EDUCULT: Kultúra, oktatás, hobbi

(CD_100)10key42.zipJudy's Tenkey v4.2 - Windows Calculator
(CD_054)1lotj10.zipThe Legends of the Jews vol.1 by Louis Ginzberg
(CD_054)1nmcg10.zipThe New McGuffey First Reader
(CD_094)1stcalc.zip1st Calculator v1.14 - Win9x customizable calculator
(CD_021)1trnt10.zipTrinity (Atomic Test) Site by the National Atomic Museum
(CD_054)2lotj10.zipThe Legends of the Jews vol.2 by Louis Ginzberg
(CD_021)2trnt10.zipTrinity (Atomic Test) Site by White Sands Missile Range Public Affairs Office*3D Grapher v1.12 - Win9x util for 2D and 3D graphs creation
(CD_027)3dmw.zipThe Milky Way - A model of the stellar distribution of the Galaxy
(CD_066)3dproten.zip3D Protein Alignment v1.1 for DOS/Windows - PDB format 3D structure of proteins comparator
(CD_028)3pnicreg.zip3PNICREG - 3 Pin IC Regulators Design
(CD_027)3star1_1.zip3Star v1.1 - View the nearest 300 stars in 3D
(CD_028)555.zip555 - Software for 555 based circuit design
(CD_028)555timer.zip555TIMER - 555 IC Timer Oscillator Design
(CD_040)5inrow.zipFive In Raw v1.21 - Network play
(CD_044)5ormor20.zip5-Or-More! v2.0a for Win3.1/95/NT - Logical game
(CD_072)80days.zipAround World in 80 Days - Freeware Electronic Book in .HLP format
(CD_021)8yoga.zipEight Lectures on Yoga
(CD_031)a-bomb.zipThe Mushroom Cloud - JPG picture
(CD_021)aadow10.zipAeroplanes and Dirigibles of War by Frederick A.Talbot
(CD_044)abacus5.zipChinese Abacus for Win95/98
(CD_022)abba.zipFAQ on ABBA
(CD_048)abcc.zipABCC v3.1 - A.Blume's Currency converter for Win95
(CD_030)abcos10.zipABC's of Science by Charles Oliver
(CD_044)abepsf23.zipAbe_PSF2 v3.0 - Win32 program for optical systems design
(CD_020)abomb10.zipA-Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
(CD_088)absmon20.zipAbstinence Monitor v2.0 - Monitor of abstinence time from given substance
(CD_021)ac9731a.zipAstronomical Clock and Celestial Tracking Program with Navigation Functions v9731 - part 1
(CD_021)ac9731b.zipAstronomical Clock and ... - part 2
(CD_088)acdc.zipFAQ on AC/DC
(CD_048)ace1_1ef.zipAceana v1.1 - Bonsai database/guide
(CD_048)acidalk.zipThe pH Table v1.7 - pH Color Chart
(CD_028)acoustc2.zipAcoustical Terms in WinHelp format
(CD_021)acoustic.zipFAQ on Acoustics
(CD_020)adams.zipFAQ on Douglas Adams
(CD_072)adastra.zipCoeli-Adastra - Freeware planetarium for Win95
(CD_052)ae11.zipActive Earth v1.1 - Atomic Clock and World Time Zones for Win32
(CD_094)ae35.zipAdvanced Evaluator v3.5 - Scientific Calculation Center
(CD_100)ael20.zipAero Engine Lab v2.0 - Simulation tool of thermodynamic processes in gas turbine engine and powerplants
(CD_048)aerofoil.zipAEROFOIL Utility v1.3 - Aerodynamic profile examinator
(CD_033)aeroz10.zipAeroplanes by J.S.Zerbe from 1915
(CD_056)aesopa10.zipAESOP'S FABLES in text format
(CD_056)aesopw.zipAESOP'S FABLES in Win Help format
(CD_100)agomoku.zipAdvanced Gomoku v2.3 for Win95/98/NT/2000/NT - Logical game
(CD_094)agrapher.zipAdvanced Grapher v1.62 - Mathematical tool for 2D graphs plotting for Win32
(CD_062)agt100.zipAfrican Geography Tutor v1.0.0 for Win95/98/NT
(CD_020)ai.zipFAQ on Artificial Intelligence
(CD_048)ai-wheel.zipAI-WHEEL v1.1 - The Universal Robotic Brain Cell
(CD_020)aids.zipFAQ on AIDS
(CD_048)aimsat11.zipAimsat v1.1 - Computes satellite dish aiming angles
(CD_028)aironlin.zipList of Air Travel Related Internet Info Sources
(CD_076)airpro.zipAir & Exhaust Gas Properties v1.2 for Windows
(CD_020)airtrav.zipAir Traveler's Handbook
(CD_048)aiscunpk.zipAISC shapes - Program that provides dimensional data for common structural shapes
(CD_020)aitutor.zipArtificial Intelligence Tutorial
(CD_092)alc101.zipAlgebra Cheat v1.0.0 beta - Tool for evaluating algebraic expressions for Win9x/NT/2000
(CD_024)alco11.zipApproximate Blood Alcohol Level Calculator v1.1
(CD_020)<ASP> Alcohol v2.1 Electronic Book about Alcoholism
(CD_080)alctest.zipAlcTest2000 - Blood Alcohol Level Calculator
(CD_046)algbr212.zipProfessor Weissman's Algebra Tutorials v2.12 for DOS
(CD_080)algeb101.zipAlgebra One on One - Educational math game for Win95
(CD_048)alged351.zipAlged v3.51 - Math Editor with 3D Graphics
(CD_020)alife.zipFAQ on Artificial Life
(CD_035)allcalc.zipAllCalc v1.1 - Car engine parameter calculator
(CD_028)allergy.zipFAQ on Allergy Medications
(CD_028)alligat.zipCalculates volumes of 2 solutions of different concentrations to make final volume...
(CD_010) [UTILMISC]alm16.zipAlmanac v3.5e for Win3.x - Calendar Application
(CD_010) [UTILMISC]alm32.zipAlmanac v3.5e for Win95/NT - Calendar Application
(CD_035)alpha.zipProgram for phonetic alphabet teaching
(CD_060)alphab.zipALPHAB - Alphabet tutorial for children
(CD_020)alw114.zipAstronomy Lab for Win3.1+
(CD_020)alw203.zipAstronomy Lab 2 for Win95/NT
(CD_062)amath153.zipAlan's Math v1.53 - Math application for kids
(CD_024)amaze21.zipAmaze v2.1 - An artificial intelligence system for testing the solvability of mazes
(CD_048)amdi12.zipAMDI v1.2 - Artifically semi-intelligent conversation program
(CD_044)amerroul.zipAmerican Roullette Program
(CD_076)amgb2000.zipAmiglobe 2000 v1.0 - Digital atlas for Win95/98/NT
(CD_040)amica151.zipASTRONOMICA v1.51 - Win95/98 Planetarium Program
(CD_027)ammv01.zipAlphabet Matching Game for Young Kids
(CD_054)amugen20.zipa Musical Generator v2.0 - Generates music from fractals, texts, pictures and numbers
(CD_060)animalid.zipANIMALID - Animal silhouette game for children
(CD_021)animatin.zipFAQ on Animation
(CD_060)animmap.zipANIMMAP - A beginner's guide to map-reading
(CD_072)ant_maze.zipAnt Maze Brain Laboratory - Maze generator/solver for Win32
(CD_082)apgt100.zipAP Guitar Tuner v1.0 - Audio Phonics Guitar Tuner for Win95/98/NT/2000
(CD_082)apit100.zipAP Instrument Tuner v1.0 - Audio Phonics Instrument Tuner for Win95/98/NT/2000
(CD_086)apt10.zipA.P.T. v1.0 - Ear skills trainer for Win95
(CD_021)aquaria.zipFAQ on Aquaria
(CD_026)arc501.zipAreaCode v5.01 - U.S. Telephone Areacode Finder
(CD_035)arctd2.zipArcadia - Kid's game for learning to spell and recognize words
(CD_021)ariel30.zipARIEL v3.00 - HF Wire Antenna Design
(CD_092)aritht11.zipTalking Arithmetic Tutor v1.1 for Win9x/Me/2000
(CD_030)armssw.zipThe Ultimate Ballistics v3.01 - Balistics/trajectory generator for firearms
(CD_050)arrwpro.zipArrow Projectile - Arrow trajectory calculator for Win95/98/NT
(CD_021)arspk10.zipThe Aeroplane Speaks by Barber - Book about the planes
(CD_072)artofwar.zipArt of War - Freeware Electronic Book in .HLP format
(CD_025)as1-1e97.zipImperial/metric pop-up converter for Excel'97
(CD_025)as1-1ex7.zipImperial/metric pop-up converter for Excel v5/7
(CD_020)asecrets.zipAmazing Secrets v1.0 - E-book about various tricks
(CD_020)asim_chr.zipChronology of books by Isaac Asimov
(CD_020)asim_lis.zipList of Asimov's books
(CD_021)asimlist.zipAnother Asimov's Book List
(CD_022)asimov.zipFAQ on Isaac Asimov
(CD_032)ast1000.zipNew default asteroid file for MyStars program
(CD_028)asthma.zipFAQ on Asthma
(CD_068)<ASP> Asthma Assistant v1.2 - Asthma personal monitor
(CD_042)astray10.zipAstroTray System Tray Planetarium v1.00 for Win95
(CD_020)astroclk.zipAstro-Clock v2.2 for Windows - Multifunctional astro clock
(CD_086)astrom20.zipAstro-Mania v2.0 for Win95 - Educational game covering the Universe
(CD_082)astrom62.zipAstroMart v6.2 - Astrological Chart Calculator for Win9x/NT/2K
(CD_060)astron.zipASTRON - Introduction to astronomy
(CD_088)astronmy.zipFAQ on Astronomy
(CD_086)at36.zipAdvanced Tetric v3.6 for Win9x/NT - Tetris game
(CD_021)atheism.zipFAQ on Atheism
(CD_024)atomdemo.zipThe Bohr Atom - Demonstration of atomic structure
(CD_014) [UTILMISC]<ASP> Animated Beginning Typing v1.1 - Typing Tutor for Win
(CD_028)audio.zipFAQ on Audio Equipments
(CD_058)aucpro12.zipAsserware Unit Converter Professional Edition v1.2
(CD_024)austrlia.zipCommonwealth of Australia Constitution
(CD_021)auto.zipFAQ on Autos
(CD_021)autoel.zipFAQ on Electrical Vehicles
(CD_048)automata.zipAutomata - Visualization of hierarchical planar curves for Win
(CD_028)autosprt.zipFAQ on Auto Sport
(CD_100)avcalc2d.zipWeight Calculator v2.0 demo - Weight/volume calculator for Win
(CD_028)aviation.zipFAQ on Aviation
(CD_092)avl09.zipAdvanced Vocable Learner v0.9 - English Pronunciation Learner for Win9x/NT/2000
(CD_028)azimap25.zipMapDraw Azimuths v2.5 - Land Plotting System
(CD_028)babylon5.zipFAQ on Babylon 5 TV Series
(CD_092)babyrec.zipBaby Recon v1.5 - Safe sex days calculator for Win9x/NT
(CD_020)bacchus.zipBACCHUS v1.1 - Guide to Winemaking and Brewing
(CD_020)backgamn.zipFAQ on Backgammon
(CD_096)backgw32.zipGeert's Backgammon for Windows - Logical game
(CD_021)bahai.zipFAQ on Bahai
(CD_092)bailee.zipBAILEE v2.9 - Basic Artificial Intelligence Learning & Educating Experiment
(CD_042)balance1.zipWight and balance calculator for light aircraft for Windows
(CD_026)balicalc.zipBali's Calc - Simple Scientific Calculator for DOS
(CD_066)ball32k.zipBall32K - PowerBall like game (32KB long :-)
(CD_066)ballsrc.zipBall32K - Game source code
(CD_080)banishmo.zipElectronic Banish Mosquito for Win95/98 using PC Speaker
(CD_021)bappf10.zipBritish Airships: Past, Present and Future by George Whale
(CD_020)bar33.zipThe Complete Bartender's Guide v3.3
(CD_042)barguide.zipThe Home-Bartenders Guide for DOS
(CD_072)barrlw12.zipPouring Barrels v1.2 - Windows puzzle game
(CD_021)basket.zipFAQ on Basketball (NBA)
(CD_046)bastrig.zipBasic Trigonometry - Geometry tutor for DOS
(CD_020)batman.zipBatman title list
(CD_023)battnicd.zipNiCd Battery FAQ v1.00
(CD_028)battryah.zipAn Ampere-Hours and Max. Current Listing for Common Batteries
(CD_048)bbell100.zipBerties Bells v1.00 - Win95 calculator of pipe lenghts for tube type windchimes
(CD_048)bc-07100.zipBC-07 v1.00 - Cutting optimizing utility
(CD_021)bcomp510.zipA Bible Companion v5.1 - Electronic Handbook
(CD_044)bcrunch.zipBrainCruncher v1.25 - Logic game for memory training
(CD_048)beam.zipBeam - Graphical beam load calculator
(CD_048)beam21.zipBeam v2.1 - Simple beam analysis
(CD_100)beamb20.zipBeamboy v2.0 - Beam analysis tool for Win32
(CD_048)beamunpk.zipBeam Analysis - Program that will analyze loads and deflections of beams
(CD_021)beatles.zipComplete dox on Beatles
(CD_044)beatlyr.zipThe Complete Beatles Lyrics in Windows HLP format
(CD_088)beegees.zipFAQ on BeeGees
(CD_028)beer.zipFAQ on Beer
(CD_048)beotm14.zipBioTeam v1.4 - Biorythm application
(CD_040)bevenfaq.zipFAQ on Bee Venom
(CD_054)bgnvb1a.zipBeginning Visual Basic - VB Tutorial
(CD_058)bh168-5.zipBy Heart v1.68.5 - Program for learning foreign languages
(CD_021)bh90210.zipBeverly Hills, 90210 - TV Guide
(CD_021)bh90210f.zipFAQ on 90210
(CD_022)bible.zipFAQ on Bible
(CD_021)bible11.zipKing James' Bible
(CD_028)bicycles.zipFAQ on Bicycles
(CD_062)biglie52.zipLie analysis of differential equations - Version for big eqs
(CD_021)bilgates.zipFAQ on Bill Gates
(CD_021)bill11.zipThe U.S. Bill of Rights
(CD_028)billiard.zipFAQ on Billiard
(CD_082)billy22.zipBilly v2.2 for DOS - Talk to computer with AI :-)
(CD_028)bilyjoel.zipFAQ on Billy Joel
(CD_023)binary.zipTutorial on Binary and Associated Number Systems for Computers
(CD_058)bingo30.zipBingo v3.0 - The number dog kids math game
(CD_072)bio.zipDavid Aylott's Biorythm Program
(CD_076)biograph.zipBioGraph v1.1 for Win95/98/NT - Measures your physical, emotional and mental states
(CD_024)biopopup.zipBioPopup v1.2 for Win95/NT - Biorythm analyzer
