFuz v0.30a - Fuzzy-Search engine in txt,html,... files
(CD_066)simlis11.zipSIMLIS v1.1 - Similarity sort of text file lines for DOS
(CD_060)simplpdf.zipSimple-PDF v1.30 - PDF Generator
(CD_056)single1.zipSingle Source - Tool for creating paper, Windows help and HTML documentation from a single source
(CD_008)sled11.zipSLED & SLHED - Tiny text editors
(CD_028)slick.zipSLICK - A Global text changer
smap10.zip*SimpleMap v1.0 - Generator of HTML codes for image maps
(CD_040)smashtms.zipSHASHTML v1.0 - HTML Compressor
(CD_026)smed21.zip<ASP> Smooth Editor v2.1 for DOS
(CD_007)smg-anse.zipSmaug ANSI 2 EXECUTABLE Converter v1.00
(CD_026)smscr102.zipSmooth Scroller - TSR utility
(CD_050)smshtm13.zipSmashHTML v1.3 - HTML Compressor
(CD_032) [UTILMISC]smtb3212.zipSmart Board 32 v1.27 - Windows Clipboard Extender
(CD_062)smtdoc30.zipSmart Doc v3.0 Free - Prints or extracts text from Windows Help Files
(CD_007)smtfon13.zipSmart Font v1.3 - Windows Font Previewer
(CD_019)smusic21.zipSheet Music Designer v2.1 - Prints musical staff sheets
(CD_007)snippr26.zipSNIPPER v2.6 - Text screen grabber
(CD_024)snowdos.zipSnow - Program for concealing messages in text files
(CD_024)spoolt12.zipALEX's Spool-It! v1.2 - Raw printer data downloader
(CD_072)sorttx03.zipSORTTX rel.03 - Text file sorting utility
(CD_026)sortx20.zipSortx v2.0 - Enhanced sort utility
(CD_090)sortxl31.zipSortXL v3.1 - Large ASCII files sorting utility
(CD_010)spad13.zipSuperPad v1.3 - Notepad replacement for large files
(CD_007)spell216.zipSpelling Checker for Windows 3.1
(CD_024)spell31.zipSPELL v3.0 - Stand-alone spell checker for any size texts file
(CD_048)spelltst.zipSpell Test v1.0 - English TXT/HTML spell checker
(CD_024)spellx31.zipSPELLXMS v3.1 - Stand-alone spell checker
(CD_046)spin105.zipSpinnaker Tools v1.05 - Excel add-ins for analyzing lists and databases in Excel
(CD_094)sr360.exeSearch and Replace for Windows v3.6
(CD_048)srhstr.zipSearch String Engine for DOS v1.5
(CD_024)ssh10.zipSSH! v1.0 - HTML to text converter
(CD_024)ssort10.zipSSORT v1.0 - File Sort Filter
(CD_016)stdiview.zipStandard input text viewer
(CD_011)stf162.zip<ASP> STF v1.62 - Show Two Files (ASCII files comparison util)
(CD_024)strep11.zipString Replace v1.1 - Remove/replace strings from text files
(CD_038)strph102.zipSTRP HTML v1.02 - DOS util that strips HTML tags from a document
(CD_040)stzpreed.zipSTZPREED v3.07 - Smooth Text Reader
(CD_078)supaedit.zipSupaEdit v0.9.1b - Tiny text editor for Win32
(CD_009)supred33.zipSuperEdit v3.30 - Multiple Document Editor for Windows
(CD_018)suptools.zipSuper Tools v1.0 - Excel related utils
(CD_026)sv33e.zipSourceView v3.3e - Programming editor for DOS
(CD_030)swapk.zipSwapKeys98 v1.0 - Keyboard Remapper and Hot Key utility for Win95/98/NT
(CD_032)switch21.zipSwitch It v2.1 - Multi language keyboard layout switcher
(CD_076)sworx41.zipScriptWorx v4.1 - HTML editor allowing als editing of other Internet file formats
(CD_086)ss222.zipSymbol Selector - Windows util for selecting/copying symbols from True Type Fonts
(CD_088)t2htm130.zipText2HTML v1.30 Converter for Win32
(CD_094)t2web200.zipText-to-Web v2.0.0 - Win32 tool to convert text files to HTML
(CD_026)t602-asc.zipUtils for T602 2 ASCII format conversion
(CD_026)t602view.zipT602 Text Format Viewer for Norton/Volkov Commander
(CD_044)t602vw19.zipT602vw v1.9 - Win95 file viewer for docs created by Czech text editor T602
(CD_072)tabin51.zipTABIN v5.1 - Spaces to Tabs Converter
(CD_072)tabout24.zipTABOUT v2.4 - Tabs to Spaces Converter
(CD_062)tabspace.zipTabs To Spaces v1.11 - Tab chars in a texts file to space conv.
