COMM: Kommunikációs programok

(CD_011)0204t2e1.zipTerminator 2 v2.04e - part 1
(CD_011)0204t2e2.zipTerminator 2 v2.04e - part 2
(CD_011)0204t2e3.zipTerminator 2 v2.04e - part 3
(CD_011)0204t2e4.zipTerminator 2 v2.04e - part 4
(CD_011)0204t2e6.zipTerminator 2 v2.04e - 286 executables*<ASP> 32bit E-mail Broadcaster v9.30 for Win95/98/Me/NT/2000
(CD_090)<ASP> 32-bit Web Browser v9.24 for Win95/98/Me/NT/2000*<ASP> 32bit Fax for Win95/98/Me/NT/2000 v9.30 - Fax software*<ASP> 32bit FTP v9.30 - FTP client for Win95/98/Me/NT/2000
(CD_018)<ASP> PrimaSoft Dialer (16-bit) v1.40
(CD_100)32ftppre.zipAutoFTP Premium v2.6 - Advanced FTP client for Win9x/Me/NT/2K
(CD_018)<ASP> PrimaSoft Dialer (32-bit) v1.40
(CD_098)32wfd300.zipWFTPD v3.00 - 32-bit Winsock FTP Server
(CD_019)500ter.zipTerminate v5 - Communication software package
(CD_046)640x480.zipInternet Explorer v4.0 resolution setting utility
(CD_098)acc.exeAdvanced Call Center v3.6 - Answering machine software for Win32
(CD_026)acew20.zipAceComm v2.0 - Windows Communication Program
(CD_046)acntrl10.zipApache Controller for Win32 - GUI Controller for the Apache Web Server running under Win95/98*Advanced ICQ Password Recovery v1.01 for Win32
(CD_092)acqurl50.zipAcqURL v5.0 - Powerful Bookmark Manager
(CD_082)active12.zipActive Marks v1.21 - Free Bookmark Utility for Win9x/NT/2K
(CD_028)ad150.zipAutoDial v1.50 - Win95 Dialer
(CD_048)adb011.zipAdBuster v0.11 - Unwanted advertising banners remover
(CD_072)adbin11.zipAdbin v1.1 - Unsolicited adverts remover
(CD_086)addex12.zipEmail Address Extractor v1.2 for DOS
(CD_027)addsoft.zipAddSoft v1.0 - Automatic Shareware Submission Software
(CD_082)adf_150.zipADF v1.50 - Serial port FOSSIL driver
(CD_100)adfre211.zipAdFree v2.1.1 - Banner eliminator
(CD_100)adial156.zipAmazing Dialer v1.56 - Internet dialer for Win9x/NT/2000
(CD_082)adkiller.zipAdKiller v1.0 - Annoying Banner Remover for Windows*Advanced Direct Remailer v2.12 - Remailer with SMTP server, mailing list support etc.
(CD_058)adsetup.zipAdvanced Dialer v2.2 for Win95/NT
(CD_032)adshw140.zipAutoDialer v1.4 - Telephone dialer for Win95
(CD_070)advmails.zipAdvanced Mailbox Scanner v2.0
(CD_028)adwpr101.zipAdWiper v1.01 - Remove ads as you surf the web*Advanced Email Extractor v2.2 - Program to extract email addresses from web sites
(CD_100)aep.zipAdvanced Email Parser v1.02 - Email messages processor
(CD_100)aev300.zipAdvanced Email Verifier for Win95/98/NT v3.0 - Check validity of e-mail address
(CD_068)afd.zipAlexf's Dialer - Dialer for Win32
(CD_060)afind907.zipAddress Finder v9.07 - MapQuest Service Client
(CD_038)agent117.zipAgent v1.17 - Stand-alone automated FTP file upload/download application
(CD_044)ahmport1.zipHotMind Internet Portal v1.0 - Search Services Integrator
(CD_048)aigrab10.zipAI Net Grab v1.0 for Win95/98/NT - Image series downloader
(CD_086)aimad15b.zipAIM Adjuster v1.5beta - Ads remover from AOL Instant Messanger
(CD_044)aimkill.zipAOL Messanger Uninstaller
(CD_048)akhw.zipA Keyhole Watcher v1.1 - Util to monitor network servers for Win95/NT*Advanced Link Catalog v1.05 - Bookmark catalogizer for Win32
(CD_060)allacs11.zipALLACS v1.1 - Util that puts access to all your dialup Internet accounts into one place*All Picturez v1.2 - Newsgroup picture browser
(CD_082)am-insta.zipAd Muncher v3.7 - Eat up banners and other browser annoyances
(CD_042)ames30.zipInternet EZ Search v3.0 - Internet search engines manager
(CD_086)amlfre11.zipAutoMailer v1.1 for Windows - E-mail attachments automatic sender*<ASP> Advanced Maillist Verify v4.1 - Mailing lists and address books verifying to determine which e-mail address is dead
(CD_027)amyc121e.zipAbout My Cache v1.21 for Windows - Cache viewer for Netscape and MSIE
(CD_020)an211dos.zipAnalog v2.11 - WWW logfile analyser for DOS
(CD_020)an211w32.zipAnalog v2.11 - WWW logfile analyser for Win95
(CD_052)annit.zipAnnounceIt! rel.2 - Shareware submission helper
(CD_082)antispam.zipAntiSPAM - Util to delete all messages from POP 3 server received from specified addresses
(CD_070)antsm109.zipANTS Mail List Assistant v1.0.9
(CD_070)anyspd13.zipAnySpeed v1.3 for Win95/NT - Util to define the date transfer speed in a network
(CD_023)anzl113.exeAnzio Lite v11.3 - Windows Telnet Client Terminal emulation for WINSOCK environment
anzz32r.exe*Anzio Lite v12.4 - Telnet Client for Win32*Advanced Outlook Express Password Recovery v1.0 for Win32
(CD_084)aolpr.zipAdvanced Outlook Password Recovery v1.11
(CD_090)aoltim60.zipAOL Time v6.0 - Total Connect Time for use with AOL* for Win95/98/Me
(CD_054)aon.zipAON - Util that shows pop up window with caller ID info when call is received
(CD_070)apicv508.zipAPicviewer v5.0 - Automatically search Usenet Newsgroups and download/display pictures, videos and sounds
(CD_100)aports10.zipActive Ports v1.0 - Util to monitor communication ports of the local computer
(CD_094)aproxy.zipAPROXY v1.01 - Anonymous Proxy Server for Win32
(CD_072)apser912.zipActive Phone Server - Advanced phone book / answering machine for Win95/98
(CD_090)archn169.exeArachne v1.69 - WWW browser for DOS
(CD_021)arf322.zipARF v3.22 - Util which queries web databases and downloads pages to the disk drive
(CD_068)arjuna7.zipArjunaSeven v1.50 - E-mail notificator for Win95/98/NT
(CD_026)askmod20.zipAskModem v2.0 - DOS command line modem comms
(CD_100)askw.zipAS Keywords Generator - Tool for creating keywords metatag by contents yours html page
(CD_088)<ASP> Active Server Watcher v1.0 - Internet Resources Activity Checker
(CD_080)aub_hu.zipAtisz URL Book v1.1.1 - Internet addresses manager for Win95/98/NT/2000 (in Hungarian)
(CD_062)automail.zipAutoMail v1.5 - Send files from Windows Explorer with one click
(CD_050)auvis151.zipVypress Auvis v1.51 - One-way message network client
(CD_100)avdstd.zipAvailable Domains Standard Ed. v2.01 for Win9x/Me/NT/2000 - Finds domain names for your website
(CD_092)aymail17.zipAYMail v1.7 - Application for sending e-mail to many recipients
(CD_058)ayspy10.zipAYSpy v1.0 for Win95/98/NT - Program that puts smart queries on Internet users and domains
(CD_084)bat_czh.zipCzech Help File for The Bat! Mail Client
(CD_050)bz15.exeBrowse And Zip for Win95/NT v1.x - ZIP plugin for Netscape/IE
(CD_044)bbad110.zipBinary Boy v1.10 - Usenet Binaries Downloader
(CD_031)<ASP> BBS Access v2.29 by MicroFox Company
(CD_028)bcom40.zipBananaCom v4.0 - Simple Communication Program*BeFaster v2.6 for Win95/98/NT/2000/Me - Internet speed up util
(CD_068)benalu.zipAriTech Benalu v1.10 - HTTP Experiment Program
(CD_014)bgfax170.zipBGFAX v1.70 - FAX program for DOS, OS/2 and WIN32
(CD_024)bgs31.zipBGS v3.1 - Automatic picture downloader
(CD_046)bizinfo2.zipBIZ Info Finder v2.0 - Intelligent Web business info finder
(CD_086)bk12605.zipBecky! Internet Mail v1.26 - Win32 Internet E-mail Client
(CD_076)bkmag232.zipBookmark Magic v2.32 - Internet bookmark conversion utility
(CD_028)bkmastr2.zipEric's Bookmark Integrator v2.0 - Converter of MSIE and Netscape bookmarks by drag&drop
(CD_082)blat185i.zipBlat v1.8.5i - WinNT util to send SMTP mail from command line*BlackWidow v4.14 - Off-line browser and site mapping tool*Bookmark Converter v2.9 - Netscape 6 / IE 5 bookmark converter
(CD_086)bmm311.exeBookmark Mate v3.11 - Bookmark organizer for Win95/98/NT/2000
(CD_054)bmwiz160.zipBookmark Wizard v1.6.0 - Convert favorites to HTML
(CD_062)bnerplus.zipBanner Plus - Util to setup banner/link exchange
(CD_100)bnr141.zipBinary News Reader v1.40 for Win9x/NT
(CD_038)bookmrk.zipBookmarks Plus v1.0 - Bookmark Manager
(CD_062)bote1_5.zipBote v1.5 - Chat application for Windows
(CD_100)bpftp230.exeBullet Proof FTP v2.3 - FTP client for Win9x/Me/NT/2000
(CD_048)bpromo12.zipBill's Simplified Promotions v1.2 for Win95/98 - Web software promotion tool
(CD_038)brsc32.zipBill Reid's Shortcut v1.0 - MSIE URL Shortcut Creator
(CD_044)bsm18.zipBounce Spam Mail v1.8 - Anti SPAM Utility
(CD_068)buleleng.zipBuleleng v1.30a - POP3 Mailbox Cleaner for Win95/98/NT
(CD_072)<ASP> Buzof v1.5 - Annoying windows remover for Win95/98/NT
(CD_086)bw_302.zipBroadband Wizard v3.02 for Win95/98/Me/2000 - Internet connection optimizer
(CD_076)bwolf200.exeBookMarx v2.00 - Netscape Bookmark File Links Verifier
(CD_088)bz210.zipBanner Zapper v2.10 - Unwanted windows remover for Win32