(CD_064)biortk35.zipBio-Rythm Tracker v3.5 - Biorythm Charter
(CD_020)biotutor.zipRegents Tutor for Biology
(CD_028)bip_3.zipBacterial Identification Program v3.0 for DOS
(CD_044)birth.zipExact Age Calculator v1.0
(CD_020)bits.zipBitmath - Tutorial on Bit Logic
(CD_048)bivar1_1.zipBIVAR v1.1 - A program for generating correlated random numbers
(CD_028)bladerun.zipFAQ on Blade Runner Movie
(CD_046)blitz32.exeBlitzln - Gateway to Internet Chess Club
(CD_060)blockgam.zipWatson's BlockGame for Win32 - Tetris-like game
(CD_021)blonde.zipCollection of Jokes on Blondes
(CD_024)bmi.zipBody Mass Index Calculator BMI v1.0 for Win95/NT
(CD_062)bn_1a.zipBasic Numerology - Tutorial in PDF format
(CD_028)boats.zipFAQ on Boats
(CD_048)bocaunpk.zipDesign Loads - Program that will determine required design loads
(CD_028)bodybild.zipFAQ on Hardgainer Bodybuilding & Weightlifting
(CD_084)bondit27.zipBondit v2.7 - Practice with structures of molecular compounds for Win95
(CD_021)bonsai.zipFAQ on Bonsai
(CD_027)bool.zipBOOL2 - Tool for synthesizing two level Boolean logic circuits
(CD_072)boole42.zipBOOLE v4.2 - Boolean Algebra (truth table)
(CD_023)boolean.zipA Tutorial on the Boolean Logic Gates
(CD_020)boolt17.zipBooltut v1.7 - Boolean Math Tutorial
(CD_024)booltrk.zipThose Crazy Boolean Tricks! by Steve Walz
(CD_022)bradbury.zipRay Bradbury Biography and Bibliography
(CD_020)brain12.zipBrain v1.2 - Neural Network Simulator
(CD_020)brazil.zipFAQ on Brazil Movie
(CD_020)bread500.zip500 recipes for bread baking
(CD_020)bridge.zipBridge Style Guide
(CD_094)brteye10.zipBrightEyes v1.00 - Field of View Eye Tester for Win32
(CD_023)bsfdem10.zipBasics of Space Flight for Windows - Demo version 10/97
(CD_036)<ASP> Beatles Song Index v1.3 for Windows - Hypertext database of Beatles songs
(CD_038)bstar.zipBattleStar for Windows v1.4 - Game similar to Battle Ship
(CD_096)bstar32.zipBattleStar for Win9x/NT v3.0 - Game similar to Battle Ship
(CD_038)btester.zipBrain Tester v1.3 - Pentix game
(CD_044)btl154e.zipBlaster TeLetype v1.54e - RTTY modulator/demodulator
(CD_028)btutor13.zipBlackboard Typing Tutor v1.3
(CD_021)buddha10.zipA compilation of Buddha's teachings
(CD_021)buddhism.zipFAQ on Buddhism
(CD_020)bulbs21.zipBULBS v2.1 - Bulb string voltage calculator
(CD_084)busbar23.zipElectrical Calculations v2.34 - Electrical busbar, cable and powerfactor calculator
(CD_098)buseguid.zipBusiness Plan eGuides v1.0 - The PlanWare eGuides
(CD_028)c-calc20.zipComplex Number Calculator with RPN
(CD_044)cadcam32.zipCNC CAD CAM Package v3.2 - CNC G-Code Programming Tool
(CD_028)caffeine.zipFAQ on Coffee
(CD_080)cal15.zipEngi_CAL v1.5 - Intelligent programmable calculator for Windows
(CD_021)cal200yr.zip200 Year Calendar (1901-2099)
(CD_072)cal32_21.zipVinny RPN Calculator v1.21 for Win95/98
(CD_026)cal500.zipCalendar v5.00 - Calendar for DOS
(CD_088)calait20.zipCALCULAIT v2.00 - Freeware calculator for Win32
(CD_048)calc.rarCCalc - 32bit v1.0 - Command line calculator vof Win32
(CD_036)calc20.zipCalculator for Win95/98/NT
(CD_062)calcucel.zipCalculator for cellular network system designers
(CD_072)calcul.zipWatson's Scientific Calculator for Win32
(CD_026)calcv115.zipCALC v1.15 - Arbitrary precision floating point calculator
(CD_028) [EDUCUL]calendar.zipFAQ on Calendars
(CD_064)camp.zipTwo boys on a camping trip - Math and geography tutorial
(CD_024)canada.zipThe Canadian Constitution
(CD_060)canada13.zipCanada's History Quiz
(CD_020)cancer.zipFAQ on Cancer
(CD_028)cantv.zipCANTV - Software that determine frequency of TV channels
(CD_064)canwater.zipFind any of Canada's main rivers, lakes and bays - Tutorial
(CD_028)caraudio.zipFAQ on Car Audio
(CD_068)caroline.exeSafety for Women v1.0 - Self Defense Tips and Advice for Women
(CD_022)cassini.zipCassini Plutonium for the technically minded by Jeff Cuzzi
(CD_020)catecism.zipCatechism 96 for Windows
(CD_021)cats.zipFAQ on Cats
(CD_022)cavep10.zipA Paleolithical Embellished Cave (Vallon-Pont-d'Arc, France) Paintings
(CD_022)cb.zipFAQ on CB Radio
(CD_020)cbdos22.zipColoring Book v2.2 for DOS - Kid's painting program
(CD_020)cbwin22.zipColoring Book v2.2 for Win - Kid's painting program
(CD_060)cc.zipClassic Calci v1.0 - Tiny calculator for Windows
(CD_062)ccalc201.zipCoordinate Calculator v2.01 for Win95/NT - Geographic utility
(CD_030)cccal_15.zipChristian Companionship Calendar
(CD_020)cck13.zipThe Crossword Construction Kit v1.3
(CD_064)ccodes.zipInternet Country Codes Recognizer
(CD_048)cdrill36.zipCDRILL v3.6 - Center drill calculator for machinists
(CD_092)crdwiz10.zipChord Wizard v1.0 - Guitar chord dictionary for Win32
(CD_064)cdw100.zipCommon Denominator Wizard v1.00 - Math homework helper
(CD_028)ceamp.zipCEAMP - Common Emitter Amplifier Design
(CD_028)cellphon.zipFAQ on Cell Phone Antennas & Health
(CD_021)cesar.zipPreface by M.Nostradamus to his Prophecies
(CD_021)cewin330.zipCurrency Exchanger v3.3 - Money exchange calculator
(CD_100)cfit301.zipCurvFit v3.01 for Win3.x/9x - Curve Fitting Program
(CD_028)cfs.zipFAQ on Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
(CD_048)cg0102.zipCableGUI! v1.02 - Cable making guide for Windows
(CD_048)cg0103up.zipCableGUI! v1.02 -> v1.03 update
(CD_070)check12.zipCheckers v1.2 - A game of checkers for DOS
(CD_050)checkers.exeStrategist Checkers - Checkers Player for Windows
(CD_092)cheetah.zipCheetah v2.0 - Easy and fun programming language for everyone
(CD_022)chem.zipFAQ on Chemistry
(CD_082)chemas20.zipChemistry Assistant v2.0 - Chemistry calculator for Win32
(CD_092)chembal.zipChembalancer - Balancing equations tutorial in HTML format
(CD_044)chembl16.zipChem Balance Wizard 16 for Win3.1 - Chemistry assistant
(CD_042)chembl32.zipChem Balance Wizard 32 for Win95/NT - Chemistry assistant
(CD_020)chemlab.zipChemLab v1.0e for Windows - Simulator of chemistry lab
(CD_096)chemlb10.zipModel ChemLab v2.0e - Win9x/NT Chemistry Assistant
(CD_062)chemsist.zipChemistry Assistant v1.5 for Win95/98/NT
(CD_100)chemsis2.zipEniG. Chemistry Assistant v2.1 - Molecular weight calculator
(CD_098)chemxa23.zipAtoms, Symbols and Equations v2.3 - Chemistry tutor for Windows
(CD_100)chemxb14.zipAtoms, Bonding and Strucutre v1.4 - Chemistry tutor for Windows
(CD_054)chemxc21.zipAtoms, Symbols and Equations v2.1 - Chemistry tutor for Windows
(CD_054)chemxd11.zipAtoms, Symbols and Equations v1.1 - Chemistry tutor for Windows
(CD_092)chesclck.zipChess Clock for Win32
(CD_028)chess.zipFAQ on Chess
(CD_028)chessfug.zipChess Fugue - Chess playing program for Windows
(CD_021)chesshlp.zipHelp on Chess for Beginners
(CD_021)chesstut.zipTasc Chess Tutor demo
(CD_046)chips11.zipChips! v1.1 - Chips on wafer calculator for Win95/98/NT
(CD_035)chmlab10.zipChemLab v1.0 by Timothy J.Allen
(CD_100)chmx201.zipCHEMIX School - Win32 Educational Tool for Learning Chemistry
(CD_098)choclate.zipThe Chocolate Book for Win9x/NT - E-Book about Chocolate
(CD_028)chocolat.zipFAQ on Chocolate
(CD_042)choice.zipChoice - Multiple-choice test for your vocabulary
(CD_072)chords12.zipGuitar Chords v1.2 - Guitar Chords Generator
(CD_021)chpwin15.zipChempal Plus for Windows v1.5 - Chemistry Assistant
(CD_060)circ.zipCirculatory System: Heart, veins, arteries - Tutorial
(CD_080)circalc.zipCirCalc v0.8 - Circle/sphere parameters calculator
(CD_052)circle.zipCirculator for DOS - Circle calculator
(CD_062)circuits.zipCircuit Shop v1.08 - Electronic circuit designer, simulator and tutorial for Windows
(CD_025)city_120.zipCity Distance Calculator for Win95/NT v1.20
(CD_028)civilwar.zipFAQ on Civil War in the USA
(CD_021)clarke.zipArthur C. Clarke Biography and Bibliography
(CD_088)classic.zipFAQ on Classic Music (incl. FAQ on Classic Guitar)
(CD_048)climat14.zipCli-Mate v1.4 - Weather information receiver for Win95
(CD_028)clrcode.zipCLRCODE - Resistor Color Code Calculator
(CD_023)clrphycs.zipFAQ about Colour Physics v1.0
(CD_088)cmap654.zipCMAP v6.5.4 - Tool for general numerical computation
(CD_016) [UTILMISC]cmcl13.zipCOMCAL v1.3 - Program for calendar printing
(CD_048)cnc.zipComplex Number Calculator v1.0 for DOS
(CD_048)cnc_shop.zipCNC Shop - Program for the desktop of CNC programmers
(CD_054)cndrl10.zipCinderella and other stories
(CD_021)cntrycod.zipInternet Country Codes List
(CD_028)coax1.zipCoax Calculator for Windows
(CD_031)<ASP> Coeli v3.86 - Astronomy planetarium for DOS/Win
(CD_048)coil01.zipCoil Inductance Calculator
(CD_048)coil200.zipCoil v2.00 - Coil Inductance Calculator*ColCod v1.0 - R and C Color Code Search For Windows
(CD_044)colorh20.zipColor Hunt v2.0 for Win3.1/9x/NT - Logical game
(CD_064)colorme.zipCOLORME - Coloring Program for Young Children
(CD_021)commanif.zipThe Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx and Frederick Engels
(CD_060)communi.zipCOMMUNI: History of communication - Tutorial
(CD_092)compcalc.zipCompatibility Calculator v1.0 - Numerology application for Win32
(CD_048)complx11.zipComplex - Command line complex numbers calculator
(CD_048)computer.zipCOMPUTER - Simple information retrieval system
(CD_072)concentr.zipWatson's Concentration Game for Win32
(CD_072)concu11.zipConcrete Calculator v1.1 for Excel 97*Concrete Design v1.1 for Windows*Conduit Schedule Maker - Util to calculate parameters of wiring/conduit system
(CD_028)constel.zipConstellation Star Maps Clip Art v.1
(CD_060)contours.zipContours - Program that makes profile of land from contour maps
(CD_025)conv_110.zipMeasurement Conversions for Win95/NT v1.10
(CD_046)conv201.zipTiny Measures Converter v2.01 for Win95
(CD_042)conver.zipConversion v1.0 - Weights and measurement convertor
(CD_028)convert.zipConvert - Program that provides conversion factor multiples
(CD_028)cooking.zipFAQ on Cooking
(CD_021)corr.zipCorrelation and other statistics tutorial
(CD_082)cosmoh24.zipOur Cosmohood v2.4 - 3D view of our cosmic neighborhood
(CD_048)cot_1.zipCOT v1 - Computerized electrical devices with a simple PC alone
(CD_023)coulomb.zipCoulomb's Law - A Tutorial
(CD_060)countm.zipCOUNTM - Money counting tutorial
(CD_070)countrct.zipThe Contraction Counter - Expecting mothers aid
(CD_048)cp100d.zipCybernetic Physician v1.00d - Artificial Intelligence Expert System
(CD_044)cp4sw.zipChild's Play IV - 256 Color Children's Paint Program
(CD_021)cpu24.zipCPU v2.4 - A Computer Simulator
(CD_048)crater32.zipLunar Crater Screen Saver for Win32
(CD_048)craters.zipLunar Crater Screen Saver for Windows
(CD_028)crcuit10.zipCircuit v1.0 for Windows - Electrical circuit analyzer
(CD_046)crdchk20.zipCardCheck v2.0 - Win95/98/NT credit card number verificator
(CD_035)criti10.zipCritias by Plato
(CD_054)crmsy10.zipCriminal Psychology by Hans Gross
(CD_021)cross11.zipCross v1.1 - Computerized Wordsearch Program for Windows
(CD_042)<ASP> Crossword Power v8.01 - Crossword Creator
(CD_021)crosswrd.zipFAQ on Crosswords
(CD_058)crotutor.zipCRO TUTOR v.3 - Interactive Cathode-ray oscilloscope Tutorial
(CD_021)cryon10.zipFAQ on Cryonics and Immortality
(CD_028)crystal2.zipCrystal - A program for crystal parameters calculation
(CD_020)csky1620.zipCybersky v2.0b - Planetarium for Win3.1
(CD_086)csky3232.zipCybersky v3.2 - Planetarium for Win95/98
(CD_072)csound25.zipComputer Sounder v2.5 - Computer piano
(CD_054)cstars12.zipPlugin "Color Stars" v1.2 for StarCalc v5.0+
(CD_024)ctcal22.zipCT Calendar v2.2 - Desktop Calendar
(CD_021)cthulhu.zipA bibliography of Cthulhu mythos tales (H.P.Lovecraft et al.)
