
Setting Job Properties

The properties of the job include its schedule and the name of the log file to which it posts messages.


Setting the Schedule

To set the schedule

  1. In the Occurs section of the Job Properties dialog box, select the option button for the schedule frequency.

If you select Today or Tomorrow, the job will be run only once.

  1. If you selected Every or Next, select the appropriate term in the Days list.

The list includes the days of the week as well as the numbers 1 through 31.
  1. In the Time box, type the time of day when you want the job to be run.

Time Format

Times are entered in 24-hour format. For example, for 8 A.M., type 8:00:00; for 2:30 P.M., type 14:30:00.

You must always type digits for minutes and seconds, separated by colons. You do not need to type A.M. or P.M.

Schedule Conflicts

When you choose OK, the scheduler will notify you if there is any other job scheduled at the same time as the new job, which could lead to interference between the two. If there is, you have the option of rescheduling the new job or editing the schedule of the other job, or you can leave both schedules as they are.

Active Checkbox

Check this box when you want the job to become active. If the box is not checked, the scheduling facility in the Windows NT 4.0 operating system will not start the job. This allows you to turn jobs on and off without having to delete them or change their schedules.


Setting the Message Log

When the job is run, messages about the results of each task are saved in a log file. In the Message Log box, type the path and name for that file. In the drop-down list box, you can select variables to add to the file name. The variables will be replaced by the current value when the file is created.

Drop-down list boxes similar to the one described above appear on several dialog boxes in the Scheduler. They all work the same way: When you drop the list and click on an item to select it, the list closes and the item appears in the box. Without clicking the mouse button, you can move the pointer to a field on the dialog box. The pointer is surrounded by a wide rectangle. With the rectangle positioned over a field, click the left mouse button. The item you selected from the drop-down list box is pasted into the field.

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