(CD_062)bzftp.zipBlue Zone FTP - Windows 32-bit GUI FTP client
(CD_013)ca_st101.zipCARRIER - Modem Carrier Detector
(CD_046)career2.zipCareer Info Finder v2.0 - Intelligent Web job info finder
(CD_044)cbm33m.zipColumbine Bookmark Merge v3.3 - Bookmark manipulator for various web browsers
(CD_092)cclea436.zipComplete Cleanup v4.36 - IE/Netscape cookies, cache, temp files and history cleaner
(CD_070)cclear13.zipCommunicator Clear v1.3 - Netscape Communicator's history, cache and cookie files deletor
(CD_027)cclink16.zipCCLINK v1.6a - Communication ports monitor
(CD_072)cct120.zipCCTerm v1.20 - Terminal program for Win95/98
(CD_007)cctr10sh.zipCommCenter v1.0 - Telephone dialer
(CD_092)cf2_380.zipCFOS/OS2 v3.80 - CAPI Fossil Driver Emulator for OS/2
(CD_100)cfnt381.zipCFOS/NT v3.81 - CAPI Fossil Driver Emulator for WinNT/2000
(CD_092)cfos380.zipCFOS/DOS v3.80 - CAPI Fossil Driver Emulator for DOS
(CD_100)cfw_381.zipCFOS/Win v3.81 - CAPI Fossil Driver Emulator for Win3.x/9x/Me
(CD_028)cgiedit.zipJoe's CGI Editor
(CD_028) [UTILMISC]cgiex102.zipCGI Executor for Win95/NT v1.02
(CD_076)cgima303.zipCGI Mailer for Win95/NT v3.03 - CGI program which will receive input from web form and send mail
(CD_048)cgizip.zipCGI Zip Explorer for Win95/NT - CGI application to view the contents of zip archives via WEB browser
(CD_060)chaname.zipCHANAME v1.0 - Computer name changer
(CD_092)checkc.zipThe Check Connected OCX - Visual Basic 5 OCX to check if you are connected to the internet
(CD_050)chkml32.zipCheckMail32 v2.20 - POP3 mailbox checker
(CD_028)chkweb12.zipCHECKWEB v1.1 - HTML Links Analyser
(CD_084)cidial.zipCiDial v2.0 - Automatic DUN connection dialer
(CD_013)cidpag10.zipCaller ID Page v1.00 - Caller ID Monitor
(CD_100)cip500.zipCIP 5.00 SR7 - Browser accelerator for Win9x/NT/2000
(CD_072)class104.exeClassify98 v1.04 - Submission of classified ads to classified ad sites on the internet
(CD_048)cleannet.zipCleannet - BAT file to delete temporary files of Netscape
cm450f.exe*Connection Meter v4.5.0 - Program for calculation Internet connection costs (developed for Czech and Slovak users)
(CD_096)comcap20.zipComCap v2.0 - Magenta Serial Port Capture Utility for Win95/98/NT/2000
(CD_044)commo77.zipCOMMO v7.7 - Communication Program
(CD_046)commpar.zipCOMMPAR - Commucate through the parallel ports
(CD_096)commview.zipCommView v2.5 for Win95/98/NT/2000 - Network activity monitor*COMPASS v2.82 - Bookmarking system for Netscape/MSIE/Opera
(CD_022)comring.zipComRing v1.13 - Packet Driver for Serial Port
(CD_016)comsp211.zipComspeed v2.11 for Windows - Shows performance of modem
(CD_013)comspy3x.zipComSpy3x reports activities on your modem (16-bit version)
(CD_010)comspy95.zipComSpy95 reports activities on your modem (32-bit version)
(CD_012)comvw23.zipComView v2.3 - Serial Communications Test Utility
(CD_086)conex75.zipConex v7.5 - Terminal program
(CD_048)conn42.zipConnection hangup - Util for hang-up process control
(CD_025)convrt11.zipConvert v1.1 - German program for Conversion of Netscape Bookmarks to MS Favourites
(CD_032)cookiec.zipCookie Control - Cookies hider for Internet Explorer
(CD_088)cookie26.zipCookie Crusher v2.6 - Internet Cookie Manager for Win9x
(CD_086)cookiem.zipCookie Muncher - Util that allows cookies to be saved to disk
(CD_100)copernic.zipCopernic 2001 v5.01 Basic for Win95/98/NT - Query multiple search engines simultaneously
(CD_038)count.zipOn-line Time Calculator
(CD_042)cp108.zipConnect Pro v1.08 - Win95 application that can dial a group of POPs and finding the first available connection
(CD_070)cpal15e.zipCookie Pal v1.5e - Internet cookie manager for Win95/98/NT4
(CD_046)cpurl221.exeCopyURL v2.2.1 for Win95/98/NT - Util that copies info from Internet shortcut files to clipboard
(CD_090)ctcspy20.zipCT Cookie Spy v2.0 - Win32 util for investigation of cookies
(CD_036)ctelw300.exeCapiTel - An ISDN CAPI 2.0 based 32-bit Answering Machine and Caller-ID for Win95/98/NT
(CD_025)<ASP> CTS Serial Port Utils v5.0*Curl v7.8 - Command line tool for transfering data specified with URL syntax
(CD_096)custo13.zipCusto v1.3 for Win9x/Me/NT/2000 - Util for retrieving info about the structure of a web site
ctftppro.exe*CuteFTP Pro v1.0 for Win9x/NT - FTP application
(CD_022)cute2016.exeCuteFTP v2.0 for Win3.1+ - FTP application
(CD_094)cute4232.exeCuteFTP v4.2.3 for Win9x/NT - FTP application
(CD_048)cutip.zipCutip - Cuts your IP address to the clipboard
(CD_068)cweb10.zipCWEB v1.0 - MSIE toolbar buttons skinner
(CD_088)cxie302.zipCacheX for Internet Explorer - Offline access to cached pages for Win9x/NT
(CD_088)cxns302.zipCacheX for Netscape - Offline access to cached pages for Win9x/NT
(CD_074)cyber25.zipCyberKit v2.5 - Network Util for Win95/98/NT
(CD_007)cybr160.zipCyberCom v1.60 - DOS comm. program
(CD_042)cybrcn11.exeCyberClean v1.01 - Web browsers temp files cleaner
(CD_018)cyclone.zipCyclone - Communication program for DOS
(CD_090)cyt36.zipCover Your Tracks v3.6 - Netscape cache, cookies & history cleaner
(CD_054)da35.zipDownload Accelerator v3.5 for Win9x/NT
(CD_076)delcach3.zipTemporary internet files remover for MSIE 4/5
(CD_088)delcky10.zipDeleting Cookies v1.0 - Cookies Eliminator
(CD_048)dialerp.zipDialerP v3.7 - Internet dialer for Win32
(CD_007)dialpd22.zipDialPad v2.2 - Phone dialer for Win 3.1
(CD_026)dialpr15.zipDIALER PRO v1.5 - Phone dialer for Win3/Win95
(CD_026)digw95.zipDigiTerm v1.5 for Windows'95 - Terminal Program
(CD_076)dirc14.zipdIRC v1.4 - IRC client for Win32
(CD_038)dlmie103.zipDownload Minder v1.03 for MSIE - Download monitor
(CD_038)dlmnn103.zipDownload Minder v1.03 for Netscape - Download monitor
(CD_052)dloadtme.zipDownload Time Calculator v1.1
(CD_018)dltdt31.zipDownLoad Tracker v3.1 for MSDOS
(CD_048)dm120.zipDialMan v1.20 - Win95/NT Internet Connection Monitor
(CD_076)dna20.zipDomain Name Analyzer v2.0 - Generate and check the availability of domain names*DunSpeed v2.0 - TCP/IP connection setting adjuster for Win32
(CD_048)dnt20.zipDNTools v2.0 - Collection of tools used with Win95/98 Dial-up Networking
(CD_048)domchk12.zipDomain Check v1.2 - Domain name availability checker
(CD_028)dosfa104.zipDosFax v1.04 - FAX software for DOS
(CD_040)downld.zipDownload - An Internet Web Page Downloading Program
(CD_024)dsz42997.zipDSZ - Z-modem Software
(CD_096)duaxpr15.zipDUAX Pro - Dial Up Alarm Extension for Win9x
dumeter3.exe*DU Meter v3.0 - Internet Connection Efficiency Meter*DUN Manager v2.4 - Win95/98/NT Application to Enhance Dial Up Networking and Remote Access Services
(CD_058)dunshare.zipDial-up Networking Connection Sharer - DUN profile replicator
(CD_013)dura112.zipDuration v1.12 - File transmittion time calculator
(CD_072)dwnaccel.exeDownload Accelerator Plus v3.9.0.8 beta - Download acceleration software
(CD_060)easycoll.zipEasySearch for Win95/98/NT - Internet searching engines shell
(CD_042)easyjump.zipEasyJump v1.4 - Auto-Complete function for IE4
(CD_064)easymtu.zipEasyMTU v3.0 - Win95/98/NT TCP/IP settings optimizer
(CD_040)easyterm.zipEasyTerm v4.1 - Terminal Emulator for Win95/NT
(CD_100)eclean20.zipE-Clean v2.0 - Get rid of unsightly chars in forwarded email
(CD_022)ecofx210.zipECOfax v2.10 - DOS fax program for users of speech synthesisers and Braille displays
(CD_074)<ASP> Easy LAN Chat v1.0 for Win95/98 - Chat utility
(CD_054)emefx16.zipEmail Effects v1.6 - Win95/98/NT program to send pics and tables with plain text via E-mail
(CD_080)emlpro.zipEMailing List Pro v3.0 - Program for creating and managing list of contacts and sending E-mail message to all addresses
(CD_048)emx10.zipEMX v1.0 - Extracts E-mail addresses from text files and web pages
(CD_088)enigma36.zipEnigma v3.6 - Fast free Internet browser for Win9x
(CD_098)eosit100.zipEyeOnSite v1.00 - Win9x/NT/2000 tool for checking if selected servers live
(CD_080)eprom.zipePrompter v1.02 - E-mail Notification Utility for Win32
(CD_036)eremov24.zipE-mail Remover v2.4 - 32-bit wizard for unwanted mails deleting
(CD_048)eresq12.zipE-Res-Q v1.2 - E-mail Rescue Tool
(CD_038)etrn10.zipETRN v1.0 - Util that send ETRN instruction to a mail server to dequeuing any mail waiting
(CD_098)eudora51.exeEudora v5.1 - E-mail client for Win32
(CD_064)eumal911.zipEudora Mail Summarizer v9.11
(CD_050)europ400.exeEuroPromote v4.0beta - Allow users to add their own submission scripts to the database of sites that are avail. for submission