(CD_014)taggen.zipHTML Tag Generator for Win
(CD_017)tagger40.zipTagger v4.0 macro for MS Word 6/7 - Macro for numbering and cross-referencing
(CD_038)tagstr10.zipTagStrip v1.0 - Program to cleanup large text files containing Taglines
(CD_076)tail_10.zipTail for Windows v1.0 - Last specified number of lines of a text document lister
(CD_052)tbl2html.zipTable2HTML v1.1 - Table to HTML converter
(CD_062)tdb.zipTDB - Small and fast database program for Win95
(CD_044)tde50.zipTDE v5.0 - Text and HEX editor - freeware
(CD_046)te.zipTurbo Editor v2.0 - Editor for programmers
(CD_048)te_v35.zipTextEdit W95 - Multi-Document Editor for Java/Perl/HTML/Text
(CD_072)te17.zipTE v1.7 - Tiny Screen Editor for DOS
(CD_048)te97v140.zipTurbo-Edit97 Text Editor v1.40 for Win95
(CD_048)ted105.zipTED v1.05 - Windows editor for programmers and web developers
(CD_010)ted3.zipTiny Editor for small text files
(CD_048)tekdoc.zipTekDoc v1.0 - Util to extract text from files to generate HTML documentation
(CD_014)teknow42.zipTEKNOW v4.2 - Word Processor
(CD_046)tencl111.zipTen Clipboards v1.11 for Win95/NT
(CD_052)texrep11.zipTexRep v1.1 - Text replacing util
(CD_056)text_m29.zipText Files Modifier v2.9 - Automatic Text Modifying Utility
(CD_044)text2clp.zipText2Clp v1.0a - Copy the Windows clipboard contents to a file
(CD_082)textally.zipTextTally v1.2 - Windows Text Counting Utility
(CD_062)textart.zipTextArt Crater v1.0 for Win32 - ASCII art generator
(CD_025)textc173.zip<ASP> TextCon v1.73 - Reformats ASCII files for import to a WP
(CD_058)textconn.zipText File Converter v3.0 - Util that converts most WP or DTP files into a standard ASCII file
(CD_074)textconv.zipDOS based WP, DTP and ASCII file reformatter
(CD_066)textfind.zipInfothek Text Finder v2.10 - Text searching util for Win9x/NT
(CD_058)textohtm.zipTXT 2 HTM ver.2 - TXT/HTML converter
(CD_028)textrein.arjTextrein - Removes control chars and converts tabs and line breaks in texts files
(CD_021)tfont.zipTT Fonts to Arachne WWW Browser Fonts Converter
(CD_088)thegun25.zipTheGun v2.5 - Drag & Drop Enabled Notepad Application
(CD_060)thinnr30.zipThinner v3.0 - Converts HTML & E-mails to plain text
(CD_076)thread.zipTH Reader v1.00 - Util that displays VENDINFO.DIZ files
(CD_025)ththes13.zipThe Thinking Man's Thesaurus v1.3 - Thesaurus and Word Prompter
(CD_036)thumbtrk.zipThumb Track v1.1 - Scroll box holder
(CD_086)ti12.zipText Information v1.2 - Display info about text files
(CD_086)tidy.zipHTML Tidy - HTML Clean Up Util for Win95/98/NT/2000
(CD_016)tinyed.zipTiny Editor v2.00 for DOS/OS2
(CD_064)tipka134.zipTIPKA v1.34 - Croatian printer and VGA screen fonts
(CD_064)tite.exeThe Infinitive Text Editor for Win95/98/NT
(CD_036)tlf.zipTLF v1.0 - Win32 DOS/UNIX style text converter
(CD_044)tm140.zipText Mode v1.40 - VESA Text modes switcher
(CD_024)tochin10.zipEnglish text to oriental style converter v1.0
(CD_024)tocock10.zipEnglish text to cockney dialect converter v1.0