(CD_094)ctuner10.zipChromatia Tuner v1.0 - Chromatic Multi-Temperament Tuner
(CD_024)cubic.zipCubic v1.00 - Windows Rubik Cube Solver
(CD_086)cubrub10.zipCubik's Rube v1.0 - Rubik's cube-type logical game for Win32
(CD_028)culherbs.zipFAQ on Culinary Herbs
(CD_050)currconv.zipCurrency Convertor v1.0 for Win32
(CD_028)cut95_2d.zipLength Nesting Software for Win95
(CD_086)cutecalc.zipSemi-Scientific Calculator for DOS
(CD_011) [UTILMISC]<ASP> ConvertIt! v3.53 - Unit of measure convertor for Win16
(CD_011) [UTILMISC]<ASP> ConvertIT! v3.53 - Unit of measure convertor for Win32
(CD_020)cw-2_40.zipCW v2.4 - Morse Training Program
(CD_048)cwasfw.zipChemwords - Atomic structure terminology tutorial for Windows
(CD_100)cwget122.zipUA90SV CwGet Morse Decoder v1.22 for Win95/98/NT
(CD_046)cwtb0j.zipCW3 v0.9 beta - Morse Code Practice
(CD_096)cwtyp104.zipThe terminal program for CW operators for Win9x/NT/2000
(CD_058)cyclk210.zipCyclocke v2.10 - Win3.x/9x/NT cycle clock using the Gregorian calendar method
(CD_028)dance.zipFAQ on Dance and Modern Ballet
(CD_028)darkroom.zipFAQ on Darkroom
(CD_038)datec20s.zipDate Calculator v2.0 for Windows
(CD_048)dbm.zipDBM - Unit converter for students of telecommunications
(CD_020)dbs.zipFAQ on Digital Broadcast Satellites
(CD_020)dc101.zipDC v1.01 - Intro to DC Electronics
(CD_058)dcchal.zipDC Challange - Exercises to Help Teach DC Circuit Analysis
(CD_028)<ASP> DC Circuit Analysis v1.4
(CD_023)dcfwt100.zipDCFWT100 - German Program for DCF77 Time Code Decoding
(CD_048)deburr.zipDeburr - Robotic grinding designer
(CD_022)decibels.zipUsing and Understanding Decibels
(CD_050)decmaker.zipDecision-maker for Win95/98/NT - A program to help the user to make the right decision
(CD_064)deepp10.zipDeep Pockets v1.0 for Windows - Addictive Windows Game
(CD_082)degtofar.zipDetToFar - Celsius to Farenheit converter by Pifi Prod's
(CD_024)demorgan.zipQuick Tutorial on De Morgan's Laws
(CD_021)depress.zipGuidelines for Major Depressive Disorder
(CD_022)depressn.zipFAQ on Depression
(CD_092)deviltst.exeThe Devil Test v1.0 for Win9x/Me/NT/2000 - Test if given name corresponds to 666, the number of the beast
(CD_028)diabetes.zipFAQ on Diabetes
(CD_020)dieting.zipFAQ on Dieting
(CD_060)digest.zipDIGEST: Follows the digestion of food - Tutorial
(CD_020)digilab.zipDigilab - Object Oriented Circuit Simulator for DOS
(CD_032)digchal.zipDigital Challange - Exercises for Learning Digital Concepts
(CD_080)dimdic.zipDimwit's Dictionary v1.0 - Companion to the English Dictionary of Concise Writing
(CD_033)dino30s.zipThe Dinosaurus Encyclopedia v3.0 for Windows
(CD_021)direstrt.zipFAQ on Dire Straits
(CD_021)disnelnd.zipFAQ on Disneyland
(CD_021)disney.zipFAQ on Disney
(CD_021)disnwrld.zipFAQ on Disneyworld
(CD_021)dist_edu.zipFAQ on Distance Education
(CD_020)distance.zipCalculates distance between two locations with geographic coordinates
(CD_056)divcalc.zipDivision Calculator v1.0 - Cutting optimizer for Win9x
(CD_025)dlav12a.zipDigital Logic Analyser for Windows - Hardware logic analyser
(CD_028)dmu12e.zipDiabetic Meter Utility v1.2 for Windows
(CD_021)dmv102.zipDMORSE v1.02 - Morse Teaching Program for DOS
(CD_048)dnam101e.zipDNAmend v1.01 - Program for creating virtual DNA constructs
(CD_062)dnaprobe.zipOligonucleotide design assistant
(CD_021)dogs.zipFAQ on Dogs
(CD_020)dolby.zipHow Dolby Stereo (aka Dolby Surrounds) works
(CD_028)dolphin.zipFAQ on Dolphin
(CD_021)dome25.zipDevelopment of Mental Energy v2.5 - ESP testing program
(CD_048)domgrid.zipDomGrid v1.00 - Domino Based Logic Puzzles
(CD_068)dominoes.zipDominoes - The puzzle game
(CD_042)doschen.zipChenard for DOS - Chess program
(CD_048)dplcr105.zipDUPLICARE v1.05 - Roman Numeral Calculator for Win32
(CD_072)dracula.zipDracula - Freeware Electronic Book in .HLP format
(CD_048)dranunpk.zipDrainage - Program that calculate run off parameters
(CD_021)dreams.zipFAQ on Dreams
(CD_024)drinklst.zipRecipes of some mixed drinks
(CD_028)drugs-g.zipDrugInfo/Generic - Info about drugs in WinHelp format
(CD_028)drugs-t.zipDrugInfo/Tradename - Info about drugs in WinHelp format
(CD_054)dschem10.zipDynamic'Schem v1.0 - Integrated tool for electronic hobbists or students
(CD_020)dtcalc24.zipDate Calculator v2.4 for Windows
(CD_054)<ASP> Digital Tradition Folksong Player - Imports and process folk tunes from the WWW
(CD_028)duedst11.zipDue Date Forcaster v1.1
(CD_035)duitest.zipDUITEST v1.0 - BAC level calculator for beer drinkers
(CD_088)dune.zipFAQ on Dune
(CD_058)dvcalc10.zipDivision Calculator v1.0 - Calculate equal segments
(CD_028)dvd.zipFAQ on DVD
(CD_088)dylan.zipFAQ on Bob Dylan
(CD_062)dynamo.zipDynamo - Analog simulator for analysis of complex dynamic systems
(CD_020)eartest2.zipEarTest! - Test for hearing ability
(CD_092)eartst11.zipEarTest v1.12 - Ear training program for Win9x/NT/2000
(CD_021)earth10.zipMPG of Rotating Earth from Space
(CD_060)ear.zipEAR - Parts and care of the ear (how we ear)
(CD_021)earthmon.zipGIF Pictures of Earth and Moon
(CD_062)earthscr.zipEarth Screen Saver for Windows v2.0a - Displays currently illuminated part of Earth
(CD_025)<ASP> EarthWatch v3.5 - World clock
(CD_036)eartrial.zipEarMaster v2.0 - Ear training program for Windows
(CD_020)easter.zipProgram for Easter date calculation
(CD_048)easter20.zipEaster Egg Hunt - Customs database for Win95
(CD_020)easter8.zipCalculates the day Easter occurs
(CD_094)easynn70.zipEasyNN v7.0 - Neural Network System for Windows
(CD_050)<ASP> PC-ECAP v3.02 - AC circuit analysis
(CD_052)ecellpro.zipElectrochemical Cells Pro Chemistry Software for Windows v2.1
(CD_058)echess20.zipEmail Chess v2.0 - Play chess via email
(CD_062)econv.zipEuroConverter v1.0.1 - USD/Euro converter
(CD_021)eczema.zipFAQ on Eczema
(CD_021)edkid10.zipThe Education of the Child by Ellen Key
(CD_048)ee11.zipEE - Design & Analysis Software for EE students and profession.
(CD_021)ee610.zipNumber "e" to 100.000 places
(CD_021)eectut.zipElectronic Engine Control Tutorial
(CD_054)efus121.zipE.F.U.S v1.21 - Utils for electricians
(CD_048)egfw102.zipEuropean Geography for Windows - Tutorial program
(CD_042)egr32v32.zipEquation Grapher v3.2 with Regression Analyzer
(CD_021)ehlai10.zipEdison, His Life and Inventions by Frank L. Dyer et al.
(CD_088)ei120509.exeeinSTein v12.05.09 - All-purpose programmable calculator for Win32
(CD_046)eigen31c.exeEigenvalues and eigenvectors v3.1 - Win95 math application
(CD_048)elca_v22.zipCollection of calculators for electrical engineers (for Win)
(CD_020)elcad10.zipELCAD v1.0 - Calculator for electronic engineers
(CD_048)ele10u.zipElectricity v1.0 - Shareware tutorial about electricity (in PDF format)
(CD_060)elect.zipELECT - Electricity tutorial
(CD_046)electrc2.zipELECTRC2 v2.0 - Electrical circuits calculator for DOS
(CD_020)electron.zipELECTRON v2.0 - Calculator for electronic engineers
(CD_020)elemv11.zipPeriodic Table for Windows v1.0
(CD_024)elfeval.zipELF v1.04 - Electric filed and potential plotter
(CD_021)elizabet.zipFAQ on Queen Elizabeth II
(CD_020)elm410sw.zipElement Study Aid v4.1.0 - Periodic Table Tutorial
(CD_048)elmstr2b.zipElement Master for Windows - PT program
(CD_062)emcfilt3.zipEMC Filtr v4 - EMC Supression Filter Simulator
(CD_027)eng.zipENGINEER v3 - Resonant frequencies, reactance, wavelength etc. calculations solver
(CD_024)englbill.zipBill of Rights (England, 1689)
(CD_098)enig27.zipEniG. Periodic Table of Elements v2.7 for Windows
(CD_088)enya.zipFAQ on Enya
(CD_028)epilepsy.zipFAQ on Epilepsy
(CD_032)eptool18.zipENGINEERING POWER TOOLS v1.8 for Win3.x/95 - Engineering software package
(CD_070)<ASP> EqFit for Windows v3.0 - Regression Fitting Tool
(CD_048)equil15.zipEquil v1.5 - Chemical Equilbrium Tutorial for Windows
(CD_021)equip2.zipList of medical equipment and supplies
(CD_074)er.zipEasy-Rob v2.3 - Simulate your own robot creations for Win9x
(CD_050)ercube.zipERCube v1.0 - Rubic Cube Solver for Win9x
(CD_096)erreddic.zipErred Dictionary v2.6 - English/Russian and back pocket electronic dictionary
(CD_060)ergane42.zipErgane v4.2 - Free multi-lingual dictionary for Windows
(CD_020)erotica.zipFAQ on Erotica
(CD_048)errcalc1.zipProbable Error Calculator v1.5 for Windows
(CD_025)erw01b.zipEasy Recipe for Windows v0.1b - Cooking assistant*<ASP> ESBCalc v2.1 - Scientific calculator for Win32
(CD_070)esbpdf15.zipESBPDF Analysis v1.5 - Statistical analysis software for Win32
(CD_086)<ASP> ESB Unit Conversion Utility v1.4.2 for Win32
(CD_024)esc10.zipExpert System Compiler v1.0 - Create expert system decision trees
(CD_028)esperant.zipFAQ on Esperanto
(CD_040)essiac.zipInfo on Essiac herbal tea
(CD_050)etcount.zipE.T.Counter v0.9 for Win32 - Number of E.T.'s calculator
(CD_044)ethics.zipInstructional Software Program for Formal Ethics
(CD_074)etool1.zipElectro Tools v1.03 - Practice common electronics design for Win95/98/NT
(CD_022)eu.zipFAQ on European Union Basics
(CD_094)euklides.zipEuklides v2.1 - Dynamic Geometry Software for Win9x/NT/2000
(CD_096)euler95.zipEULER for Win95/NT- Numerical math application
(CD_028)eurhis10.zipEuroHist v1.0 - European History Tutorial for Win95/NT
(CD_042)euro10.zipEuro/DM convertor (in German)
(CD_044)euro11.exeEurolator v1.1 - Currency Converter
(CD_042)euroconv.zipEuroConverter - European currencies into Euro's and back conv.
(CD_021)eurodsn.zipFAQ on Euro Disneyland Paris
(CD_084)euromat.zipEuromat v1.8.15 - Office and currency calculator for Win95/98
(CD_038)eurv98.zipEurope! v98 for Windows - European Geography Tutorial
(CD_020)eurwin25.zipEurope! v2.5 for Win95/NT - Map game to learn European geography
(CD_054)eve11.zipEVE Text Editor v1.1 - Tool for plagiarized text finding
(CD_023)evkeanal.zipShort Tutorial Analysis: Electron Volts and Kinetic Energy
(CD_044)evolve.zipEvolution - Biological evolution simulator
(CD_024)evwisd12.zipEvil Wisdom v1.2 - A Compilation of Eastern Wisdom
(CD_020)expsyst.zipFAQ on Expert System Shells
(CD_042)expw3210.zipExplorer Weight/32 v1.0 for Win32 - Weight on other planets calculator
(CD_060)eye.zipEYE: How the eye functions - Tutorial
(CD_020)f1.zipFAQ on F1
(CD_040)fables11.zipFairy Tales and Fables v1.1 - Collection of 12 fairy tales
(CD_042)faces11.zipFaces Collection v1.1 for Win95/NT
(CD_020)fahcel.zipFahrenheit to Celsius Converter
(CD_020)faisyn20.zipFAISYN v2.0 - Filter Synthesis Program
(CD_021)<ASP> The Family Files v1.1 - Family Info Manager
(CD_028)fantasy.zipList of recommended fantasy authors
(CD_027)farsight.zipFarSight v2.3 - A compact geographic info package
(CD_088)fast-iq.zipFast IQ Test v2.2.3 for Win95/98/NT/2000
(CD_064)fastconv.zipThe Fast Convert v1.0 - Conversion program with many constants and SI prefixes
(CD_021)fastfood.zipFast Food v2.1 - Food Analyser
(CD_076)fastyp54.zipFasType v5.4 for Win95/98/NT/2000 - Increase your typing speed and accuracy
(CD_028)fatfree.zipFAQ on Fat-Free Diet
(CD_048)fatltd.zipFatalyzer v1.0 - Bodyfat percentage calculator for Win95/98
(CD_027)fdayd10.zipFaraday As A Discoverer by Tyndall
(CD_088)femta120.zipFemta v1.20 - Win32 Woman's calendar for natural family planning
(CD_046)ferrite.zipFERRITE v1.0 - Winding Calculator for DOS
(CD_038)ffish21.exeFred the Fish and Starting a Frishwater Aquarium - Tutorial
(CD_021)fibonaci.zipFibonacci's Numbers Generator
(CD_022)fide9716.zip1997 FIDE Laws of Chess in Win Help format
(CD_021)fig_skat.zipFAQ on Figure Skating
(CD_021)filmjoke.zipList of inside jokes in films
(CD_028)filmmakr.zipFAQ on Filmmakers
(CD_048)filter.zipFilter - A Windows program to design digital filters
(CD_035)filtry20.zipFILTRY v1.20 - Aids in design of active and passive filters
(CD_021)finnirv.zipThe Official Nirvana Song Book rel.3.0
(CD_042)fir.zipFour in Row - Logic Game for Win9x
(CD_054)fishtime.zipFish in Time v1.1 - Fishing time calculator
(CD_048)fit401.zipThe Fitness Tests v4.01 - Physical fitness body fat evaluator
(CD_048)fitabc.zipFitness ABCs - International Fitness Association Training Manual v2.2
(CD_028)fitness.zipFAQ on Fitness & Aerobic
(CD_020)flags320.zipThe Nautical Flags Tutor
(CD_036)flash11.zipFLASH v1.1 - Basic Math Tutor
(CD_080)flickv20.zipFLiCK v2.0 - Flight Conversion Kit (air speed, fuel consumption, distance etc.)
(CD_021)flowchrt.zipProblem Solving Flowchart :-)
(CD_044)fluid.zipFluid Flow Calculations v2.0
(CD_042)flylog1.zipPilot flying hours logbook for Windows
(CD_022)fmlist.zipList of Slovak FM Transmitters
(CD_028)fnd3preg.zipFND3PREG - 3 Pin IC Regulator Data
(CD_022)food.zipFAQ on Food Science and Technology
(CD_021)foodpres.zipFAQ on Food Preserving
(CD_048)footunpk.zipFootings - Design and analysis of footings
(CD_046)formula1.zipFormula1 - Computer Math Tutor for DOS
(CD_025)<ASP> Fortune Teller v4.4c - Funny fortune telling & astrology
(CD_058)fract261.zipFractions v2.61 - Decimal to Fractions and Back Convertor
(CD_021)fractal.zipFAQ on Fractals
(CD_021)friends.zipFAQ on Friends TV Series
(CD_040)frtsp1_1.zipFret Specs v1.1 - Fret Spacing Calculator
(CD_021)<ASP> FishTime v3.5 - Program for best fishing time calculation
(CD_080)fuel.zipFuel for 2-stroke modelairplanes calculator
(CD_021)fuzzylog.zipFAQ on Fuzzy Logic
(CD_092)galacalc.zipGalactiCalc - Possiblity of intelligent life in our Galaxy calculator on the base of Drake equation for Win9x
(CD_048)galblast.zipGALBLAST - A hobbyist grade GAL programmer for Windows
(CD_028)galore.zipDesert Galore! - Desert Recipes
(CD_028)gambling.zipFAQ on Gambling (blackjack, poker etc.)
(CD_048)gamerp15.zipThe Games Resource Pack v1.50 in PDF format
(CD_021)gao_reps.zipGAO (U.S. General Accounting Office) Reports on Computer Security, HDTV etc.