(CD_032)ewolf100.exeE-mail Wolf v1.00 - E-mail address searching utility*Alchemy Eye v2.3 - Server (TCP/IP,ICMP,Oracle) Monitoring Util
(CD_010)ezcom30.zipeZcom v3.0 - Windows communication program
(CD_062)ezdial.zipEZDialler v1.01 - DUN Connections Selector
(CD_048)ezftch15.zipEasyFetcher v1.5 for Win95/NT - File retrieving utility from Internet
(CD_100)ezmath11.zipEzMath v1.1 - Mathematical language plugin for Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator
(CD_084)faf141.zipFree Altavista Free v1.41 for Win9x/NT/2000 - Altavista Free Access Banner Killer
(CD_010)<ASP> FancyFax v1.1 - Fancy fax cover sheets printing util
(CD_088)fastav.zipFastAV v1.0 for Win9x/NT/2000/Me - IE add-on to search internet and translate English texts to other languages
(CD_086)fastip.zipFastIP v1.0 - Current IP address finder for Win32*<ASP> Fax Mail Network for Win3.1/9x/NT v9.30*<ASP> Fax Mail for Win3.1/9x/NT v9.30
(CD_036)faxhvn60.zipFAXHAVEN v6.0 for DOS - FAX utility
(CD_010)faxit10.zipFaxIt v1.0 - Faxes ASCII and WP5.1 files
(CD_008)faxmil20.zipFaxMill v2.0 - Fax/document management system
(CD_016)faxscan2.zipFax Machine as Scanner v2.00 by authors of FaxMail for Win
(CD_062)fbrows17.zipForm Browser v1.7 - Tool for filling out online forms
(CD_040)fcon.zipForever Connected v2.3 - Intelligent interface for MS Internet Dial Up Networking
(CD_100)fd14.zipFlexiblesoft Dialer v1.4 - Dial-up Centrum for Win9x/Me/NT/2K
(CD_010)felix25.zipFelix v2.5 - Communication program (in German)*FlashGet v0.96a - Fast download manager for Win9x/Me/NT/2000
(CD_030)filhound.zipFileHound v1.2a - File downloading add-on for web browsers
(CD_100)flashfxp.zipFlashFXP - FTP/FXP Client for Win32
(CD_044)flscr161.zipFull Screen for Netscape v1.61 - Button for full screen mode
(CD_084)fnm260.zipNet Monitor v2.60 - Free Internet Connection Monitoring Tool
(CD_007)foned213.zipDOS phone dialer & logger v2.13
(CD_032)fonew352.zipWindows phone dialer & logger v3.52
(CD_050)foxnt111.zipFoxNet v1.0c - Fox Pro CGI Connector
(CD_048)freefsp.zipFreeFSP - FSP Client for Windows
(CD_086)freeprox.zipFreeProxy v1.0 for Win9x/NT/2000 - Free proxy for LAN
(CD_052)friend9a.zipFriends v0.94a - Address book and phone dialer by P.Warezak
(CD_084)fserv33.zipFServ v3.03 - Win95/98/NT Finger Service
(CD_098)fsm121.zipFlashSendMail v1.21 - Sender of E-mails to list of addresses
(CD_048)ftp-lc38.zipFTP List Converter v3.8 - Converts lists of FTP sites to WS-FTP format
(CD_078)ftp2mail.zipFTP2MAIL - Util for sending files from web pages via E-mail
(CD_046)ftp4w30.zipFtp4w v2.70 - Windows FTP Client in DLL form
(CD_031)ftpbat10.zipA batch file for Win95/98 to transfer files via FTP
(CD_100)ftpcomm.zipFTP Commander v4.05 - Win9x FTP client
(CD_070)ftpdup.zipFTP Dup v0.01 - Control of transfer files between two FTP servers directly
(CD_042)ftpfind.zipFTP Find It! v1.1 - File finder at selected FTP server
(CD_086)ftpnv431.zipFTP Navigator v4.31 - FTP client for Win95/98/NT
ftpv8002.exe*FTP Voyager v8.0.0.2 - FTP client program for Win9x/NT
(CD_021)ftpx.zipFTP Explorer v1.00.010 for Windows 95/NT - FTP application
(CD_086)ftrans10.zipComm Port File Transfer Util v1.0 for Win32
(CD_035)fwftp2.zipFreeway FTP v2.0 for Win95 - FTP client/server
(CD_048)fwolf301.exeFtpWolf v3.01 - FTP file searching utility for Win95
(CD_012)<ASP> FAXFILE v3.1 - DOS FAX-Modem Program
(CD_080)g6ftpsrv.zipG6 FTP Server 2.0 beta 7 - Advanced FTP server for Win9x/NT
(CD_021)garyz120.zipGary-Zmodem v1.20 - Download Limit Buster
(CD_058)gbma112.zipGBMailer for Win95/NT v1.12 - Mail application
(CD_030)geo10176.zipGeoNav - Win95 Geocities Web Server Browser
(CD_048)getip100.zipGetIP v1.00 for Win95/98/NT - Copies IP address of your PC to the clipboard
(CD_035)getmail.zipGetmail v1.15a - WinNT util to get POP 3 Mail via command line
(CD_094)grsk45b2.exeGetRight v4.5 beta 2 - Slovak localization of main EXE file by Julius Kubasak
(CD_094)getr43sk.exeGet Right v4.3 - Slovak localization files by Julius Kubasak
(CD_084)getrt430.exeGet Right v4.3 for Win9x/NT - Powerful download manager
(CD_100)getr45b6.exeGet Right v4.5 beta 6 for Win9x/NT - Download manager
(CD_074)getrzvuk.zipGetRight - Slovak spoken WAV files
(CD_068)glmx.zipGilimanux v1.50 - The port scanner software
(CD_044)gm51.zipGhost Mail v5.1 - Mailing utility
(CD_086)gobeez11.zipGoBeez v1.1 - New Web Sites Discoverer for Win32
(CD_100)gozilla.exeGo!Zilla Free v3.9.3 Free - Download manager for Win32
(CD_086)gpage18.zipGPAGE v1.8 - "Local Home Page" generator with favorite web links
(CD_086)grabpx12.zipGrabPix v1.2 - Picture Downloader and browser
(CD_076)grss120.zipGetRight Download Status Screen Saver v1.20
(CD_044)grx_util.zipGRX Utils - Program to generate .grx compatible files
(CD_072)grxmake2.zipGRX File Maker for GetRight
(CD_044)grxmaker.zipGRX Maker - Util to make import files for GetRight program
(CD_086)grxport.zipGRX Port v1.0 - GRX files (scripts for GetRight) generator
(CD_013)gsz1096.zipGSZ - Z-modem Software
(CD_082)gul.zipGUL - Freeware bookmark organizer for MSIE, Netcape & Opera
(CD_068)guramail.zipGuramail v1.01 - MDaemon server remote configuration via e-mail
(CD_013)gv100.zipGVoice v1.00 - Voice/Data Discriminator and Digital Answering Machine under DOS
(CD_054)hangu110.zipHangUp - Util that hang up the first active DUN connection it finds
(CD_058)hcbeta5.zipHTML Converter v1.00 beta 5 for Win9x/NT - Util for converting internet cache and HTML pages for off-line browsing
(CD_054)hcopy21g.zipHyperCopy v2.1g for WinNT/95 - Command-line Download Util
(CD_054)hcopygui.zipHyperCopy GUI Modules v1.0a for Win95/NT - GUI for HyperCopy
(CD_088)hd2000.zipHiDialer 2000 v2.5 for Win9x/NT/2000 - Util for connection with different ISPs
(CD_086)hexcom31.zipWinHexCom v3.11 - 32-bit Windows Protocol Analyzer with ASCII and HEX display feature
(CD_036)hhunter.zipHostHunter for Win95 v1.03 - Internet Search Program
(CD_086)hinfo101.zipHostInfo v1.01 - Host info gathering util for Win32
(CD_054)hmcon10.zipBersoft HotMail Connection v1.0 - HotMail inbox manager
(CD_018)hqfax70.zipHQ FAX v7.0 - FAX program for DOS
(CD_020)hstmnu51.zipTerHost v5.1 Custom ANSI Menu's for Terminate
(CD_064)hsweb20.zipHSWeb v2.0 - Free Web Server for Win95/98/NT
(CD_024)htget102.zipHTGET v1.02 - Get document from a HTTP server
(CD_068)htmlconv.zipHTML Conveter v1.3 - Convert Internet caches for later offline reading
(CD_060)htmlimp.zipHTML Importer v1.22 - Add-on for Net Vampire program
(CD_066)httport.zipHTTP Port - TCP/IP through HTTP tunneling client
(CD_064)httpps.zipHTTP Proxy-Spy - HTTP Proxy Server Switching Util for Win9x/NT
(CD_098)httrk301.zipHTTrack III - Web Site Mirror Utility (Offline Browser)
(CD_028)hurpv101.zipRunPager HU v1.01 - Hang Up Stuck Modem
(CD_038)hynm10.zipHynm v1.0 - New E-mail message checker for Win95/98/NT
(CD_070)ickv10.zipInternet Connection Keeper v1.0 for Win32
(CD_072)icm.zipICM v1.1.0 - Internet Connection Monitor
(CD_098)icq2000b.exeICQ v2000b Beta - Communication application for Win32
(CD_090)icqam100.zipICQ Away Message Generator v1.0
(CD_084)icqip11.zipICQ/IP v1.1 - ICQ add-on for conversion of dynamic IP address to static one
(CD_058)icqback.zipRegister UIN directly for registered ICQ user
(CD_086)icqcp.zipICQ Color Picker v0.9 - ICQ Look Changer
(CD_060)icqpass.zipICQ Password Revealer v2.1
(CD_090)icqrin13.zipICQr Information v1.3 - ICQ .DAT files reader
(CD_078)icshowip.zipShow IP v1.0 - Shows all IP addresses owned by your PC
(CD_054)icu213.zipiCU ver.2 - Program that reports who is on the LAN
(CD_068)idompark.zipIvani DomPark v1.40 - Free domain reservation and parking util
(CD_025)ie4power.exeMSIE v4.0 Power Toys by Microsoft
(CD_048)ieab-101.zipMSIE About: Customizer v1.01 - MSIE "About:" pages customizer
(CD_064)ieboard.zipIEBoard v1.0 - Web monitor for Win95/98/NT
(CD_090)ielogo10.zipIE Logos v1.0 - Internet Explorer Logo Changer
(CD_076)iepain10.zipToolbar Painter v1.0 - Internet Explorer/Outlook Express Toolbar Colorer
(CD_050)iepz-102.zipInternet Explorer Personalizer v1.02
(CD_070)ies32v1.zipIEscape v1.0 - Netscape Navigator bookmarks to IE favorites converter
(CD_094)iesec20.zipInternet Explorer Security v2.0 - Util for disabling selected IE functions to prevent it's unwanted using by children etc.