(CD_086)toddy615.zipTODDY v6.15 - DOS command line editor
(CD_072)tofix15.zipTOFIXED v1.5 - Converts variable length CrLf files to fixed length records
(CD_031)tr-v112.zipTRep v1.12 - Text search/replace utility
(CD_024)tran10.zipThe Translator v1.0 - Text files translator
(CD_007)trans.zipTrans-ASCII - Program for conversion of various CZ/SK character fonts
(CD_050)trlit233.arjTrLit v2.33 - Russian keyboard driver with possibility to write Russian words by English alphabet
(CD_026)ts500.zipTXTSRCH v5.00 - Text string finder
(CD_052)tse2jr4.zip<ASP> TSE/2 JR v4 - OS/2 Text Editor
(CD_052)tsejr4.zip<ASP> TSE JR v4 (formerly QEdit) - DOS Text Editor
(CD_021)tse32c28.zip<ASP> The SemWare Editor Pro/32 v2.8 for Win95/NT
(CD_082)tsfltc22.zipText file filters by Timo Salmi
(CD_076)tsp221.zipTSP v2.21 - Text search util
(CD_033)tsrfaces.zipSmiley (Face) TSR Database
(CD_044)tt_r6.zipTextTools rel.6 for DOS - Collection of text processing utils
(CD_048)ttinfo.zipTrueType Info v1.00 beta - TT Fonts Structure Checker
(CD_080)ttls32.zipTEXTools for Win32 - Set of text filters
(CD_082)ttrans17.zipTTRANS v1.7 - Clipboard Utility for Win95/98/NT
(CD_064)turbo98.zipTurbo Editor v3.0 - Multi-lingual text editor
(CD_031)tv_2666c.zipTVIEW v2.666c - Polish Text File Viewer
(CD_033)twofonts.zipTWOFONTS v1.0 beta - Utility to use two text mode fonts in DOS
(CD_013)twtsl103.zipThe Slang Converter v1.03 by TWT
(CD_038)tx_colr2.zipChange fore/background color in text screen
(CD_096)txedit.zipTxEdit for Win9x/NT v4.7 - Text Editor
(CD_100)txpen442.exe<ASP> TEXTPAD v4.42 - 32-bit text editor for Windows
(CD_046)txt2com.zipSelf viewing text files creator
(CD_027)txt2html.zipTXT2HTML v1.2 - ASCII 2 HTML Converter for OS/2 from Russia
txt2pdf.zip*TXT2PDF v5.0 - PERL5 based text to PDF format converter
(CD_026)txt500.zipTurboTXT Text File Compiler v5.00 (TXT2EXE conv.)
(CD_064)txtab911.zipTXTABLE v9.11 - Text tables generator
(CD_019)txtls1v0.zipTEXTools v1.0 - Collection of DOS text filters
(CD_092)txtpip53.exeTextPipe v5.3 - Automate search and replace & text file or clipboard processing for Win32
(CD_062)txtprint.zipTxtPrint v1.0 - Text files printing util for Windows
(CD_048)txtutl30.zipCollection of Text Utilities v3.0
(CD_054)txtview4.zipTextView v4.0 - Text viewer for Win95/98/NT
(CD_100)txtv20.zipTextViewer v2.0 - Fast Text Editor for Win32
(CD_026)typet201.zipType-It - Converts printer into typewriter
typo40e.zip*<ASP> Typograf v4.08 for Win95/98/NT - Font Manager for TT, PS Type 1 and Printer Fonts
(CD_023)typotor.arjTYPOTOR - Typographic Editor for DOS
(CD_007)u-abc11.zipU-ABC v1.1 - Huge Letters Sets
(CD_013)u-font14.zipU-FONT v1.4 - Screen Font Changer by Underwear
(CD_007)u-huge11.zipUnderwear Huge Letter Generator v1.1
(CD_007)u-pal15.zipUnderwear Palette Changer v1.5
(CD_007)u-smth18.zipSmooth v1.8 Underwear File Scroller
(CD_008)u-strx12.zipString Finder by Extension v1.2
(CD_026)u2d-03.zipFast Unix 2 DOS Converter v0.3
(CD_038)u2d11.zipUNIX2DOS v1.1 - UNIX/DOS Text Filter