(CD_024)gaseval.zipGassim v3.04 - Gas molecule simulator
(CD_021)gaslaw10.zipGaslaw v1.0 - Gas Laws Tutorial for Windows
(CD_028)gasoline.zipFAQ on Automotive Gasoline
(CD_060)gassist.zipAkoff Guitar Assistant v1.01 - Guitar tuner
(CD_046)gaw110.zipGAW v1.10 - Genetic Algorithm Workbench for DOS
(CD_024)gbw11.zipGuitar Blaster for Win95/NT - Guitar Tuner
(CD_044)gckwin82.zipGeoClock v8.2 - Sunlight Clock for Windows
(CD_076)gclock.zipGlobal Clock v1.1.0 - World clock for Win32
(CD_044)geargen.zipGeargen - Software gear generator for engineers
(CD_054)genetik.zipGenetik v2.0 - Genetik algorithm to solve optimization problems
(CD_044)geo-dat.zipGeoClock Data Files Update
(CD_082)geo2grid.zipGeographic to Grid - Map Coordinates Calculator
(CD_044)geoclk82.zipGeoClock v8.2 - Sunlight Clock for DOS
(CD_020)geodoc.zipDox for GeoClock
(CD_033)geoflags.zipGeoClock utility
(CD_035)geoidx.zipGeoClock utility
(CD_028)geom_v11.zipArea/Perimeter/Volume of various shapes calculator
(CD_028)geompro.zipGeometry PRO - Geometry Problems Solver
(CD_096)geomwind.zipGeometry v2.0 for Windows - Volume/surface calculator
(CD_021)geostac.zipGeostacionary Satellite Log - List of geostacionary satellites
(CD_044)geoxtr82.zipExtra files for GeoClock Sunlight Clock
(CD_028)german.zipFAQ on Germany
(CD_021)germcons.zipBASIC LAW of the Federal Republic of Germany
(CD_021)ghost.zipFAQ on Ghost Stories
(CD_076)gjmatd10.zipGauss-Jordan matrix elimination v1.0 for Windows
(CD_076)gjmate13.zipGauss-Jordan matrix elimination v1.3
(CD_048)glasseng.zipCutting Glass Optimizer for Windows
(CD_086)globex14.zipGlobex v1.4 - Access World Time, Exchange Rates and Info On Different Countries
(CD_030)globtime.zipGlobeTime v1.21 - A pop-up world time zone application for Win95/NT
(CD_021)<ASP> GLUCO*HEALTH v1.00 - A database program for people with diabetes
(CD_042)gmp16b.zipThe Galilean Moon Plotter v1.6beta for Windows
(CD_056)gmtconv.zipGMT Converter v1.12
(CD_020)go.zipFAQ on Go Game
(CD_048)go401.zipTurboGo for Win95 v4.01 - Go game player
(CD_048)god08.zipG.O.D v0.8 - Gravitational Orbits Designer fo DOS
(CD_020)goldies.zipOldies Music Database
(CD_028)golf.zipFAQ on Golf
(CD_092)gomoku.zipGomoku v2.8 - Tiny gomoku game for Windows
(CD_021)govfaq.zipFAQ on White House
(CD_048)gps9838.zipGPSSYNC - GPS Synchronization and Test Program
(CD_021)grad20.zipGrades v2.0 - Grades Tracker for DOS
(CD_076)graphcal.zipGraphCalc v2.1 - Calculator for Win95/98/NT
(CD_096)grapher.zipGrapher ver.1 - Graph plotting util for Win9x/NT/2000
(CD_021)<ASP> GraphMaT v2.2 - Scientific graph macros for Lotus, QuattroPro and Excel
(CD_021)grdnn101.zipGrades v1.01 - Grades Tracker for Windows
(CD_060)grmat16n.zipGraphmatica v1.60e for Win32 - Equation plotter
(CD_060)grmat16w.zipGraphmatica v1.60e for Windows - Equation plotter
(CD_060)grmat36d.zipGraphmatica v3.60e for DOS - Equation plotter
(CD_072)<ASP> Grammar Slammer v3.0 - Grammar Helper
(CD_096)gs20.zipGuitar Synth v2.0 - Guitar Synthesizer for Win32
(CD_060)gse.zipGalaSimu - Galaxies interaction simulator
(CD_048)gspeak10.zipGENSPEAK! v1.0 - Configurable random phrase generator
(CD_020)gtdos172.zipGuitar Teacher v1.72 for DOS
(CD_042)gtm1_1.zipGuitar Man v1.1 - Guitar Teacher
(CD_086)gtrtun20.zipAntarex Guitar Tuner v2.0 for Win9x
(CD_020)gtrwn320.zipGuitar Teacher v3.2 for Win95
(CD_020)gtwin203.zipGuitar Teacher v2.03 for Windows
(CD_021)guernica.zipGuernica Picture by Pablo Picasso (JPG)
(CD_044)guess.zipGuess v1.2.7 - A number guessing game for Windows
(CD_092)guesser.zipTry to guess the random number
(CD_048)guitar11.zipGUITARE Method Vol.I v1.1 - Guitar Teacher
(CD_048)guitar21.zipGUITARE Method Vol.II v1.0 - Guitar Teacher
(CD_088)guitar8a.zipPlay Guitar v1.1 - Guitar teacher for Win32
(CD_021)guitar20.zipThe Ultimate Guitar Lesson - Guitar tutor for Windows
(CD_092)guitarch.zipGuitar Chords Crash Course v1.0 for Win9x/NT/2000
(CD_021)guns_faq.zipFAQ on Guns'n'Roses
(CD_021)h2-faq.zipFAQ on Hydrogen
(CD_080)h2o15.zipEngi_H2O v1.5 - Water/steam properties calculator
(CD_021)haero10.zipA History of Aeronautics by E.Charles Vivian
(CD_060)hallow25.zipHalloween Trick or Treat - Customs database for Win95
(CD_022)ham.zipFAQ on Amateur Radio
(CD_066)hamtut16.zipHam Radio Tutor v1.6 for Technician License
(CD_066)hamuniv.exeHAM University v2.000 - Windows program for people who are serious about passing their FCC exams
(CD_062)hangmn73.zipHangman v7.3 - Children's Hangman Game
(CD_044)hanoi16.zipHanoi Towers for Win16 v1.0
(CD_044)hanoi32.zipHanoi Towers for Win32 v1.0
(CD_072)hanoie13.zipTowers of Hanoi v1.3 for DOS
(CD_072)hanowe15.zipTowers of Hanoi v1.5 for Windows
(CD_020)harley_d.zipThe history of the Harley-Davidson Motor Co.
(CD_070)harmonic.exeJack's Harmonica Lessons v1.0 for Win95/98/NT - Learn to play the harmonica
(CD_021)hc3.zipHAMCALC v3.b.2 - Electronics / Amateur Radio Calculator
(CD_054)hcaft10.zipAndersen's Fairy Tales
(CD_027)hcbrs10.zipConflict Between Religion and Science by John Draper
(CD_100)healthre.zipHealth, Recipes & You v1.0 - Informative e-book for Win32
(CD_058)heat3201.zipHEAT - Home/Office Heating System Designer
(CD_021)heinlein.zipFAQ on Robert Heinlein
(CD_020)herb400.zipHerbology Helper v4.00b
(CD_028)herbp32.zipHerbPower v3.2 - Guide to power of herbs
(CD_021)herpes.zipFAQ on Herpes
(CD_046)hg1034.zipHigraph v1.0.34 - Draw state, flow and data models
(CD_054)hgrls10.zipHistoric Girls by E.S.Brooks
(CD_021)hhohg10.zipThe High History of the Holy Graal
(CD_092)hiero03.zipHieroglyph Library v0.3 for Win9x/NT/2000
(CD_021)highland.zipFAQ on Highlander TV/Movie
(CD_078)himaths.zipMath game for examining basic math operation
(CD_021)hipho10.zipThe History and Practice of the Art of Photography
(CD_068)historic.zipHistorica v1.06 - A Brief History of the World
(CD_020)hitchcoc.zipHitchcock information file
(CD_021)hmank10.zipThe Story of Mankind by Hendrik van Loon
(CD_048)hmcalc20.zipHomeCalc v2.0 - Calculator with sound and total/subtotal function for Win95
(CD_058)hmcook37.zipHome Cookin v3.7 - Recipe and meal manager
(CD_084)hmw45.zipHow-2 Meet Women v4.50 - Shy Man's Guide to Relationships
(CD_072)hndrx200.zipHendrix v2.00 - The Guitar Chords Generator
(CD_021)hockey.zipFAQ on Hockey
(CD_020)holmes.zipHolmes Book List
(CD_028)holocaus.zipFAQ on Holocaust
(CD_072)horas.zipHoras v3.11 - Keep track of the time around the world (W95/NT)
(CD_024)howcon10.zipThe Mechanics of Human Conversation - A guide for AI and NLP programmers
(CD_080)<ASP> HomePlan Pro v4.3 - CAD program for architects and engineers
(CD_035)hrcal22.zipHRCalc v2.2 - Stellar radii calculator for astronomers
(CD_082)hscnv231.zipHS Converter v2.31 for Win95/98 - Metric/US measurement system converter
(CD_021)htgrf10.zipHeroes of the Telegraph by J.Munro
(CD_020)hum_rght.zipUniversal Declaration of Human Rights
(CD_021)hypertns.zipHigh Blood Pressure
(CD_013) [UTILMISC]ical12.zipImage Calendar v1.2 - Calendar Program for Windows
(CD_021)iccpr.zipInternational Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
(CD_021)icescr.zipInternational Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
(CD_033)ihdib10.zipIncreasing Human Efficiency Business by Walter Dill Scott
(CD_082)illumina.zipIlluminate v1.2 - Logical Game for Win32
(CD_060)imcpw313.zipInternational Morse Code Processor v3.13 - Morse code tutor for Win3.1/95
(CD_028)impedanc.zipIMPEDANCE - Impedance Calculator
(CD_021)inbio10.zipIndustrial Biography by Samuel Smiles
(CD_054)inerst13.zipinerSTAT-a v1.3 - Simple statistics tool for Excel
(CD_048)int102we.zipInterrogation v1.02 for Windows - Mnemonic driller
(CD_048)inte145.zipIntegral v1.45 - Integral calculator
(CD_048)iq105.zipIQ Test v1.05
(CD_028)islam.zipFAQ on Islam
(CD_094)islam450.zipISLAM v4.50 - Islam learning tool software for Win9x/NT
(CD_048)isoln11.zipIsolines v1.11 for Windows - Isoline diagrams and section diagrams creator
(CD_058)isoptik2.zipIsoptikon v2.0.0 - Util to precise drawing of figures of Euclidean geometry
(CD_021)israel_d.zipDeclaration of Israel's Independance
(CD_022)italian.zipFAQ on Italy
(CD_028)jam_bond.zipList of James Bond Titles
(CD_028)japan.zipFAQ on Japan
(CD_021)jcnst10.zipThe Constitution of Japan
(CD_072)jhyde.zipJekyll and Hyde - Freeware Electronic Book in .HLP format
(CD_021)joconde.zipJoconde (Mona Lisa) Picture by Leonardo Da Vinci (JPG)
(CD_022)johnpaul.zipFamiliaris Consortio and other messages from pope John Paul II
(CD_024)jokebk2.zipThe Jokebook No_2 by David Pye
(CD_024)jokebook.zipThe Jokebook by David Pye
(CD_021)jokeman1.zipBraser Soft's Joke Man - Joke Program for Win95
(CD_021)jpl9401.zipJPCLOCK - NASA/JPL Multimission Computer Control Center Clock
(CD_031)<ASP> Jr-EQF v3.53 - Logging Program for Amateur Radio
(CD_048)js95_114.zipJupSat 95 v1.14 - Galilean satellites tracker for Win95/98/NT
(CD_028)judaism.zipFAQ on Judaism
(CD_021)jupsat40.zipJovian Satellites Simulator v4.0
(CD_070)kabel.zipKabel++ rel.4.1 - A Win95/98/NT program to calculate the cable and transformer sizes of an electric installation
(CD_060)kairos.zipKAIROS - General Calendar Conversion Program v2.1 for Win9x/NT
(CD_058)kartdata.zipKartData for Win95/NT - Kart chassis settings calculator
(CD_021)katebush.zipFAQ on Kate Bush
(CD_100)kchel36.exeK-Chess Elite v3.6 - Chess for Win16 & Win32
(CD_020)kchess22.zipK-Chess for DOS v2.2 - An instructional chess program
(CD_020)kchesw22.zipK-Chess for Windows v2.2 - An instructional chess program
(CD_072)kiddo.zipKiddo v1.01 - Win95/98/NT drawing program for kids
(CD_021)kids.zipFAQ on Kids
(CD_021)kids110.zipSome Suggestions for the Story Teller by Sara Bryant
(CD_021)kids210.zipHow To Tell Stories To Children and Some Stories by Sara Bryant
(CD_064)kidtyp2a.zipKid's Typing Skills v1.0 for Windows - Keyboard practice
(CD_021)kinet10.zipKinetics v1.0 - Molecular Kinetics Tutorial for Windows
(CD_035)kltd.zipKid Label - 256 Color Label Creating Program for Kids
(CD_086)kmap12.exeKarnaugh Map v1.2 for Win9x/NT - Interactive Boolean Algebra program
(CD_021)knart10.zipKnights of the Art by Amy Steedman (stories of the Italian painters)
(CD_042)knight10.zipThe N-Knights Problem Solver v1.0
(CD_020)kombucha.zipFAQ on Kombucha
(CD_096)kpw301.zipKP Typing Tutor v3.01 for Win9x/NT
(CD_060)kscalc.zipKS-Calculator v1.02 for Win9x/NT
(CD_064)kttime10.zipKids Tables and Time v1.0 - Arithmetic Tutorial for Win95
(CD_048)kwiktest.zipKwikTest - Joke intelligence tester for Windows
(CD_094)ktrig212.zipKwikTrig v2.1.2 - Triangle solver for Windows
(CD_048)labir20.zipLabirint v2.0 - Robot programming practice
(CD_086)laminatr.zipThe Laminator v2.6 for Win95/98/NT - Classical Analysis of Composite Laminates
(CD_021)landimpg.zipMotion Pictures of the Apollo11 Landing
(CD_048)langcom.zipLanguge Companion v2.0 - Basics of European Languages
(CD_024)langen13.zipLanggen v1.3 - Language Generator
(CD_060)lasalle.zipLASALLE - The story of Sieur de La Salle and his adventures in the New World
(CD_048)lc31_2.zipLetter Chase Typing Tutor for Windows v2.1
(CD_048)lc95_2.zipLetter Chase Typing Tutor for Win32 v2.1
(CD_023)lcdfaq.zipLCD Module Technical Reference (FAQ)
(CD_022)leadbatt.zipInfo on using of lead-acid batteries
(CD_023)leapyear.zipLeap Year Rules for Centuries
(CD_021)led_zep2.zipFAQ on Led Zeppelin
(CD_028)ledcalc.zipLEDCALC - LED Circuit Calculator
(CD_028)lefty.zipFAQ for Left-Handed Population
(CD_021)legend.zipFAQ on the film LEGEND
(CD_088)lego.zipFAQ on LEGO
(CD_020)lenses.zipFAQ on Optical Lenses
(CD_072)lfcrd102.zipLarry's Flash Cards - Test creator
(CD_028)<ASP> Logic Circuit Analysis v1.1
(CD_062)lie52.zipLie analysis of differential equations, exact solutions
(CD_038)life.zipTiny Artificial Life Simulator
(CD_048)lifess.zipLife Screen Saver for Windows - "Game of Life" as screen saver
(CD_060)lightcol.zipLIGHTCOL: Light as a form of energy - Tutorial
(CD_028)linclc12.zipLinCalc v1.2 for Win95/NT - Object-oriented linear albebra calculator
(CD_048)lines.zipLines Mania for Windows - Logical Game
(CD_042)lines95.zipLines - Logical game for Win95
(CD_048)lkeys10.zipLarry's Keys - When a child press keys, fun things happen
(CD_048)lkeys10n.zipLarry's Keys for Netscape
(CD_048)lmatch.zipLove Match v1.00 - Love Match Calculator for Win95/98/NT
(CD_031)<ASP> Log-EQF v8.67 - Logging and Station Control for Amateur Radio
(CD_048)logic10.zipLOGIC v1.0 - 4CH Logic Analyzer
(CD_048)logicg11.zipProblems in Logic - Tutorial
(CD_048)logisy30.zipLogisym - Digital logic simulator
(CD_048)lokon24.zipLoKon v2.4 - Construction and simulation of digital circuits
(CD_048)lotka10b.zipLotkaVolt v1.0b - Two-species competition simulator for Win95
(CD_062)lotrmap.zipV4Software LOTR Map for Windows'95 v0.83
(CD_021)lotus.zipFAQ on Lotus Cars
(CD_020)"I Love You" in various languages
(CD_082)love_20c.zipLove Calculator for Win95/98/NT/2000
(CD_060)lovecalc.zipLove Calculator v1.0 for Windows
(CD_024)<ASP> Rev. Lowell's Treasury of Humor v1.4
(CD_054)lp-v113.zipLunar Phase v1.13 - Displays current moon phase and rise/set times
(CD_048)lp261.zipLP v2.61 - Linear Programming Optimizer
(CD_048)lpdos15.zipLP-Solve v1.5 - DOS32 linear programming solver
(CD_042)lpltw095.zipLine Plot for Win95/NT v0.95 - X-Y data graphing program
(CD_035)lpp32sw.zipLe Paint Petite - 32-bit Painting and Coloring Book Program
(CD_048)lpsol14.zipLP-Solve v1.4 - DOS linar programming solver