(CD_100)iesecpro.zipInternet Explorer Security Pro v3.5 - Security utility for IE
(CD_046)ieswap.zipInternet Explorer Setting Swapper v3.00 for Win95/98/NT
(CD_028)ifav10.zipInstant Favorites v1.0 - Improved Favorites Functions for MSIE4
(CD_068)igoak.zipiGoak v1.60 - E-mail sender
(CD_062)igwin146.zipInternet Gate for Win32 v1.46 - Multiple proxy gate & firewall
(CD_038)ijb20.zipInternet Junkbuster Proxy v2.0.2 - Proxy server
(CD_042)inet32ut.zipInternet Utilities for Win95/98/NT rel.1.03
(CD_012)inetm255.zipInternet in a Macro v2.55 for Commo v7.0
(CD_058)inetcl.zipInetCleaner v1.1 - Util for cleaning of tracks of web browser activity
(CD_040)inetplus.zipInternet Plus Pro v1.10 - URL filter for internet browsers
(CD_048)instup11.zipInstant Update v1.1 for Win95 - Checks web for new versions of your software
(CD_035)interv20.zipINTERCOM v2.0 - Serial port and modem configuration utility
(CD_094)intpack.exeInternational Language Pack for The Bat! mailer
(CD_062)intrntrd.zipIntranet Radio - Program to transfer sound signal over LAN
(CD_074)intvi402.zipInternet Connection Viewer - Modem log file analyzer
(CD_060)ip109.zipIP Viewer v1.0.9 for Win32
(CD_092)ipalt10.zipIPalt v1.0.0.7 - IP address calculator
(CD_064)ipcheck.zipIPCheck - Internet-servers and -services monitor for outages
(CD_031)ipf101.zipIP Finder v1.01 - Win95 IP address identifier
(CD_068)iploc.zipIPLocator v1.42 - IP location detector
(CD_033)ipsort11.zipIPSORT v1.1 - IP address list sorter
(CD_048)ipview20.zipIPView v2.0.1 - Util that shows your IP address in tray bar
(CD_044)ipwatch.zipIPWatcher98 v1.8 - A win95/98 util for displaying your IP
(CD_100)ipx-chat.zipIPX-Chat v1.0 - Multi-user chat client for IPX networks
(CD_025)ipxcpy24.zipIPX Copy - Copy files from 1 PC to another via LAN (IPX iface)
(CD_025)<ASP> CTS IRQ Info v3.02 - IRQ system snooper
(CD_026)irqsho15.zipIrqShow v1.5 - IRQ displayer
(CD_048)isdm13.zipISDN Monitor for Win95 v1.3 - Time consuming using RAS through ISDN memorizer
(CD_042)isped273.zipiSpeed v2.7.3 - TCP/IP parameters tuner
(CD_072)<ASP> ISPTimer v2.52 - Util to monitor dial-up connection time
(CD_064)isrch20.zip20 Best Internet Search Engines Manager
(CD_096)iwolf104.exeImage Wolf v1.04 - Picture & Movie Files Internet Searcher
(CD_052)ixbaser.zipIXBASER v1.03 - Internet xbase server
(CD_060)jbdialer.zipJB-Dialer v1.0 - Dialer for Win32
(CD_100)jcom174c.zipJCOM v1.74c - Terminal emulator for DOS
(CD_062)jocdn12.zipJOC Downloader v1.2 - Retrieve Internet files from http or ftp sites
(CD_092)jocec240.zipJoc Email Checker v2.40 - Checks POP3 accounts against unwanted mails*JOC MP3 Finder v1.20 for Win32*JOC Press Release v2.00 - Press Release Distribution System
(CD_090)jocsf100.zipJOC Shopping Finder v1.00 - Tool to search shopping items on the web
(CD_088)jocwf240.exeJOC Web Finder v2.40 - Web Search Tool for Win95/98/NT*Joc Web Promote v2.12 - Program for announcing your web page in search engines for Win95/98/NT
(CD_088)jocws290.exeJoc Web Spider v2.90 - Web Browsing Accelerator
(CD_046)jtf16.exeJust The Fax v2.x for Win16
(CD_088)jtf32.exeJust The Fax v2.x for Win32
(CD_044)justedp.zipJustEdit v1.0 - Web page editor for MSIE/Netscape
(CD_044)justmlp.zipJustMail v1.0 - Mailing utility
(CD_058)keeper.zipGateKeeper v3.2 - Web page(s) access restriction util
(CD_060)keposted.zipKeep Me Posted - IP poster that runs as an NT service
(CD_076)kevterm.zipKevTerm v2.01 for Win32 - Terminal Application
(CD_086)killad.zipKillAd v0.11 - Util to get rid of ads
(CD_100)kmleon04.exeK-Meleon v0.4 - Small and fast browser based on Mozilla engine
(CD_064)kokiejar.zipKookieJar v5.97 - Signature Generator and Randomizer for E-mail and News Clients
(CD_060)kylister.zipKyLister - Webtool for mailing list management
(CD_060)laninfo.zipLanInfo v0.2 - Program for reception of the messages on a network
(CD_092)lantalk.zipLanTalk v1.3 - Local area network chat for Win95/98
(CD_064)lecg.zipLink Exchange Code Generator
(CD_074)lech_sk.zipLeechFTP v1.3 - Slovak localization by Julius Kubasak
(CD_074)lftp13.zipLeechFTP v1.3 - Freeware multi-threaded FTP client for Windows
(CD_060)linkchck.zipLinkCheck - Verify and update links in HTML file and bookmarks
(CD_038)linkchsr.zipLink Chaser v1.0 - Program that copies URL's from HTML files and make MSIE shortcuts
(CD_040)linkfox.zipLinkFox 99 - Web Accelerator for Win95/98/NT
(CD_048)lnkswp12.zipLink Sweeper v1.2 - Bookmarks/favorites tester/cleaner*Linkman v6.01 - URL manager and linkpage generator for Win32
(CD_092) [UTILTEXT]log1.zipLoggling for Win32 - Viewer for HTTP server log files
(CD_086)logview.zipActive LogView v2.03c - Log analysis program for webmasters
(CD_072)lrmin10b.zipLogRight v1.0b - Log Analyser for GetRight
(CD_028)lslrvi91.zipLS-LR Viewer v0.91 - Fast FTP lister
(CD_048)lxcic.zipLxCic v1.3 - Modem card enabler for HP Palmtops
lydia33.exe*LYDIA v3.3 - Personal E-mail Agent for Win95/98/NT/2000
(CD_094)lynx_w32.zipLynx for Win95/98/NT v2.8.3 - Text mode internet browser
(CD_100)mage183.zipDownload Mage v1.83 - Download Process Enhancer for Win32
(CD_048)magic.zipMagic Mail Monitor - Mailing util for Win32
(CD_054)mail.zipMini mailing program for Win32 by Nagy Tamas
(CD_062)mailcat1.zipMailCat v1.02 - POP3 Mail Checker
(CD_086)mailody.zipMailOdy - Local POP3/SMTP Mail Server (Proxy) for home use
(CD_070)mailsend.zipMihov Mail Sender - E-mail sender to multiple recipients
(CD_036)mailserv.zipIT House Mail Server for Win95/NT
(CD_080)mailsrc.zipMAILSrc - Program to place long message to e-mail header for sending hidden messages
(CD_035)mailto.zipMailto v1.6 - Mailing utility
(CD_011)<ASP> MAIL_MAN v1.0 - Phone/Email messaging system for Win
(CD_048)maniac.zipInternet Maniac v1.2a - Internet utils package
(CD_086)mantadb.zipMantaDB v02.02 - Bookmark database*<ASP> Modem Booster v2.4 - Modem settings tuner for Win32
(CD_052)mbfax20.zipMassive Boardcast Fax v2.0 - Fax sending program for Win32
(CD_100)masdow21.zipMass Downloader v2.1 - Download manager for Win9x/NT/2000*Mikeys Cyber Tool Belt v1.00 - Collection of Internet/Network Tools
(CD_066)mdrw9515.zipModem Doctor for Win95 v1.5 - Modem/serial port diagnostic tool
(CD_036)memon131.zipMemO-Net v1.31 - Internet addresses and other notes keeper
(CD_048)meo-v15.zipMove'Em Out v1.5 - Automatically uploads files to the server
(CD_084)merak330.zipMERAK Mail Server v3.30 for Win9x/NT/2000*M&M Error Director v1.2 - Website log file analyzer and error notificator
(CD_007)metzd312.zipMETZ Dialer v3.12 for Windows
(CD_046)mf16.exeMighty FAX v2.x for Win16
(CD_094)mf32.exeMighty FAX v2.x for Win32
(CD_033)mfaq37hp.zipmIRC FAQ v37 rev0
(CD_027) [UTILMISC]mflag16.zipMail Flag v1.6 - Util to provide enhanced new-mail notification with MS Mail, Exchange and Outlook
(CD_028)mgftp10.zipm&g FTP Client for WINSOCK v1.1
(CD_027)mh75a.zipMOST HOST v7.5a - Host Mode Macro for COMMO
(CD_098)mhard6.zipMark's Hardware v6.0 - Device drivers on the internet finder
(CD_076)micq.zipmICQ - Multi ICQ and AIM maker v7.1 - Open multiple ICQ windows
(CD_068)miet.zipM.I.E.T. v1.22 - Set of Internet tools
(CD_086)mihlnkch.zipMihov Link Checker v0.3 - Verification util of links on a list, local page or page on the net
(CD_048)minicom.zipMINICOM v3.0 - Tiny communication program
(CD_092)minihttp.zipMiniHTTP v1.0.2 - Tiny Web Server for Win9x/NT/2000
(CD_056)minitel.zipMINITEL - A Very Small Communications Package
mirc591s.exe*mIRC v5.91 - 16-bit IRC client for Windows 3.1x
mirc591t.exe*mIRC v5.91 - 32-bit IRC client for Win9x/Me/NT/2000
(CD_038)mla20.zipModem Log Analyser v2.0 for Windows Dial-up
(CD_098)mlibs61.zipMark's Libraries v6.1 - Libraries on the internet finder
(CD_072)mlite10.zipModemSta Lite v1.0 - A minimal modem status indicator for Win3/Win95 - Freeware
(CD_046)mlog210.zipMLOG v2.10 - LAN event logging utility
(CD_098)mmags2.zipMark's Magazines v2.0 - Magazine sites on the internet finder
(CD_098)mnews61.zipMark's Newspapers v6.1 - Newspaper sites on the internet finder
(CD_031)modem213.zipMODEM v2.13 - A Modem-Control Utility for using in BAT files*<ASP> Modem Tester for Windows (16-bit)*<ASP> Modem Tester for Windows (32-bit)
(CD_072)modemcid.zipModem CID v1.1 - Monitor your incoming telephone calls using modem (for Win95/98/NT)
(CD_013)modemd70.zipModem Doctor for DOS v7.0
(CD_088)modemg36.zipModemGPH v3.6 - Modem Activity Graphical Monitor
(CD_024)modemlog.zipModemLog Analyzer v0.2
(CD_050)modemm10.zipModem Master v1.00 - Modem diagnostic/info software package
(CD_096)modemspy.zipModem Spy - Phone conversation recorder and caller ID detector
(CD_012)modemw10.zipModem Doctor for Windows v1.0
(CD_026)modemutl.zipVarious modem related utils
(CD_013)modmmetr.zipModem Speed-meter v1.0
(CD_086)modmn102.zipModem Monitor v1.02
(CD_046)modsta19.zipModemSta v1.9i - Animated modem's icon replica