(CD_028)ucai.zipUCAI - Unit Conversion Add-in for MS-Excel v1.0
(CD_042)uddu.zipUNIX2DOS/DOS2UNIX Text Converter for Win32
(CD_058)ue97pc.zipUltra Excel 97 Password Cracker v1.00
uedit32.zip*UltraEdit-32 v8.10b - 32-bit Text/Hex Editor for Windows
(CD_092)uemake.zipUltraEdit add-on for programmers to creating programs and libraries
(CD_098)uemanual.zipUltraEdit Manual in .PDF format
(CD_026)ufilters.zipCollection of Text Filters
(CD_026)ugrep10.zipUgrep v1.0 - Grep for Windows
(CD_024)uhsds401.zip<ASP> UHS (Universal Hint System) Reader for MS-DOS v4.01
(CD_048)ukeys14.zipUKEYS for Word v1.4 - A customizable Unicode keyboard for Win32
(CD_058)ultraedt.zipUltraEdit v6.0x - 16-bit Text/Hex Editor for Windows
(CD_026)unansi10.zipUnANSI v1.0 - ANSI codes remover
(CD_026)undupe12.zipDuplicate ticker symbols remover from text files
(CD_016)unexpand.zipSpaces to Tabs Text Conversion Utility - C source
(CD_048)uniced21.zipUnicEdit v2.1 - WinNT text editor (able to handle unicode)
(CD_048)unitx100.zipMikeys Text/RTF Editor with FTP/Client functions for Win95
(CD_016)unix2dos.zipUNIX 2 DOS Text Converter
(CD_068)urlgr157.zipURL Grab v1.57 - URL from ASCII files grabber
(CD_031)utl117.zip<ASP> Utils with File Viewer and Printer Support Progs
(CD_058)uw97pc.zipUltra Word 97 Password Cracker v1.00 MMX
(CD_028)vb2html.zipVB2HTML v1.0 - Visual Basic code to HTML converter
(CD_014)vbaha152.zipVB AHA! - Windows Help Editing Tool
(CD_082)vbc33a.zip<ASP> Visual Business Cards v3.3a - Win32 Business Cards Maker
(CD_026)vc154.zipVisual Compare v1.54 - Excellent File Compare Utility
(CD_090)vde192a.zipVDE v1.92A - DOS text editor
(CD_044)vdemc18.zipVMC v1.8 - The VDE Macro Compiler
(CD_066)vfpvw32.zipVFPView v3.2 - Freeware DBF/MEM Viewer/Repairer for Visual FoxPro with support for long file names
(CD_052)vgamik.zipTiny TSR Cyrillic Driver
(CD_038)vgapal40.zipVGAPAL v4.0 - VGA palette customizer
(CD_086)vhead102.zipViewHEAD v1.0.2 - HTTP headers viewer for Win32
(CD_021)vhtml12.rarVHTML v1.2 - HTML Viewer for DOS
(CD_026)viapr300.zipVIAPRINT for Windows v3.0 - All purpose printing program
(CD_026)video110.zipText-mode video sequences player
(CD_026)vie500.zipVIEW v5.00 - File viewer (also in archives)
(CD_046)view.zipVIEW v1.0 - Viewer for text files
(CD_100)view170a.zipView v17.0a - Word,WinWord,WinWrite,AmiPro... Viewer for DOS
(CD_013)viewfind.zipViewfind v3.0 - Text string finder - Utility to View program
(CD_044)viewht25.zipView HTML v2.5 - HTML Viewer/Converter
(CD_033)views200.zipViewS v2.00 - Smooth scrolling text file viewer
(CD_013)viewseek.zipViewSeek v2.1 - Text string finter - Utility to View program
(CD_026)viewthis.zipView THIS! v1.0 - Freeware File Viewer
(CD_068)vil91dos.zipVILE v9.1 for DOS - VI-like text editor
(CD_068)vil91w32.zipVILE v9.1 for Win32 - VI-like text editor
vim58d16.zip*VI Editor for DOS (16-bit) v5.8
vim58d32.zip*VI Editor for DOS (32-bit) v5.8
vim58w32.zip*VI Editor for Win95 v5.8