(CD_054)lrnvb515.zipLearn Visual Basic 5.0 - VB Tutorial
(CD_058)lrnvb615.zipLearn Visual Basic 6.0 - VB Tutorial
(CD_024)lunecl20.zipLunar Eclipse v2.0 - Lunar and solar eclipse analyzer
(CD_024)lvbase21.zipLoveBase v2.1 - 340 Great Love Poems
(CD_021)lyrics.zipFAQ on Lyrics
(CD_021)maast10.zipThe Treaty of the European Union from Maastrict
(CD_024)maca-110.zipMASSCALC v1.0 - Highly Interfacible Calculator
(CD_021)mach_int.zipMachine Intelligence List (SF)
(CD_044)machine.zipMachine - Cutting force and power estimator for machinist
(CD_076)machm20.zipMachinist Mate v2.0 - Calculator for Machinist & Tool Makers
(CD_021)madonna.zipFAQ on Madonna
(CD_020)magic101.zipMagic Made Easy - Electronic magic book
(CD_060)magnets.zipMAGNETS - An introduction to magnetism
(CD_048)mailpgn4.zipMail PGN Games Extractor for Windows
(CD_060)makeword.zipMAKEWORD - Word game for children
(CD_060)mammals.zipMAMMALS: Habitat, food, enemies and defence - Tutorial
(CD_088)mariahc.zipFAQ on Mariah Carey
(CD_088)marilion.zipFAQ on Marillion
(CD_020)mash.zipFAQ on M*A*S*H
(CD_021)mat-x41.zipMat-X v4.1 - Vectors, Linear Algebra and More
(CD_028)matcal13.zipMatrix Calculator v1.3
(CD_048)matcal32.zipMatCalc v3.2 - Win95/98/NT Matrix Calculator
(CD_048)match32.zipMatch32 Game v2.3 for Win95/98/NT - Concentration type of game
(CD_042)math.zipMath related humor
(CD_076)math2000.zipMath Addict 2000 v2.12 - Learn multiplication tables using flash cards
(CD_060)math234.zipMath Function Calculator for Win95/NT v2.34
(CD_096)mathbasc.zipMATH BASICS v5.0 for Win9x/Me/NT/2000 - Math for children
(CD_048)mathdet.zipSimple Math Examinator for Kids
(CD_026)mathfc24.zipMathematical Expressions Calculator v2.4
(CD_054)mathp183.zipMatheHP v1.83 - Calculator, equations and primer numbers
(CD_024)mathpl20.zipMathplot v2.0 - Mathematic functions 2D and 3D graph plotter
(CD_021)<ASP> Mathplot v3.7 - Math function plotting program
(CD_042)mathrd2a.zipCompetitive testing on Addition/Subtraction
(CD_035)mathtool.zipMath Tools v1.0.0 - Pythagorean Theorem and Quadratic Equation Solver for Win95
(CD_021)matlab.zipFAQ on Matlab
(CD_036)matrx127.exeMatrix Calculator 1.27 for Win95/98/NT
(CD_042)matut1a.zipMath Tutor 1 - Counting, add, sub and compare
(CD_042)matut2a.zipMath Tutor 2 - Add, sub, mult, divide and bar chart
(CD_042)matut3a.zipMath Tutor 3 - Introduction to fractions
(CD_042)matut4a.zipMath Tutor 4 - More tutorials on fractions
(CD_048)maxflow.zipMaxFlow - Maximal Flow Solver
(CD_048)maze.zipMaze Generator v1.0 for Windows
(CD_082)mazect21.zipMaze Creator v2.1 for Win32
(CD_040)mazegen.zipMaze Generator v1.05 - Square or hexagonal maze generator
(CD_092)mazemake.zipMaze Generator with export to BMP for Windows
(CD_082)mazesc22.zipMaze Escape v2.2 for Win9x/NT/2000 - Find exit of mazes
(CD_028)mbti.zipMyers-Briggs Testing Software - Temperament Sorter
(CD_024)mconvert.zipMetric Converter for Windows
(CD_028)<ASP> MicroCook v2.1 - Recipe Management Program for DOS
(CD_028)med_herb.zipFAQ on Medicinal Herbs
(CD_021)medherb2.zipIllustrated Medical Herbal Encyclopedia v1.8
(CD_028)meditatn.zipFAQ on Meditation
(CD_021)medtutor.zipMedical Terminology Tutor
(CD_060)melomemo.zipWatson's Melody Memory - Music trainer for Win32
(CD_092)melvin_4.zipMelvin v4.0 - Artificial intelligence simulator
(CD_066)mem.zipMEM - Simple memory game with source
(CD_088)memler21.zipMemler v2.1 - Win32 util for learning foreing languages
(CD_048)memotest.zipMemotest - Memory testing program
(CD_023)memtests.zipTutorial on Software-Based Memory Testing
(CD_022)mensa.zipFAQ on MENSA
(CD_021)messier.zipSet of GIF Pictures of Messier Astronomical Objects
(CD_032)meterch.zipMeter Challenge - Troubleshooting with Voltmeters and Ohmmeters
(CD_044)metrom10.zipMetroMon v1.01 - Metronome and instrument tuner for Windows
(CD_062)metron16.zipMetronome v1.6 - Metronome for Win95/NT
(CD_028)<ASP> Metronome Program for Win95/NT
(CD_044)metwiz.zipMeteorology Wizard v2.0 - Weather tool for Windows
(CD_044)mgc0_07k.zipMegaCalc v0.07 - Calculation with large numbers
(CD_048)mgcsq200.zipOmega v2.0 - Magic square solver for Win95
(CD_070)mi32v20.zipMoonIcon32 v2.0 - Win95/98/NT Moon Phase Icon
(CD_040)midtab.zipMidtab - Midi Tracks to Tabbed Text File Converter
(CD_058)mikano20.zipMickiano v2.0 - Children's piano program
(CD_035)mildate.zipMilitary Julian Data Calendar v2.1
(CD_028)minicalc.zipMiniCalc for Win95/NT - Simple Calculator
(CD_028)minim10.zipMinim - Boolean Expression Minimization Utility for Win95
(CD_021)migraine.zipFAQ on Natural Migraine Treatment
(CD_022)miker.zipRubik Cube program for MS-DOS by Mike Reid
(CD_048)mircalc.zipMIRACL CALC - Multi digit calculator
(CD_021)miscc10.zipMiscellaneous Mathematical Constants
(CD_035)mlglt10.zipCommentary on the Epistle to the Galatians by Martin Luther
(CD_100)mlwv30.zipMaking Love Work v3.01 - Relationship enhancement tool for Win
(CD_072)mminde14.zipMastermind for Windows v1.4 - Classical Mastermind Game
(CD_021)modlrail.zipFAQ on Railroad Models
(CD_021)modlrock.zipFAQ on Rocket Models
(CD_048)modulsh3.zipModulesH Robot Design and Animation Program
(CD_021)moiai10.zipMen of Invention and Industry by Samuel Smiles
(CD_035)mol16v21.zipMolecular Structure of the Substance v2.1 for Win3.x
(CD_080)mol32v22.zipMolecular Structure of the Substance v2.2 for Win95/98/NT
(CD_082)molecalc.zipMoleCalc v1.0.2 for Win95/98/2000/NT - Chemistry Calculator
(CD_048)moles15.zipMoles v1.5 - Mole Concept Tutorial for Windows
(CD_028)moles20.zipMoles v2.0 - Mole Concept Tutorial for Win95
(CD_035)molvekt.zipMolvekt v4.4 - Molar weight calculator
(CD_054)molwght.zipMTWIN - Molecular weight and percent composition calculator for Win95/98/NT
(CD_076)molwt.zipMolecular Weight Calculator v1.11 for Windows
(CD_048)molwt272.zipMOLW v2.72 - Molecular weight calculator for Windows
(CD_066)<ASP> Money Math v4.0 for Windows - Financial calculator
(CD_035)montepi2.exeMontePi v0.2 - Win95/NT Program to learn Monte Carlo methods
(CD_086)moonc52.zipMoon Calculator v5.2 - DOS program providing information about position, age, phase etc. of the Moon
(CD_058)moonph10.zipMoonPhaser v1.0 - Shows picture of Moon in current phase
(CD_020)moonpo22.zipMOONPO v2.2 - Moon position calculator for Windows
(CD_021)moontarc.zipMoonTool for Windows - Moon Phases Calculation Program
(CD_054)morse1.zipMorse1 - Morse code tutorial
(CD_084)morse13.zipMorse v1.3 - Morse Encoder/Decoder
(CD_024)morsee11.zipMorsee v1.1 - Morse Code Encryption/Decryption Program
(CD_021)motocycl.zipFAQ on Motorcycles
(CD_042)motione1.zipMotion Planning - Robot obstacles avoidance demo for Win95
(CD_028)movalien.zipFAQ on Aliens in Movies
(CD_028)moviefaq.zipFAQ on Movies
(CD_028)movitech.zipFAQ on Movie Technology
(CD_020)movtriv.zipMovie Trivia FAQ
(CD_044)mrm200b.zipMr.Machinist v2.00b - Machinist assistant
(CD_044)mrmw95b.zipMr.Machinist for Win95 (beta) - Machinist assistant
(CD_068)mrsetnlt.zipMorse Translator v1.0 - Text to morse code translator
(CD_062)mscodw.zipMorse Code Made Easy v6.33 for Windows - Morse code tutorial
(CD_048)mspbx100.zipLoudspeaker box size calculator
(CD_062)msw.zipMy Spelling Words v99.3.1 - Util to learn spelling words
(CD_068)<ASP> A Musical Tutorial v2.0 - 32bit for Win95/98/NT
(CD_058)mthbas50.zipMath Basics v5.0 - 15 basic math programs
(CD_048)mtbunpk.zipMechanical Tool Box - Mechanical Engineer programs
(CD_020)<ASP> A Musical Tutorial v1.3 for DOS
(CD_048)mthrl02.zipMegalomania for Win95/NT - Control engineering design tool
(CD_035)mthsci3a.zipMath and Science v3.1 for Windows - Math and physics teacher
(CD_042)mthtable.zipMathTable Generator v1.22 - Math testing tables generator
(CD_046)mtrx-10.zipMatrix v1.0 - DOS based matrix calculator
(CD_084)mtxcalc.zipMatrix Calculator v2.0 for Win32
(CD_020)<ASP> A Musical Tutorial v1.6 for Win3.1
(CD_035)multconv.zipMulti Converter - DEC/HEX, temperature, length etc. converter
(CD_072)mupad142.exeMuPAD Pro v1.4.2 - The Open Computer Algebra System for Win95/98/NT
(CD_021)musc_jok.zipMusic related jokes
(CD_076)musicd11.zipMusic Vision Memory Game Program for Win95/98/NT
(CD_072)musicv14.zipMUSICV v1.4 - Music Vision Memory Game for DOS
(CD_021)mustsee.zipMust-See Movies Guide
(CD_021)murphy.zipMurphy's Laws
(CD_028)murphyl.zipMurphy's Laws for Windows
(CD_021)murphys.zipMurphy's laws and other observations
(CD_062)musb271.zipMusicianship Basics Demo v2.7.1 - Musical theory tutor for Win
(CD_020)muz_list.zipList of #1 from Billboard Pop charts for the past 76 years!*Molecular Weight Calculator v5.22 for Win9x
(CD_054)mx06.zipMthX equation - ActiveX equation editor control for Win95/NT
(CD_028)mxdlog20.zipMxdLog v2.0 - Radio Amateur Logging Software for Windows
(CD_042)mycalc.zipMyCalc Win95 - Calculator You Draw Yourself
(CD_074)myst3227.zipMyStars! 32-bit v2.7 - Planetarium for Windows
(CD_035)mysta262.zipMyStars! v2.62 - Planetarium for Windows
(CD_021)nafta.zipFAQ on NAFTA
(CD_021)naftatxt.zipNAFTA Document (in TXT form)
(CD_021)nam_g171.zipName Generator v1.71
(CD_021)narad.zipGreat Vegetarian Recipes from Chuck Narad
(CD_020)nasa_jrg.zipGlossary of NASA Terminology
(CD_054)nasoc10.zipNorth American Species of Cactus
(CD_021)natohb.zipNATO Handbook
(CD_028)netion10.zipNetIonic v1.0 - Introductory to ionic equations for Windows
(CD_028)netion15.zipNetIonic v1.5 - Introductory to ionic equations for Win95/NT
(CD_044)netlyrix.zipNetLyrix v1.0 - Windows viewer for the music lyrics files
(CD_028)neur_net.zipFAQ on Neural Nets
(CD_024)neurpack.zipDidactical package on neural networks
(CD_024)newspk21.zipNewspeak v2.1 - Politically Correct Translator :-)
(CD_028)newt25.zipNewt v2.5 for Windows - Newtonian telescope CAD program
(CD_042)ngam3210.zipRay's Numbers Game v3.0 for Win32 - Math tutor for kids
(CD_058)ngc101.zipInterface to NGC2000 catalog v1.01 - Plugin for StarCalc 5.0+
(CD_024)nlpbk10.zipA Handbook of Natural Language Processing (NLP/AI)
(CD_054)nmgen211.zipName Generator v2.11
(CD_054)nmybk10.zipEnemies of Books by W.Blades
(CD_022)nobel.zipNOBEL Prize Listing
(CD_046)nonlin25.zipNONLIN v2.5 - Nonlinear Regression Analysis Program
(CD_048)nos1.zipThe Prophecies of Nostradamus v1.0 - Tutorial for DOS/Win
(CD_020)nostrada.zipFAQ on Prophecies of Nostradamus
(CD_042)noteface.zipNoteFace - A music tutorial
(CD_035)notes10.zipNotes v1.0 - Musical game for notes teaching
(CD_048)nuc20.zipNuclear v2.0 - Nuclear Chemistry/Physics Tutorial for Windows
(CD_021)nukwr10.zipWorldwide effects of Nuclear War
(CD_060)numero.zipNumero v1.0 - Numeric Crossword Game for Win32
(CD_032)numgam20.zipRay's Numbers Game v2.0 - Math tutor for kids
(CD_080)numors15.zipNuMorse v1.50 - Morse Code Trainer for Windows
(CD_060)nursery.zipNURSERY - Nursery rhyme songs words tutorial
(CD_088)nutest17.zipNuTest v1.72 - Amateur Radio Study Aid for Windows
(CD_086)nwc170.zipNoteWorthy Composer v1.70 - Music Composition and Notation Processor fo Windows
(CD_074)nwmskeyb.zipNew Microsoft Keyboard Design :-)
(CD_076)nyc517.zipNow You're Cooking v5.17 (32-bit) - Kitchen Companion for Win32
(CD_020)nz30.zipNew Zealand Immigration Calculator v3.0 :-)
(CD_054)oanoe10.zipOrigin and Nature of Emotions by G.W.Crile
(CD_100)ode301.zipODEcalc v3.00b for Win3.x/9x - An Ordinary Differential Equation Calculator
(CD_048)oe9846.zipORBITEL v9846 - 2-line orbital elements processor
(CD_028)ohmslaw.zipOHMSLAW - Ohms Law Calculator
(CD_054)ohms_law.zipOhm's Law Calculator for Windows
(CD_076)omniches.zipOmniChess v1.1 - Chess program for Windows
(CD_028)opactbpf.zipOPACTBPF - Active Opamp Band Pass Filter Design
(CD_028)opacthpf.zipOPACTHPF - Active Opamp High Pass Filter Design
(CD_028)opactlpf.zipOPACTLPF - Active Opamp Low Pass Filter Design
(CD_028)opastble.zipOPASTBLE - Opamp Astable Multivibrator Design
(CD_028)opccinv.zipOPCCINV - Opamp Capacitor Coupled Inverting Amplifier Design
(CD_028)opccninv.zipOPCCNINV - Opamp Capacitor Coupled Non-Inverting Amplifier Design
(CD_028)opccvf.zipOPCCVF - Opamp Capacitor Coupled Voltage Follower Amplifier Design
(CD_028)opdcinv.zipOPDCINV - Opamp Direct Coupled Inverting DC Amplifier Design
(CD_028)opdcninv.zipOPDCNINV - Opamp Direct Coupled Non-Inverting DC Amplifier Design
(CD_028)ophsftos.zipOPHSFTOS - Opamp Phase Shift Oscillator Design
(CD_080)oplabs.zipJslsoft Optics Lab - Optic experiment simulation
(CD_028)opmonsbl.zipOPMONSBL - Opamp Monostable Multivibrator Design
(CD_028)opnotch.zipOPNOTCH - Opamp Notch Filter Design
(CD_028)opsmtrig.zipOPSMTRIG - Opamp Schnitt Trigger Design
(CD_020)optic02.zipOptic - Ray tracing program for modeling optical systems
(CD_070)optigrph.zipOptiGraph v1.0 - Optical Graph Recognition and Manipulation Util for Win32*Optimik v1.54 - Cutting optimizer for Win9x/Me/NT/2000
(CD_028)opwenbrg.zipOPWENBRG - Opamp Weinbridge Oscillator Design
(CD_028)opznrreg.zipOPZNRREG - Opamp Zener Voltage Regulator
(CD_084)orbtx151.zipOrbit Xplorer v1.51 - Orbit elements physics tutorial
(CD_028)org_bl10.zipOrganic Chemistry Examiner
(CD_028)org_bl20.zipOrganic Chemistry Examiner
(CD_048)orgue11.zipORGUE v1.1 - Electronic piano for PC speaker
(CD_050)origam27.zipMolecular Origami for Windows v2.7 - Molecular structure teaching program
(CD_072)<ASP> On This Day v2.21 - Historical Database
(CD_028)otoos10.zipOrigin of Species by Charles Darwin
(CD_021)over-65.zipIf You're Over 65 and Feeling Depressed ...