(CD_100)modsta25.zipModemSta v2.5 - Animated modem's icon replica
(CD_027)modtime.zipModTime v1.1 - File download time estimation util
(CD_046)monet221.zipMonet LAN Analyzer - Tool for LAN traffic control
(CD_046)monetl15.zipMonet LAN Analyzer Lite - Tool for LAN traffic control
(CD_035)morndst.zipMorning Paper v1.73 - What's new on your favourite sites
(CD_033)moz806.zipMOZ v8.06 - Netscape cache files renamer
(CD_050)mp3fin30.zipMP3 Finder v3.0 - Program for finding MP3 files on the internet
(CD_066)mp3fnd11.zipIwan's MP3 Finder v1.1 for Win9x/NT
(CD_092)mping.zipMultiPing v1.1 - Ping util for Win9x/NT
(CD_088)mppp.zipMocha W32 PPP v3.03 - PalmPilot/WinCE devices to Win9x systems connection util through serial cable or the Hot-Sync adapter
(CD_092)mproxy12.zipMultiProxy v1.2 - Personal proxy server
(CD_066)mr_inter.zipMR.Internet v3.5 for Win95/98 - Internet tools launcher
(CD_027)mrad113.zipMRAD v1.13 - Remote Shell and Telnet Daemon for Win3.x/95
(CD_035)mrcoo172.zipMr.Cool v1.72 - Util for file download via mail server*Mail Sweep v2.42 - Mailbox browser and organizer of messages prior to download them from server
(CD_050)msend620.zipMail Send v6.20 - Command-line internet mailer for Win95/98/NT
(CD_030)mserch11.zipMail Search v1.1 - Scans for loose e-mail address
(CD_028)msice131.zipMSIE Cache Explorer v1.31 - Off-line access to cached web pages
(CD_098)msoft6.zipMarks' Software v.60 - Freeware/shareware software finder
(CD_028)mstat.zipMstat v1.0 - Modem Statistics Program
(CD_026)mterm11.zipMTerm v1.1 - Simple comm.program
(CD_032)mtusp410.exeMTU-Speed v4.10 - Internet throughput optimiser for Win95/NT
(CD_094)mu12.zipMultiUpdate v1.2 - Tool for automatic web page updating
(CD_046)multi15.zipMultiNet! v1.5 - Win95 net services commander
(CD_100)mv11.zipMailbox Verifier v1.1 - Mail notificator for Win32
(CD_028)mw32.zipMailWatch v1.08 - POP2/POP3 Mailbox Checker for Win95/NT
(CD_088)<ASP> Mocha W32 TN3270 v3.4 - Telnet application for Win95/NT
(CD_100)<ASP> Mocha W32 TN5250 v5.2 - Telnet application for Win95/NT
(CD_088)<ASP> Mocha W32 Telnet v4.01 - Telnet application for Win95/NT
(CD_096)mwolf105.exeMP3 Wolf v1.05 - MP3 Files Internet Searcher
(CD_019)mycmm232.zipMyComm v2.32 - Data comm.program
(CD_086)mygetr10.exeMy GetRight v1.0 - Free Download Manager for Win32 from the author of GetRight
(CD_028)myipadd.zipMy IP Address identificator for Win95
(CD_048)mztrk10.zipMozilla Tracker v1.01 - Log analysis tool which tracks which browsers and OS users of web page has
(CD_076)n1112386.zipNet-Tamer DOS PPP dial up access program
(CD_076)n32v11.zipNagger v1.1 - Get rid of annoying pop-up windows on Internet sites
(CD_082)napsterm.exeNapsterminator - Tool to control users from using Napster
(CD_092)nassi20.zipNetwork Assistant v2.0 - Versatile Network Commucation Util for Win32 incl. Real-time Chat and Instant Messaging
(CD_100)nb122.zipNewsBinarium v1.2.2 - News robot for download files from binary newsgroups
(CD_048)nb229.zipNewsBin v2.29 - News Robot
(CD_048)nbmc30.zipNavigator Bookmark Customizer v3.0 - Netscape Bookmark Manipulator
(CD_092)nc621a.zipNet Captor v6.2.1A - Browser that allows you to view multiple web sites in a tabbed window
(CD_028)ncwin15n.zipNetConnect v1.5 for Win3.x/95 - Keeps a record of all connections or attempted connections to your ISP
(CD_046)ndslst11.zipNDS List v1.1 for Windows - LAN manager
(CD_070)neotr212.exeNeoTrace v2.12 - Graphical Traceroute Program for Win9x/NT
(CD_044)net.zipNetFlush - Cookie and history purger for Netscape
(CD_060)netconf.zipNetConfig - Allow to set Internet settings
(CD_042)netcps.zipNetcps - Util to measure performance on a TCP/IP network
(CD_098)netinfo.zipNetInfo v4.0 - Diagnostic tools for IP connected network
(CD_046)netio.zipNETIO - Network Benchmark v1.4 for OS/2 and WinNT
(CD_070)netlab95.zipNetLab v1.x - Win95 Net Utils (Ping,Finger,Traceroute etc.)
(CD_092)netmn193.exeNetMan v1.93 - Win32 Off-line browser and mass downloader
(CD_052)netmon90.zipLeechSoftware's NetMonitor v0.90 - TCP/IP connections monitor for Win95/98/NT
(CD_100)netnak.zipNetNak v8.0.3 - Win95/98/NT util that shows data rate through modem
(CD_090)netopt30.zipNet Optimizer v3.0 - Internet connection performance tweaker for Win2000
(CD_027)netp20.zipNetProxy v2.0 for Win95/NT - Multi-protocol proxy server and firewall
(CD_086)netscapa.zipNetscape ad-free v1.1 for Win95/98/NT/2000 - Remove the ad from Netscape Messanger
(CD_048)netscrub.zipNetScrub v1.51 - Netscape Communicator history file wiper
(CD_048)netsend.zipNetSend v1.00 - NT GUI util to send messages via MS LAN manager to lists of recipients
(CD_048)netsendg.zipNetSendGUI for WinNT - Frontend for the Net Send utility
(CD_028)nettk101.zipNetTraker v1.01 - Win32 util for checking network connection
(CD_086)netuse10.zipNetUse v1.0 - Shows traffic intensity in Windows LANs
(CD_058)new12.zipCheck4New v1.2 - URL tracker
(CD_080)newspart.zipNews Parrot - Tool to quick access newsgroups
(CD_072)newspro.zipNewsPro v2.1 - Newsreader for Win32
(CD_050)newsread.zipPiafi Newsgroup Read Robot for Win32
(CD_038)newtit11.zipNewtitle.inf v1.1 for Win95/NT - It lets to edit IE title bar
(CD_038)newurl11.zipNewurl.inf v1.1 for Win95/NT - It adds New Internet shortcut to the new-menu
(CD_028)nft12.zipNoFrills Timer v1.2 - Internet Connection Time Tracker
(CD_035)nftp130w.exeNFTP v1.30 for Win95/98/NT - FTP application
(CD_064)ng3.zipNews Grabber v3.0 for Win95/NT - USENET attachments collector
(CD_024)nm12.exeNet Medic v1.2 - Net Problems Solver
(CD_058)nm99-110.zipNetMaster99 v1.10 - Util to configure and personalize Internet related settings in Win95/98
(CD_094)nmt32_43.zipNexus Mainframe Termal v4.365 - Winsock Telnet 3270, 5250 and VT 220 terminal and printer emulator for Win32
(CD_076)nntp.zipNewsgroup Explorer for Win32
(CD_046)noimages.zipNoImages - Browser with/without images for IE4/IE5
(CD_066)'NetPal v1.2c - Internet Dialer for Win9x/NT
(CD_050)npeskp01.zipEsker ActiveX Plug-in - Adds ActiveX control support to Win32 Netscape Navigator
(CD_020)npc104e.zipNPCOMM v1.04 - Software for sharing COM ports on the LAN for Win95
(CD_080)npfg10.zipOpera Plug-in for FlashGet Download Manager
(CD_046)npfobs12.zipActiveX Plugin for Netscape (and IE) browsers
(CD_058)nplex12.zipNewsPlex v1.2 - News-server multiplexer*NewsPro v2.99 - Newsreader with strong multiple news server support
(CD_084)nscop870.zipNaviscope v8.7 - Multipurpose browser enhancement utility
(CD_035)nsce132.zipNetscape Cache Explorer v1.32 - Off-line access to cached web pages
(CD_064)nscxtr12.zipNetscape Cache Extractor v1.2
(CD_031)nspeed.zipNetSpeeder v3 - Internet Connection Accelerator
(CD_035)nsptch12.zipNSPATCH v1.20 - Netscape patch to avoid cache cleanup
(CD_035)nspvm122.zipNetscape Provider Maintenance v1.22
(CD_100)nst420.zipNetScanTools v4.20 - TCP/IP Network Utils
(CD_040)nsuite96.zipMoby's Netsuite v0.97 - Web/Mail server with CGI support for Win95/98/NT
ntcrt331.exe*CRT v3.3.1 - Winsock terminal simulator for Win32
(CD_100)ntx30.zipNeoTrace Express v3.0 for Win32 - Traceroute Utility
(CD_046)nv30doc.zipNet Vampire v3.0 User's Manual in HTML format
(CD_054)nvamp33.exeNet Vampire v3.3 - Automatic FTP and HTTP file downloader
(CD_044)nvman.zipNet Vampire Manager Component v1.0
(CD_042)nws.zipNetworld Scanner v1.2 - Net mapper
(CD_054)nwscan.zipNews Scanner - Util to parse newsgroups and download attachments and E-mail addresses
(CD_072)nx201.zipNews Xpress v2.0 - USENET newsreader for Win9x/NT
(CD_072)o2nec10.zipOxygen E-mail Collector for Newsgroups v1.0
(CD_086)o4f004us.zipO4FE - Opera 4 File Explorer v0.04 - Opera Browser Add-on
(CD_070)octopu31.zipOctopus v3.1 - Free multi-thread FTP and HTTP downloader
(CD_026)odys200a.zipOdyssey Comm.Software v2.00 - part 1
(CD_026)odys200b.zipOdyssey Comm.Software v2.00 - part 2
(CD_086)ofe105us.zipOFE v1.05 - Opera File and Cache Explorer
(CD_078)okuncook.zipOK Uncooker v1.02 - Binary files uncooker for Netscape Navigator
(CD_012)onelink.zipOneLink v2.4.7 - High Speed File Transfer Program
(CD_086)onlin200.zipOnline v2.00 - Dial-up Automation Tool for Win32
(CD_084)op2gr120.exeGetRight Opera Plugin v1.20
(CD_090)opch112.zipOpera Proxy Changer v1.12 for Win95/98
(CD_007)optcm101.zipOPTICOM v1.01 - Comm Port Optimization
(CD_082)opwasher.zipCache and Cookie Washer v1.7 for Opera Browser
(CD_068)opwic106.zipOpWiC v1.06 - Opera Windows Controller
(CD_070)oskv155.zipOSK v1.55 - Read Request Remover from Outlook Messages
(CD_084)ovii43.zipInternet Intercom by Objective Voice - Demo of voice commu- nication util through Internet/Intranet for Win9x/NT
(CD_072)ow362e16.exeOpera v3.62 for Win3.1 - WWW browser
ow51232j.exe*Opera v5.12 for Win9x/Me/NT/2000 - WWW browser (Java Version)
ow512e32.exe*Opera v5.12 for Win9x/Me/NT/2000 - WWW browser (Non Java Vers.)