(CD_021)vman113.zip<ASP> VIEW_MAN v1.13 - View/Edit/Print ASCII/HEX files
(CD_028)vndext15.zip<ASP> VENDINFO Extractor v1.50
(CD_020)vndnfo15.zip<ASP> VENDINFO Toolkit v1.50
(CD_028)vndutl15.zip<ASP> VENDINFO Utils v1.50
(CD_026)vndvue13.zip<ASP> VENDINFO Viewer v1.30
(CD_007)vndvuw10.zip<ASP> VENDINFO Viewer for Windows v1.00
(CD_007)vp10.zipVESA Player v1.0 - Movie Editor creations player
(CD_044)vtext.zipVisual Text v1.0 32-bit - Windows Notepad replacement
(CD_021)vtext101.zip<ASP> Visual Text Publisher v1.01 - Online books maker
(CD_031)w_40.zip<ASP> W - The Note Writer v4.0 - Word Processor for DOS
(CD_024)w_clean.zipWord Clean - Removes EOL hyphens and concatenates that word
(CD_044)w2t16v12.zipWeb2Text v1.2 for Win16 - HTML to ASCII Convertor
(CD_048)w2t32v16.zipWeb2Text v1.6 for Win32 - HTML to ASCII Convertor
(CD_010)w3rite.zipWSKA HTML WWWrite v1.1c - HTML Editor
(CD_030)wae12.zipWEB Address Extractor v1.2 - Extract HTTP addresses both from ASCII and Binary Files
(CD_070)wanyw200.zipWanyWord Text Searcher v2.00 - Boolean, near & proximity text string searcher
(CD_086)warp231.zipWARP v2.31 - A fast ANSI.SYS replacement for DOS
(CD_032)woafon14.zipLarger Screen Fonts for Windows DOS boxes in SVGA modes
(CD_011)wbit3217.zip<ASP> Web-It!32 v1.7 - 32-bit HTML Editor
(CD_018)wbx31_20.zip<ASP> WebExpress v2.03 for Windows 3.1 - HTML Design Tool
(CD_018)wbx95_10.zip<ASP> WebExpress v2.03 for Windows 95 - HTML Design Tool
(CD_022)wc.zipWord Count - Chars, words and lines counter in text files
(CD_021)wc_11.zipWC v1.1 - UNIX like Word Count utility
(CD_050)wc10b.zipWord Counter v1.0 beta utility
(CD_072)wc24.zipWC v2.4 - Word Counter
(CD_074)wc2k.zipWeb Compiler 2000 v1.32 - A 32-bit HTML Compiler
(CD_086)wcnt120.zipWord Count v1.20 - Text statistics maker
(CD_014)we2pro33.zipLuckman't WebEdit PRO v2.0 - HTML Editor for Win95
(CD_018)we31.zip<ASP> WordExpress v2.02 for Windows 3.1 - Word Processor
(CD_018)we95.zip<ASP> WordExpress v2.02 for Windows 95 - Word Processor
(CD_048)webdicti.zipHTML Dictionary for Text Based Spell Checkers
(CD_011)webit17.zip<ASP> Web-It! v1.7 - HTML Editor
weborama.zip*Web-O-Rama v7.67 - Freeware HTML Editor
(CD_030)webpalet.zipWeb Palette v1.0 - A small pop-up HTML colour picker for Win95/NT
(CD_010)webpar20.zip<ASP> WebParse v2.00 - WWW E-mail survey form data parser
(CD_036)webpen28.zip<ASP> WebPen v2.8 - HTML Editor
(CD_036)webpnp34.zip<ASP> WebPen PRO v3.4 - HTML and WWW Editor
(CD_060)webwiz.zipWebWiz v1.0 - HTML Generator for Win95/98
(CD_068)wed201.zipWED v2.1 - Text editor for Windows
(CD_100)wfview.zipWhizFolder Viewer v1.2 - WhizFolder Hypertext Viewer
(CD_024)wh_ed122.zipWH_wEdit v1.22 - Windows Help File Editor
(CD_092)whm10.zipWindows Help Maker v1.0 for Windows
(CD_092)whm20.zipWindows Help Maker II - Help file maker for Windows 95
(CD_026) [UTILMISC]wideop.zipWideOpen v1.6 - Win'95 LFN Support for Word 6
(CD_014)windbf.zipFile Converter v1.3e - ASCII/EBCDIC Converter