(CD_028)owncalc1.zipOwn Calculator v1.0 - Windows calculator with unit converter
(CD_028)ozone.zipFAQ on Ozone Depletion
(CD_022)packet.zipFAQ on Packet Radio
(CD_044)pacwin23.zipPACWIN v2.3 - Pacman game for Win32
(CD_023)parabola.zipHow To Make a Parabolic Disk Out of Plywood
(CD_048)pascal10.zipPascal's triangle solver
(CD_028)pasrcflt.zipPASRCFLT - Passive RC Filters Design
(CD_048)pastri.zipPascal Triangel Constructor for Win32
(CD_021)pbp62ne.zipPhysics by Pictures v6.2
(CD_048)pcaad21.zipPCAAD v2.1 - Antenna Design Utility
(CD_044)pcad15.zipPowercad v1.5 - CAD software to draw schematics of hydraulic and electrical circuits
(CD_062)pcbd_103.zipPCB Designer v1.03 for Windows - Printed circuit board designer
(CD_042)<ASP> PCDesk v6.4 - Calendar/planner/scheduler for DOS
(CD_024)pcgr30.zipPCGraph v3.0 - Math graph drawing tool
(CD_020)pchc30.zipPC Heart Check v3.0 - Cardiac Monitoring Program
(CD_035)pchrc10.zipPagan and Christian Creeds by Edward Carpenter
(CD_054)pckey.zipPcKey v1.01 - DOS based typing tutor
(CD_048)pcon1051.zipProcess Control Simulator / PIC Controller Design Tool v1.051
(CD_048)pcsat41s.zipPCSAT v4.1 - Satellite TV calculator
(CD_020)<ASP> PC-TRACK v3.1 - 3D Satellite Tracker
(CD_044)pcw-21sh.zipPrecision CW v2.1 - Morse coder/encoder
(CD_025)pday100.zipPsych0Day v1.00 for DOS and OS/2 - Multi Calendar Toolkit
(CD_021)pearlhar.zipSome files relevant to the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor
(CD_054)pec.zipPryans Euro Calculator v1.1 - Currency conversin tool
(CD_042)penc1ih.zipProbert Encyclopedia in HTML format
(CD_040)pepi30.zipPEPI v3.0 - Statistical Programs for Epidemiologists
(CD_058)perdtabl.zipPeriodic Table 2000 v2.2.1 for Win9x
(CD_020)peri21.zipPeriodic Table of Elements v2.1
(CD_076)periodic.zipPeriodic Table v1.1 for Windows
(CD_042)peritab!.zipMendeleev's Periodic Table (in Russian)
(CD_035)perlib18.zipBK Periodic Library for Windows v1.8 - Periodic Table
(CD_042)pertab1.zipTable of Elements: Calculate Molar Masses
(CD_066)pertabel.zipPeriodic Table v1.0 for Win32
(CD_038)petris20.zipPetris v2.0 - Tiny Tetris game for DOS
(CD_028)petrlrsc.zipFAQ on Petroleum Resources
(CD_021)pets.zipFAQ on Pets
(CD_021)pez.zipFAQ on PEZ
(CD_020)pf_ref.zipPink Floyd reference book
(CD_023)pfemffaq.zipPower-Frequency Electromagnetic Fields & Cancer FAQ
(CD_021)pfloyd.zipFAQ on Pink Floyd
(CD_048)ph10.zipPH v1.0 - Util that finds pH and pOH
(CD_028)philo.zipPhilosophical Terms in WinHelp format
(CD_021)phonalph.zipPhonetic/Spelling Alphabets for Various Languages
(CD_035)phonesw.zipHow to use phone line as SW antenna
(CD_024)phrases2.zipPHRASES (rel.2) - Collection of phrases, quotes and proverbs
(CD_054)phs.zipPersonal Harmonograph Simulator v1.8
(CD_080)phylab.zipPhylab v1.0 - Physics simulation lab
(CD_050)physcols.zipPhysics Collisions v1.8.1 - Oblique collisions, gas laws etc.
(CD_020)physicst.zipPhysicist for Windows v5.0 - Hypertext physics tutorial
(CD_020)pi.zipDescription of PI number computation
(CD_021)pi100000.rarNumber "pi" to 100.000 places
(CD_076)piano20.zipAldo's Pianito v2.0 - LEarn to play the piano for Win95/98/NT
(CD_044)picalc.zipPI number calculator with ASM source code
(CD_044)picpuzzl.zipPicPuzzle v3.0 - Traditional 15-piece sliding puzzle game
(CD_020)pidsim22.zipPIDSIM v2.2 - PID Controller Simulator
(CD_028)pinball.zipFAQ on Pinball
(CD_048)piw131.zipPiW - Compute Pi to a million digits
(CD_020)<ASP> PLANES - Paper Airplane Print Program v4.2s
(CD_076)planetgd.zipPlanet Guide v1.51 - Planetary info guide for Win9x/NT
(CD_021)playboy.zipFAQ on Playboy Enterprises, Inc.
(CD_092)pmacal23.zippmaCalc v2.3 - Scientific/programmers Calculator and Euro Convertor
(CD_076)pmcalc3w.zipPmCalc v3.2 - Win95/NT Calculator
(CD_023)pocket02.zipDesk Pocket Reference v2.0 - Windows Desktop Hypertext Reference System
(CD_024)poison27.zipPoison for the Heart v2.7 - The Ultimate Philosophy
(CD_096)polarwin.zipPolar v4.3 for Win32 - Electrochemical Simulation and Data Analysis
(CD_046)poly.zipPolynomial Solver for DOS
(CD_048)poly100s.zipPolyomino - 30 puzzles based on polyominoes
(CD_048)polygonn.zipPolygonn v2.1 - Windows utility for triangle/polygons solving
(CD_046)polyhedr.zipPolyhedron - Application for dynamic geometry
(CD_070)polymd01.zipPolyhedral Modeler Program v1.05 for Win95/98/NT
(CD_021)polymers.zipFAQ on Polymers
(CD_072)polyne22.zipPOLYNOME v2.2 - Polynomial decomposition with Horner's Scheme
(CD_021)polyrt1.zipPOLYROOT - Program on finding the real roots of polynomials
(CD_064)pool50.zipChallenge Pool v5.0 - Pool table (billiard) game simulator
(CD_098)popudict.zipPopup Dictionary (Crammer) for Win9x/NT/2000 - Util for helping to memorize words in foreign languages
(CD_032)powerch.zipPower Supply Challenge - Troubleshooting DC Power Supply Circuits
(CD_092)ppitch14.zipPerfect Pitch v1.4 for Win9x/NT - Util that help to remember the pitches of the notes
(CD_044)pprof30a.zipPiano Professor for Win v3.0
(CD_021)prac10.zipPractice v1.0 - Tutorial Program for DOS
(CD_020)practype.zipA typing practice program for keyboarders (DOS)
(CD_035)prcon10.zipThe Power of Concentration by Dumont
(CD_028)predict2.zipChemical Predictor v2.0
(CD_023)prefixes.zipAll the Metric Multiplier Prefixes of the SI
(CD_021)pregnanc.zipFAQ on Pregnancy
(CD_021)price10.zipPrice/Cost Indexes from 1875 to 1989 (est. to 2010)
(CD_028)prich-en.zipTCS Prime Checker v1.2 - Program to check if number is a prime
(CD_070)primfact.zipPrime Factorization v1.0 for DOS/Win
(CD_070)primladd.zipPrime Ladder v1.05 for DOS/Win - Prime numbers finder
(CD_021)prime12.zipList of the First 100.000 Prime Numbers
(CD_021)prime13.zipPrime v1.3 - Prime Number Generator for Linus, DOS, OS2 & MAC
(CD_042)primenum.zipPrime Number Generator for Win32
(CD_072)primes13.zipPRIMES v1.3 - Compute prime factors of a positive 32bit integer
(CD_021)prince.zipFAQ on Prince
(CD_021)prjtr10.zipU.S. Project Trinity Report
(CD_066)prmast11.zipPractice Master v1.1.0 - Guitar Teacher
(CD_048)procal20.zipProCalc v2.0 - Calculator with total/subtotal/grandtotal function for Win95
(CD_062)procsim.zipProcSim - PID Controller Simulator*ProKal v7.4a - Win9x/NT Scientific/Financial Calculator*ProKon v9.9i - Win9x/NT Unit Conversion Utility
(CD_020)promagic.zipPro-Magic - A Magician's Guide E-Book
(CD_021)prostats.zipFAQ on Prostatitis
(CD_035)prsty10.zipThe Foundations of Personality by Abraham Myerson
(CD_023)pse10.rarPeriodensystem der Elemente v1.0 Shareware (in German)
(CD_086)pse-24.zipTiny Croatian Periodic Table Program for Windows
(CD_024)psy_aids.zipEmotions and Health - Are you worrying yourself sick?
(CD_080)pt215.zipPRONTU v2.15 for Win95/98/NT - Small gadget to help tune your pronunciation
(CD_066)ptch_294.zipPatchit v2.94 - Scientific Data Acquisition Program
(CD_096)pt2k_223.zipPeriodic Table 2000 v2.2.3 for Windows
(CD_024)ptpro101.zipPeriodic Table Program v1.01 - Chemistry tutor
(CD_021)pulpfict.zipPulp Fiction Fact List
(CD_044)puzzle16.zipPuzzle for Windows v1.6 - Win16 version of logic game
(CD_044)puzzle32.zipPuzzle for Windows v1.6 - Win32 version of logic game
(CD_028)puzzles.zipFAQ on Puzzles
(CD_028)pwr_calc.zipPWR_CALC - Power Calculator
(CD_028)pwrsupcv.zipPWRSUPCV - Power Conversation Calculator
(CD_058)pwrwds23.zipPower Words v2.3 - 4.700 witty and wise quotes
(CD_042)qc16100.zipQuick Calculator 16-bit v1.1 - Windows Calculator
(CD_086)qcf_0-9.zipQuick Chord Finder for Win9x
(CD_028)qesolver.zipQuadratic Equation Solver v1.0
(CD_048)qm.zipFAQ on Queen Mail Service
(CD_086)qmath21.zipQmath v2.1 - Desktop Calculator for Win95/98/NT
(CD_086)quadrt30.zipQuadratic Equation Evaluator v3.00 by PK1Soft
(CD_023)quadrtic.zipQuadratic Formula Tutorial
(CD_025)quakeinf.zipInformation on Finger Quake Service
(CD_042)queens10.zipThe N-Queens problem solver v1.0
(CD_030)quikpick.zipQuick Pick v1.0 - Quick Pick Lotto Selector
(CD_048)quine20.zipQuine v2.0 - A scratchpad for truth-functional logic
(CD_048)radcarbn.zipRadiocarbon Dating: Its Limitations and Usefulness
(CD_021)radiomon.zipFAQ on Radio Monitoring
(CD_022)radiospc.zipThe Radio Spectrum
(CD_048)randint5.zipRandIntG v1.05 for Win95/NT - Random numbers generator
(CD_092)randnum.zipRandom Generator for Windows
(CD_060)random.zipRandomizer v1.0.0 - Logic Game for Windows
(CD_076)rape20.zipKick the Repist Where it Hurts v2.0 - Defend tutorial for Win32
(CD_030)rayabc.zipRay's Letters and Numbers Preschool Tutor v1.0 for Windows
(CD_066)rayssple.zipRay's Spelling and Word Games v3.0 for Windows
(CD_024)raytr216.zipRaytrace - 2D Optical Systems Analyzer
(CD_024)rcac.zipRobot Contests and Competitions FAQ
(CD_020)rcc21.zipRCC v2.1 - Resistor Color Code
(CD_096)rcfcalc.zipRCF/RPM calculator v1.0 for preparative centrifugation
(CD_021)rcflying.zipFAQ on RC-Flying
(CD_062)rchess10.zipRCHESS v1.0.4 - Little chess program for DOS by ROSE
(CD_028)rcrltime.zipRCRLTIME - RC and L/R Time Calculator
(CD_021)rcrim10.zipA Book of Remarkable Criminals by H.B.Irving
(CD_020)rdki11.zipRadiodesk v1.1 - Database, tips and tricks for HAM Radio
(CD_028)reactanc.zipREACTANC - Reactance Calculator
(CD_046)recipe.zipASL Recipe Gourmet v1.0 - Recipe database program
(CD_050)relatran.zipRelatran v2.2 - Teach exercises on mechanisms
(CD_021)rem.zipFAQ on REM
(CD_035)repub11.zipThe Republic by Plato
(CD_070)resis201.zipResistor v2.01 - Resistor value identifier for Win32
(CD_044)resist.zipResist v1.1 - Tool for decoding/encoding the colorcodes on resistors for Win9x
(CD_066)resistor.zipExplanation of resistor color codes
(CD_028)resonate.zipRESONATE - Resonance Calculator
(CD_048)retwunpk.zipRetwall - Program for design and analysis of flood walls
(CD_056)rezistor.zipRezistor v2.0 - Russian Rezistor Color Code Decoder
(CD_048)rfgloss.zipRFGloss v1.02a - Glossary of terms used in low power radio
(CD_048)rfp103.zipRFPROP v1.03 - RF Propagation Windows Program
(CD_054)rgsyn10.zipOrganic Syntheses - Methods for the preparation of organic chemicals
(CD_092)riddler.exeThe Riddler v1.0 for Win9x/Me/NT/2000 - The program that asks questions (for test preparing)
(CD_032)ritty233.zipRITTY v2.33 - FSK modem/terminal for radioteletype signal processing
(CD_060)rival15f.zipRival Chess v1.5f for DOS
(CD_060)rivchess.zipRival Chess v1.8.16 for Windows
(CD_044)rnc_l.zipRoman Numeral Converter for Windows v1.1*Random Number Generator v1.25 for Windows
(CD_021)rob_hood.zipRobin Hood Booklist
(CD_021)robocop.zipFAQ on Robocop Movie
(CD_020)robotics.zipFAQ on Robotics
(CD_021)rock_fam.zipRock Family Tree
(CD_020)rockname.zipOrigins of music group's names
(CD_060)rolldice.zipROLLDICE - Counting game for children
(CD_088)rolstons.zipFAQ on Rolling Stones
(CD_048)roman.zipRoman Numerials v1.0 - Arabic/roman numerials converter for Win95
(CD_048)romancvt.zipRoman/Arabic Numerals Converter for DOS
(CD_048)romnum.zipRomNum - Generator/Analyzer of Roman numbers
(CD_021)roses.zipFAQ on Roses
(CD_021)roxette.zipFAQ on Roxette
(CD_094)rpnc245.zipRPN Calculator v2.45 for Win9x/Me/NT/2000
(CD_064)rpnm31.zipSet of 3 RPN Multiple precision calculators
(CD_100)rpn312.zipRPN Engineering Calculator v3.1.2 for Win9x/NT/2000
(CD_026)rsc310.zipRSC v3.10 - Resident Scientific Calculator
(CD_094)rsel200.zipResistor Selector v2.0 for Win9x/NT - Resistor values finder
(CD_021)rspell10.zipGames Spelling v1.0 for kids
(CD_028)rstrslct.zipRSTRSLCT - Standard Resistor Selector
(CD_052)rtg15.zipRandom Test Generator v1.5
(CD_022)rubik.zipThe perplexing life of Erno Rubik by John Tierney
(CD_066)rubik2.zipRubik Cube simulator with source code
(CD_023)rubiksol.zipA Solution to the Rubik Cube
(CD_021)rugby.zipFAQ on Rugby
(CD_028)running.zipFAQ on Running
(CD_028)rureqf.zipGORUR's Easy Doc's on using the LOG-EQF Log-Book Program
(CD_028)rurfreq.zipGORUR's Easy Doc's - Useful Freq List
(CD_048)rurqsl4.zipGORUR's Easy Doc's - ARRL World QSL Bureau Listing v4.0
(CD_048)rurswn.zipGORUR's Easy Doc's - So What Now v2.0 (New Amateurs Guide)
(CD_031)rval100.zipRVal v1.00 for Win3.x/95 - Resistor Values Finder
(CD_100)rwg40.exeRandom Word Generator v4.0 for Win32
(CD_072)s_paint.zipWatson's Simple Paint v1.02 - Painting program for small kids
(CD_038)saalr100.zipSAALRA v1.00 - DOS SpectrAA Linear Regression Analysis v1.00
(CD_048)salch15a.zipSoftAlchemy - P-Table and chemistry facts program for Win95
(CD_028)samantha.zipFAQ on Samantha Fox
(CD_058)sao123.zipPlugin "Interface to SAO Star Catalog" v1.23 for StarCalc v5.0+
(CD_021)sat_tv.zipFAQ on Satellite-TV
(CD_072)satbch13.zipSatBatch v1.30 - Automatically decode and bunch of bitmap and wave files (add-on to SatSignal program)
(CD_021)satcat.zipSatellite Catalogue - Huge satellite listing