(CD_026)ow200.zipOdyssey for Windows v2.00
(CD_086)owtray13.zipOpWiTray v1.3 - Tray Control for OpWiC Utility (Opera Windows Controller)
(CD_038)panda14.zipPanda Future Connection v1.4 - Remote Computer Access Tool
(CD_080)parcp380.zipPARCP v3.80 - Fast File Copier via Parallel Ports
(CD_025)pbill200.zipPhone Bill Calculator v2.00 for Win95
(CD_050)pbsetup.exePrivate Bookmarks v2.1 - Keep links hidden from prying eyes
(CD_017)<ASP> PCFDial v1.05 - TSR phone dialer
(CD_050)pchat101.zipPonyChat v1.01 - Intranet chat application
pcteleph.exe*PC-Telephone v3.5 - Combination of ISDN and Internet/Intranet telephone for Win32
(CD_018)pdzm124.zipPD Zmodem v1.24 - DOS Zmodem program
(CD_096)pecom152.zipPegasus Command Mailer - GUI for the command-line feature of Pegasus Mail for Win32
(CD_100)pfax104.zipPolyFAX v1.0.4 - Faxing client for Win32
(CD_052)pftp10.zipPowerFTP v1.0 - FTP client program for Win95/98/NT
(CD_054)phnefltr.zipPhone Filter v1.0 - Win9x/NT caller ID telephony application with blocking facilities
(CD_016)phon102.zipPhone v1.02 - Telemate/Telix Connection Time Counter
(CD_012)phone102.zipPhone Book / Auto Dial v1.02 - Phone Dialer
(CD_084)picpir10.zipPicPirate v1.0 - Cyustom Browser Based on Internet Explorer 5
(CD_054)picpluck.zipPicPluck v1.3 - Website pictures downloader*Pino3 - Free Chat Server for Win9x/NT/2000
(CD_052)pjwebcam.zippjWebCam v1.0 - Enables a windows video capture device to be accessed accross an intranet or internet
(CD_050)pkw10.zipPerfect Key Words for Win9x/NT - E-mail selector
(CD_058)pl15.zipPagelink v1.5 - Favorites menu replacement
(CD_092)pm433w32.zipPC-Pine v4.33 - E-mail client for Win9x/Me/NT/2000
(CD_042)pngpl203.zipPingPlotter v2.03 - Ping/Trace Route Util for Windows
(CD_086)popcorn.zipPopcorn v1.02 - POP3/SMTP E-mail Client for Win32
(CD_092)popkil10.zipPopKill v1.0 - Pop-up ads killer for Win32
(CD_026)<ASP> CTS Portfix v1.1 - DOS TSR to prevent comm port lockups on some PC's
(CD_084)portmon.zipPortmon for Win9x/NT v3.02 - GUI/device driver for ports monitoring
(CD_024)<ASP> Ports v1.1 - Serial port checker
(CD_052)portwtch.zipPortWatch v1.3 - Server port watching util to know when somebody is connecting it
(CD_042)pot220.zipPotato v2.20 - DOS remailer application to integrate with Windows
(CD_044)pp205.zipPre&Post Internet v2.05 - Phone redirector before calling internet provider
(CD_054)pplus220.zipProxy+ v2.20 - Firewall, proxy and mail server for Win9x/NT
(CD_100)ppshr181.zipPPPshar Pro v1.8.1 - Proxy server for Win95
(CD_023)ppv10.zipPingPong v1.03 - Ping utility for Win32
(CD_024)pdrv_120.zipPDrive! v1.20 - Freeware Protocol Driver (UART,Fossil)
(CD_048)ppdns26.zipPatrick-Project DNS Utility v2.6 - A DNS LookUp Utility
(CD_090)pro12.exeTeleport Pro v1.29 - Professional WEB mirroring software
(CD_048)protanal.zipProtoAnalyzer - TCP/IP protocol analyzer
(CD_048)prottest.zipProtocolTester v1.0 - TCP/IP protocol and async-serial tester
(CD_072)proxn3i.zipThe Proxomitron ver. Naoko-3 (b) - Universal Web Filter
(CD_046)proxy10.zipIE Proxy Toggle v1.0 for Win95/98/NT - Shows IE Proxy address
(CD_088)proxychk.zipWE Group Proxy Checker v3.21 for Win95/98/Me/NT/2000
(CD_086)pryme110.zipPryme v1.10 - Capture pictures from Webcam and upload them to Web site using FTP
(CD_044)ps98feb.zipPicture Sucker Pro - News Download Program
(CD_038)psdtc.zipDownload Time Calculator
(CD_028)psrch201.zipPersonal Search v2.01 - WEB Search Engine Control Center
(CD_017)pssp170.zipSmartphone v1.70 - Telephone Reference and Database
(CD_028)pstart10.zipPersonal Start v1.00 - Customizable home page for your browser
(CD_038)pstrx201.zipPosiTrax v2.01 - Utility for quick search engines access
(CD_031)psu003.zipPSU (Progammers Site Updater) v0.03 - Web site updater
(CD_018) [UTILMISC]ptscan11.zipPort Scanner v1.1 - Scanner of IP Addresses
(CD_100)purg402.zipPurge Cache, Cookies and Tracks for IE v4.02
(CD_090)putty051.zipPuTTY v0.51 - Freeware Win32 Telnet/SSH Client
(CD_052)pwatch1.zipPhoneWatch v1.0 - Internet usage monitor
(CD_086)pwolf202.exePhoneWolf v2.02 - Agent that accesses White pages style dirs found on the Internet
(CD_092)q3270.zipQUICK3270 v3.06 - A 3270 Terminal Emulator
(CD_088)qc14.zipQuick Clear v1.4 - Temporary Internet Files Cleaner for Win32
(CD_035)qckurl31.zipQuickURL v3.1 - Automates FTP/HTTP/GOPHER/EMAIL/TELNET Document Transfer
(CD_007)qcom201.zipQUERYCOM UART Detection Utility v2.01
(CD_007)qcom330.zipQCOM v3.30 - DOS Communication Program
(CD_048)qd22.exeQuick Dialer v2.2 for Win95/98/NT
(CD_015)<ASP> QuickStar Fax Pro v1.08 for DOS
(CD_014)qfmodem.zipQFMODEM v1.0 - Modem Detector
(CD_027)qlogin.zipCSP Quick Login - Win95 Login Automator
(CD_078)questp21.zipDomain Quester Pro v2.10 - Search domains for keywords
(CD_028)quikfn02.zipQuikFinger v0.2 - Win32 finger utility
(CD_082)ra_262sw.zipRemote Access v2.62 - Y2K upgrade of known BBS software
(CD_084)radmin20.zipRemote Administrator v2.0 for Win9x/Nt/2000 - Enables to work on the remote computer
(CD_092)radminsk.zipSlovak Language file for Remote Administrator
(CD_074)rascl23.zipRascal v2.3 - Dial-up session management enhancer for Win95/NT
(CD_027)rascalpr.zipRascal Pro v1.6 - Dial-up session management enhancer for Win95/NT
(CD_048)raslog20.zipRasLog v2.0 - Util to log the RAS connection duration
(CD_036)rasmon16.zipRemote Access Service Monitor v1.6 for Win95
(CD_050)rasput14.zipRasputin v1.4 - Util for simulating network activity to be not disconnected from ISP for Win95/NT
(CD_019) [UTILMISC]ratuner.zipThe Real Audio Tuner for Windows
(CD_068)reechas.zipReechas v1.60a - The host service detector
(CD_054)remtshut.zipRemoteShut v1.0 - Program to shutdown a remote computer
(CD_052)resolve.zipResolve v1.0 - Util that returns host name of any IP address and vice-versa
(CD_060)rexec32.zipWinsock REXEC/95 - Win95/98 version of the Unix Remote Exec Daemon (rexecd)
regetdx.exe*ReGet Deluxe v2.0 - Download Manager for Win32
(CD_098)rgl18.exeReGet v1.80 - Download Manager for Win32
(CD_092)rgp17.exeReGetPro v1.70 - Download Manager for Win32
(CD_031)redial.zipRedial v1.01 - Redial utility
(CD_024)renaw121.zipHTML Rename! for Win95/NT v1.21 - URL Link Fixer
(CD_086)ringr-12.zipRingRes v1.2 - The Memory Resident Telephone Ring
(CD_042)rip13.zipRIP v1.3.3.20 - Modem Disconnector for Win95/98/NT
(CD_094)rsmssend.zipR.A.V.E SMS Sender v1.0 - Win9x/Me/NT/2000 SMS Sender for Czech and Slovek users