(CD_058)winbrow.zipWinBrowse v4.4 - Text file viewer for Win95/98/NT
(CD_094)wincmp27.zipWinCmp (Compare It!) v2.75 - Win32 text file comparator
(CD_038)winent22.zipWinEnt v2.2 - Util for replacing high chars in flat text files with their HTML entity names
(CD_028)winpmmac.zipLaunchWinPmail - Pegasus Mail Launching Macro for Word7
(CD_054)wintab01.zipWinTabs v1.01 - Active documents in Word/Excel switching tool
(CD_074)winvi32.zipWinVi v2.83b - Vi-like editor for Win32
(CD_062)wmdecr14.zipWinword Macro Decryptor v1.4
(CD_010)wmerge11.zipWinMerge v1.1 - Text files merger for Windows
(CD_030)word97cr.zipWord'97 Document Password Finder
(CD_025)work431a.zip<ASP> Workbase v4.31a - Database utilities
(CD_008)wpcrack.zipWPCRACK v1.0 - Word Perfect v5.x Password Finder
(CD_010)wplus41.zip<ASP> Win95 Wordpad Plus v4.1 - Wordpad Enhancement - Spell Checker
(CD_033)wrdpatch.zipNerdpad: Fix for MS Wordpad
(CD_013)wrt220.zipWriter v2.20 - The Textual Intro Maker
(CD_013)wsae.arjWorld Spy ANSI Editor v1.1
(CD_007)wwfont60.zipDetermines TTF fonts used in WW6
(CD_032)wwprt15b.zipWWPRT v1.5b - WinWord Password Recovery Tool for Win95/NT
(CD_048)wxkbd41.zipKeys+ v4.1 - Keyboard remapper for Windows
(CD_021)xascii3.zip<ASP> XASCII v3.0 - Win Help File with Windows ASCII Set
(CD_038)xbin-sdk.zipXBIN Developers Kit v1.0 - Guide to textmode graphics
(CD_052)xbincap.zipXBinCap TSR v1.0 - Text Screen Capture Program
(CD_038)xcols0.zipXCOLS - Data Columns Extractor
(CD_026)xdiz25e.zipXDIZ v2.5e - FILE_ID.DIZ and DESC.SDI extractor and processor
(CD_035)xdoc127.zipXDOC v1.27 - Text to executable converter
(CD_014)xfile101.zipX-Filer v1.01 - TXT/EXE Converter
(CD_007)xgrep103.zipXGrep v1.03 - DOS Grep Utility
(CD_027)xlat11.zipXLAT v1.1 - Byte-to-byte translation of files sent to a printer
(CD_028)xlsnames.zipXlsNames v1.0 for Excel5/7 - Util for worksheet name definition
(CD_032)xmledit.zipXML Editor for JAVA programmers
(CD_070)xmleditr.zipXML Editor for Win32
(CD_086)xpcmou13.zipxPC-Mouse v1.3 - Copy/paste util in DOS Text Mode
(CD_021)xpedit10.zipExpeditor v1.00 - Editor for form filling out
(CD_016)xprin101.zipXPrint v1.01 - ASCII files printer (in German)
(CD_026)xprt63.zipXPRT v6.3 - Laser Printer Utility
(CD_086)xptch11.zipExportChart v1.1 - Add-in for Excel97 for exporting charts to GIF files
(CD_025)xray105.zipXRAY v1.05 - Filter program that displays text strings in a binary files
(CD_016)xsort301.zipXSORT v3.01 - Program to quickly sort and merge ASCII/ Extended ASCII/ANSI files
(CD_014)xt15.zipXT v1.5 - Enhanced TYPE Command
(CD_009)xtabs220.zipXTABS v2.20 - ASCII Toolkit
(CD_100)xtractr9.zipExtractor v1.9 - Extracts part from a text file
(CD_017)xtype10.rarXType v1.0 - ASCII Reader
(CD_017)xv10.rarXView v1.0 - Text Viewer
(CD_007)zansi12.zipZANSI v1.2 - ANSI Driver
(CD_007)zeof120.zipZEOF v1.2 - EOF marker manipulator
(CD_044)zipsrch.zipZipSearch - Search text string inside ZIP files
(CD_038)zme102.zipZ_me Editor v1.02 - Russian text editor
