Bindings Property

The Bindings property of the RDSIE3.DataControl object maps recordset data to visual controls on a Web page.

You can set this property only at design time in the RDSIE3.DataControl object's OBJECT tags.


<PARAM NAME="Bindings" VALUE="List;">

Part Description
List A String that specifies the set of bindings that are managed by the RDSIE3.DataControl object. The string is limited to fit within a 64 KB buffer size. Assignments to columns can be a field name retrieved in the query, or an alias created in the query.

Applies To



For greater flexibility, assign field names to an alias, such as ColName, and change the SQL query at run time (see the example below). However, if you use aliases in the query, the recordset will not be updatable.

Simple controls, such as a text box, are listed as pairs usually with an equal sign "=" noting the desired column of data.

Complex controls, such as grid boxes, can be named, since they tend to use all the columns in the recordset.

If you bind multiple controls to one RDSIE3.DataControl, the controls are grouped into a single Bindings parameter line, separated by and ending with semicolons. For example, this code binds an RDSIE3.DataControl object to three controls:

<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid: 9381D8F2-0288-11d0-9501-00AA00B911A5" ID="ADC1">
<PARAM NAME="SQL" VALUE="Select Salesperson AS ColName,* from Sales">
<PARAM NAME="Bindings" VALUE="Grid1;Edit1.Text=ColName; List1.Text=Region;">


See Also

Getting a Recordset to the Client, Query Method, Refresh Method, SubmitChanges Method, Using RDSIE3.DataControl to Pass Updated Recordsets to the Middle Tier