(CD_062)rraspten.zipZmeY RRASS Port Enumerator v1.0 - Util to view and hangup ports on NT RRAS server
(CD_025)rs232105.zipRS-232 Bus Protocol Analyser
(CD_096)rtm360.zipRemote Task Manager v3.60 for Windows NT
(CD_042)<ASP> SAB Bookmarks Converter v1.20 - IE/NS Bookmarks Converter
(CD_042)<ASP> SAB Web Copier v1.20 - Web downloader
(CD_066)sap110.zipStat'n'Perf v1.10 - Internet connection bandwidth monitor
(CD_100)sblock15.zipSmartBlock v1.50 - Web sites and application access filter for parents
(CD_100)sbn32_78.zipSBNews / News Robot: Binary Newsgroup Auto-Downloader for Win32
(CD_070)sbwcc21.zipSBWcc v2.1 - Website downloader for Win32
(CD_033)sc_30.zipCyberSense Search Center v3.0 - Internet Search Engines Shell
(CD_030)sc100w.zipSecure COM v1.00 for Win95/NT - Fast personal communication utility
(CD_017)sc9532.zipSAPS - SpartaCom Asynchronous Port Sharing for Win95
(CD_100)sconn33.zipStay Connected v3.30 - Util that prevents your ISP from disconnecting your dial-up session
(CD_013)<ASP> Super Dial v3.30 - Telephone Autodialer for DOS
(CD_020)sdftp150.zipSDFTP v1.5.0 - FTP Application for Win95/NT
(CD_086)seek12.zipSeeker v1.2 - HTML links grabber for Win32
(CD_100)ser201.zipStealth Email Redirector v2.0.1 - Util for sending copies of outgoing mails
(CD_078)serverok.zipServerOk v1.7b - Program for setting Switch On/Off Dial-Up Server in Win95/98
(CD_062)servt-10.zipServTerm v1.0 - Winsock tool to assist in debugging client/server communications
(CD_088)servu25h.zipServ-U v2.5h - FTP Server for Windows
(CD_023)settime.zipSETTIME - Time Setting COMMO Macro
(CD_026)<ASP> Serial File Copy v3.5 - Serial comm program
(CD_086)sfind20.zipSimple Find v2.0 - Internet Meta Search Tool for Win32
(CD_026)<ASP> SOFTLINK v1.0 - Communication program
(CD_048)sgl100.zipSIGNALS v1.00 - UART utils
(CD_086)shari124.zipSHAREISDN v1.24 - Share ISDN Server for Win95/98/Me/NT/2000
(CD_035)shikari.zipShikari - MS IE4 Searchbar replacement
(CD_072)shoutcas.zipShoutcast Server v1.5 - Broadcast streaming audio across the Internet
(CD_046)shrit300.exeSharit v3.00 - Automates submission of shareware/freeware software to popular download sites*Site Publisher v1.4 - Remote Web Site Manager for Win32
(CD_044)sitez10.zipSitez v1.0 - URL bookmarks organizer
(CD_092)skupa10.zipSkupa v1.0 - IE temporary files cleaner
(CD_094)sop327.zipStay On Pro v3.27 - ISP Connection Keeper for Win32
(CD_060)su32_300.zipShow-URL v3.00 - Bookmark printing utility for Win32
(CD_024)simfax11.zipSIMFAX.MAC - COMMO macro for ASCII texts files faxing
(CD_038)siterip2.zipBill Reid's Site Ripper v2.0beta - WWW site ripping utility
(CD_070)skimpy04.zipSkimpy v0.4 - Phone costs calculator
(CD_044)slsrch17.zipSolway's Internet Search v1.7 - Internet Searcher for Windows
(CD_026)sm211.zipSerial Manager v2.11 - Serial Port Util
(CD_044)smapr104.exeSite Mapper v1.04 - Web site mapper and link validator
(CD_098)smartsms.exeSmartSMS v3.5 for Win95/98/NT/2000 - Send graphics and ring tones to your Nokia phone
(CD_084)sms_e20.zipSMS_E v2.0 - International SMS sender for Win9x/NT/2000
(CD_060)smtp24.zipSMTP Server Traffic Test for Win9x/NT
(CD_048)smtpsnd.zipSMTPsnd v1.0 - Command line program to send a mail to an SMTP gateway
(CD_064)snet400.zipSpeedyNet v4 - WEB Browsing speed up util for Win95
(CD_048)sockserv.zipSOCKServ v1.13 - SOCKS Server for Win32
(CD_062)sockv11.zipSockVer v1.1 - Windows Socket version identifier
(CD_035)spam.zipSpam Killer - Anti-SPAM utility
(CD_035)spambait.zipSpam Bait Creator - Anti-SPAM utility
(CD_086)spamm121.zipSpam Motel v1.2.1 - E-mail address handling utility
(CD_026)spcom13d.zipSPComm v1.3d - Comm Program for Windows
(CD_100)spdlr126.zipSP Dialer v1.26 - Internet connection dialer for Win9x/NT/2K
(CD_050)spnstp10.zipSponsor Stop v1.0 - Pop-up Sponsor Windows Killer
(CD_058)srchw203.exeSearchWolf v2.03 - Internet Search Engines Manager
(CD_042)srchware.zipGerman Internet file searching engines manager
(CD_100)srvchk02.zipServer Checker v1.0.2 - Program to check the availability of servers
(CD_060)ssdc.zipSite Search Database Creator v1.0
(CD_070)ssdl15.zipSite Search Database Links v1.5*SSHDOS v0.8 - SSH client
(CD_027)sspy150.zipThe Surfing Spy for Win95 - Hiden Internet Surfing Session Monitor
(CD_050)ssrch_10.zipSite Searcher v1.0 - File searcher at specific site
(CD_030)stagat11.zipStarGate v1.1 - Utility for transfer of files between PC and MAC/PC via serial link
(CD_062)station.zipWebStation - Personal web service and server for Win95/98/NT
(CD_035)stb12.zipSocket Test Bench v1.2 - Utility to test Winsock-based communications
(CD_024)stntb3e.zipStomper NT Client Beta 2
(CD_050)st32414e.zipStomper/32 v4.14 - Network modem server for Win32
(CD_024)st341e.zipStomper v3.41 - Network modem server for DOS/Windows/Netware
(CD_090)stbrws13.zipSet Browser v1.3 - Win95/98/NT util for setting default Internet Browser
(CD_058)sticky.zipSticky Browser - IE based browser that sticks to the top of any active windows in your system
(CD_058)stpng31.zipStealth Ping v3.1 - ISP Connectivity Solution for Win95/NT
(CD_090)submit20.zipFree Submissions 2000 v2.0 - Free Website submitter to search engines for Win32
(CD_040)submitit.zipSubmitIt v2.5 for Win95/NT - Util for automatic submission of shareware program to WWW sites
(CD_050)subnets.zipSubnet Calculator v2.52 for Win32
(CD_058)surf14.zipSURF v1.4 - Win32 freeware internet text web browser
(CD_040)surf24.zipSurfin's Spider v2.4 - Web searching engines manager
(CD_086)svot10.zipStarValley Online Timer - Internet Session Timer fo Win32
(CD_064)swolf402.exeSubmit Wolf PRO v4.02 - Shareware submission tool
(CD_074)sw2.zipSmart Whois for Win95/98/NT/2000 v2.2 - Network info utility
(CD_026)<ASP> CTS SwapIRQ v1.1 - Redirect IRQ's for DOS
(CD_072)sws.zipSolemnly Web Server - Small personal web server for Win95/98/NT
(CD_020)synzm10.zipSynZM v1.00 - High Performance Z-modem
(CD_007)t-dev400.zipTerminate 4 Structures
(CD_007)t-ge-400.zipTerminate 4 - German translation of dox
(CD_007)t-log401.zipT-Log v4.01 - Log utility to Terminate v4
(CD_007)t-mode2.zipTerminate video mode changer
(CD_014)t-nc-col.zipTerminate Commander v2.0 Color Setting Util
(CD_020)t_nc_211.zipTerminate Commander v2.11 - Terminate DOS Shell
(CD_013)t_cd2.zipTerminate CD Player
(CD_009)t_faq23.zipTerminate FAQ v2.3 by B.B.