(CD_070)satconv.zipSatellite.txt to satellite.csv converter*TV satellite positions/frequencies for Europe in CSV format*TV satellite positions/frequencies for Europe in TXT format
(CD_008) [TEXT]satfaq.zipFAQ on European Satellite TV*TV satellite positions/frequencies for Europe in HTML format
(CD_021)satsat2.zipSatellites of Saturn v2.0
(CD_072)satsg334.zipSatSignal v3.3.4 - Weather Satellite Decoder for Windows
(CD_082)sc56en.zipStarCalc v5.6 - Astronomy Planetarium for Win95/NT
(CD_042)scalc1.zipS.T.A.D. Calculator - Speed, time, acceleration and distance calculator
(CD_062)sci-v100.zipScientific Calculator with doskey-like input
(CD_088)scifar4e.zipScience Fair for Win v4.0 - Real-world applications of physics and math for kids
(CD_024)schemd04.zipSchematiCAD v1.04 - Electronic schematic drawing program
(CD_056)scicalc.zipSuper Calculator v1.20 - A scientific calculator for Windows
(CD_058)scienadv.zipScientific Advertising by Claude C.Hopkins - Tutorial
(CD_020)science.zipA collection of 500 useful receipts on a variety of subjects
(CD_021)scijokes.zipScientific Jokes v1.3
(CD_020)sclock20.zipStarClock v2.0 - Stellar evolution simulator
(CD_054)sconvert.zipSimple Convert - Number converter
(CD_100)scope32d.zipScope v3.2 - Experiment with light refraction and reflection for Win9x/Me
(CD_048)scopeswp.zipSine Wave Practice - Oscilloscope tutorial
(CD_020)scrazy30.zipSchool Crazy Educational Software v3.0
(CD_020)scrl50.zipSCRL v5.0 - Semiconductor Cross Reference Library
(CD_028)scuba.zipFAQ on Scuba
(CD_094)se20.zipSmart Evaluator v2.0 - Mathematical expressions evaluator
(CD_021)seaquest.zipFAQ on Seaquest
(CD_042)section1.zipSECTION v1.0 - Cross sectional properties calculator
(CD_048)sectunpk.zipSections - Program that determines the cross sectional properties of most common shapes
(CD_028)selingua.exeSelingua Language Tutor v3.0 - Various Language Vocabulary Training Program
(CD_100)sentencs.zipThe Sentences v1.00 for Win32 - Database of various sentences in several languages
(CD_050)seter261.zipSeterra Geography Tutor v2.61
(CD_090)seti_303.exeSETI at Home v3.03 - SETI project data analysis client for Win
(CD_100)setimon.exeSETI Monitor v3.30 - Monitor the activity of SETI at Home client
(CD_021)sf_alter.zipList of Alternate History Stories
(CD_021)sf_award.zipList of SF Awards
(CD_021)sf_books.zipList of SF Books
(CD_088)sf_movie.zipFAQ on SF Movies
(CD_088)sf_music.zipSF reference-in-music list
(CD_021)sf_trans.zipList of Transformation Stories
(CD_088)sf_writt.zipFAQ on Written SF
(CD_078)sfc.zipSFC - Satellite frequencies converter
(CD_035)sfclm10.zipThe San Francisco Calamity by Charles Morris
(CD_022)sfinfilm.zipSF books/novels/short stories into film list
(CD_048)shakplts.zipShakespeare's Plots - Shakespeare guide
(CD_028)shamansm.zipFAQ on Shamanism
(CD_044)shoopgen.zipShoop Number Generator - Random number generator
(CD_022)shortwav.zipFAQ on Shortwave Radio
(CD_072)shuflv11.zipShuffle v1.1 - Shuffle Game for DOS
(CD_072)shuflw11.zipshuffle v1.1 - Shuffle Game for Windows
(CD_080)si17.zipEngi_SI Unit Conversion Program v1.7 for Windows
(CD_022)sicon77a.zipSICon v7.7 - Windows Unit Conversion Utility
(CD_096)sicyon2.zipSicyon - Mathematical expressions calculator with built-it units converter and various constants database for Win32
(CD_048)sieve01.zipPrime number generator
(CD_072)signal21.zipSignal Calculator v2.1 - Calculator for telecommunication engineers
(CD_076)sigview.zipSIGVIEW - Real-time signal processing program for Win95/98/NT
(CD_092)simchm20.zipSimChemistry for Windows v.0 - Molecular behavior simulator
(CD_072)simlogic.zipSimLogic - Digital Logic Schemes Simulator for Win32
(CD_048)simnt134.zipVisual Simnet v1.34 - Petri Nets Simulator for DOS
(CD_027)simon10a.zipSimulation of occultation stars by the Moon
(CD_072)simpse13.zipSIMPSONE v1.3 - Compute definite integral with Simpson's Rule
(CD_028)simpsons.zipFAQ on Simpsons
(CD_021)simx11.zipSIMetrix Intro - SPICE based analog simulator and schematic editor for Windows
(CD_100)sine10.zipSimple Inference Engine v1.0 - Fuzzy rule-based inference implementation for Win32
(CD_028)singles.zipFAQ on Singles
(CD_060)singt.zipSinging Tutor v4.0 - Vocal Trainer for Win95
(CD_025)skymap32.exe<ASP> SKYMAP v3.2 - Windows 95/NT Planetarium
(CD_064)skyq.zipSky Quiz - Quiz for Amateur Astronomers
(CD_048)skyscr32.zipSky Screen Saver v2.1 for Win32 - Planetarium as a screen saver
(CD_048)skyscrsn.zipSky Screen Saver v1.1 for Windows - Planetarium
(CD_021)<ASP> SKYTIMES v1.1 - Astro Event List
(CD_048)sliding.zipSLIDING v2.0 - Solves rectangular sliding-piece puzzles
(CD_022)slovakia.zipFAQ on Slovak Republic
(CD_021)slovcons.zipConstitution of the Slovak Republic
(CD_076)slveqd11.zipSolveEqD v1.1 - Solve 2nd/3d degree equations v1.0
(CD_028)sm34a.zipSymbMath v3.4a - Symbolic Calculator with Learning
(CD_020)sm410.zipSuper Morse v4.10 - Morse Tutorial
(CD_070)smallbus.zipSmall Business Reports v1.0 - Compilation of business tips in HLP format*Smart Reversi v2.65 for Win95/98/NT/2000/Me - Strategy Game
(CD_042)smokfree.zipSmokeFree Stats v1.5x - Util for stopping smoking
(CD_028)sms16v23.zipx86 Microprocessor Simulator for Win3.1
(CD_028)sms32v23.zipx86 Microprocessor Simulator for Win95/NT
(CD_088)sobrcalc.zipSobrCalc v1.0 - Sobriety date calculator
(CD_028)sociolog.zipSociology Terms in WinHelp format
(CD_046)soilpj21.zipSoil Protects v2.1 - Getechnical program for soil data analysis
(CD_022)sol302w.zipSolar Data Plotting Utility v3.02 for Windows
(CD_042)solar.zipSolar System v1.0a - Newton's laws simulator
(CD_042)solsys.zipSOLSYS v1.10 - DOS based interactive solar system simulator
(CD_046)solve_lj.zipSOLVE v1.1 - Solve a system of equations (incl. C source)
(CD_054)solveeq.zipQuadratic/Cubic Equation Solver
(CD_021)songs1_1.zipSongs1 v1.1 - Pre-school educational learing tool
(CD_024)sop9748a.zipSTSORBIT PLUS v9748 - Satellite Tracker - part 1
(CD_024)sop9748b.zipSTSORBIT PLUS v9748 - Satellite Tracker - part 2
(CD_021)space.zipFAQ on Space
(CD_024)spcal57.zipSuperCal v5.7 - Windows Scientific/Financial Calculator
(CD_035)spec150f.zipSpec for Windows - Proffesional Spectrum Analyser
(CD_060)speltest.zipSpell Test 99 v1.0 - Learn and practice spelling skill
(CD_048)sphere1.zipSphere - N-dimensional sphere calculator
(CD_086)spicae13.zipSpica v1.3 - Free astronomical software for Win32
(CD_028)spices.zipFAQ on Spices
(CD_021)spielbrg.zipFAQ on Steven Spielberg
(CD_096)splgme.zipSPELLING GAMES v5.0 for Win9x/Me/NT/2000 for children
(CD_048)sqfft11.zipSimple FFT and Quick FFT v1.1
(CD_023)sqrtcalc.zipSquare Roots Calculation Algorithm
(CD_023)sqrthand.zipSquare Roots by Hand Calculation
(CD_048)sqw_2.zipSQW v2 - Simple square wave generator with a simple PC alone
(CD_062)spdos16.zipSpring-Pro for DOS v1.6 - Spring design calculator
(CD_062)spwin28.exeSpring-Pro for Windows v2.8 - Spring design calculator
(CD_046)spsim.zipSpeaker Simulator for Windows - Loudspeaker enclosure designer
(CD_070)spview10.zipSPview v1.0 for Win95/NT - Integrated S-parameter toolset for RF and microwave electronic engineering
(CD_020)sscrypt.zipElizabethan Cryptography - Who wrote Shakespeare?
(CD_086)sst32.zipSimple Stats v3.2 - Statistics Package
(CD_048)stardate.zipStardate Calculator v1.0 for Win95/98/NT - Star Trek date calculator
(CD_062)stars15.zipStarStrider v1.5 - A 3D planetarium program
(CD_072)starsv10.zipStarStrider Screen Saver v1.0 - Add-on for StarStrider program
(CD_021)startrek.zipFAQ on StarTrek
(CD_021)starwars.zipFAQ on Star Wars
(CD_028)statfeld.zipFAQ on Static EM Fields & Cancer
(CD_088)statsquo.zipFAQ on Status Quo
(CD_048)statu125.zipStatutor v1.25 - Statistics Tutorial
(CD_048)stbunpk.zipStructural Toolbox - Structural Engineer Utils
(CD_076)steam.zipSteam Properties v1.51 - Educational program for Windows
(CD_092)stella.zipStella 2000 Astronomy - Win32 virtual astronomical observatory
(CD_023)steppers.zipTutorial on Stepping Motor Control and other dox
(CD_021)stjokes.zipStar Trek Jokes
(CD_054)stoic24.zipStoic v1.4 - Stoichiometry Tutorial for Windows
(CD_054)stoic25.zipStoic v2.5 - Stoichiometry Tutorial for Win95/NT
(CD_028)stopsmok.zipFAQ on Stop-Smoking
(CD_021)storms.zipFAQ on Storms
(CD_048)stpat20.zipSt.Patrick's Day - Customs database for Win95
(CD_020)strato.zipFAQ on Fender Stratocaster Guitar
(CD_058)strthigh.zipA Beginners Guide to Starting a High-Income Business on the Internet
(CD_021)sts_shut.zipHow to receive Shuttle audio/video
(CD_040)stwww10.zipStar Trek on The Web v1.0 - Start Trek Resource Database
(CD_021)sunrise.zipThe Sunrise Calculation System v2.2
(CD_020)sunrs210.zipSunrise Calculator
(CD_020)supmodel.zipFAQ on Supermodels
(CD_021)sw_abbr.zipShortwave Radio Related Abbreviations and Terms
(CD_021)sw_bands.zipShortwave Broadcast Bands
(CD_048)swap100.zipSwap v1.00 - Puzzle game for Windows
(CD_028)swiss.zipFAQ on Switzerland
(CD_062)swl120.zipShortwave Log v1.20 - Database of SW logs/ QSL's for radio amateurs
(CD_054)swot102.zipSwot v1.02 - Util to help you to learn languages
(CD_021)sym10.zipSymname v1.0 - Quiz Generator for Windows
(CD_021)sym21.zipSymname v2.1 - Quiz Generator for Win95/NT
(CD_060)symbol92.zipMathomatic v9.2 - Symbolic math program
(CD_040)tab11.zipGuitar Tablature Sheets v1.1 for Windows
(CD_060)tables.zipTables Tutor
(CD_021)tableten.zipFAQ on Table Tennis
(CD_021)tabls102.zipTABLES v1.02 - Math functions table generator
(CD_066)tack_384.zipTack v3.84 - Scientific Data Analysis Program
(CD_046)talkjew3.zipSpeaking of JEws v3.0 - DOS tutorial program about Jews
(CD_022)tamagtch.zipTamagotchi (Virtual Pet) for Windows
(CD_022)tandt10.zipRecipes Tried and Tru by Ladie's Aid Society - Recipe Book
(CD_048)tasmunpk.zipTASM - Torsional Analysis of steel members
(CD_020)tboft10.zipThe Book of Tea by Kakuzo Okakura
(CD_044)tc10.zipTraffic Computer v1.0 - Arcade game for Windows
(CD_021)tchvutil.zipPCC and MATCHC - Utils for capacitors/transformers parameter calculation
(CD_028)tcshare3.zipTradesman Calc's v1.03 - Mechanical Engineering Calculator
(CD_022)tdb3.zipA Vacuum Tube Cross Reference Program
(CD_086)te32_240.zipTablEdit v2.40 - Tablature Editor for Windows for creating, editing, printing and listening to tablature and sheet music
(CD_028)tea.zipFAQ on Tea
(CD_025)tech97.zipTechnical Class Question Pool Answers for FCC Amateur Radio Exams
(CD_021)techbook.zipFAQ on Technical Books
(CD_024)techsp10.zipTechSup v1.0 - Expert System Engine
(CD_028)telcalc1.zipTelescope Calc v1.1e - Astro Telescope Calculator
(CD_021)telefon.zipFAQ on Telephone (in German)
(CD_022)telept10.zipTelepath v1.0 - "Computer Telepathy" demo program for Windows
(CD_022)telfaq.zipFAQ on Slovak/Czech Telecom (in Slovak)
(CD_048)temp.zipFarenheit/Celsius Temperature Converter
(CD_028)tempconv.zipCelsius/Fahrenheit Temperature Converter
(CD_033)tenis10.zipThe Art of Lawn Tennis by Tilden
(CD_028)tennis.zipFAQ on Tennis
(CD_035)teomm1.zipThe Evolution of Modern Medicine by William Osler
(CD_028)terminat.zipFAQ on Terminator/T2 Movies
(CD_020)terror96.zip1996 State Dept. Terrorism Report
(CD_021)testpro.zipTestPRO v2.0 - Test Generation Program for Instructors
(CD_044)tetris16.zipColor Tetris for Win16 v1.4
(CD_042)tetris32.zipColor Tetris for Win32 v1.4
(CD_086)tev240.zipTEFview v2.40 - Free program to view, listen to and print TablEdit tablature files (.TEF format)
(CD_060)thanks25.zipThanksgiving Cornucopia - Customs database for Win95
(CD_048)thanoi31.zipHanoi v1.0 - Simple Game for Kids
(CD_021)theatre.zipFAQ on Theatre
(CD_094)theobl.zipTheophilos program v3.0 with King James version of the English Bible, Matthew Henry's Commentary and Easton's Bible Dictionary
(CD_076)thermody.zipThermodynamics on-line help in Windows HLP format
(CD_023)thevnort.zipIntroduction to Thevenin and Norton Equivalent Networks
(CD_084)<ASP> The Humor Mill v1.18 - Joke teller
(CD_021)thott10.zipThe History of the Telephone by Herbert N. Casson
(CD_028)tibet.zipFAQ on Tibet
(CD_056)tictac.zipTic-Tac-Toe Game for Win32
(CD_038)tiktak.zipTik! Tak! Tor! - Logic game
(CD_023)<ASP> TimeEzy v1.0 - Intelligent Global Clock for Win95/NT
(CD_072)timemach.zipThe Time Machine v1.0 - Freeware Electronic Book in .HLP format
(CD_021)titrt10.zipTitrate v1.0 - Titration Simulation Program for Windows
(CD_021)tktst10.zipTaketest/Maketest v1.0 - Student Tester for Windows
(CD_021)tktst251.zipTaketest/Maketest v2.51 - Student Tester for Win95/NT
(CD_024)tlcdos10.zipThe Love Calculator for MS-DOS v1.0
(CD_028)tlc102.zipThe Love Calculator for Windows
(CD_028)tlc95-10.zipThe Love Calculator for Win95/NT
(CD_066)tle.zipSatellite Orbital Elements
(CD_031)tlesm.zipSatellite Orbital Elements - Lite version
(CD_035)tlocc10.zipThe Life of Christopher Columbus by Edward Everett Hale
