Using Posting Acceptor with Microsoft Content
Replication System

A mapping module for Content Replication System (CRS) is installed automatically when you install Posting Acceptor. If you have CRS installed on your system, you can use it to replicate content posted to your server or to other servers.

To use Posting Acceptor with CRS

For example, if the TargetURL were http://server/content/html, the MapURL would be http://server/content.

For more information on setting up automatic projects, see the CRS Operations Guide.

Example Scenario Using CRS with Posting Acceptor

The following information is a detailed example of how to use CRS with Posting Acceptor.

In the example, the Internet service provider (ISP) wants users to post files to an intermediate machine instead of posting directly to the live WWW servers. The ISP has a posted file dropped into a directory that is running an Automatic Mode CRS project. User posts are then replicated to the end WWW servers.

The intermediate system is called and the WWW server is called All systems are running Windows NT Server 4.0 and IIS 3.0.

On, the ISP has configured the following IIS virtual directory:

/users maps to: d:\inetpub\users

On, the content directory for dropping of files is e:\uploads.

User accounts on must be in the CRS Users group.

CRS Setup

On, create the following project:

crs addproj stage e:\uploads /automatic /fastmode /mapurl

On, create the following project entry:

crs addproj stage d:\inetpub\wwwroot\users

On, start the crs project.

crs startrep stage

Posting Acceptor Setup

This example assumes that the posting acceptor sample has been installed on the system.

On, add the following line to the default page of root.

<META name="postinfo" content>

On, create a postinfo.asp file with this content:

<% Response.Buffer = True %>



PostingURL="http://<%= Request.ServerVariables("SERVER_NAME") %>/scripts/cpshost.dll?PUBLISH"

BaseURL="http://<%= Request.ServerVariables("SERVER_NAME") %>/users/<%= Request.ServerVariables("LOGON_USER") %>"

Note, turns off anonymous access so that the postinfo.asp file can determine LOGON_USER.

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