(CD_013)t_list11.zipTerminate File Lister
(CD_020)t_rng200.zipTerminate RingUp v2.00
(CD_017)t_tsr.zipTerminate - Utility for background reception of FAXes
(CD_096)tbcz_151.exeCzech Localization of The Bat! v1.51 E-mail Client
(CD_086)td_222s.zipTweakDUN v2.22 for Win9x/NT - MaxMTU and other DUN related settings tweaker
(CD_016)telikn34.zipTELIKn v3.40 Beta - Impulse Counter for Telix/Telemate
(CD_007)telix351.zipTelix v3.51
(CD_050)telneat.zipTelNeat v2.13 - Russian Telnet Application
(CD_098)telstar.zipTelstar v1.8.x - Telnet client for Win95/98/NT
(CD_007)termail4.zipComplete TERMAIL Setup for Terminat
(CD_026)terminfo.zipInfo on Terminate from Intershop
(CD_007)terpgp40.zipTerPGP v4.0 - PGP interface to Terminate
(CD_025)terra21.zipTerrapin FTP Browser v2.1 - Off-line FTP browsing utility
(CD_044)testip.zipTest IP v1.0 - Util for resolving DNS names to IP addresses
(CD_008)tfw115d1.zipTelix for Windows v1.15d - part 1
(CD_008)tfw115d2.zipTelix for Windows v1.15d - part 2
the_bat.exe*The Bat! v1.53d - E-mail client for Win9x/Me/NT/2000
thebatcz.exe*The Bat! v1.53bis - Czech Language for E-mail client
(CD_098)tickle26.zipTickle v2.6 - Lets you keep your ISP connection alive
(CD_048)timedftp.zipTimedFTP v1.0 - FTP client with timing option
(CD_028)timer127.zipTimer v1.27 - Internet Online Connection Timer
(CD_088)tinyssl.zipTiny SSL Server v1.8
(CD_090)tinyweb.zipTiny Web Server v1.9
(CD_007)tlx351-h.zipTelix v3.51 Add-on
(CD_026)tm421-1.zipTelemate v4.21 - part 1
(CD_026)tm421-2.zipTelemate v4.21 - part 2
(CD_026)tm421-3.zipTelemate v4.21 - part 3
(CD_026)tm421-4.zipTelemate v4.21 - part 4
(CD_026)tme4ghst.zipTelemate Enhanced Host v4G
(CD_026)tmw110.zipTelemate fow Windows v1.10
(CD_092)tn98_v55.exeEric's Telnet98 v5.5 - PC Telnet for Win9x/NT
(CD_027)tnlgn100.zipTnLogin v1.0 - Program to authenticate Telnet access to LAN Server
(CD_027)tnserver.zipTnServer - WinNT service that allows remote users to log on to a NT server via telnet and be presented with NT console
(CD_050)tcpnv.zipTCPNetView v1.0.7 - Network neighbour with IP addresses viewer
(CD_092)tcpview.zipTCP Viewer - TCP/IP data viewer for Win9x/NT/2000
(CD_026)tr4-37.zipTeleReplica v4.37 - Communication program
(CD_038)traydial.zipBill Reid's Tray Dialer - Win95/NT Autodialer
(CD_050)trexp205.zipWebRifle v2.0.5 - Real-time web surfing accelerator for IE4/5
tril0635.exe*Trillian v0.635 - Universal chat client with AIM, ICQ and MSN Messanger Support
(CD_026)trkit!20.zipTrackIt! v2.0 - Track Learner for Telix
(CD_044)tst10.zipTelnet Scripting Tool v1.0 - Util to automate telnet sessions
(CD_027)ttermp23.zipTeraTerm Pro v2.3 for Win95/NT - Free Terminal Emulator
(CD_027)ttermv14.zipTeraTerm v1.4 for Win3.1 - Free Terminal Emulator
(CD_048)tts124.zipTCP to Serial - Util that waits for a TCP connection on a specified port
(CD_072)turb_500.zipTurbo Start v5.0 - Internet Search Utility
(CD_007)txmdm351.zipTelix Quick Modem Setup v3.51
(CD_008)txzm241.zipTXZM Z-Modem Protocol Driver - Freeware
(CD_072)uart15.zipUART v1.5 - Test your COM port configuration
(CD_028)ub32.zipURLBar v1.00 - Browser Launcher
(CD_068)uniserpo.zipUniversal Serial Data Monitor v3.0 for Windows
(CD_062)upload28.zipUploader! v2.8 - FTP application
(CD_038)url2ht10.zipURL2HTM v1.0 - URL to HTML Converter by FMJ
(CD_024)url2htmj.zipURL2HTM v2.04 - Makes HTML file of your IE favorites
(CD_028)url.zipURL master - Internet shortcuts creator/editor
(CD_064)urlbandt.zipXteq URL Bandit v1.2 for Win95/98/NT - URL Catcher
(CD_025)urlbook.zipPersonal URL Address Book v1.0
(CD_086)urlch100.zipURLchopper v1.0 - Add-on to Internet Explorer v5.0+ to go quickly up one level of the current URL
(CD_028)urlcol11.zipURL Collector - Extract URL's from HTML files
(CD_096)urlgl27.zipURLegal - Win95 util that checks for broken HTTP links
(CD_086)urlman.zipURL Manager - URL, Login Id and Password Info Database
(CD_100)urlorg24.zipURL Organizer v2.4.x for Win95 - IE/Netscape URL Manager
(CD_060)urlsg.zipURL Shortcut Generator v1.0
(CD_038)urlsout1.zipURLs Out! v1.4 - MSIE shortcuts into a single HTML converter
(CD_094)urlsrc14.zipURL Search v1.4 - URL addresses extractor
(CD_062)urlsrt11.zipURL Sorter - Generates sorted web links
(CD_027)us15.zipURL Scanner v1.5 - Scan those favorite URL's without going there
(CD_068)usdm30.zipUniversal Serial Data Monitor v3.0 for Windows
(CD_062)usrcreat.zipUser Creator - Secure method of creating users to NT domain
(CD_015)usrst419.zipUSRSTATS v4.19 - US Robotics Modems Diagnostics Tool
(CD_080)v-sms.zipV-SMSMail - Program to send SMS messages (in Hungarian)
(CD_042)v4chat.zipV4Chat for Win'95 v1.84a - Chat client
(CD_086)vamp130.zipVamp v1.30 - The Advanced Mail Processor
(CD_096)vfax.zipVentaFax - Fax/voice system for Win9x/Me/NT/2000
(CD_026)vcomm300.zipVcomm v3.00 - Windows telecom program
(CD_048)vproxy.zipVProxy v1.2.2 - Tiny WinNT Proxy Server
(CD_100)wbclk212.zipHeadStrong Web Clicker v2.12 - Artificial banner and clicks generator
(CD_096)wbf3243b.zipWinBiff v4.3b - Win32 E-mail notification software
(CD_060)wbiff14.zipWBIFF! v1.4 - E-mail notificator for Windows
(CD_038)wd22.zipWeb Downloader for Intranets v2.2 - Offline browser
(CD_036)webca500.zipWEBCACHE v5.00 - Off-line Web Browsing Utility
(CD_076)webcm250.zipWebCam v2.50 - Web camera images viewer for Win32
(CD_076)webcot10.zipWebCollector v1.0 - Util for searching/downloading images and movies on the web pages for Win95/98/NT
(CD_090)webcu660.zipWEBCACHE 32 v6.60 - Off-line Web Browsing Utility
(CD_040)webdog95.zipWebDog v0.95 for Win95/98/NT - Spider like web analyzer
(CD_031)webf127.zipWeb Fetch v1.27 - Web browsing utility for Win3.x/95
(CD_048)webget.zipWebGet - Util to download WWW image
(CD_028)webnik40.zipWebNik v4.0 - Internet browsing utility
(CD_072)websm240.zipWebCam Sam v2.40 - WebCam Browser/Scren Saver
(CD_044)websr121.zipWebSearch v1.21 by Hurricane
(CD_076)webstres.zipDirk's Web Stress v2.0 - Simulates any number of Web users
(CD_031)webtim20.zipWebTime v2.0 - Web usage timer
(CD_046)webtrail.zipWebTrail32 - Parents Internet Monitor
(CD_062)webupldr.zipCLR Web Site Uploader v1.01 - Web uploader using FTP protocol
(CD_094)webzp400.exeWebZIP v4.00 - Util for download and saving of web site contents
(CD_064)wf.zipWebFolder v1.0 - Program for keeping of the Internet shortcuts
(CD_092)wferet.zipWebFerret v3.5001 - Internet metasearcher for Win9x/NT/2000
(CD_092)wfiler32.zipW3Filer32 - Internet file transfer client using FTP and HTTP protocols
(CD_092)wftpd241.zipWFTPD v2.41 - Winsock FTP Server for Win32
(CD_098)wftpdp30.zipWFTPD PRO v3.00 - Winsock FTP server for Win32
(CD_031)whlst151.zipWhole Site v1.51 - Web-site updating util
(CD_027)whosock.zipWhoSock v1.91 - Look up Internet host information for Win95/NT
(CD_014)win2u10.zipWIN2YOU v1.0 - Remote Control for Win95/NT
(CD_011)win95hlp.zipWin95 Help File for TERMINATE
(CD_100)wgate430.exeWingate ver.4.3.0 - Win32 util for sharing Internet connection on a network
(CD_072)winip22.zipWinip v2.2 - Util that allows to access computer via a static host name
(CD_048)winping.zipWinPing - Ping util for Win32
(CD_050)winping1.zipWinPing v1.0 - Ping util for Win9x/NT
(CD_064)wintel.zipWinTel - 16bit Telnet and FTP Client
(CD_094)wintel32.zipWinTel32 - 32bit Telnet and FTP Client
(CD_096)winwap3p.exeWinWAP v3.04 PRO - WAP sites browser for Win32*<ASP> FAX Modem Wizard v9.30 - Modem Tester for DOS*Web Link Validator v1.0 - Availability of URL address checker
(CD_088)wmwin140.zipWebMirror v1.40 for Win95/NT - Off-line browsing tool
(CD_017)wnfos112.zipWinFossil v1.12 - 32-bit Fossil driver for Win'95
(CD_046)wpd32_10.zipWPDECO32 SDK v1.0 - Protocol Decoder in DLL module
(CD_052)wprom213.zipHurricane Web Promo v2.13 - Tool to register Web page with search engines
(CD_070)wrecrd2a.zipWeb Recorder v2.0 beta for Win95/98/NT/2000 - Web mirroring tool
(CD_024)wrzwf202.exeWarezWolf v2.02 - Internet file searching utility for Win95
(CD_072)ws_ftp32.zipWS_FTP LE for Win95/98/NT v5.08 - Winsock FTP client
(CD_035)wsarch11.zipWS Archie Client v1.1 for Win16
(CD_048)wsarch32.zipWS Archie Client for Win32
(CD_100)<ASP> Windows Standard Serial Comm Lib for C/C++ v3.1
(CD_100)<ASP> Windows Standard Serial Comm Lib for Delphi v3.1
(CD_084)<ASP> Windows Standard Serial Comm Lib for dBase v3.0
(CD_100)<ASP> Windows Standard Serial Comm Lib for Visual Fox Pro v3.1
(CD_100)<ASP> Windows Standard Serial Comm Lib for PB v3.1
(CD_100)<ASP> Windows Standard Serial Comm Lib for VB v3.1
(CD_080)<ASP> Windows Standard Serial Comm Lib for Xbase++ v3.0
(CD_025)wsock32.zipEric's WSOCK32 v7.00 for Win95/NT
(CD_028)wswap17.zipWinsock Swapper v1.7
(CD_084)wswtch30.zipWeb-Site Watcher v3.0 - Util that watch for updates/changes at selected web sites
(CD_084)watznw16.zipWATZNEW v1.6 - Tool to monitor favourite sites for changes and mailboxes for incoming mail
(CD_074)wmud112.zipWinMUD v1.12 - MUD client for Win9x/NT
(CD_028)wwolf203.exeWebWolf v2.03 - WWW file searching utility for Win95
(CD_026)x00_202.zipX00 driver v2.02
(CD_092)xdial106.zipExtra Dialer v1.06 - Phone Dialer for Win32*XenoBar v1.15b - Add-on Toolbar for MSIE 5.5+
(CD_015)xlink104.zipXLink Remote PC Control Program v1.04
(CD_084)xnews.zipXnews - A free news reader for Win9x/NT
(CD_046)xslaunch.zipXSLaunch v2.0.1 - Tiny Explorer Add-on
(CD_028)xwolf303.exeX-Wolf v3.03 - Free Adult Picture Sites Scanner
(CD_044)ytalk912.zipYTalk32 v7.1 for Win32 - LAN chat program
(CD_009)zest.zipZeST v2.0 - Z-Modem Program
(CD_031)zip212.zipZIP v2.12 - Serial port transfer utility
(CD_016)zloganal.zipZMODEM transmission LOG file analyzer
(CD_100)zow402.exeZOC v4.02 for Win9x/NT - 32-bit Communication Application w402.exe ZOC v4.02 for Win9x/NT - 32-bit Communication Application