(CD_048)tmpcnv11.zipTemperature Converter v1.1
(CD_020)tobacco.zipText about smoking and how to break it :-)
(CD_028)tolkien.zipFAQ on Tolkien
(CD_048)tone12.zipThe NCH Tone Generator for Windows
(CD_028)torg420.zipTorganal v4.20 - Simulation of the process of identifying an organic unknown compound
(CD_023)totmpole.zipTutorial on Open-Collector and Totem-Pole Outputs
(CD_021)tour_usa.zipTour_USA - Info on each state of the USA
(CD_022)toxins.zipSnake Venom Poisoning and Toad Toxins
(CD_020)toys.zipFAQ on Toys
(CD_050)tracer11.zipTracer v1.1 for Win95 - Util to extraction of plotted data stored in bitmap files
(CD_062)track32e.zipTrack v2.2 - Logical game for Win32
(CD_021)trainset.zipVirtual Trainset Program
(CD_048)trak408.zipTRAKSAT v4.08 - Track and display satellites
(CD_028)tranmono.zipTRANMONO - Transistor Monostable Multivibrator Design
(CD_060)trans.zipTRANS - A history of transportation
(CD_028)transpln.zipFAQ on Human Organ Transplantations
(CD_023)tranxstr.zipTransistor Function Explanation
(CD_021)travel.zipFAQ on Travel
(CD_021)travlite.zipFAQ on Travelite
(CD_044)traycalc.zipTrayCalc v1.10 - A small pop-up calculator for Win95/NT
(CD_072)treasure.zipTreasure Island v1.0 - Freeware Electronic Book in .HLP format
(CD_028)trig51.zipTRIG v5.1 - Trigonometry program
(CD_020)trigon.zipTrig Fundamentals Program v1.1
(CD_028)trnastbl.zipTRNASTBL - Transistor Astable Multivibrator Design
(CD_028)trnphsft.zipTRNPHSFT - Transistor Phase Shift Oscillator Design
(CD_028)trnselct.zipTRNSELCT - Popular Transistor Data
(CD_028)trnznreg.zipTRNZNREG - Transistor Zener Voltage Regulator Design
(CD_042)tropi.zipUnit Conversion database for MS Access 97
(CD_096)trtty175.zipUA90SV TrueTTY v1.75 for Win9x/NT - Program to decode and transmit RTTY (radioteletype) via soundcard
(CD_021)ts24dv32.zipTelescope Simulator - 24 v3.2 for Windows
(CD_035)tsbits19.zipNumber base converter by Timo Salmi
(CD_048)tsd201.zipTransistor Substitution Database v2.01
(CD_035)tsmatr13.zipMatrix calculator by Timo Salmi
(CD_021)tsoev10.zipThe Story of Evolution by McCabe - The History of Universe and Mankind
(CD_064)ttable1a.zipMultiplication Facts v1.0 for Windows - Times tables practice
(CD_066)ttcblb.zipThe Threlkeld Children's Book Library vol.1 - An interactive collection of 12 PictureBookettes
(CD_062)ttlsim11.zipTTL-Simulator v1.1 for Win32 - TTL Digital Circuits Analyzer
(CD_023)ttltypes.zipA Short Tutorial on TTL Chip Types
(CD_021)ttnic10.zipSinking of the Titanic et al. by Logan Marshall
(CD_078)ttot_10.zipThis-to_That v1.0 - Physical unites conversion util
(CD_035)ttscc10.zipThe True Story of Christopher Columbus by Elbridge S.Brooks
(CD_035)tucne311.zipTek Unit Converter v3.11
(CD_028)tunit210.zipTune!It v2.10 - Musical Instruments Tuner
(CD_016) [TEXT]tv0597.zipList of Czech and Slovak TV Transmitters
(CD_016) [TEXT]tv_norm.zipFAQ on TV/Video Standards (PAL,NTSC) - in German
(CD_020)tvro14.zipTVRO Assistant v1.4 - Dish antennas designer
(CD_022)tw32v2.zipTableWiz v2.0 - Multiplication tables learning utility
(CD_021)typeen52.zipTypemate v5.20 - Touch Typing Course
(CD_020)tzone.zipTime Zone - World Clock
(CD_088)u2.zipFAQ on U2
(CD_021)u2_incid.zipU.S.Intelligence Flights over the Soviet Union - The U-2 Incident (1960)
(CD_011) [UTILMISC]ucalc32.zipUltimate Calculator v3.2
(CD_018) [UTILMISC]ucalc40.zipUCALC v4.0 (Win95) - Multifunctional calculator application
(CD_048)uccl.zipCheck List for Buying A Used Car v1.0
udagent.exe*UD Agent Client v1.1 for Win98/Me/NT/2000 - Client for United Devices Cancer Research Project
(CD_020)ufo1.zipIllustrated UFO Encyclopedia v1.0
(CD_020)ufo_guid.zipThe UFO Guide by Nick Humphries
(CD_020)ufo_hist.zipUFO History - Guide
(CD_020)ufoalien.zipFAQ on UFOs and Aliens
(CD_020)ufophen.zipUFO's Tutorial
(CD_024)ukfaq1.zipFAQ on Moving from the US to the UK :-)
(CD_064)ultrattt.zipUltra Tic Tac Toe - Tiny Tic Tac Toe Game for Win32
(CD_058)umjwin11.zipUniversal Mechanism Junior v1.1 for Win95 - Plane mechanisms simulator
(CD_027)unios.zipUnios v1.8 - Convert existing and custom units for Win95/NT
(CD_020)us_const.zipThe Constitution of the United States
(CD_021)usgeo110.zipUltimate U.S. Geography v1.10
(CD_024)usgeo50.zipIf You Want To Learn U.S. Geography v5.0 for Windows
(CD_021)uspis10.zipUS Presidents' Inaugural Speeches
(CD_096)utmcon.zipUTMCON - Util for UTM coordinates to latitude and longitude and vice versa
(CD_054)utstr111.zipUNITSTAR v1.11 - Unit converter for Windows
(CD_021)v2l9648.zipVEC2TLE v9648 - Computes AMSAT Keplerian or Space Command/NASA Two-Line Orbital Elements
(CD_023)vacuum.zipVacuum Newsletter - Vacuum Technology Basics
(CD_048)val20.zipValentine Hunt v2.0 - Customs database for Win95
(CD_080)valgetal.zipVALGETAL for DOS/Windows - Challenge and educational game
(CD_021)vampyre.zipList of Vampyre Songs
(CD_020)vang_faq.zipFAQ on Vangelis
(CD_020)vangfilm.zipVangelis filmography/videography
(CD_022)vaticnii.zipVatican II Decree on Ecumenism and other documents from 2nd Vatican Council
(CD_054)vbfkdsss.zipVisual Basic for Kids - VB Tutorial
(CD_056) [TEXT]vbintrod.zipAn Introduction to Visual Basic Programming (in HTML format)
(CD_021)vcalc97b.zipVirtual Calc v2.0 Beta B - Calculator for Win95
(CD_021)vector11.zipVector v1.1 - Trigonometry/Vectors Tutorial for Windows
(CD_054)vector25.zipVector v2.5 - Trigonometry/Vectors Tutorial for Win32
(CD_020)veg_txt.zipVarious texts on vegetarianism
(CD_020)vegcbhlp.zipVegetarian Cookbook in WinHLP format
(CD_048)vegetarn.zipFAQ on Vegetarianism
(CD_021)vegetgde.zipWorld Guide to Vegetarian Restaurants, Shops,...
(CD_020)vegpreg.zipThe vegan diet during pregnancy and lactation
(CD_020)vegteen.zipVegetarian nutrition for teenagers
(CD_024)venom14.zipVenom Crystals v1.4 - A compilation of powerful philosophic writings
(CD_021)vga_faq.zipFAQ on Nintendo GameBoy
(CD_094)<ASP> Virtual Hymnal v2.00 - A Christian Hymnal Maker for Win32
(CD_028)videodsc.zipFAQ on SelectaVision Video Disc
(CD_020)videogam.zipFAQ on Video Games
(CD_028)vietnam.zipFAQ on Vietnam War
(CD_024)vietnwar.zipThe Tonkin Gulf Incident and other dox on Vietnam War
(CD_060)visulmbu.zipVisual Model Builder for Windows v1.7 - Models creator
(CD_020)vitamins.zipThe Vitamins - A Quick Reference Guide
(CD_016) [TEXT]vkv0597a.zipList of Czech and Slovak FM Transmitters
(CD_082)<ASP> Versamap v2.07 - Map drawing program for Windows
(CD_023)vmk4diff.zipDifferential Equations FAQ (in Russian)
(CD_023)vmk4tfkp.zipFunction of Complex Variable FAQ (in Russian)
(CD_048)voc12.zipEngi_VOC v1.2 - Personal Vocabulary Teaching Program for Win
(CD_076)<ASP> Vocabulary Power v4.10 - Word Puzzles Generator
(CD_062)vocw162.zipVocitrainer v1.6.2 - Program to learn vocabulary and foreign languages
(CD_094)voicings.zipVoicings - Virtual guitar for working with chords
(CD_023)voltamps.zipVolts and Amps and Coulombs and Watts ...
(CD_023)voltdvdr.zipTutorial on Voltage Dividers and the Potentiometer
(CD_020)vonnegut.zipFAQ on Kurt Vonnegut
(CD_060)vowels.zipVOWELS - Word game for children
(CD_086)vpcalc24.zipVariable Precision Calculator v2.4 (integer, floating and scientific)
(CD_058)vscalc20.zipVersaCalc v2.0 - Win95/98/NT expression calculator
(CD_048)vstyle.zipVirtual Hair Styler v1.2 - Win95/NT hair styling tool
(CD_021)vw.zipFAQ on VW Company
(CD_072)vysielac.zipList of Slovak TV and FM Transmitters (in HTML format)
(CD_020)waltwill.zipWalt Disney's Last Will & Testament
(CD_021)warnbros.zipFAQ on Warner-Bros Animation
(CD_048)<ASP> Water and Steam Properties v1.21
(CD_021)watts21.zipWATTS v2.1 - Stereo Wattage Calculator
(CD_024)wavedemo.zipWaves v1.0 - 2D Waves Simulator
(CD_040)waxman16.zipWaxman v1.6w - Timy chess program
(CD_048)wbasunpk.zipWinBase - Compression columns and anchor bolts analyzer
(CD_016) [UTILMISC]wcalc200.zipCalculator for Windows v2.00 beta
(CD_028)wchs253f.zipWinChess v2.53f - Chess for Windows
(CD_048)wclk231.zipWorld Clock v2.31 - World Clock for Windows
(CD_062)wclock.zipWorld Clock v1.0.8 for Windows
(CD_064)wds.zipWORDSEARCH v7.0 - Wordsearch puzzle generator
(CD_066)wdweb32.zipWordWeb v1.61 for Win95/98/NT/2000 - Thesaurus/dictionary
(CD_048)weath10.zipWeather Tracker - Interface to Internet weather server for Win95/98/NT
(CD_048)weatht10.zipWeather Tracking Program v1.0
(CD_021)wed_plan.zipFAQ on Wedding Planning
(CD_020)wedding.zipWedding Song List
(CD_028)weding2.zipFAQ on Wedding
(CD_078)weighwiz.zipWeight Wizard v1.0 - BMI calculator
(CD_048)weldunpk.zipWelds - Minimum weld size calculator
(CD_021)wesat.zipInfo on meteo satellites info receiving
(CD_048)wfraunpk.zipWinFrame - 3 member rigid frames analyzer
(CD_096)wgl.exeWinGraph Legendary - Professional Program to Draw Mathematical and Physical Functions
(CD_054)wglobe12.zipWinGlobe v1.2 - Geographic Tutorial
(CD_060)whatan1.zipWHATAN1 - Animal guessing game for children
(CD_021)when11.zipThe Declaration of Independance of the USA
(CD_078)whistl19.zipWhistle v1.9 - Play a tune on your PC via speaker
(CD_046)whistle.zipMike Simpson's Tin Whistle Guide in HTML form
(CD_020)whysmoke.zipWhy Do You Smoke? - Short test
(CD_028)wildbird.zipFAQ on Wild Birds
(CD_035)wildfire.zipWildfire v2.0 - Disease spread simulator
(CD_044)winants.zipWinAnts v1.0d - An artificial life program
(CD_054)winast15.zipWinAstronomica v1.5 - Sky map generator
(CD_080)winbaro.zipWin Barometer - Weather network client for Win9x/NT
(CD_062)winchen.zipChenard for Windows v1.039 - Chess program
(CD_028)wine.zipFAQ on Wine
(CD_052)wineval.zipWinEval - Math expressions evaluator for Win32
(CD_048)winguess.zipWinGuess - Guess a number game for Win32
(CD_050)winlinez.zipColor Linez v1.21 - Small logic game for Win95/98/NT
(CD_028)winorb35.zipWinOrbit v3.5 - Satellite Tracker for Windows
(CD_048)winrlc.zipWinRLC for Win95/NT - Tool for electronic calculations
(CD_024)witze420.zipWITZE v4.20 - Program that displays joke of the day (in German)
(CD_046)wizzsw.zipWIZZARD v1.0 - 24bit colour book for kids
(CD_072)wizardoz.zipThe Wizard of Oz v1.0 - Freeware electronic book in HLP format
(CD_072)wizozfaq.zipFAQ on Wizard of Oz
(CD_028)wizards.zipCoil Wizards - Coil parameters calculator
(CD_044)wl_23_e.zipWordlearn v2.3 for Win95/NT - Foreign language vocabulary learning helper
(CD_048)wldclk40.zipWorldClock v4.0 - World clock for Windows
(CD_046)wldwch31.zipWorldWatch v3.1 - Check the time worldwide
(CD_021)wmake5.zipWMAKE5 v1.0 - 5-in-row game for Windows
(CD_022)wmfclc33.zipChemistry Calculator for Windows v3.3
(CD_024)woman23.zipWoman v2.3 - All it is unwise to know about women
(CD_021)woodalen.zipFAQ on Woody Allen
(CD_028)woodwork.zipFAQ on Woodworking
(CD_060)world13.zipWORLD - Geography tutorial
(CD_021)world95.zip1995 CIA World Factbook
(CD_054)world97.zip1997 CIA World Factbook
(CD_021)worldint.zipInteractive Interface to CIA World Factbook
(CD_021)worldrec.zipIAAF (International Amateur Athletic Federation) World Records
(CD_084)<ASP> On This Day for Windows v2.24 - Historical Database
(CD_048)wpltunpk.zipWinPlate - Loads and deflections of circular plate analyzer
(CD_050)wrldc127.zipWorldClock - World Time Zone, PC Time Sync and Alarm
(CD_052)wrldtm64.zipWorld Time v6.4 - Globe Clock
(CD_052)wsunclok.zipWindows Sun Clock - Shows which part of the world has sun on it
(CD_082)wt112.zipWeather Tracker v1.1.2 for Win95/98/NT - Find out the weather around the world!
(CD_048)wthrtk3a.zipWeather Tracker for Windows
(CD_048)wthrunpk.zipWinThread - Program that provides thread form data for common machine bolts
(CD_021)wwasw10.zipWho Was Who: 5000 B.C. to Date by Irwin L.Gordon
(CD_072)wxtrk228.zipWXtrack v2.2.8 - Satellite and ground picture prediction
(CD_020)x-files.zipFAQ on X-Files TV Series
(CD_021)x-files2.zipAnother FAQ on X-Files
(CD_048)xcalc205.zipXCALC v2.05 - Windows Calculator
(CD_048)xcalc211.zipXCALC 32-bit v2.11 - Win32 Calculator
(CD_030) [UTILMISC]"Merry Christmas ans Happy New Year" in various languages
(CD_060)xmas26.zipChristmas Morning Gifts - Customs database for Win95
(CD_072)<ASP> A Christmas Carol v1.0 - Freeware electronic book in Windows 95/98/NT help format
(CD_088)xo11.zipXO v1.1 - Simple board game for Win95/98/Me/NT/2000
(CD_094)<ASP> Christmas Songbox v2.00 - A Christmas Carol Songbook Maker for Win32
(CD_024)xstr-bjt.zipSimple Info About Bipolar Junction Transistors and How to Use Them!
(CD_021)xtc.zipFAQ on XTC
(CD_048)yagimax.zipYagimax v2.21 - Yagi antenna design program
(CD_021)yalta.zipYalta Conference and other World War II related documents
(CD_084)yhb10.zipYour Home Business - Free E-book about home Internet business
(CD_066)ypanic2k.zipYPanic2K v1.0.0 - Gives a little information about Y2K problems in a humorous way
(CD_023)ztime.zipZtime v1.0 - 24-hour UTC Clock
