Activate Method

Implementing this method allows an MTS object to perform context-specific initialization whenever it's activated. This method is called by the MTS run-time environment before any other methods are called on the object.

Applies To

ObjectContext Object



The objectcontrol placeholder represents is an object variable that evaluates to an ObjectControl object.


To use the ObjectControl object, you must set a reference to the Microsoft Transaction Server Type Library (MTxAS.dll).

Whenever a client calls an MTS object that isn't already activated, the MTS run-time environment automatically activates the object. This is called just-in-time activation. For components that support the ObjectControl interface, MTS invokes the object's Activate method before passing the client's method call on to the object. This allows objects to do context-specific initialization.

If you need to perform any initialization that involves the ObjectContext, you should implement the Activate method and place all your context-specific initialization procedures there.

For example, you can use the Activate method to obtain a reference to an object's context and store it in a member variable. Then the context is available to any method that requires it, and you don't have to acquire a new one and then release it every time you use it. Once you have a reference to the object's context, you can use the IObjectContext methods to check whether security is enabled, whether the object is executing in a transaction, or whether the caller is in a particular role.

If you're enabling object recycling (returning True from the CanBePooled method), the Activate method must be able to handle both newly created and recycled objects. When the Activate method returns, there should be no distinguishable difference between a new object and a recycled one.


See Also

Deactivating Objects, Object Pooling and Recycling

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